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February 25, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-25

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Seventy-Fifth Year,

SGC Elections Must Have Campus,


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers.
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, 25 FEBRUARY 1965


The Real Issue forSGC:
Laek Of StudentSupport
TUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL is be any more than an $11,000 wa
being put to a test in Monday's elec- student money. However, most of th
tion The abysmal failure of the past didates have totally overlooked this
semester's Council to muster any sem- GROUP political party (whole initia
blanc of student support has served to timistically stand for Governmenta
make this election almost a final test for vision of University Policy) spen
Council In its present form. However, one pages telling what it thinks SOC s
realy wonders' if any of the candidates do and just seven typed lines of
have offered any real solution to SGC's ingless verbiage telling how it is go
problems and if they are even aware of accomplish these goals.
the pressing situation facing Council.
The majority of the candidates have ONLY ONE WORTHWHILE propos
taken some form of the grievance motions come out of the campaign: a
outlined by outgoing SGC member Barry ment by candidate Paul Pavlik ass
Bluestone, reworked them to suit their that he won't take his seat unless
owr particular political orientation, mim- votes are cast and challenging the r
eographeed them off, and called the result the candidates to adopt a similar
a platform. Pavlik felt that this statement wou
While these platforms contain some cus the campaign on the questi
fine proposals for improving the Univer- whether SGC should conitnue to exi
sity and its surrounding environment, 5000 people turn out, SGC will h
they actually are as meaningless as last mandate and a base of support
sem"ester's time schedule. For any plan which to bargain with the admin
of action for SGC must be based on the tion and local business interests," h
assumption that the student body re- "If a low number turn out, there is
spets and supports the Council. reason for us to go on."
Unfortunately most of the other
THIS RESPECT and support is totally didates have chosen to ignore the
lacking now. Any one who attends posal, apparently feeling that the o
SGC meetings regularly soon realizes that is a fine and noble beast. For this
they are a farce. Former IFO President son 5000 voters probably won't tur:
Larry Lossing called ,his year on Council and SGC will continue to slide into
"an exercise in stupidity and frustration" .ther ineptitude.
and recoimended that the ex-officio However, SGC may have a chan
members drop off and form their own or- Pavlik and other candidates such as
ganizatioi. Winder, who are similarly conc
And at the grass roots level, little in- about SGC's lack of student suppor
terest exists in Council. Any campaign- elected. Their presence on Council
ing done so far this semester has been of help direct Council toward a soluti
the personal contact, "he's a good guy, its central problem, lack of student 1
vote for him" type. There is, little with ing, and keep SGC from wanderin
concern in any "issues" that have been after vague idealistic issues which i
outlined in the platforms. no chance of resolving.
Without student support, SGC cannot -JOHN BRYA
GROUP Is Students' Only Hope
GROUP POLITICAL PARTY is the stu- lem to reverse the trend of risingr
dents' only hope, because GROUP goes extended leases and reduced servic
farther than simply saying that revision GROUP says, "The right to adequat
of University policy is necessary; it goes ing accommodations under fair rate
even farther than just naming ,the ma- terms is basic. GROUP will work to
jor areas in which action is needed. this right a reality."
GROUP tells what needs to be done and The last of the three areas GR
how it would do it. feels immediate action is that of aca
GROUP "believes that the student Ics.
should have the right to determine poli- Protesting "signature-only counse
cies which concern him." But GROUP GROUP doesn't suggest the easy wa
is not irrgtionally calling for termina- -dropping the academic counseling
tion of the in loco parentis policy em- gram--but calls for more adequate (
braced by. the University. It is calling seling, especially for the freshmen
for re-evaluation and reapplication of sophomores who need it the most.
the in loco parentis policy.' It wants the GROUP calls for clarification o
Uriversity to actually play a greater role course-dropping procedure and an e
in non-academic student activities, but a the arbitrary method of selecting a
realistically ;greater role-one in which jor. It also makes some realistic dem
he University works to the advantage of . that haven't been brought up for
the students, GROUP, says that the Uni- for some timre:-re-evaluation of the c
versity cannot continue to ignore the hour system and abolition of "stra
non-academic life of students as it has in lectures.
the past.
BY SAYING that the "administr
WARE, HOWEVER, that the University must be educated as to student ne
will not take such a giant step at the however, GROUP misses the real p
snap of Student Government Council's lem. The administration knows wha
collective fingers, GROUP suggests sev- student needs are; it simply has b
eral ways in which the Uniyersity can be informed that students are interest
persuaded' to move into the realm of stu- having these needs met. The admini
dent welfare. tion won't do anything on its ow
Passing resolutions on SGC and writ- pressure must be applied by the stud
ing . formal letters from Council to ad- and this can be done under GRO
ministrators and Regents is the normal leadership.
way that SGC "takes action" on an issue, It will take a lot .of work to imple

but this is only the first step that GROUP GROUP's plans, but its members ar
would take to affect its policies. parently willing to expend the neces
Following the cordial recognition of effort. Since they will be approac
this "action" by the administration that SGC from a different angle than
is standard procedure, GROUP would not vious Council members, they will be
simply sit back and wait for its sugges- to save the great amount of en
tions to be adopted, but would continue other Councils expended in an effo
exerting pressure by circulating petitions make SGC and its members appear
among the students; their parents and ture, adult and, above all, responsibl
the faculty. Letter-writing campaigns much of SGC's energy has been expe
would also be organized. Then GROUP to these ends that it has never been
would organize strategically timed direct to find the time to take any substa
action in the form of pickets and other action\in behalf of the students it
demonstrations. Such action would oc- ' posedly represented.
cur at the monthly Regents' meetings
or when legislators or other guests visit GROUP'S PROGRAMS, in order t
the campus in order to have the most ef- successful, will require a great de
fect. cooperation on the part of the stu
body, and, though GROUP maintains
GROUP MAINTAINS that the Univer- the students can be organized throug
sity has an obligation to help students leadership, this organization will test
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To the Editor:
I CANNOT HELP but feel that
you are doing your part to
undermine student government by
not fully supporting and covering,
the coming SGC elections. It is
your duty as a student publica-'
tion to cover campus activities.
One cannot help but conclude that
you are biased in your coverage.
SGC can be a useful organiza-
tion if it receives campus support.
I have heard on WCBN that one
candidate, if elected, will not ac-
cept his seat unless at least 5000
votes are cast. He laid this out as
a challenge for the other can-
' didates to accept and I lay this
out as a challenge for you and
all students. Let's give SGC sup-
port and fair coverage. For only
through support can SGC become
the voice of the students.
-Jack Eiermann, '65
To the Editor:
I AM a student concerned about
my r i g h t s and interests.
Through whom and how am I able
to maintain them? Student gov-
ernment is obviously the best
means of voicing student needs
and opinions.
Where is the support for SGC?
We have the right to vote, but
there is no enthusiasm on the part
of the student body.. There is not
enough encouragement by your
paper and other media. Interest
must be created over the issues
involved in addition to presenting
them to the public.
I pay high rent because SGC

has not been able to app
sure with only 2900 elect
hind it. Your duty is to se
student body, to be co
about campus politics and
courage the interest of t
dents. The NAACP has t]
idea. Get people to vote
haven't you?
-Larry Goli
sponsorinig an open house fo
candidates today at 7 p.m.
small ballroom of the M
Union. The session is open,
public, will be reported at
this weekend, and shouldT
voters with better informatio
would a string of fragment
ports of each campus appe
of the various candidates.4
news pages, The Daily cover
pus happenings in terms o
importance, not in terms of
sire to "support" or "under
a particular effort.
To the Editor:
IN THE Feb. 18 issueo
Daily, there was a sma
cle regarding the upcomi
election. There was a part
article which stated that
Pavlik challenged the oth
candidates to refuse to
their seats if less than 50
dents cast votes.
It seems to me that this
of the biggest concerns of
tire campus, and I was qu
tressed at, The Daily bec
little space was devoted to
fact is that there can be
fective student governmen
out student support, as

The problem of non-support of
Sto en- SGC has been made terribly bla-
he stu- tant in recent months - the most
e Wghy obvious example being the failure
Why of Butterfield to recognize SGC's
existence. The failure of SGC to
cz, '66 establish negotiations cannot be
aly is pinned on any ineptitude of Coun-
or SGC cil members themselves. Rather
in the the blame must fall on the backs
ichigan of the students, only 9 per cent of,
toe whor voted in the last election. I
length whmvtdite
provide again must say that this is the
n than biggest issue concerning this cam-'
ary re- paign for I feel that Butterfield or
eOrance any other concern that serves the
's cam- student body would be forced to
f their negotiate with SGC if every time
f a de- SGC said something it would car-
ermine" ry the power of a petition signed
--K.W. by a majority of the student body.
OF THE above I am certain and
I am scepticalvthat any positive
of The force can be created out of SGC
all arti- if it lacks student support. I grant
ng SGC that Pavlik only asks for 5000
-t of the voters which, in itself, is no great
t Paul increase as this is only 17 per cent
er SGC of the student body. What im-
accept pressed me the most about his
D00 stu- brief statement in The Daily is
that he seems to be cognizant of
s is one the, problem, and, even though his
the en- challenge is not stupendous, he at
ite dis- least asks for an upward trend,
ause so something certainly better than a
it. The continuance of the downward,
no ef- trend that has prevailed for the
t with- last few years.
indeed In conclusion, I am reasonably

ly pres-
ors be-
erve the

there can be no working democ-
racy without support of the peo-
ple it attempts to represent.

confident that, if the otber candi-
dates accepted Pavlik's modest
challenge, and if they speak to the
electorate during the remainder of
this campaign, the tide will in-
deed turn, and eventually SGC
will realize its own potential by
having real student support.
James Chadbourn, '68
To the Editor:
VOICE Political Party voted at
its membership meeting to
endorse the nine candidates from
GROUP -(Governmental Revision"
of University Policy), for SGC.
We feel that these nine students-
show the greatest interest in the
economic andacademic welfare of
students. They are concerned with
the high 'cost of living and low
wages in Ann Arbor and the Uni-
versity's unwillingness to become
actively involved in the economic
welfare of students. They are al-
so seeking reform in counseling
and teaching: at the University.
Their platform focuses on the
exploitative economic m a r k e t
which the University student faces
and on subjective academic prob-
lems. Unfortunately, they express
too little concern with problems
outside these areas. They don't'
see that many problems are caus-
ed by the voicelessness and apathy
of students which has been creat-
ed by the mass-university and
mass society of which they are a
part. They are running on purely
local issues. Hopefully experience
will develop their awareness of the
broader reasons for their prob-
lems, a society which fosters
apathy and indifference.
* * *
Partycould.not fully support
these candidates as its spokesmen,
VOICE urges students to vote for
them. They do, in our estimation,
represent the best candidates run-
ning, for SGC this semester
-Richard Shortt, '66
Voice Political Party

To the Editor:
,PAUL PAVLIK, a candidate for
a seat on SGC, has challenged
the other candidates "to follow
his example by refusing to take
office unless 5000 or more students
cast votes . .
Members of GROUP (Govern-
mental Revision of University
Policy), who are also running for
seats on SGC,' emphatically de-
nounce the challenge. as being
poorly founded and totally unjust.
It is obvious that Pavlik blames
the students themselves rather
than their legal representatives
for the apathy and disinterest
which pervades our campus.
GROUP condemns the present
and past Councils because of their
failure to act as a voice of and,
an arm for the student body.
GROUP asserts that strong and
forceful 'leadership is needed to
create interest in student govern-
ment, and that only with such
will programs be instituted to
answer the problems of the stu-
dents. History amply shows that
an inspired leadership can effec-
tively rally to action an unheeded
and frustrated populace.
PAVLIK'S decision is unjust be-
cause he would be betraying those
who voted for him, and because he
would be denying his pledged re-
sponsibility to render leadership.
When man challenges a recndite
problem, it is indeed more diffi-
cult to maintain action and init-
iative than it is to maintain cyni-
cism and defeatism.
GROUP understands this, Pay-
lik should realize it.
-Robert Golden, '67 A&D
-Ellen Buchalter, '67
Vice -President
-Paula Cameron, '67
-Steve Daniels, '67
-Mickey Eisenberg, '67
-Russell Linden, '68
--Don Reznick, '68
-Steve Schwartz, '68
-Myles Stern, '66
GROUP candidates for SGC

"By The Way, Is There Any Brake On This Thing?"


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Bogart Huston winner
At the Cinema Guild
DIRECTOR JOHN HUSTON and leading actor Humphrey Bogart
combine their talents in "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" to
create a masterful, entertaining film.
Responsible for the screenplay as well as for the direction, Huston
renders his story of the corrupting effect of gold with well-chosen
incidents and beautiful pictorial compositions. For example, the
scene in which the gila monster crawls among the gold bags provides
heightened emotional involvement, and illustrates the theme of the
movie in both actions and symbols. The poisonous monster represents
the ugly suspicions that Bogart has just expressed and' it also
represents the inevitable evil effect that comes with gold.
A delightfully intricate plot enables Huston to enlarge his scope
and to give his theme a universal significance. Hence he introduces
Mexican bandits who display the evil tendencies that have already
been seen in the American prospectors.
BOGART'S SUPERB PORTRAYAL of Fred C. Dobbs, the down-
and-out bum who searches for gold, claims an equal share of the
credit for the film's success. His face and voice seem to express
every minor change that is wrought supon his character by the gold
and the heat. Toward the end of the movie, he expresses the wear-
iness and wickedness to which he has fallen in the carriage of his
body as he stumbles across the wilderness.
Bogart is ably supported by Walter Huston in the role of the
old prospector. Although his speeches are perhaps too obviously di-
dactic in the early part of the film, the elder Huston manages to
deliver his lines skillfully, making the old prospector into a believable
In the early scenes-for example, in the mine cave-in-excessively
dramatic musical background seems to have a slightly deleterious
effect upon the presentation. But as Bogart and idirector Huston build
the intensity of the story toward its climax, the music blends
perfectly, making for an exciting and truly powerful movie.
-Lee Carl Bromberg

Flint: Truth Justice and the Presients Way

Last in a two-part series
APOTLOAD of educational is-
sues came to a boil a week
ago today.
Gov. George Romney and Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
pried open the lid last Thursday
when they publicly swapped state-
ments on the feasibility of ,the
University's expanding its two-
year Flint College into a four-
year institution.
In the morning, Romney warn-
ed at-a press conference that the
state-suported schools would
face tighter state controls if they
persisted in pushing their own
plans against thet wishes of those
groups trying to coordinate educa-
tional development.
In the evening, Hatcher told a
gathering of Flint citizens and
legislators that the University
was moving ahead with its pro-
gram to admit 200 freshmen next
fall on the Flint campus. Only
juniors and seniors are currently
*, * *
ON THE surface, the scores of
legislators, state board members
and other educators who came to
m + fht hveoh crOm? tha+ nlint

the University and Michigan State
* There was the failure of co-
ordination, the voluntary assem-
blage of institutions to iron their
differences - about expansion,
about branches, about costs, about
needs. The inability to find solu-
tions has traditionally left the
governor and the Legislature in
the position as judge when it
dishes out appropriations.
* There was the alternative of
authority, posed by the recent re-
visers of the state's constitutions.
They created a State Board of
Education empowered to coordi-
nate higher education. Only they
didn't leave any hints how this
board, which took over in January,
was to perform its functions.
* * *r
ON THE SIDE of authority was
Governor Romney. In his Jan-'
uary budget message to the Legis-
lature, Romney advised the Uni-
versity not to expand in Flint.
His reason, provided later, was:
"The basic question is who should
make decisions of this character-
the separate university boards and
communities, or the Legislature
with the advice of the board of
education, governor and governing
boa r9''

steady outpouring of specifics:
Flint would accept 200 freshmen
to its 600-student junior and sen-
ior student body. Additional space
needs would be met by private
donors. All the Legislature would
have to chip in is several hundred
thousand dollars - the cost any-
where of adding 200 students and
teachers to train them.
* * *
BUT THE governor wasn't buy-
ing. He told aides early in Feb-
ruary that he felt the delay of
Flint expansion was a necessary
forerunner to the orderly expan-
sion of higher education in Mich-
igan. That's where coordination
was cast into the pot.
Romney was ,asking for time -
precious years in which an order-
ly blueprint for expanding facil-
ities and opportunities might be
drawn up. His handpicked "blue
ribbon" Citizen's Committee on
Higher Education is currently
working toward such a blueprint.
The newly-hatched state board
will soon begin long-range plan-
They need time. But President
Hatcher and the Regents counter-
ed that there was no time. An ad-
ditional 10,000 prospective college
stuents will h flnniino' the Flint

publicly accepted an "invitation"
from the Flint Board of Education
to expand its two-year institution.
But the plans had been in the
press for months, since the dissi-
dent junior college-which shares
facilities and feeds a good per-
centage of its graduates into the
senior institution -- had strongly
opposed the move.
It argued that its liberal arts
division could handle the fresh-
man-sophomore inflow, but even
the governor isn't disputing the
University's analysis of the need
for a four-year institution in the
Flint area.
He and Hatcher met privately
on Monday to try and resolve their
dispute. An impasse was declared,
but meanwhile the other cooks
had their hands in the pot.
A freshman legislator, Sen. Ed-
ward Robinson (D-Dearborn) in-
troduced a constitutional amend-
ment Monday evening which
would strip the University and
other state schools of their con-
stitutional autonomy. He propos-
ed to give the state board super-
visory control of the institutions.
ON WEDNESDAY, the head of
that board, ThomasBrennan scor-
ed Tatche for calling his body

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