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February 19, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-19

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'Function '65' Revitalizes Local Jazz

In Pannig,

Cl'*SS C p pu

Set Nationwide
Teaching Plan

This Saturday afternoon at 4:00
p.m. the seventh in a series of
weekly jazz sessions will be held
at Ann Arbor's Sabo Club on
Davis Street. The series, which has
been christened "Function '65,"
provides a uniquely advantageous
situation both for people in the
Ann Arbor area who like to listen
to good jazz and for musicians
who like to play it.
The Sabo Club (formerly the
Komo, a private men's club) is a
large room with bandstand and
tables arranged in a manner
vaguely reminiscent of Detroit's
old Minor Key. Located just below
the Michigan Stadium at the cor-
ner of Davis and Green Streets,
the club is housed in an old grey
building across from the Univer-
sity plant department.
A fireplace and candle lighting
help to create a relaxed, informal
setting ideal for jazz listening.
There are no waitresses scurrying
about or cash registers ringing
and, unlike the Minor Key, there
is no one waiting at the door to
collect a cover charge. Attended
at first only by a small group of
hard-core jazz fans, each week
has seen a larger number of people
coming to hear the music.
Local Musicians
The music is provided by musi-
cians from nearby cities like De-
troit, Flint and Lansing who con-
tribute their talents in conjunc-
tion with local veterans. More
often than not a combo will in-
clude musicians from several dif-
ferent cities.
Perhaps the most impressive
group to appear at last Saturday's
session consisted of Sherman
Mitchell, a trombonist and flutist;
from Flint, Danny Spencer, a
talented young drummer from
Lansing and two local musicians,
Bob Detwiler on piano (he also
plays tenor) and Dick Wigginton,
a bassist. This Saturday musicians
from Jackson and Kalamazoo will
be featured. In addition, bassist
Max Wood, who leads a trio twice
weekly at The Falcon, will come
from Detroit.
The man who has singlehand-
edly conceived and organized
"Function '65" is , Ron Brooks,
himself a bass player, who for two
years constituted one-third of the
Bob James Trio. While studying
at Eastern Michigan, Brooks was
encouraged to take up the bass by
James and another ex-local mu-
sician, drummer Omar Clay. The
James Trio, perhaps the most
popular of all Ann Arbor jazz
groups, twice won the Notre Dame
jazz festival and has since ap-
peared in New York City and on
record. While the trio was based in
New York, Brooks worked in the
groups of Terry Gibbs, Freddy
Redd and Hank Mobley.
First Attempt
Having thus acquired his sea-
soning as a musician, Brooks' first
attempt as a promoter yielded
"Function '65." "My original idea
was to create a situation in which
conditions would be as ideal for
the musicians as possible. I want-
ed to provide an educational ex-
perience for up and coming mu-
sicians as well as an opportunity
for those musicians who already
have a name for themselves to de-

until approximately 200 people
attended last Saturday's session.
Expansion Contemplated
Encouraged by the early suc-
cess of "Function '65," Brooks is
beginning to think in terms of ex-
panding the program ;n the future
to include musicians of national
stature. "I feel Ann Arbor could
support larger names in jazz from
other parts of the country." His
present idea is to feature name
musicians with local rhythm sec-
tions in a series of afternoon con-
Brooks believes musicians who
travel through Detroit could be
induced to come to Ann Arbor to'
perform on Saturday afternoons
when they aren't working mat-
inees at a club. Specifically, Brooks'
named multi-instrumentalist Rol-
land Kirk, pianists Terry Pollard
and Bob James as possible can-
didates for the first few concerts.
Audience Contributions
At present, "Function '65" is
financed solely through audience
contributions. "There is no charge
for admission, we just pass the
hat-church style." Brooks ad-
mits, however, that a small ad-
missiontmight be necessary if he
jwere to hire name musicians,
swell'ng his expenses beyond rent.
"I don't think I would have to
charge more than a dollar a head
to make ends meet," he says. And
in this day of the "night club
murder game." a dollar seems like
small fare to pay for jazz enter-
tainment. Meanwhile, the Satur-
day sessions continue and people
who like jazz can hope that
"Function '65" will survive to be-
come "Function '66."

Representatives of
systems met at the
last Monday to receive

31 school:
details for

a concentrated program on eco-
nomic education in which they will
The 31 systems have been select-i
ed by the Michigan Council on
Economic Education from nearly'
100 school system applicants. Thet
aim of the Council is improve-:
ment of economic education fromc
kindergarten through grade 12.
Executive director of the Michi-t
gan Council is Prof. Theral T.1
Herrick of the school of business:
Nineteen of the 31 schools are
partic-pating in the 1965 program,
as pilot "schools. These will work
directly with the council to im-1
prove economic education curri-!
culum and teacher education tof
improve economic literacy in alli
grades, Dr. Herrick explained.
The council will help provide
these school systems with eco-
nomic and education speakers and
consultants, a library of economic
mAterials, workshop conferences,!
and a film series titled "The,
American Economy."

Dean of the School of Educa-
tion Willard C. Olson has beenI
elected chairman of the Commit-
tee on Studies of the AmericanI
Association of Colleges for Teach-
ers Education. The committee has;
study and improvement of teach-(
er preparation as a general goal
and has subcommittees concern-
ed with school-college relation-
shipa, values, testing, media, and
urban areas.
* * *
Alpha Kappa Psi, honorary fra-
ternity in business administration
will hold its annual initiation{
ceremony on Wednesday, February:
24 in the Bus. Ad. bldg. During
the proceedings, Walther Lederer,
chief of the Balance of Payments
Division, United States Depart-
ment of Commerce, will be hon-!
orarily initiated into society mem-
4:15 p.m. - Paul Ziff of the
University of Wisconsin will lec-
ture on "Knowing and Believing"
in room 1035 Angell Hall.
4:15 p.m.-Lester T. Ruttedge
of the Phychology Department
will lecture on "Brain Stimula-
tion and Altered Brain Function"
in Auditorium C. Angell Hall.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
will present. "Ivan the Terrible
Part II" in the Architecture Audi-

7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
presents Charlie Chaplin's, "'The
Great Dictator" in the architec-
ture auditorium.
8 p.m.--The Ann Arbor Figure
Skating Cub will present "Mel-
ody on Ice" on the University
ice rink.
8 p.m.- Unix ersity players will
present Chez Torpe in Trueblood

The United States Office of Ed-
ucation will launch a nationwide
program for the improvement of
high school English teaching based
on a plan pioneered at the Uni-
Under the program more han
100 institutes for advanced study
in English will be held this sun-
mer for teachers in public, pri-
vate and parochial schools.



8 p.m.-The Foresters' Club will One of these will be at th Uni-
sponsor their annual Paul Bunyan versity June 28-Aug. 8 for 30 ex-
Bail in the League Ballroom.
8:30 p.m.-The Budapest String perienced teachers who teach on
Quartet will perform in Rackhamn the junior high and high school
Auditorium. levels.

at the

. n..,
"' is I'. ' i

RON BROOKS, creator and organizer of the new Sabo Club jazz
program, predicts possibilities for further expansion of "Function
'65" in the Ann Arbor community. He particularly hopes to en-
gage an increasing amount of professional artists in the weekly

Pierre Etaix in
-Crowther,,N.Y. Times
'2fr e4

JOYI#- Winstsbn
"Etaii has made
something wholly new and
delightful. I advise you
to make his acquaintance
right nOw"-New.Yorkw
YOU EASILYI"-1'ed~rt rw
"HILARIOUS..,. nutty
,..a sight-gag souffld!"
hilarious... Etaix is a
delicious clownl-t, T bu

velop a greater rapport with a
larger number of players."
Hoping to achieve a relaxed at-
mosphere for listening, Brooks
found himself pleasantly surprised
when the audiences grew larger,
but remained attentive. "People
just seem to realize that the mu-
sicians have come here to play.


This is a session which means
that musicians have made an out-
side effort to come. For them, it's
not just another job." He recalls4
that the first session, which took
place on the last day of finals in
December, drew about ten people
and that the numbers have more
than doubled each successive week

In addition to Herrick; other .8 p.m.-The University Players
speakers at the Monday meeting will present Chez Torpe in True
blood Adtrm
in Ann Arbor included Dean Carl 8 p.m.-Challenge will sponsor
R. Anderson, director of field. a talk by Prof. John K. Fairbank
services of Eastern Michigan Uni- of Harvard University on "Effects
versity and director of the Michi- of Chinese Governmental Changes
gan Council of Economic Educa- on the People in the Last Centu'y"
in the Michigan League 3allroom.,
tion, and Kent W. Leach, director 8:30 p.m.- The Budapest String
of school services at the Univer- Quartet will perform in Rackham
situ Auditorium.



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and 7:30
at Studio

p.m. - Marilyn
will perform a

DIAL 662-6264

Shows Start at 1 :00
3:00-5:00-7:05 and 9:15
Weekday Matinee-$1.00
Evenings & Sunday--$1.25
2nd Week


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily Assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to.
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day

3. The Dean of your school or col-'
lege will be given a list of delinquent
Payments may be made in person,
or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015
Admin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26.
Mail Payments postmarked after duer
date, Feb. 26. 1965, are late and sub-
ject to penalty.
Identify mail payments as tuition and
show student number and name.

Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not State Farm Companies Foundation:
accepted for publication. Announces its $750 Exceptional Student
Fellowship. These are limited to stu-
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 f dents who have fulfilled enrollment
requirements for either the senior, or
first year of graduate school and art;
Day Calendar majoring in the areas of business ad-
ministration, accounting, finance, in-
Dept. of Philosophy Lecture-Paul vestments, marketing, mathematics, sta-
Ziff, University of Wisconsin, "Know- tistics, insurance, law,' economics, or
ing and Believing": 1035 AngelI Hall, other business related programs of
4:15 p.m. study. A candidate must be nominated
before March 15 by his dean or de-
Track-U-M vs. Penn State: Yost partment chairman.
Field House, 7 p m. Selection for awards will be made
on the basis of :
Swimming-U-M vs. University of 1. Demonstrated leadership in ex-
Cincinnati: Athletic Bldg., 7:30 p.m. tracurricular activities.
2. Scholarship ("B" average mini-
Dept. of Speech University Players mum).
Production-Francois Billetdoux's "Chez 3. Character.
Torpe": Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. 4. Potential business administrative
Chamber Music Festival Concert - 5. Recommendations of instructors.
Budapest String Quartet: Rackham counselors, and other responsible citi-
Aud., 8:30 p.m. zens.

versity of the Litoral, Santa Fe, Ar-
gentina (accompanied by John J. Cen-
doya), Feb. 17-20.
Mrs. Vera Davidenko, scientific work-
er, Ukranian Scintific Research Insti-
tute of Pedagogy, Kiex, Ukraine, Feb.
V. E. D'Rozario, T. G. Satyanaray-
an, R. C. Sharma, high school prin-
cipals, India. Feb 21-24.
The following sponsored student
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are remind-
ed that requests for approval for social
events are due in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on Tuesday prior to the event.
FRI., FEB. 19-
Alice Lloyd, All Fraternity Lloyd
Mixer; Allen Rumsey, Open-Open; Al-
pha Delta Phi, TG; Beta Theta Pi,
TG; Delta Chi, TG; Delta Tau Delta,
Band Party; Delta Upsilon, TG; Evans
Scholars, Party; Lambda Chi Alpha &
jPsi UpsilonClosed Band Parry; Litl e
& Gomberg, All Campus Mixer; Phi
Epsilon Pi, Party.
Phi Gamma Delta, TG; Phi Gamma
Delta, Fireside Party; Phi Kappa Psi,
Party; Phi Kappa Tau, Closed Party;

Pi Lambda Phi, TG; Sigma Alpha!
Epsilon, TG; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,;
Party; Sigma Chi, TG; Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, TG; Theta Chi, TG; Theta Del-
ta Chi, TG; Zeta Psi, TO.
SAT., FEB. 20-
Adams, Open-Open; Alpha Delta Phi,
Record ,Party; Alpha Epsilon Pi, House
Party; Alpha Sigma Phi, Band Party;
Beta Theta Pi, Band Theme Party; Chi
Phi, Toga Party; Chi Psi, Dance; Cooley,
Open-Open; Delta Chi, Band Party;
Delta Sigma Delta, Dance; Delta Tau
Delta, Party; Delta Upsilon, Party;
Evans Scholars, Party; Fletcher Hall,
Party Dance; Lambda Chi Alpha & Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon, Closed Band Party;
Lloyd. Scavenger Hunt & Open-Open.
Michigan, Open - Open; Phi Delta
Theta, Band Party; Phi Epsilon Pi,
Party: Phi Kappa Tau, Open-Open;
Phi Kappa Tau, Closed Party; Phi
Sigma Delta. Band Party; Phi Sigma
Kappa, French Cafe Party; Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon, Party; Sigma Chi, Band
Party; Theta Chi, La Grande Fete Par-
ty; Theta Delta Chi, Toga Party; Ty-
ler, Open-Open; Van Tyne, Open-Open.
SUN.. FEB. 21-1
Alpha Epsilon Phi, Pledge Open
House: Chi Phi, Buffet Supper; Wen-
ley, Open-Open.
(Continued on Page 8)





Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., Feb.'
19, 4 p.m., Room 807, Physics-Astronomy
Bldg. Peter A. Wehinger, warner and
Swasey Observatory, will speak on "M-
Giants and Related Mass Loss Near
the Galactic Center."
Biological Chemistry Colloquium: Dr.
Lewis N. Lukens, Yale University,
"Studies of the Formation of Colla-
gen Hydroxyproline," today at 4 p.m.,
M6423 Medical Science Bldg.

Michigan Marching Band: The Mich-
igan Marching Band will perform at
the Ohio State basketball game this
Saturday afternoon. All those partici-
pating are asked to be at the Field
House by 1:15 p.m. Dress in suits, ties.
and dark shoes. Enter the building
through the north end doors to re-
ceive admission tickets.
Foreign Visitors

7kheIPaul/&unqant &o//
Saturday, February 20, 1965
League Ballroom


per couple


Tickets on Se-t ,e Diag, at the Door

The following are the foreign visi-
General Notices tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
Admissions Office Change: Effective this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
Mon., Feb. 22, the Admissions Office gram arrangements are bThg made be
of the Horace H. Rackham School of Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
Graduate Studies will be located in Center, 764-2148.
Room 102 of the Rackham Bldg. The Ole B. 'Ihomsen, Ministry of Educa-
telephone number for all calls regard- tion. Denmark, Feb. 14-18.
ing admission is 764-6582. Dr. Jadwiga Ablamowicz-Ledwon,
head of the Acou: tics Department, Sil-
Final Payment of Winter Term, Fees esian Polytechnic Institute, Gliwice,
is due and payable on or before Feb. Poland, Feb. 14-17.
26, 1965. Dr. Jan J. Cygan, head, Department
If fees are not paid by this date: of Foreign Languages, teacher of Eng
1. A $10 delinquent penalty will be lish, Polytechnic University of Wro-
charged. claw, Wroclaw, Poland, Feb. 14-17.
2 A "Hold Credit" will be placed Dr. Edward Dezberg, head of English
against you. This means that until Department, Modern Languages Cen-
payment is received and "Hold Credit" ter, Silesian Polytechnic Institute, Gli-
is cancelled: wice, Poland, Feb. 14-17.
1) Grades will not be mailed. Dr. Witold Ostrowski, chairman, Eng-
2) Transcripts will not be furnished. lish Department, University of Lodz,
3) You may not register for future Lodz, Poland, Feb. 16-17.
semesters. Nestor Edgardo Farias, Jose Alber-
4) A Senior may not graduate with to Gial, Norberto Marcelino Velasco,
his class, at the close of the current chemical engineering students, Uni-

I/I // I IIIY I I Ir" Ir I II I/O/


Written and Directed by Sergei Eisenstein
u Musical Score by Sergei Prokofiev u
Photography by Eduard Tisse
Gathering fragments of Part One's story about the
E heroic Tsar's struggle to unite the Russian people,
s Part Two thrusts the narrative forward through *
Ivan's conflict with the Boyars and the Orthodox
I r
: Again Eisenstein depicts his larger-than-life char-
acters in a monumental style of striking imagery
* integrated with a thrilling musical score.
Last Times Tonight at 7 and 9
I f
.r-LU *inminm minmu *inminimmmininmU umirrninminU *in


presented by

The Vulcons & The Engineering Council



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