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February 18, 1965 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-18

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AD H~f, C(...................,........::.:::::::::::.:.:_,..:::::....:.::...:..................t:.....
Group Chooses Students 1,1DAILY OFFICIAL BU LLETI N
For P~j0jrf~~



JL . "R k - l A. U1011 1..,) Li V The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
By PETER R. SARASOHN Council, and graduate and under- Michigan Daily Assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
The Ad-HOC Committee tn-Stu-a ' sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
T h e . A d- H oc.C o m m ittee.on.Stu ! I h eim ar idrm1


dent .Participation in University
Affairs has released its list of stu-
dents working on the committee.
The committee recently created
by the Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs, will ex-
amine the student's role in the
University's administrative struc-
The committee includes selected
graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents, faculty and administrators.
Organizations Consult
The students were chosen after
"extensive consultations within the
Subcommittee on Student Rela-
tions, with University organiza.-
tions, with members of the faculty
and administration and with the
nominees themselves," Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim of the English depart-
ment and chairman of the new
committee said yesterday.
They represent recommenda-
tions made by Student Govern-
ment Council and Graduate School

s111 bl. ROOM 3564 Administration I11dg. De-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
Students Selected publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
The following undergraduates for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
have been selected: Barry Blue- mum of two times on request; Day
stone, '66, president of the stu- Calendar items appear once only.
dent employees union; Nancy Student organization notices are not
Freitag, '66, vice-presidential can- accepted tor publication.
didate for SGC and past president THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17
of the Women's League; Eliza--
beth Herndon, '66; Robert Golden, Day Calendar
'67, candidate or Student Gov-
ernment Council; Jeffery Good- Biological Sciences and I.S.T. Lee-
man, '66, night editor of The ture-I. R. Gibbons, Harvard Univer-
Daily; Richard A. Hoppe, '66, prey- sity, "The Organization of Cilia and
Flagella": Third Level Amphitheatre,
ident of Interfraternity Council Medical Science Bldg., 4 p.m.
and Jane Worman, '66, formerj
vice-president of Assembly House Dept. of Romance Languages French
Council. .Lecture-Maurice Regard, University of
-uclAix-Marseilles, "Balzac: Sens et partee
de la Comedie Humaine": Aud. B, An.-
The following graduates have gell Hall, 4:10 p.m.

also been selected: James Mc-
Evoy, president of Graduate
School Council; Francis J. Ber-
landi, treasurer of Graduate
School Council; Lawrence D. Phil-
lips, past president of Graduate
School Council and John Trop-

Cinema Guild-"Ivan the Terrible,"
Part II: Architecture Aud., 7 and 9
p .m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Production-Francois Billetdoux's "Chez
Torpe": Mendelssohn Theatre. 8 pa..
Chamber Music Festival Concert -
Budapest String Quartet: Rackham
Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
C. T. Tai, "Integration of Maxwell-
Minkowaki Equations," today at 4
p.m., 229 W. Engineering.
Mathematics Statistics Seminar: Dr.

Across Campus

and financial need; the stipend i gentina (accompanied by John J. Cen- For further information. please call
variable. doya), Feb. 17-20. 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- Mrs. Vera Davidenko, scientific work- pointments, 3200 SAB.
ship is offered to undergraduate wom- er, Ukranian Scintific Research Insti- ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER-
en on the basis of academic perform- tute of Pedagogy, Kiex, Ukraine, Feb. VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
ance. contribution to University life. 21-23. sign schedule posted at 128-M West
and financial need; the stipend is var- V. E. D'Rozario, T. G. Satyanaray- Engrg,
cable, an, R. C. Sharma, high school prin-
cipas, ndi, Fe 2124.FEB. 22-
The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship i cipals, India, Feb 21-24. Air Products & Chemicals, Inc., Al-
offered to out-of-state undergraduate lentown, Pa.-Ali Degrees: MS. BS-MS:
women who have sueressfully completed Student Government Council approval ChE & Met. BS: E Physics. R. & D.,
their freshman year and have a dem- of the following student-sponsored Des. & Sales.
onstrated financial need' the stipend events becomes effective 24 hours after Armstrong Cork Co, Entire Corp
is variable. the publication Of this notice. All -BS-MS: ChE. BS: CE, EE, IE & ME.
The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- publicity for these events must be with- R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales & Project
ship, amounting to approximately $180 held until the approval has become Engrg.
(interest on the endowment fund) is Cooper-Bessemer Corp., Mt. Vernon,
(inerston heenowentfud)is Approval request forms for student-! Ohio-ES, MS & Prof.: ME. BS: E
available to undergraduate single wom- sponsored events are available in Room h M & ome.
en who are wholly or nartially self- 1011 of the SAB. Math & EM. Men & women. Can con-
supporting and who do not live in The Christian Science OrganizationSidernon-citi.. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
University residence halls or sorority at the University sofinMichiganaLec- Hooer Chemical Crp. &etrois,
houses. Girls with better than aver- tureitld " s n Control, March Hooker Chemical Corp., Detroit -
age scholarship and need will be1A BS: ChE, Chem.-(Gen., Inorge &
considered. 1Lau Fsi malFb 8 Phys.). Dev., Sales, Tech. Service, R.
cniee.League, Fashion Ssow, Feb. 18, 8 & D., Lab. Tech.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship p.m., League Ballroom. Magnavox Co.-BS-MS: EE.
is open to both graduate and under- Voice Political Party, "Action on Univ. of Mich., Institute of Science
graduate women. The award is made Racial Discrimination in South Africa," & Tech.-Al Degrees: EE, Physics &
on basis of scholarship, contribution Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m., Room 3G, Union. th -AS: Physics &
to University life and financial need, Near East Studies Club, Lecture, Math BS: E Physics, R. & D., & Des.
the stipend is variable. Feb. 18, 8 p.m., Lane Hall, ,rees: ChE & ME. MS-PhD: Instrum
The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is Voice Political Party, Paul Good- & Mat'ls. BS-MS: EE & IE. Also MBA's
open to women graduates of any man, speaker, Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., Union with tech. undergrad. degrees for In-
accredited colige or university. It may Ballroom, dust. Sales. Can consider non-citizens
be used by a University of Michigan Vulcans & Engineering Council, King- with resident visa.o. & D,, Des., Prod
graduate at any college or university, ston Trio Concert, Feb. 27, 8:30 p.m., & Sales.
but a graduate of any other univer- Hill Aud. Ralston Purina Co., Company wide-
sitv will be required to study on the International Students Association,' ES: ChE, EE, EM, IE & ME. BA: La-
Michigan campus. Academic achieve- "Are You Aware: Iran?" Feb. 16-19, bor Rels. Prod. Mgmnt.
ient, creativity and leadership will be 7:30 p m., International Center, MPR, Texaco, Inc., Bellaire & Pt. Arthur,
considered in granting the award. The UGLI. Texas-All Degrees: ChE & ME, MS-
stipend is $1,100. Voice, Membership meeting, Feb. 15, ;PhD: Chem., Physics & Applied Math.
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is 7:30 p.m., Union. Can consider non-citizens if becoming
open to women graduates of any ac- a U.S. citizen. R. & D. & Des.I
credited college or university. It may U.S. AireForce Aeronautical Systems
be used by a University of Michigan l !EDiv., Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio -
graduate at any college or university All Degrees: AE & Astro., EE & ME.
but a graduate of any other school will ANNOUNCEMENTS: MS-PhD: ChE & Met. BS: E Physics.
be required to study on the Michi- Ohio Univ., Athens-Grad Assistant- R. & D.
gan campus. Academic achievement, ships in Student Personnel Work lead- U.S. Navy, Potomac River Naval Com-
personality and leadership will be con- in- to MA or PhD for grads in any re- mand, David Taylor Model Basin, Car-
sidered in granting the award. The lated field. Part-time positions in resi- derock, Md.-Ail Degrees: AE & As-
stipend is $,140. dence halls for single men & married I tro. CE, EE, ME, & NA & Marine.
The Lucy Cooley Houston Scholar- couples. Includes stipend & tuition, Testh& Physocs. R. & D., Des. &
ships: Offered by the Alumnae Club of Application deadline March 1. nTest.
Jackson, are available to students who Attention: Students from Massachu- U.S. Naval Ordnance Lab., White Oak,
will be enrolled in fall, 1965. Grants setts-Bulletin available concerning fi- Silver Spring, Md.-All Degrees: AE &
are based on scholarship and need nancial assistance for 1965-66 under Astro., EE, ME & Physics. MS-PhD:
and vary in amount; they are avail- Commonwealth of Mass. ChE, Chem. & Math. BS: E Physics.
able to students now enrolled and those R. & D., Des. & Test.
entering for the first time. Application Details & applications at Bureau of .S. Naval Weapons Lab., Dahigren,
blanks are available from Mrs. william Appointments Mat.ADe re athE E h ics &
Nelson, 10126 S. Thompson. Jackson, !_________ Mth S:EMah& hyisR
Mich. They must be completed and re- POSITION OPENINGS: D., Des. & Test.
turned by April 1. Applicants must be U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office,
from the Jackson area. A. 0. Smith Corp.-Various openings Suitland Md.-All Degrees: CE, EE,
for engrs., econ. analyst, commercial ME, Geology, Meteor. & Ocean., Chem~
State Farm Companies Foundation: programmer. Also, 1. Jr. Auditor, grad, Physics, & Math: BS: E Math & E Phys-
Announces its $750 Exceptional Student 1-2 yrs. public acctg. exper., involves ics. R. & D., Des. & Test.
Fellowship. These are limited to stu- travel. 2. Computer Supv., grad, 1-3 U.S. Naval Research Lab., Washing-
dents who have fulfilled enrollment yrs. exper. pref. Locations include ton, D.C.-All Degrees: CE, EE, ME,
requirements for either the senior, or Midwest, Va.. & Pa. Physics. MS-PhD: Met., Chem. & Math.
first year of graduate school and are U.S. Civil Service-Mineral Specialist. BS: E Math & E Physics. R. & D., Des.
majoring in the areas of business ad- Engrs, in mining, metal, petrol., cer- & Test.
ministraion, accounting, finance, in- amics or min,. econ~, geol., chem., etc. FEB. 22-23-
vestments, marketing, mathematics, sta- Comb, of edue. & exper. qualify for Allen-Bradley Co., Milwaukee & 40
tistics, insurance, law, economics, or' other datings. Position in Bureau of offices-BS-MS: EE. BS: IE & ME. R.
other business related programs of Mines located throughout U.S. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
study. A candidate must be nominated Lee County, Dixon, Ill.-Health Of-
before March 15 by his dean or de- facer, M.D., M.P.H. for small well es-
partrinent chairman. tablished county health dept.
Selection for awards will be made Hartford Hospital, Conn.-Microbiol-
on the basis of: ogist, MA plus 2 yrs. exper. in diag-
1. Demonstrated leadership in ex- nostic microbiol., in Clinical Path-
tracurricular activities. fology. Opportunity for res. in large
2. Scolarship ("BE" average mini- lab of fully accredited teaching hospi-AD
mum. tal.
3. Ch1aracter. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
4. Potential business administrativc -DistrictRepres Male for smmd.
capacity. opening, Bus, Ad. or lib. arts degreef
5. Recommendations of instructorsl Age 25, exper. not req. Mgmt. trainee.
counselors, and other responsible citi- sales oriented.
John Deere Tractor Works, Waterloo,
_______ltiowa-Admin. openings. 1. Sales Man-
A Final Reminder: All College of ager Trainee, educ. or exper, in mktg
L. S. & A. scholarship applications will or mkt. res., will trii l heavy equip.
be due on Fri., Feb. 19, in 1220 Angell bus. 2. Trng. Direct0 head' gmt. dev
Hall. program. Bkgd. in mgmt. techniques
& policies.



Attention Freshmen!


General Co-Chairmen
and Director
Tues.-Thurs., Feb. 23-25
League Undergrad. Office


- Nowiv rentng for Aug. '5


Prof. Melvin L. Selzer assistan
professor of the Medical School
has received a grant of $12,600
from the Chrysler Motor Corpora-
tion to support a continuing study
of automobile accidents. Selzer is
analyzing personality factors as-
sociated with car accidents, and
is seeking comparative informa-
tion from safe drivers.
* * *
Prof. Valdo A. Getting of the
public health school, participated
in the Eighth Annual Refresher
Course held at the University of
Toronto School of Hygiene. Get-
ting delivered reports on "Pro-
gram Planning" and the "Effects
of Social and Economic Trends.'
4 pm.-I. R. Gibbons of Har-
vard University will speak on "The
organization of Cilia and Flagel-
la," in the third level amphitheater
of the Medical Science Building.
4:10 p.m.-Maurice Regard, of
the University of Aix-Marseille
will lecture on, "Balzac: Sens en
partee de la Comedie Humaine" in
Auditorium B. Angell Hall.
7 p.m.-The Pilot Project' will
present "Butterfield, Berkeley and
Bluestone: A symposium on Stu-

t dent Freedom" in the North Con- J. N. Darroch, "Principal Components
1 course of East Quadrangle. Speak- and Factor Analysis," 3201 Angell Hall.
ing will be Fr. Celestine Steiner, Thurs., Feb: 18, 4 p.m.
- Chancellor of the University of Physical-Chemistry Seminar: Mrs.
Detroit; Assoc. Dean James H. Shaio-wen Wong, "Thermodynamic
s Robertson of the Office for Stu- Properties of a Rigid-sphere Fluid," on
Thurs., Feb. 18, 5 p.m., 1200 Chemistry
dent Affairs; and Stuart Zelmer, Bldg.
director of East Quadrangle. --
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild General Notices
will present "Ivan the Terrible'
Part II" in the Architecture Audi- Applications fer General Undergrad-
torium. nate Scholarships will be available at
the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB. be-
7:30 p.m.-Paul Goodman, so- I ginning Mon. Jan. 11. Applications
cial critic and author of "Growing must be completed by March 1. Un-
Up Absurd," "Community of dergraduate students who have com-
Scholars." "Compulsory Mis-Edu- pleted one or more full semesters with
an overall average of 3.0 or better
cation" and other books, will are eligible to compete. Financial aid
speak on "Student Action and a is a factor in making these awards.
New Society" in the Michigan I Final Payment of Winter TermyFees
Union Ballroom. The speech is is due and payable on or before Feb.
sponsored by Voice Political Party 126, 1965 .
8 p.m.-The University Players If fees are not paid by this date:
will present Chez Torpe in Lydia i. A $10 delinquent penalty will be
r MedelsohnTheare.charged.,
Mendelssohn Theatre. 2 A "Hold Credit" will be placed
8 p.m.-The foreign students at ' against you. This means that until
the University will present a payment is received and "Hold Credit"
fashion show in the League Ball- 1anese will not b? mailed
room. 2) 'T'ranscripts will not be furnished.
8:30 p.m.-The Budapest String 3) You may not register for future
Quartet will-perform in Rackham semesters.
Quaret wll erfom i Racham 4) A Senior may not graduate with
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. his class at the close of the current
FRIDAY, FEB. 19 term.
4:15 p.m. -Paul Ziff of the 3. The Dean of your school or col-
lege will be given a list of delinquent
University of Wisconsin will lec- accounts.
ture on "Knowing and Believing"! Payments may be made in person.
in room 1035 Angell Hall. or mailed to the Cashier's Office. 1015
Admin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26
4:15 p.m.-Lester T. Ruttedge Mail Payments postmarked after due
of the Phychology Department date, Feb. 26. 1965, are late and sub-
will lecture on "Brain Stimula- ject to penalty.
tion and Altered Brain Function" Identify mail payments as tuition and
show student number and name.
in Auditorium C. Angell Hall.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild Fellowship Applications for the Mar-
will present, "Ivan the Terrible garet Kraus Ramsdell Award are now
available for 1965-66. This fellowship
Part II" in the Architecture Audi- is used to assist students who willI
torium. have received a U. of M. degree by
8 p.m.-The University Players beginning of tenure to pursue gradu-
will present Chez Torpe in True- ate studies in this country or abroad;
in religious education or in prepara-
blood Auditor-.um. tion for the Christian ministry. Both
8 p.m.-Challenge will sponsor men and women may apply for the
a talk by Prof. John K. Fairbank fellowship. Application should be made
to the Dean of the Graduate School"
of Harvard University on "Effects on forms available at the Graduatoe
of Chinese Governmental Changes Fellowship Office. 110 Rackham Bldg
on the People in the Last Century" The deadline is April 1. 1965.
in the Michigan League :3allroomn
in30 temichiganeBuagestaSriog Applications for the Following Schol-
8:30 p.m.- The Budapest String arships are available in office ofI
Quartet will perform in Rackham alumnae secretary. Alumni Memorial
Auditorium. Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12,
11965; recipients will be announced atj
-League Recognition Night, March 1.
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is+
. offered to in-state, undergraduate wom-
Guadala ara Mexico en on the basis of academic perform-
GMance, contribution to University lif(




(Last Feature Starts ot 9:20)

.. nmi. i mu ui.. mm.. mm. . .mm in.......nimm
Written and Directed by Sergei Eisenstein
! Musical Score by Sergei Prokofiev
Photography by Eduard Tisse
E Gathering fragments of Part One's story about the
heroic Tsar's srtuggle to unite the Russian people,
I Part Two thrusts the narrative forward through !
Ivan's conflict with the Boyars and the Oxthodox.
! Again Eisenstein depicts his larger-than-life char- i
s acters in a monumental style of striking imagery :
j integrated with a thrilling musical score.
*Tonight and Tomorrow at 7 and 9;
. * Tickets for the Third Ann Arbor Film Festival go on sale
i February 25. Seventy-five cents at the ticket office in the u
! Architecture Auditorium, !
! as mU mmW mmmininm *n mmnma smmmmmmmmin manmmal.
! r
£3 I
Read and Use Daily Classiieds

A .


Forci'uni Visitors
The following are the foreign vlsi-
tars prgramnied through the interna-
tional C'enter who will be or campus
t:Ais week on the dates indicated. Pro-;
gram arrangements are brtg made bh
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
Center, 764-2148.
Ole B. Thomsen, Ministry of Educa-
tion. Denmark. Feb. 14-18.
Dr. Jadwiga Abiamowicz-Ledwon,
head of the Acou: ics Department. Sil-
esian Polytechnic Institute, Gliwice,
Poland. Feb. 14-17.
Dr. Jan J Cygan, head, Department
of Foreign Languages, teacher of Eng-
lish, Polytechnic University of Wro-
claw, Wroclaw, Poland, Feb. 14-17.
Dr. Edward Dezberg, head of English
Department, Modern Languages Cen-
ter, Silesian Polytechnic Institute, Gli-
wice, Poland. Feb. 14-17.
Dr. Witold Ostrowski, chairman, Eng-
lish Department, University of Lodz.
Lodz. Poland, Feb, 16-17.
Nestor Edgardo Farias, Jose Alber-
to Giai, Norberto Marcelino Velasco.
Ihemical engineering students. Uni-
versity of the Litoral, Santa Fe, Ar-



Meet the Artist

Sunday, Feb. 21

3-6 P.M.

Forsythe Gallery

201 Nickels Arcade

Weekdays 10-4
Saturdays 10-1

Shows at
"36 HOURS"

The Guadalajara Summer School,
a fully accredited University of
Arizona program, conducted in co-
operation with professors from
Stanford University, University of
California, and Guadalajara, will
offer June 28 to Aug. 7, art, folk-
lore, geography, history, language
and literature courses. Tuition,
board and room is $265. Write
Prof. Juan B. Roel, P.O. Box 7227,
Stanford, Calif.

_- __ _ _ ._

50c Off
PIZZA from the PROP
CALL NO 5-5705 for free delivery



Use of This Column for Announce- ion, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 19.
ments is available to officially recog-* *
nized and registered student organiza- Newman StudentA
tions only. Forms are available in side chat, "Conscien
Room 1011 SAB. Fr. Ray Ellis, Feb. 1

Association, Fire-
ce or Authority,'
19, 5:10 p.m., 331

* * *


Bahai Student, Group, Speaker: San-
dra Peterson, "The Life of Bahai'u'l- WAA Folk Dance Club, Folk dance
lah," Feb. 19, 8 p.m., 725 S. Division, with instruction, Fri., Feb. 19, 8-10:3C
k. n~~m. Women's Athletic Bldg.I


Dial 8-6416
Starts Today

All Comedy

r l J Y I -Winston. Pest

Canterbury House, Values in an eith-
er/or society, discussion, Thurs., Feb.
18, 5:30 p.m., 218 N. Division.
Christian Scoince Organization, Meet-
Met ing, Thur., Feb. 18, Room 528D SAB.
Club Cervantes, Meeting, Thurs., Feb
18, 8 p.m., 3rd floor, Michigan Union.
Business meeting, planning future pro-
Le Cercie Francais, Le Baratin, lelI
Feb., le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lee-
ture, "Christians on Balance," Harold
A. Larson, Third Floor, Michigan Un-

p.M., WVIUL6* u*k lJ.
* * *
World University Service, Universit
of Michigan chapter, general meeting
Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m.. Room 3510 SAB.
Voice PoliticalParty, Paul Goodman
author of "Growing Up Absurd." "Coin
inunlty of Scholars," and "Comnmun
itas," will speak on "Student Actior
and a New Society," on Thurs., Feb
18. in the Michigan Union Ballroom
at 7-30 p.m. No admission, everyon, I
Young Republicans, Executive Boar(
meeting, Feb. 18, 4 p.m., Room 253.
- SAB.

Pierre Etaix in
--Crowther, N.Y. Tmes

' Ftaix has made
something wholly new and
delightful. I advise you
to make his acquaintance
right nowf -Nw Yok
YOU EASILY!"_cb., Ei,
"HILARIOUS.., nutty
...a sight-gag souffl Is"__
hilarious. F taix is


"It's Phenomenal!
* * * (Highest Rating!)
"The Best and Wildest of the
James Bond Movies!"
-WANDA HALE, Daily News
"The Most Elaborate and Fantastic
to Date! Fast and Furious!"

In Com em oration of Its
75th Aniniversary' The Lea gue
zvill sponzsor a
Spring Fashion
The clothes modeled
contributed by.t
C ollin s

presented by

The Vulcons & The Engineering Council
Hill Auditorium ... 8:30 P.M.


'~. .~,



!1! 3



Of .

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