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February 16, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-16

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Medical Schools

7Trude School' Tag

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Willa Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Junior Apartments:
How To'Beg the Question

IT'S LIKE LOOKING a gift horse in the
mouth. But the granting of apartment
permission to junior women cannot help
but inflame some old sores.
One would have thought that "in loco
parentis" died when a particularly un-
palatable dean of women was ousted from
the Office of Student Affairs in 1961,
when senior women were granted leave,
from the dormitories, when junior wom-
en were first given liberalized rules last
year and then allowed out of the housing
system altogether last week. But the
philosophy remains in full force: these
changes were merely concessions, they
had to be granted by the OSA to stu-
Is this not, after all, what in loco
parentis is all about? One does not re-
move himself from the control of a par-
ent-surrogate by convincing it to grant
him something for no matter how lib-
erally inclined that surrogate is, it still
holds final power.
to convince the OSA that they, too,
"possess the same capacity for mature
self-control" which the OSA was finally
gracious enough to concede to junior
women. The speed with which the OSA
reaches this decision is not the issue;
the issue is that students have absolute-
ly no choice but to wait, to depend on the
OSA's intelligence and benevolence.
- As long as administrators believe that
students can learn how to handle them-
selves by simply practicing at the form of
self-determination, while some big daddy
remains always in the background to
save the student from himself, then stu-
dents will appear as if they were unable
to handle themselves. It is simply that
one becomes responsible for oneself only
when one is made responsible for onself,
and this does not work where the real
power and the real responsibility are;
someone else's.
FOR IF THE BASIC alternatives are
either already decided or up to some-
one else's discretion one feels, and is, de-
feated before one ever begins consider-
ing the trivial alternatives, which are
all that remain. It becomes unimportant
whether one is "rowdy" and "immoral"
with respect to the dormitory system.
The very existence of that system, and
of the values underpinning it, is a fait ac-
compli, and one is left hamstrung at
exactly the point where it is essential

to exercise, or develop the ability to ex-
ercise, responsible judgment.
(It is still important whether one is
rowdy and immoral with respect to one's
own sensibilities, but these sensibilities
are outside the dormitory system's range
of concern. At least the system can nev-
er, no matter how hard it tries, be a sub-
stitute for individual consciences.)
WHAT RESPECT are students supposed
to gain for the principles of demo-
cratic participation if they are not al-
lowed to assume the responsibility of.
participating democratically in their own
affairs? Just as important, how and where
are students to gain experience in mak-
ing important decisions, in deliberating
alternatives where they will have to face
all the social and individual consequences
of their decision, if all they are allowed
to do is play at decision-making?
Whether or not it really mpatters where
students live is not important. What is
important is that students were never
asked to decide' if it matters-at least
not asked so that their answer would
be more than advice or an indication
of sentiment, to be responded to as oth-
ers saw fit.
Perhaps it only seems not to matter
simply because students were never given
good cause for feeling that housing rules
were worth worrying and fighting about.,
If a given question is never made an is-
sue of debate, one tends never to realize
that one has an interest in how it is de-
SHOULD WE then wonder that few
Americans are very worried about the
various directions of national policy or
about how they might affect those direc-
tions or even about whether they want
to affect them? When students should be
realizing their desire and developing their
ability to participate in decisions affect-
ing their communities, at this very time
college administrators are telling them
all they should worry about is their own
personal spheres. Where issues touch on
the institution of which they are, a part,
they are told not to worry, we'll take care
of it for you..
One must at some point have been re-
sponsible for vital matters if he is ever
to feel he should be responsible or ever
to have the ability to be responsible.
Gift horses have a funny way some-
times of begging questions.

have a variety of images with-
in the academic community we
call the University. The view one
takes depends upon the relation-
ship. A student taking a pre-
medical course has one set of
questions. A faculty member in
biology -or chemistry or the hu-
manities will have a somewhat
different point of view, and ad-
ministrative officers are constant-
ly confronted by a large and ex-
pensive operation which seems to
be growing at an uncomfortably
rapid rate.
Whether the individual is trying
to get into a medical school or to
live with one or to administer
one, the basic relationship within
a university is a matter of con-
I would submit that it is also
a matter of considerable concern
to medical schools themselves. The
fact that I should feel some real
anxiety at setting forth some per-
sonal observations before the wid-
er university community-that
there should be a feeling of con-
cern about "saying the wrong
thing"--should give all of us
pause to reflect.
AT THE OUTSET let us deal
with one of the aspects of the
medical image which troubles me
We have taken a certain amount
of good natured chaff, over the
years, about being a very expen-
sive and complex form of voca-
tional education. How many of
the people who read this article
have been told by some member
of an academic community that
"you shouldn't go to medical
school, you're too 'original' or
'creative' or, even, 'intelligent' to
bury yourself in a 'trade school'?"
I've heard it on occasion.
If it is true, then one can pro-
pose that many of the things that
can best be accomplished in lib-
eral arts studies are of little ul-
timate value and that a pre-
medical course is simply some
type of elaborate selection device.
I firmly believe that the trade
school tag is not justified and the
liberal arts phase of a medical
education can be of critical im-
ONE WAY to attack /the ques-
tion is to examine the "product"
of the medical school itself. this
may include not only the M.D.,
but also the M.S. or Ph.D. in a
basic subject (anatomy, physiol-
ogy, biochemistry, microbiology,
genetics; pharmacology, etc.). We
can claim to have contributed to
the educational experience of the
dentistry student, the nursing stu-
dent, the public health student, :
as well as medical technology,
physical medicine, occupational
therapy, and hospital administra-
tion. I'm just getting well started
on the list but if students in
pharmacy or physical education
won't be offended, I will get on
with the argument.
We don't make or break any of
these programs in which we play
a role, and we can't claim them as
a product of the medical school,
though we would be proud to do
to. They are, in the last analysis,
products of a university and their
use of medical school facilities and
faculties is their use of a univer-
sity resource. The knowledge of
human anatomy which is requir-
ed of a football coach is quite
different than that required of a
surgeon. Yet a department of ana-
tomy is a repository for that
knowledge, and in this sense is

a department of a university.
A medical school is a setting
for the study of human biology.
Medicine can no longer be de-
fined solely in terms of the re-
quirements for an M.D. degree.
* * *
IT IS VITAL to the argument
to carry this point forward. Our
society has developed beyond the
point at which its definition of'
"medical service" is the "treat-
ment of disease." This would be
a big order in'itself, but now pre-
vention is a consideration of at
least equal importance.
Prevention may be defined as in
"prevention of smallpox" which
could be accomplished by vaccina-
tion 300 years ago but required a
continuing program of public edu-
cation and legislative action to be-
come even reasonably effective
today. People still die of smallpox
in this world. Or it could be de-
fined as "the prevention of people"
implying the control of birth rate.
We don't have the ideal answer
for this one yet, but there are
effective answers if they can be
brought to the people who need

munity" or "poverty pocket" and
the argument still holds good.
The basic point remains: the med-
ical needs of the world commun-
ity today take the best efforts of
many disciplines, cutting across
academic administrative boun-
daries with a fine impartiality.
* * *
MEDICINE or the health
sciences in isolation from the Uni-
versity? You might just as well
isolate the economist, or the bot-
anist or the political scientist.
What would the effect be on him?
He would be less effective in de-
veloping the basic knowledge of
his discipline, in training new dis-
ciples and in contributing to the
growth of the total educational
program. The economist in an in-
vestment banking firm or the psy-
chologist in industry might even
be accused of prostituting his
Does the fact that the literary
college provides course activity 'for
quite a number of people who
don't go on to a life long career
in University teaching or research
make it a "trade school?" I doubt

DR. JOHN R. G. GOSLING is assistant
dean of the Medical School. A member of
the University faculty since 1951-the year
after he received his medical degree from,
the University-Gosling was given the Uni-
versity's Distinguished Service Award in
1961. He is actively concerned in curriculum
matters, and is a member of the LSA-
Medical School liaison committee.

them. Incidentally, this one better
not take 300 years to be moderate-
ly effective. President Johnson
spelled out the need for effective
family planning as a part of an
attack on poverty and deprivation.
The concept might still be con-
troversial in some circles, but it
would be difficult to obliterate
poverty without it.
These are the issues our society
faces; therefore, they are the
issues that the University faces.
Medicine has contributed to solu-
tions, but the problems are not
the sole province of the man vvith
the M.D. degree. That is why, as
we look toward the future "Medi-
cine" becomes "Health Sciences"
and the M.D. becomes a part of
a system to which there are a few
other contributors.
CONSIDER, for example, a
question of the need for limiting
the birth rate in an emergent
nation. If you are to study this
effectively, determine need and.
delineate a program which can
be carried out effectively, you will
need economics, cultural anthro-
pology, sociology, psychology, geo-
graphy, political science, conser-
vation and resources, etc., simply
to understand the problem. The
knowledge of biology of repro-
duction is not based on "human
work" alone. The whole' field of
biologic science is involved in pro-
viding -the means of providing a
mechanism, and when you come
to him finally, the M.D. can con-
tribute to its development, appli-
cation and use, but the entire
range of related medical services
is involved even in this process.
No one discipline in this col-
lection can stand alone and ac-
complish anything notable. If you
examine tfie contributors, you
have' included a large segment of
an entire university. In' passing,
let me point out that for "emer-
gent nations" you may substitute
"metropolitan area of the United
States," or "isolated rural com-

it. Medicine is no different.
* * *
A PERSONAL definition of a
good medical school "product" -is
probably something that almost
everyone feels qualified to at-
tempt; at least a lot of people
do so under various headings: (i.e.
"What's Wrong with Medicine
Today" or "An Inside Look at
the A. M. A."). The -ideal code
is likely to be a mixture of the
Oath of Hippocrates and that of
the Boy Scouts with a few Scrip-
tural overtone to cover any pos-
sible omissions.
It is clearly desirable that the
physician be humane, honest, not
only in dealing with people but
also in dealing with science, and
moral in the fullest and broadest
sense of the word. He must have
sympathy for his patients' distress
and yet maintain objectivity in
dealing with it. He must be kind,
but he must be certain that his
patients fully understand the im-
plications of their illness. He must
be discreet, but he must uphold
the laws of the community. He
must function as a member of
that .community, yet he must be
available to those who need his
services at all times. Sometimes
he has a problem.
He certainly would have a great
many more problems than he
does, if he really did acquire his
professional background in a vo-
cational school setting.
skills is not enough. The body of,
knowledge on which medicine is
based is increasing at an almost
incomprehensible rate, and the
old formats are gone from medi-
cal education. While it was never
desirable, it may have been prac-
tical until recently to provide a
medical school graduate with 'a
body of factual information and
a collection of skills which he
could hold to be based upon re-
vealed truth. This knowledge
would enable him to practice

of f
a v

dicine and would change slow- license to practice.
enough that it lived almost as If he is grade conscious about
g as he did. To rely upon that getting in, he is equally grade
t of approach today would in- conscious about getting out again.
e that every graduate would be The result may not be disastrous,
rofessional anachronism within but it is certainly frustrating from
years. the viewpoint of a faculty, and it
our objective is a well educat- certainly is wasteful of the abili-
man, and in this we would ties that our students really
cept the definition of every possess.
)d liberal arts faculty for its * * *
duates, with the added con- WE IN MEDICAL SCHOOL, as
ion that he be professionally elsewhere in the University, define
mpetent. Come to think of it, I a student as really promising when
ven't seen a really first class he demonstrates the capacity to
inition of this sort in some see and move beyond the basic
ie. Can it be that my academic "degree requirements" because of
leagues experience some dif- his own need for comprehension
ulties with it? I would not pre- and satisfaction.
ne to define this paragon We shall begin to feel real
ong men, but it is possible to satisfaction only when everyone,
er a partial description, in students and faculty alike, comes
-ms of what is required to meet to recognize that medicine is in
professional competence part Integral part of our entire social
the definition. and academic structure, and that
* * * all knowledge is useful in the
FE SHOULD clearly be able to specific understanding and appli-
nprehend and communicate, cation of medical skills.
d at several levels with equal
e. Scholarship in medical What the man studies is of less
ence requires a basic vocabu- importance than how he studies
y of some size, and clear state- aeri seik comprehensio oacthe
nts of medical observations or terioal incterms of itsupace
soned expositions of excep- the total scheme of human af-
nal scientific merit are still fairs is perhaps the ultimate goal
e enough to be remarkable. Yet in 'medicine as in anything else.
s is not enough. To obtainin- To read Shakespeare in the light
mmation from a patient and to of medical knowledge is a reveal-
e information to a patient may ing experience, just as to practice
infinitely more challenging., medicine with the knowledge of
w many people who read this humanity that Shakespeare pro-
e been uniformly satisfied with' ides a scholar s to be a better
ability of their own physician" physician. Yet you canb"lean"
communicate under all cir- the experience. To study Kaiser
nstances? Wilhelm with medical knowledge
Further, the ability to do so sis to understand some things about
tjust a test of verbal skill. We history that are very possibly not
.We attainable in any other way; but
an increasing tendency in to appreciate the impact of med-
mathe matic ers observatios icine on personality and history
ly in the profession. Have is to be a more preceptive prac-
ly i th prfesson avetitioner of medicine.
ugh background in mathe- tI
tics, physics and chemistry to: In all of human history medi-
this effectively, yet it is clearly cine has prospered and declined in
direction of the future. At the direct relationship to the develop-
el of patient needs again, who ment of the sum of human schol-
sufficient training in psy- arly endeavor. It does not relate
logy or sociology or a sufficient just toscience but to the human-
tural understanding to meet ities and arts in equal measure.
s responsibility with uniformly The great periods of medicine in
h competence? Yet this is only Egypt and Greece were original
beginning. One can find evi- and creative. Roman medicine was
ice to support the contention like Roman art and science, and
t psysicians don't have a' suf- it remained for the Reaissance
ent background in political to produce new impetus. In all In-
~nce or economics or history in stances originality and real prog-
ariety of publications. We must ress in medicine have occurred
I to our definition of profes- only in environments where all
nal competence a better knowl- creative and scholarly efforts have
e of the community as distinct flourished.
i the individual. * *
* * * IT IS highly unlikely that we
'ERIIAPS the most important shall change the verdict of his-
se of the definition, also the tory. So long as medicine pro-
st difficult, is a positive at- gresses as a part of the larger
ide toward scholarshipas an scheme of human understanding it
i in; itself. We- :have, little. dif- will prosper, .but the man,,in.
ilty teaching those phases of medicine without that understand-
dical knowledge which have a ing is in desperate isolation and
ar bearing upon the immediate unable to influence his own des-
tical ;problems that confront tiny or the destiny of his profes-
individual student or physi- Sion. Under 'such circumstances'
n. We have considerable dif- , the trade school tag, with all that
alty in arousing interest in the it implies, would be justified, and
thods of derivation of that the result a foregone conclusion.
wledge or in speculation about NEXT WEEK:
ultimate implications. Robert C.Angell

The State's Scholarship Program

A BILL TO INCREASE the state scholar-
ship program to $2 million from its
present $500,000 level is receiving deserv-
ed bipartisan support in the Legislature.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor),
who originated the plan for a state schol-
arship program last year, is co-sponsor
of ,the bill along with Senate Majority
Leader Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit)
and 15 others. And Bursley maintains
that he could have gotten "twice as
many" sponsors for the bill, a sign that
the measure can get the support it needs
for passage.
The scholarship program Bursley orig-
inally introduced in the House last year
as representative from Ann Arbor called
for an appropriation of $300,000 to be
administered by the Michigan Higher Ed-
ucation Assistance Authority as a supple-
ment to their privately financed schol-
arship program. By the time the measure
was adopted in May, however, the appro-
priation had been upped to $500,000.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY reportedly was
going to maintain the program at its
present $500,000 level, but responded to
pressure placed on him by the state De-
partment of Public Instruction, as well
as by Bursley and other members of the
Legislature, and included a $1.5 million
appropriation to increase the program in
his budget request.
The $500,000 added to the governor's
request in the Bursley-Dzendzel bill is
recognition-at least in part-of the cry-
ing need for a much larger scholarship
program. Last year's $500,000 is providing
tuition grants for 1,277 students in Michi-

gan institutions, including 243 at the Uni-
versity, but there are at present nearly
17,000 students who meet the standards
for need and ability to qualify for the
A competitive examination is given to
all applicants as the basis for selecting
winners of the scholarships.
The scholarships can ,hen be used at
either public or private colleges in the
INDEED, one of the major reasons the
scholarship plan was adopted in the
first place was that through it, funds
could be provided to students who wish
to attend a private college, but wouldn't
otherwise be able to afford to. In this way,
some of the enrollment pressure can be
removed from the burgeoning public col-
leges and universities, as the private
schools increase their percentage of the
total higher education enrollment.
The scholarships, which cover tuition
up to $800 per year, are renewable for
four years as long as the recipient re-
mains a legal resident of Michigan, at-
tends an accredited institution within
the state, maintains a C average, submits
a yearly. renewal application and state-
ment of financial need and remains in
good standing at the school which he at-
Another important part of the Senate
bill calls for the awarding of "certificates
of recognition" to those who qualify for
the scholarships but don't receive one
because there simply aren't enough to go
around. Such certificates could be used
when applying for college admission, and
for other scholarships. In the event the

This is equally true for the
freshman medical student and
for the established practitioner of:
medicine. The preoccupation with
"the cold dope that bothers our
university colleagues, bothers us
just as much, and we are no more
successful in dealing with it. The
student, and hetis legion, who
views his university experience as
an obstacle course to be overcome
doesn't stop feeling this way when
he gets into medical school.
If he approaches a course in
English or history or biology as
something that has to be done to
get into medical school, he is
equally as likely to view a course
in biochemistry or work in ob-
stetrics as something that he must
get through in order to obtain a

A High
"PROGRESSIVES" on the city
council, dissatisfied with Ann
Arbor's reputation as the cultural
Harvard or the scientific MIT of
the Middle West, now want the
highest rising village west of Man-
--Senate Affairs
(A publication of the Senate
Advisory Committee on
University Affairs)



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Paris String Ensemble
Performs with Vitality

Chamber Orchestra, a string
ensemble of 12 young musicians,
performed Sunday evening with
rhythmic gusto and careful at-
tention to stylistic minutia.
The program began with a Gab-
rielli "Sonata in D major for
Trumpet," Adolf Sherbaum, solo-
ist. Professor Sherbaum's playing
fulfilled the requirements of the
sonata, but, because the musical
content of the piece proved to be
more diversion than substance, his
performance lacked interest. The
high, rigorous finale of the sonata
redeemed an otherwise colorless
A last minute substitution re-
placed a Haydn cello concerto
with the Vivaldi "Concerto in G
Minor for Two Cellos." Michel
Renard and Jean-Marie Gamard

not adequately display the group's
The Telemann "Trumpet Con-
certo in D major" was more chal-
lenging to Sherbaum's technical
forces. He met the challenges ad-
mirably, unsure in only a few
passages, and produced a lyric
tone well suited to the soprano
lines of the trumpet part.
1* * *
two modern compositions, Rous-
sel's neoclassic "Sinfonietta" and
Bartok's "Roumanian Dances."
Kuentz was more at home with
the Roussel, intensifying the la-
tent power of the twelve member
ensemble during the open-string
effects at the opening of the sin-
fonietta and at the sonorous cli-
max of the andante.
The Bartok was given a slick



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