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February 09, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-09

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A report envisioning a spe-
cial role for the literary col-
lege within a master plan for
state education, calling for a
shift of the college's education-
al focus and proposing restric-
tions on its growth was releas-

ed yesterday
committee of
lege faculty.

by the executive
the literary col-

The report, a "discussion"
document intended primarily
for consideration by the facul-
ty, reached the following con-

Document Passes
LSA Faculty Vote
The literary college faculty voted to accept the report of its
executive committee on the size and objectives of the college last
"Since this is an omnibus report touching on many facets of
the college, acceptance of the document clearly does not imply
approval of all its recommenda-"- - -- -
tions and appraisals," Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
explained. He added that dis-
cussion at last night's meeting'
centered on the issue of whetherU 4S 4
the college is equipped to handle

-The literary college need
not and should not expand as
rapidly as indicated by enroll-
ment projections made in an
Office of Academic Affairs re-
port, "The Growth of the Uni-
-The admissions rate for the
college should not be increased
beyond the figure planned for
1965 so that its total enroll-
ment will not exceed 11,800 in
1968. Moreover, any increase
must first be matched by cor-
responding increases in facul-
ty and physical facilities.
-Plans for literary college
growth should be based on the
special contribution that can
be made by the college within
a master plan for state educa-
tion which assigns different
roles to various types of insti-

Upper Level Growth
-Since freshman-sophomore
education can generally be han-
dled adequately by other in-
stitutions in the state, not-
ably the rapidly growing sys-
tem of junior and community
colleges, expansion of the lit-
erary college should take place
primarily at the junior, senior,
and graduate levels, contrary to
assumptions made in the OAA
-The literary college should
develop a program leading to
a masters degree in college
teaching to train people to staff
,Michigan's junior and commun-
ity colleges.
-Neither the new residential
college nor year-round opera-
tion will substantially ease en-
rollment pressure in the next
two or three years.

-Since the literary college
is the largest division of the
University and the major pro-
vider of "service" teaching for
other units, its capacity must
inevitably act as a "brake" on
projected expansion of other
schools and colleges.
Methods Revision
-Growth pressures must not
interfere with the quality of in-
struction, and the faculty
should study possibilities of
revising teaching methods and
-The administrative struc-
ture of the college should be
examined with the idea of
changing the existing organi-
zational pattern to improve
communication and increase
The report, an outgrowth of
several faculty discussions, was

prepared by the deans of the
literary college and the facul-
ty executive committee. It was
released under the signatures of
Dean William Haber, Associate
Dean James H. Robertson, As-
sociate Dean Burton D. Thuma,
Associate Dean William L.
Hays (committee secretary),
Prof. Deming Brown of the
Slavic language and literature
department, Prof. Angus Camp-
bell of the psychology and so-
ciology departments, Prof. Ar-
thur Eastman of the English
department, Prof. S. J. Elders-
veld of the political science de-
partment, Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
of the math department, Prof.
E. Lowell Kelley of the psychol-
ogy department, Prof. Samuel
Krimm of the physics depart-
ment and Prof. Charles Steven-
son of the philosophy depart-

Numbers Game
"The report seeks to get away
from the 'numbers game' in
enrollment projections and con-
centrates instead on educa-
tional goals and objectives,"
Haber said.
"At this stage it is' a recom-
mendation to the faculty. It
will no doubt be refined and re-
vised before being submitted to
the administration for consid-
3ration and appropriate action."
The report emphasizes the
need for coordinating the pro-
grams of all state colleges un-
der a master plan, with com-
munity and junior colleges as-
suming a much larger share
of the burden of undergraduate
By 1975, the report esti-
mates, there will .be 389,000-

474,000 students in state col-
leges. By then, community and
junior colleges can be expect-
ed to handle about 150,000 stu-
dents. In addition, private col
leges and the seven smalle
state universities will probably
take care of another 150,000.
University's Quota
This will leave 89,000-174,000
students to be divided among
the three major universities. Of
this number, the report cites a
range of 37,000-47,000 as rea-
sonable for the University, de-
pending on the expansion plans
of the other two large univer-
sities. This contrasts with the
OAA estimate of about 50,000
as a "desirable" enrollment for
According to the OAA pro-
jections, the expansion to 50,000
See UPPER, Page 2





as large a freshman class as is
planned for next fall.
"Several faculty members ex-
pressed the view that the college's
rapid rate of expansion has re-
sulted in a larger than desirable
proportion of teaching fellows and
junior faculty instructing under-
graduates," Haber said.
Action on a motion by Prof. Wil-
liam LeVeque of the mathematics
department concerning the growth
rate for the next several years
was postponed until next month's
meeting to allow time for further
consideration and possible revi-
sion by the faculty in light of the
committee report.
LeVeque's motion, first present-
ed at the last December's faculty
* meeting,. stipulated that the lit-
erary college hold its freshman
class to 3100 per year for at least
the next three years and restrict
admissions rate increases for the
fall of 1965 to 200.
* Commenting on issues discussed
in the report, Prof. Gerhard Wein-
berg of the history department
called the idea of a continuous
review of admissions policy "par-
ticularly promising."
"The decisions the University
makes when it does not get funds
necessary for its planned enroll-
ment are among the most impor-
tant," he said.
In this regard, he singled out
the report's suggestion that in-
adequate financial support in a
given year could be compensated
for by admitting fewer students
in the following year.
"It is dangerous for the Uni-
vei'sity to assume that state legis-
lators are unwilling to understand
the importance and high cost of
graduate level education," Wein-
b berg added.
"When we receive less money
than we need and continue to ad-
mit more and more students, we
look ridiculous. This leads to the
assumption that we generally ask
for more financialnsupport than
we need, which is not true."
Weinberg went on to say that he
was impressed with the stress the
report places on the University's
role in providing faculty for in-
stitutions of higher education.
Prof. James K. Pollock- of the
political science department em-
phasized the need to stop rapid
"Quality at the University has
been deteriorating to some ex-
tent," he said, "and under no cir-
cumstances should we permit
rapid expansion until we catch
c up with educational quality."
However, Prof. Wilfred Mc-
Keachie of the psychology de-
partment called for a flexible ad-
missions policy.
"A flexible attitude toward en-
rollment increases is essential to
ensure the enhancement of edu-
cational quality because, in some
cases, the chance of doing some
of the things we want to do may
be improved by increasing the size
of the student body."
McKeachie added that the or-
ganization of the college itself is
a truly essential issue, a topic
which was elaborated on by Prof.
Daniel Fusfeld of the economics
"The faculty should consider
developing a series of smaller
units such as the residential col-
lege," Fusfeld remarked.

Soviet union
Backs Hanoi
In Demands
Kosygin Warns of
Moscow-Peking Unity
WASHINGTON (jP) - Vietna-
mese and American warplanes
smashed at Communist troop
bases and anti-aircraft installa-
tions in North Viet, Nam again
yesterday and amid signs .the
United States will answer strike
for strike ;;any new assaults on
U.S. bases in the South.
At the sametime, the Soviet
Union demanded the U.S. stop;
aerial attacks on the Communist
A statement issued in the wake
of the two retaliatory strikes by
U.S. and South Vietnamese planes
said the Soviet government "fully
subscribes to the demand" of
Hanoi to stop the raids.
Such attacks on North Viet
Nam will force the Soviet Union
and its allies "to take further
measures to safeguard the secur-
ity and to strengthen the defense
capability" of North Viet Nam, the
statement declared.
Speaking at a Soviet embassy
reception in the North Vietnamese
capital, Russian Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin said that Russia, Red
China, North Viet Nam and other
Communist nations do not want
war, but "we must be vigilant."
Kosygin's remarks contained a
hint that Moscow and Peking
would bury their differences at
least for the limited purpose of
aiding North Viet Nam.
See Related Story, Page 3


gu14t iogan


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 114




Junior Women Given Apartment Pers,

'Parallel Privileges' While

in Dorms

Brown Offers

Tax Pl

Requirements: 54 Credits,


Romney Skirts Specifics..

"While the imperialists are
threatening the people of various
countries, our international duty
is to increase and consolidate the
strength and national defense po-
tential of the Communist com-
munity, close our ranks and help
the oppressed peoples who are
still struggling," Kosygin said.
As tension grew, American and
South Vietnamese military au-
thorities went to work to tighten
security in an effort to prevent
the kind of Communist attack
that triggered the retaliatory
Navy reconnaissance p 1 a n e s
flew over Dong Hoi, on the North
Vietnamese coast, to assess the
results of Sunday's raid there by
49 American jets.
More than a score of propeller-
driven South Vietnamese planes
rained bombs on three border 'in-
stallations earlier yesterday, in a
follow up to the Sunday assault.
They hit targets passed up Sun-
day because of cloud cover.
American jets went along yes-
terday to fire on Communist anti-
aircraft guns. The Pentagon said
flak suppression was their job.
Communist China agreed withl
Russia and said yesterday U.S.
and South Vietnamese air strikes
against North Viet Nam call for
retaliation and that Communist
Chinese "are waiting for you in
battle array."

Steps Outlined:
For Getting Out
Of Dormitories
With the approval of junior
apartment permission, sophomore
women now will be able to make
housing plans and sign leases for
the fall. Forms for obtaining writ-
ten parental permission for living
in off-campus housing will be dis-
tributed to prospective junior and
senior women in the residence
halls Feb. 17, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs announced yesterday.,
Junior and senior women under
21 years of age must have parental'
permission to live in off-campus
housing. Permission slips must be'
attached to the University resi-
dence hall contract cancellation
forms which will be distributed
later this semester, Mrs. Elizabeth
Leslie, associate director of stu-
dent activities and organizations
and coordinator of off-campusl

Fiscal reform plans submitted
by Senate Majority Floor Leader
Basil Brown (D-Highland Park)
received a cordial but somewhat
cool welcome from - Gov. George
Romney yesterday.
The governor said that he was
pleased to receive Brown's tax
reform program, but added that
he wants more evidence of broad
support for reform before he will
discuss fiscal specifics.
Brown's program includes the
basics from Romney's 1963 fiscal
reform package, and a graduated
income tax.
Senate Majority leader Ray-
mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) not-
ed that Brown presented his tax
revamping plan "strictly on his
own." Dzendzel said that neither
Brown's stand nor his program
necessarily "reflect the feelings of1
the majority party."
Fiscal reform was mentioned
"briefly and in a general way" in
a short meeting between legisla-
tive leaders of both parties and
the governor last night, according
to Brown. "We agreed to con-
tinue discussion on a bipartisan
level at a later date," he added.
Brown said that he plans now'
to carry his program back to
the Senate where he will try to
garner support for it from both
parties. "If I'm successful to any
degree, then I'll go back to the
governor and talk turkey," Brown
Both parties will be holding
their state conventions this week,I

these areas.I
Romney also emphasized school
needs as a reason for tax re-
form in commenting on Brown's:
fiscal reform plan.j
.The governor said that :e is
looking- beyond the Legislature
for support for fiscal reform, and
added that "education people have
a moral obligation to do nore
than just develop facts on need.
They have to help develop pub-
lic understanding on the need for
tax reform."
Commenting further on Brown's
proposal, Romney refused to .say
whether he could now endorse the

graduated income tax included in
Brown's plan. The new state con-
stitution prohibits the levying of
any but a flat-rate income tax..
Brown maintains that if the
Legislature were to pass his tax
plan, it could also pass a reso-
lution proposing an amendment to
the constitution which would al-
low a graduated tax.
Adoption of such a resolution
would be subject to approval of
the people of Michigan in a state-
wide election, after which, if it
passed, the graduated tax could
be substituted for the flat-rate

Parental Consent for Minors:
And Juniors Must Rent Only 'U'-Approved
City-Inspected Off-Campus Residences
. Junior women will be permitted to live in off-campus housing
starting this fall, it was announced yesterday by Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler.
"Parallel privileges" will be arranged for Junior women re-
maining in the residence halls, Cutler said. He said details would
be announced within "several weeks."
The new regulation extends to women who have 54 or more
academic credits. Formerly apartment permission has applied to
senior women and those over 21 years of age.
Two conditions are attached to the impending apartment per-
mission. Junior women, under 21 planning to move from the dormi-

Winter Weekend, Plans
Five-Fifths Merriment
As anyone passing through the Fishbowl can tell you, anyone
who has heard the raucous sales cry and the snap of returning yo-yo's
Winter Weekend is on its way.
The first "fifth of Myth' takes place at the Union Ballroom
on Friday, Feb. 12, from 3:30=5 p.m. With music supplied by "The
Darts" there will be a dance, highlighted by - a contest in which
couples will compete for record albums and free pizzas.
Friday evening, Winter Weekend will descend upon Hill at
8 p.m., with Skit Night. Prof. John J. Manning Jr. of the English
department will emcee the pro-
ceedings. Six fraternities, along .
with their "sister sororities for
the evening" will present skits to =<4:: :::<::::::: : :.::;::< :>::>:."::
be judged by Dean John Flower>
of the music school, Robert
Schnitzer, executive director of
the PTP, and others representing
the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, and .
the speech department.
Also included in the evening's
entertainment will be a chorus
line, choreographed by Toddie
Hogan, "The Friars," "The Va-
grants and a folksinger, "Loldie."-
Tickets for Skit Night will be on

tory system, must have writteno
parental permission. This rule
has been in effect for senior
women under 21.
Further, junior women will be
required to live in University en-
dorsed housing. Endorsed housing
must be certified 'by city inspec-
tors as meeting health and safe-
ty codes and must utilize a Uni-
versity approved rental agreement.
This condition does not apply to
senior women. According to Cut-
ler, "junior women are not as free
as senior women and this is one
way to express that."
The University-approved rental
agreement is a device for coop-
eration between 'the University
and realtors. Under such an agree-
ment, the University will act as a
mediator for a student in any
realty dispute. It will also see that
the student upholds his end of the
contract, and can withhold grades
if he fails to do so.
Students signing contracts for
the fall are advised by Cutler not
to enter into agreements, formal
or informal, for apartment dwell-
ings which are not completed as
these dwellings have not yet been
certified by the city.
Basic Philosophy
The present decision, Cutler ex-
plained is -an outgrowth of the
basic plilosophy of the Office of
Student Affairs that "freedom and
the development of responsibility
must go forward hand in hand."
"We intend," Cutler said, "that
students be allowed to live under
conditions which we mutually
judge to be beneficial to their ed-
ucational experience."
"The conduct of senior women
under the more liberal regulation
has been most encouraging," Cut-
ler said. "Our staff is unani-
mously convinced that junior
women possess the same capacity
for mature self-control, and we
want them to have the opportuni-,
ty to demonstrate it."'

City Disturbed
By Unertified
Housing Units
Ann Arbor City Administrator
Guy C. Larcom said in a formal
report last night at the City
Council meeting that "students
occupying uncertified apartments
is one of the major problems fac-
ing the University's off-campus
housing bureau."
At a previous council meeting,
it was suggested that such occu-
pancies be termed a violation of
the city's housing ordinance.
University officials are. report-
ed to have voiced satisfaction over
the way the city has coped with
the influx of students into off-
campus living quarters.
Larcom reported that since the
number of housing inspectors had
doubled recently, the number of
housing inspections have risen
from an average of 50 per month
to 115.
Larcom's report points out that
there are 2500 buildings in Ann
Arbor engaged in rental of one
type or another. Larcom also cit-
ed figures from October 1964, to
show that the city is taking great-
er and greater interest in the liv-
ing accommodations available to
Examining Larcom's plan, Fifth
Ward Democratic Councilman Le-
roy A. Cappaert suggested the pos-
sibility of forcing the landlord to
inform his prospective tenants of
any part of the building which is
in need of repair.
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner
said such a plan could very easily
bring legal difficulties, but prom-
ised to investigate similar propos-

housing said. and there is a good possibility
University Control that they may take stands )n the
All student cancellation slips tax reform issue, Brown maintain-
are filed in the off-campus hous- ed. He said that "the situation
ing bureau. In addition, the bu- looks much better now than it
reau receives copies of all Uni- did even two months ago."
versity rental agreements signed Brown also said that the gov-
by students. Since junior women ernor's $788.5 million budget will
are required to live in endorsed "probably be increased in same
housing, leased through Univer- areas" by the Legislature, ;hough
sity rental agreements, the office he wouldn't say whether he
will be able to match the slips and thought education was -ne ofI
rental agreements as a checking-

system. sale at Hill today, and there after
A list of endorsed housing will 'To Determ ine ' on the Diag.
be available in the off-campus Wines Field will be the site, of
housing bureau. However, all a ' C(D s the "third fifth," a series of events
student has to do is ask if a build- F e e to be held on Saturday morning
ing has been certified by the city at 9:30 a.m. A cheering contest,
and if it uses University rental Vice-President for Business and directed to a mythological god,
agreements, Mrs. Leslie said. Finance Wilbur Pierpont will de- patron of each house will preceed
If the building is certified, stu- termine today the fate of WCBN's the events.
dents can use University rental proposed $44,000 expansion pro- Next will be an ice-sculpting
agreements. If realtors are not us- gram. cnet nwihsedadce-
ing University rental agreements,' rtgcontest, in which speed and crea-
,,,, .,.rnn~r, -In +~, Pierpont is meeting with Chair-; tivity will be the key.

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