$4Ml~rhtgau Haagy
Se-v enty-Fifth Yeor
I {ri?~ Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin Do
The Governor's Budget Recommendation
by IM. Neil Berkson
ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNAitD ST., ANN Aiit, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail
NEWs PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Where Lies the Blame
For the Education School?
WHEN THE President of the University issues a special
statement concerning the governor's budget recom-
mendations he's either extraordinarily pleased or extra-
ordinarily worried.
Mr. Hatcher isn't pleased.
If Governor Romney doesn't revise his recommenda-
tions, the ensuing battle before the Legislature will be
the bitterest and most critical of the last ten years.
President Hatcher is clearly correct when he declares that
the $50 million proposed budget for 1965-66-$5.7 million
less than the Regents requested-"implies serious conse-
quences to the present and future of an institution of
the character and status of the University."
TRIMMING THE University budget requests has
become standard in recent years. Few people realize that
prior to 1957 the legislative and executive branches of the
state approved the University's requests virtually in toto.
The state's financial crisis began in that year, however,
and higher education was one of the first areas to suffer.
The University underwent seven consecutive seriously
restricted budgets until last year, when a substantial
budget increase halted the trend. The worst year was
1958-59: the University eliminated 207 faculty and staff
positions even though enrollment rose by 800. According
to AAUP statistics, the University's faculty pay scale has
dropped from 4th to 29th in the country since 1957.
But there is a significant difference between the earlier
budget problems and Governor Romney's latest action.
In the late fifties and early sixties the state was in a
financial tailspin-everyone suffered. Now the governor
actually has a budget surplus from last year-he has
made a conscious policy decision to provide the Univer-
sity with less money in proportion to other schools. (The
total budget for the 10 state schools and colleges averages
out to a 19.4 per cent increase per school. The Univer-
sity's increase was only 13.7 per cent.)
THE MOST disappointing aspect of the governor's
recommendations is the admission by one of his aides
that "head counts" was the primary factor in determin-
ing allocations. The University has argued for years that
sheer numbers don't determine costs, but it has appar-
ently' had as little success as the Council of Economic
Advisers has had in convincing the Congress that Keyn-
sian economics do indeed work.
No educator disputes the fact that for every dollar
spent to educate freshmen and sophomores, $3-4 must be
spent on juniors and seniors, $5 on M.A. candidates and
$6-8 at the graduate-professional level. The reasons for
this scale are obvious to everyone but the governor: a
smaller teacher-student ratio at the higher levels, more
expensive equipment involved, greater use of the ,li-
braries. Seventy per cent of the University enrollment is
at the junior level or above including 40 per cent in
graduate work. Michigan State-the only one of the 10
state schools and colleges with a larger total enrollment
and the only other one with "significant" graduatepro-
grams-has a 50 per cent freshman-sophomore enroll-
ment. Its budget increase was $1 million larger than ours.
If the state wants to change the character of the
University it should say so because a university of a dif-
ferent nature certainly could run on a $50 million budget.
But if only the gamesmanship of the governor's aides
has been involved, then President Hatcher is right in
calling for "more thoughtful and sophisticated appraisal
than appears to have been given in this recommendation."
Perhaps Governor Romney ought to stop running so
hard for other office and start worrying about the state.
OVER THE YEARS many a grave verbal
injustice has been done to the educa-
tion school. It has been said that quality
instruction and course material have been
seriously lacking. There were even rumors
a year or two ago concerning a possible
loss of accreditation instigated by a visit
of the national board of accreditation.
That the education school is not all it
should be considering the size and quality
of the University in general is a state-
ment of fact. But what are the reasons for
this deficiency?
In keeping with the recent budget con-
troversy monetary considerations are of
prime concern. The education school has
a total of eight classrooms alloted to its
exclusive use. It has no buildings. Admin-
istration offices are located on the sec-
ond floor of the South University branch
of the Ann Arbor Bank. And the teach-
ing aids, available are woefully inade-
IT WOULD SEEM that today with in-
creasing pressures for more and better
teachers education school appropriations
should receive prime consideration. How-
U111o1n Movies
PERHAPS AS PART of the anti-Butter-
field theatre effort, the Michigan Un-
ion and Women's League have begun to
show movies of fairly recent vintage in
the Anderson Rm. of the Union Saturday
nights for 25 cents.
Any effort to provide the campus with
both more variety and lower cost enter-
tainment is commendable. But not so
commendable are the titles these movies
will be shown under..
All.the movies are part of an "Academ-
ic Film Supplement." The first movie,
"Advise and Consent," is "Part 1" of the
supplement - "Political Science." The
trouble is, who wants to necessarily con-
sider that going to a show constitutes an
"academic supplement?" Even more, why
must every film fall into an academic de-
partment? Surely there are things to
learn outside of these departments, and
surely not everything in life must be de-
us all?
ever, such is not the case.
Much of the blame for the state of
the education school has been placed on
the faculty and staff. This blame in part
should be transferred to the 2200 stu-
dents enrolled in the education school. A
recent study conducted by the University
has shown that the median intelligence of
education school students is slightly low-
er than that of University students in
Whereas this in itself is not significant,
it would be wise to consider the motiva-
tions of education school students. Many
University students who have.nodefi-
nite. goals after graduation, no special
field of interest, no creative drive in any-
thing, find their way into the education
school. Seventy per cent of all Univer-
sity education school graduates never
teach. What could be more demoralizing
to an instructor than the knowledge that
he is wasting his breath on 70 out of
every 100 students?
MANY OF THE education school's prob-
lems can be traced directly to the
literary college. Counselors often discour-
age highly motivated potential teachers
from entering the education program be-
cause of its "bad reputation."
The average grade for elementary
physics in the literary college has for
many years been a D. This, of course, is
indicative of poor teaching, but because
of it many potential education majors in
physics become discouraged and switch to
another major. In the five-year period
between 1957 and 1962 the University
graduated only two qualified high school
physics teachers.
The corrective paths open to the edu-
cation school are limited. One possible
solution is to stiffen admission require-
ments and screen all applicants carefully
to determine motivation. However, this
hard-line policy would not only weed out
the 70 per cent dead wood but would also
eliminate some of the 30 per cent of pros-
pective teachers.
PERHAPS A BETTER solution would be
for the literary college to purge itself
of some of its personal prejudices con-
cerning the education school. If this were
done and increased funds made avail-
able, the education school might begin to
take the offensive in its hitherto defen-
sive battle against ignorance.
Washington's Changing Views on South Viet Nam
INDICATIONS are mounting in
Washington and Saigon that a
major United States policy change
involving Southeast Asia may be
in the making.
A series of apparent coinci-
dences help reinforce this notion.
McGeorge Bundy, the President's
assistant on national security, is
in South Viet Nam conferring
with General Nguyen Khanh. At
the same time, Soviet Premier
Alexei Kosygin is talking with
North Viet Nam's leaders in an
apparent bid for greater Soviet
influence in the nation.
Although these high-level con-
ferences are not directly related,
they indicate that major moves
are under way by the two leading
powers to unravel the increasingly
chaotic Southeast Asian situation.
KOSYGIN'S BID for increased
Soviet, influence is both -an at-
tempt to offset Communist China's
domination of North Viet Nam
and an attempt to keep tensions
in the area below the boiling
point. 'His visit to North Viet
Nam has been coupled with Soviet
"feelers" for a possible exchange
of high-level contacts with the
United States leading to a sum-
mit meeting late this year.
Up to now, Communist China
has been the major supplier of
military assistance to North Viet
Nam. Russia has shown increasing
signs of restiveness over Chinese
belligerence in Southeast Asia.
Mao Tse-tung's long-range. am-
bitions in the area were under-
scored by the recent reports that
a "liberation" front has been
openedr inThailand with Red
Chinese support-the first move
in an apparent attempt to topple
the pro-Western Thai regime.
Russia seems likely to offer
economic and military aid North
Viet Nam in order to counter Red
China's influence-but another
purpose of this aid may be to
prevent an escalation of the Viet
Nam war. Russia has given every
indication that it would dread a
direct Chinese-American or So-
viet-American confrontation in
the area. Kosygin thus may at-
tempt to convince Ho Chi Minh,
North Viet Nam's fiery leader,
that a negotiated settlement of
the Viet Nam problem would be
in the Communist interest.
* * *
'CONCURRENTLY there have
been indications that the United
States is becoming more receptive
to a possible negotiated settle-
ment of the conflict-as long as
the settlement takes into account
American interests. The official
reason for Bundy's trip to South
Viet Nam has not been announced,
but there has been growing senti-
ment in Washington in favor of
a face-saving method for U.S.
withdrawal from what is basically
an untenable position in South
Viet Nam.
Several influentialrsenators-
including Sen. Albert Gore, a
member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee-have issued
cautiously-worded s t a t e m e n t s
supporting the concept of a ne-
gotiated settlement. Sen. Mike
Monroney, upon returning from a
trip to South Viet Nam, declared
that a face-saving withdrawal
would be in the best interests of
the United States.
Several influential newspapers
such as the New York Times and
the Washington Post have edi-
torially suggested the possibility of
negotiations which would end the
armed conflict but guarantee
South Viet Nam's political inde-
pendence. The papers admit, how-
ever, that this goal may be dif-
ficult to achieve. They remember
the collapse of a similar arrange-
ment in Laos two years ago.
* * *
A RECENT public-opinion sur-
vey revealed that 90 per cent of
the Americans familiar with the
situation are highly dissatisfied
with U.S. policy on South Viet
Nam. While less than a third of
them advocate expansion of the
conflict, there is a distinct ma-
jority in favor of some kind of
nonmilitary compromise settle-
On the other hand, U.S. Army
officers stationed in South Viet
Nam feel that the U.S. still has
a chance to win the war against
the Viet Cong. "The military po-
sition is not so poor that we need
to accept an unfavorable nego-
tiated settlement," an official told
the Associated Press.
The Khanh regime in South
Viet Nam, influenced by the pow-
erful Buddhist population may be
highly receptive to suggestions for
a negotiated settlement. The
Buddhists have long contended
that negotiations between North
and South Viet Nam, with an eye
toward possible reunification of
the partitioned nation, would be
highly desirable
From Paris have come persistent
reports that contacts are already
under way between North' and
South Vietnamese officials. How-
ever these reports have been de-
nied by President Johnson and the
State Department.
* * *
OFFICIAL United States policy
still frowns upon the idea of
withdrawing gracefully from South
Veit Nam.
"The administration sees no
basis whatever for a negotiated
settlement under present condi-
tions. It concedes the situation is
chaotic and frustrating and that
much of Congress and the country
is fed up with pouring money and
men into a war which the United
States not only cannot seem to
win but cannot even control," high
officials ' told Associated Press
special correspondent John High-
At the same time, the impres-
sion is growing among well-
informed Washington officials
that the Red Chinese and North
Vietnamese are convinced they
are. approaching victory, a con-
quest which would give them much
greater power and influence
throughout Asia. These officials
say the Communist insistence that
the United. States should pull its
troops out of South Viet Nam
would amount to a U.S.-South
Vietnamese surrender, a condition
which would make a negotiated
settlement unacceptable.
* * *
NEVERTHELESS, the growing
sentiment among congressional
leaders and the public that the
U.S. is involved in a losing cause
in South Viet Nam may well lead
to a reappraisal of American
policy in Southeast Asia. The U.S.
is still determined not to leave a
strategic area which also includes
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and
Burma , open to Communist en-
croachment and eventual domina-
tion, but it seems to be realizing
that its present policy may lead
to defeat and humiliation.
Things More Important Than
Honor at the Academy
"WHAT IS HONOR? A word. What is in
;thatword honor; what is- that honor?
Air.... Honor is a mere scutcheon."
At the Air Force Academy scores of
cadets have been sacrificed for that airy
word which Shakespeare's Sir John Fal-
staff so thoughtfully ridiculed.
From the information which has been'
pried out of the secretive academy, it
seems clear that many cadets were forced
to resign because they had heard rumors
about exam stealing and had not report-
ed those rumors to proper officials. They
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN..............Personnel Director
BILL 1ULLARD.................... Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY......Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND:............Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER............. Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER. .........Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER. Contributing Editor
JAMES KESON .. ... Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: Lauren Bahr, David Block, John
Bryant, Robert Johnston, Michael Juliar. Laurence
Kirshbaum, Leonard Pratt.
Bigelow, Gail Blumberg, Michael Dean, John Mere-
dith, Barbara Seyfried. Judith Warren.
Business Staff
JONATHON R. WHITE, Business Manager
SYDNEY PAUKER.......Advertising Manager
JUDITH GOLDSTEIN ........... Finance Manager
BARBARA JOHNSTON .. Personnel Manager
were caught in the machinery of honor.
THE AIR FORCE public relations men,
who since the last war have outdone
those of every rival service in grinding
out rosy propaganda, are faced with a
mammoth whitewashing job, but they ap-
pear to be equal to the task. Much of the
editorial comment up to now has lauded
the Air Force for ridding itself of all
taint connected with the cheating.
But the image of the academy is of far
less concern than the reputation of those
who were sacrificed to public opinion be-
cause they had an inkling, but didn't
"spill it." They are not the ones who rifled
the exams and then sold them. They are
not the ones who bought the stolen tests.
They are the cadets who by chance
brushed against the evil and didn't snitch.
Their obligation to comrades overwhelm-
ed the academy's idolatry of honor. And
they are-ruined with the rest.
Honor keeps the system together but
murders many inside it. The Air Force
Academy applied the knife to its cancer
and removed the identifiable malignancy.
How much benign tissue went with it for
the sake of concept, 'a concept which
says a man should turn in his friend-
and himself-for the sake of the system?
Hail to the organization, the group, the
corps. Forget the individuals who com-
prise it.
IF THERE IS A HERO in the sordid Air
"c... Blti * %ta'f?. Thio. In The Face Of Sap rito
Forces, Brougit Down A President, Three
Cabinet embers .And . ..
SINCE CONNIE STEVENS left "Hawaiian Eye" her public has not
seen much of her. So Warner Brothers has whipped up a little
flick to remedy the situation, namely "Two on a Guillotine." Clearly
it was never intended to be a cinemagraphic masterpiece.
However, as a mit of "pre-chewed" entertainment it is fairly
successful. It does not challenge anyone, but if you just want a lite
light horror to take your mind off those fast approaching midterms,
"Two on a Guillotine" can be somewhat enjoyable.
The story concerns a magician, Cesar Romero, who swears he
will return from the dead. To facilitate this little feat he leaves every-
thing to his only living relative (who is supposed to be more in tune
with him than anyone else, or something). This relative is his
daughter, played by Connia Stevens, whom he has not seen in twenty
However, to get his $300,000 estate she must stay in his booby-
trapped old mansion for seven nights during which time he "will
contact her." So with the help of a friendly reporter, Dean Jones,
she moves into the "haunted" house. Naturally there are many
"spine-tingling" moments as Jones and Miss Stevens wander through
the poorly lit old house night after night.
AS MIGHT BE EXPECTED, technically there is nothing excep-
tional in this movie. Camera work, costumes and so on are all run-
of-the-mill. The picture is even in black and white.
Aonvemt oe tphinn$ 30,0m eite wel the actin is enerayv
Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
mitted a record $788.5 million
general fund budget to the Legis-
lature this week-and set off a
flurry of excitement among edu-
cators, lawmakers and S t a t e
Board of Education members.
The controversy centered in the
governor's $168.6 million request
for higher education-a figure
many officials consider too low.
The governor asked a $50 million
appropriation for the University-
$5.7 million less than the Univer-
sity's original request.
The governor's budget made no
provision for expansion of the
University's branch at Flint. In
addition, Romney advised against
the opening of a two-year medi-
cal school at Michigan State Uni-
versity and the establishment of
a four-year branch of Michigan
TechnologicalUniversity at Sault
Ste. Marie-
UNIVERSITY President Harlan
Hatcher revealed serious concern
over Romney's recommendations
for the University next year and
said he would carry his case to
the Legislature.
"This recommendation . . . im-
plies serious consequences to the
present and future of the institu-
tion of the character and status
of the University," the President
charged. He declared that the
University's projected 13.7 per
cent increase in funds (compared
to an average 19.4 per cent for all
10 state schools and colleges)
would leave it ill-equipped. at the
graduate-professional level and
would disrupt year-round oper-
ations plans.
T_- ..v _.4- -- - -.,-
Senate floor leader Basil Brown
(D-Detroit) noted shortly after
the budget was anounced that the
Legislature will probably make
additional appropriations from
the state's surplus funds rather
than cut the governor's request as
is the usual practice.
The cut in recommended appro-
priations for the University was
attributed by a Romney education
aide, Charles Orlebeke, to the
"challenge of numbers."
* . *
A RISING number of students
"has to be provided for in the
state's higher education system,
and consequently, the governor
gave fund priority to those insti-
tutions doing the most to absorb
them," Orlebeke said. Of the 13,-
000 more students which will
flood the state's higher education
system next fall, the University
anticipates adding only 1800."
Members of the State Board of
Education have condemned this
"heat count" system for deter-
mining higher education appro-
priations, saying that consider-
ations such as the higher cost of
graduate and professional pro-
grams should be taken into ac-
count as they have in the past. A
former Regent has described the
"head, count" method as "crude
and inaccurate."
Certainly there must be better
ways to determine apropriations
for the state's schools and col-
leges. With a $100 million gener-
al fund surplus in state monies,
Romney ha.s no cause to call for
an austerity budget for higher
education. Hopefully, state legis-
lators will revise the education
budget upwards and prevent what
might well be cause for a second
tuition hike at the University in
four years.
* * *
The Week in Review
The Appropriation Fireworks
Office of Religious Affairs.
The writer-in-residence would
bring Louis E. Lomax, -scholar,
writer and humanitarian, to the
campus for a three-week period
next year. The expense would run
over $4000. Several student groups
have already made pledges toward
absorbing the cost of the program.
Lomax would deliver several
major speeches, appear in classes
where requested and spend the re-
mainder of his time in a central
location accessible to students for
informal discussion.
THREE organizations - the
Office of Residence Halls, Assem-
bly House Council and IQC -
are working to prevent another
overcrowding crisis in the fall of
1965 comparable to the one expe-
rienced last year. The groups are
warning students in advance
about the possibility of overcrowd-
ing and are assessing residence
hall rooms to find the optimum
capacity of each.
SGC, investigating the condi-
tion of off-campus housing, voted
Wednesday to recommend that
the University agree to enforce
the terms of a student rental
agreement no longer than the
academic year of a student-
tenant. In most cases this would
mean that leases would be en-
forceable only for an eight-month
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to congratulate
the management of the Butter-
fiel1 Theatres thev're a smart