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'C r 1101galt Patty
Seventy-Fifth Year
Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
College Editors and Dull Commercial Press
by H. Neil Berkson
dnions Are F 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mrc.
Witt Prevail
NEWs PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Academy Cheating Penalty
Should Fit Degree of Crime
empathize with the cadets who have
recently been forced to resign from the
Air Force Academy.
Upwards of one hundred have been
kicked- out so far. All of these cadets
cannot have been guilty of the same de-
gree of cheating. It is inconceivable that
the uniform penalty-dismissal from the
Academy-fits the different crimes in-,
It is a far cry from stealing and at-
tempting to distribute examinations to
refusing to reveal that one's friend had
unsuccessfully tried to peddler one, for'
DISMISSAL was the correct action In
the cases of those selling or buying
exams. Cheating as blatant as that 'de-
serves to be rewarded with the most se-
vere punishment a university can mete'
But who can condone this same ulti-
mate penalty for those less actively in-
No one involved, however tangentially,
should be excused. When anyone enters
a college with an on-going honor system
he accepts the conditions of that honor,
system when he decides toattend. Aca-
demic honesty should not be. subject to
negotiation as social rules and terms of
employment seem to be.
ACCEPTING the university's ultimate
authority in, this realm, however,
should not be interpreted to mean that
university officials should refuse to make
the punishment fit the crime. Wouldn't
a reprimand be closer to the degree of in-
fraction in some cases than expulsion?
Yet more is involved here than a uni-
versity trying to uphold its academic
integrity. The Academy is not an ordi-
nary school, but the training ground of
the future Air Force elite. Air Force offi--
cials may well argue that when honor is
involved, especially the honor of a man
whose country may place ultimate trust
in him in the future, a breach is intoler-
Perhaps a difference exists in the na-
ture of the cadets' future responsibility
that merits special, extreme action when
his integrity is violated in any way. Nev-
ertheless, their responsibility will not be
any greater than that of Sen. Edward
Kennedy, who allowed a friend to take a
Spanish exam for him while he was at
Harvard. This man may be a future presi-
PERHAPS HARVARD should have done
more than merely suspending him for
a semester or two. Perhaps an attempt
should have been made to ruin his life.
Perhaps. But judging (future) public
officials' actions on a moral plane far
above that of the society has long been a
fault of American society. Apparently it
will continue in the "great society.",
For an honor code to work immoderate
deviations must not be permitted to oc-
cur without severe penalties. Minor in-
fra tions can be treated apart from ma-
j or violations, however, without destroy-
ing the honor system.
NON-MILITARY institutions, such as
Oberlin College, manage to have a suc-
cessful honor system without resorting to
wholesale interrogation and universal dis-
missal of those involved in a violation.
Can the Air Force Academy?,
NEW YORK-Few groups are stranger than a bunch
of college editors. Two hundred fifty of them are
gathered here for the seventh annual conference on
national and international affairs, and for the next
few days University issues will be forgotten as the war
on poverty, emerging Africa, the disintegrating Atlantic
Alliance or Southeast Asia become a focus of discussion.
This large collection of working journalists includes
the crazy and the dull, the intelligent and the obnoxious.
In the opening session on Friday night, the distinguished
New York Times writer and editor, Harrison Salisbury,
was left somewhat shattered by antagonistic editors on
both the radical right and radical left. Salisbury, who'
predicted the Sino-Soviet schism as far back, as 1959-
long before any other observer of Soviet affairs, was
openly accused of being "naive" by one college editor.
NEVERTHELESS, in this encounter between the
student and professional press, I am struck as I was
last August at the Congress of the United States Student
Press Association, by the tremendous vitality of the
former as opposed to the relative sterility of the latter.
The student press in the country has developed to
a significant extent over the last 10 years. Individual
newspapers have acquired a growing sophistication in
both a technical and nontechnical sense. The achieve-
ments of content are particularly important: college
papers have learned to cover their campuses more
thoroughly in depth and in breadth.
The Daily serves as an example. As late as the
early 1950's our paper did a very superficial job of
covering the University, running a disproportionately,
heavy amount of wire service news. Since 1953 The
Daily has expanded coverage in all three major areas
of the University: student rules and regulations, ad-
ministrative policy and academic policy. At the same
time, writers have moved to provide more, and more
thorough news and editorial analysis of issues affecting
the community.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, we have not been without
problems, but I cite these general trends only because
they are indicative of the student press as a whole.
Even as The Daily seeks to publish the meaningful course
description booklet (in the most direct attempt yet to
bring influence to bear on academic policy), other
newspapers and newspaper editors are seeking to estab-
lish seminar's in this area at the national level.
The fact that there is a channel at the national level
-the United States Student Press Association-is an-
other indication of the growth of the college press. Non-
existent three years ago, USSPA has grown from 20
to more than 200 papers and has given editors across
the country a chance to exchange both ideas and
information. The significance of the organization is
that it was created and is run by students. These same
students should have a significant impact on the worm-
eaten commercial press within the next 15-30 years.
The college press is growing: its professional counter-
part is standing still.
THE EVIDENCE condemns this professional press in
every way. Readership is declining; sensationalism and
distortion are the rule; protection of special interest is
rampant; a commitment to finances dominates the
editorial courage; superficiality blankets virtually every
effort to explain important events.
The so-called establishment of the commercial press
-particularly dominated by the monopoly chain-leaves
little room for self-correction. The world of big news-
papers is primarily a status quo world. Certain excep-
tions exist, but few college editors that I have known
could accomplish much within this press without com-
promising a good part of their integrity.
The question then becomes whether or not the
country can accept the commercial press as now con-
stituted. Established papers may offer little opportunity \
for improvement, but there is little reason why new
papers cannot and will not be formed. While the ex-
penses of such an enterprise may be depressing, the
need is overwhelming and will be met. Moreover, it will
be met by college editors. They may not realize it yet,
but many of them will foment no less than a revolution
in the newspaper world.
Various Environments of the Community College
Interdisciplinary Hoax
Flexibility describes the relation of the University and Flint Junior College
is a big hoax. Or rather, it's not all
it's claimed to be.
Originally, the interdisciplinary move-
ment, involving studies which cut across
former academic divisions, was seen as
the highest expression of the liberal edu-
cation tradition. One must have a flexi-
ble and unfettered mind to be able to
work in two fields instead of just one.
But something went wrong. Today, the
interdisciplinary movement represents
the most thorough specialization found
in universities instead of the generaliza-
tion it should be.
THE REASON is as follows. Suppose we
have field A and field B. Then our so-
called interdisciplinary movement would
yield A-ical B. (Note that we could also
have B-ical A, but not both. For instance,
there is mathematical economics, but,
not economical mathematics.) But A-ical
B consists not of A, B, and A and B, but
only of A as applied to B. What comes
out is the intersection of the fields A and
B (that is, all studies common to both A
and B, and thus specialization) instead of
the union of A and B (that is, all studies
which are a consequence of A or B or both
together, and thus generalization).
Certainly a course based on both A
and B is justified, But it is academic
superfluity to create a whole new field
which is contained in both A and B.
The fault does not lie with the pioneers.
It was their ability to look at both A and
B and see virgin territory in their union
that led to the establishment of A-ical B.
It is, instead, the fault of those followers
who are unable'to see beyond the isolated
corner of both A and B.
the direction of generalization becomes
subverted and twisted into a move back to
in Review
Third of Four Articles
DESIRABLE as the many types
of community colleges might
be, there are nonetheless prac-
tical problems involved in their
organization and creation. There
are also different motivations for
the creation of different colleges,
and they effect the type of in-
stitution each eventually becomes.
For example, Grand Valley State
College is located in a relatively
prosperous area and is close to
several large cities, notably Grand
Rapids and Muskegon. Given this
environment, it is only natural
that the college should empha-
size the liberal artsucurriculum
which it does, and exclude more
vocationally oriented subjects.
On the other hand, the proposed
Cass County college is in an area
with no outstanding industries or
urban centers. So it is normal that
the college's curriculum should.
tend to vocational subjects.
THE SPECIFIC outcome of dis-
cussions on such topics as the site
of the proposed college or the type
of course to be emphasized is
often the outcome of disagree-
ments between locally influenti
groups or individuals. Oakland
county's community' college,' for
instance, was established only af-
ter a long civic battle between
groups, each of which favored dif-'
ferent sites and curricula.
Sometimes the disagreements
about the colleges have been on
a jurisdictional level. An example
is the proposed Gogebic Commun-
ity College in Michigan's Upper
Peninsula. A community college
already exists in neighboring Iron
County, and who is to say wheth-
er or not that college is sufficient
for the area's needs?
The local level on which such
issues are decided is emphasized
In this case by the motivating lac-
tor of two recent mine-closings
in the area and the subsequent
need for retraining many adults.
DESPITE the widespread need
for community college facilities
(there are now some 20 counties
in Michigan having more than
20,000 inhabitants but no college
of any kind), there still remains
a great deal of local inertia to-
ward the creation of community
colleges. Psychologically, it's much
easier for the local community to
ignore the matter altogether.
Several of Michigan's already-
Focus on the Undergraduate.
existing institutions have taken
it upon themselves to aid the
solution of this problem either by
setting up branches of the par-
ent college in areas which need a
community college or by them-
selves offering courses to serve the
local need.
The state's example of the lat-
ter is Michigan Technological Uni-
versity at Houghton with its
branch campus at Sault Ste. Ma-
rie, both in the Upper Peninsula.
The Upper Peninsula now has only
one community college, the small-
est in the state at Ironwood. The
proposed Gogebic college would in-
crease this number to two.
AND SO, to aid this local need,
Michigan Tech, while not down-
playing its normal science and en-
gineering curriculum, is offering
courses normally found at a small
community college.
A liberal arts program is to be
initiated at the Houghton cam-
pus this fall and a four-year pro-
gram in business administration
will be begun at Sault Ste. Mari
at the same time.
AN EXCELLENT example of the
branch solution to the communi-
ty college problem is the Univer-
sity's. branch at Flint, soon to be-
come a four-year college. Flint
had its own junior college for
some time prior to the establish-
ment of the University's branch
But in 1954 many Flint citi-
zens realized that even the pro-
posed expansion of that college
would leave the Flint area edu-
cationally lacking.
So Flint leaders invited the Uni-
versity to establish an upper di-
vision college (junior and senior
years) at Flint to complement
Flint's freshman-sopohomore col-
lege. This was done in 1956, with
the Flint community college of-
fering the first two years and the
University's branch the last two,
of the total four-year curriculum.
* * *
YET EVEN this was not enough
for Genesee County's burgeoning
population (slightly under 400,-
000). So the Flint Board of Edu-
cation requested the University to
add the freshman and sophomore
years to its branch, making it a
complete four-year institution.
Despite opposition, plans for ex-
pansion are being completed. The
University plans to enroll some 200
freshmen at Flint this fall.
What we normally think of as
functions of community colleges,
therefore, are currently being han-
dled by institutions which are, in
fact, not much like community
TUESDAY: T h e communi-
ty college-an adequate solution
to America's educational prob-
Associate Managing Editor
Consider the Passenger
WHAT IS THE MATTER with American
railways? Don't they ever consider the
Despite all the negative thinking since
the low period of 1958, railroad passenger
service is still big business. The latest
available figures show that in 1963 over.
$1 billion was paid out for the use of pas-
senger trains.
In"1958, an Interstate Commerce Com-
mission examiner, Harold Hosmer, pre-
dicted, "If railroad passenger miles (oth-
er than commuting) continue at the aver-_
age rate of reduction between 1947 and
1957, the parlor and sleeping-car service
will have disappeared by 1965 and the
coach service by 1975."
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN ..............Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD. ...... .....Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY .......... Assistant Managing Editor-
IT IS OBVIOUS now that this prediction
has been proven invalid. Since such
is the case, let railway companies take
The Ann Arbor train station is used
probably as much as the bus station, yet
it does not boast even the one porter that
the bus station has. Moreover, the station
is in disreputable condition. The one
baggage cart looks like an unserviceable
manure wagon.
.Customers are actually discouraged not
only by the appearance of the train
station, but by the fact that the telephone
is frequently out of order or else is left to
ring unanswered.
MOREOVER, although the bus station
provides 24-hour information service',
the train station closes at midnight, and
after that it is necessary to call Detroit.
Of course, the Ann Arbor station does
not want you to feel that they are suffer-
ing from any lack of business. So instead
of spending their money to clean up the
station, they run a two-car train back and
forth in back of the station for no appar-
ent purpose except perhaps to provide
Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
T HE ROLE OF the undergradu-
ate in the University commun-
ity-his educational and non-aca-
demic experience - was the major
focus of happenings here this
The issue of the undergraduate
ranged from "a proposal by Mich-
igangState University President
John Hannah to limit freshman-
sophomore enrollment to 40 per
cent of the total enrollment to the
Office of Student Affairs discus-
sions on granting apartment per-
mission to junior women.
Somewhere in between was a
futile SGC effort to jump on the
out-of-gas bandwagon of price
hikes at the city's three Butter-
field theatres.
THE DETROIT-based firm, un-
willing to meet with SGC, describ-
ed by letter the reason for the
$.25 admission increase: "Butter-
field's management decision to
raise prices in Ann Arbor was
based solely on the economic fac-
tors involved."
So SGC urged more boycotts,
attempted to make some form of
cheap movies available, a n d
agreed to contact the Regents
urging them to get rid of the Uni-
versity's stock in the company.
In the meantime, even student
activists seemed to forget about
picketing the theatres, and other
students kept flocking through in-
creased-admission gates.
A DECISION by the OSA on
apartment permission for junior
women is expected within 10 days,
Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler said this week.
But he strongly denied rumors
that the decision was already
made in favor of granting the
Currently senior women with
parental consent and women over
21 have automatic apartment per-
mission. Any change in the pres-
ent policy would come too late to
enable sorority women to move out
of their houses.
According to a poll taken by
dations made to Cutler is a plan
to extend key permission to jun-
iors and allow those women with
key permission to leave their resi-
dences after closing.
In a move that caused consider-
asble consternation among mem-
bers of the Assembly House Coun-
cil, Director of Housing Eugene
Haun issued a statement last week
requiring executive officers of
AHC to live in residence halls.,
AHC President Maxine Loomis,
'65N, said, "It is unheard of for
the administration to set qualifi-
cations for members of AHC and
other student organizations."
Haun later said he didn't really
mean the statement as an ulti-
matum, but was concerned with
its basic idea.
* * *
HANNAH'S proposal to limit
undergraduate enrollment w a s
made last week in his "State of
MSU" message. He urged a 40 per
cent limit on the ratio of fresh-
man-sophomore to total enroll-
ment. (The University's fresh-
man-sophomore ratio is about 28
per cent.)
MSU's undergraduate enroll-
ment is presently a towering 82
per cent. (The University has 57
per cent and -Wayne State has 71
per cent undergrad enrollment.)
Hannah wants the extra fresh-
men and sophomores not admit-
ted to be diverted to community
colleges. But the state's 18 com-
munity colleges - many of them
barely off the ground-just can't
handle the numbers Hannah's
plan envisages.
IN A SEEMING reversal, the
newly-elected State Board of Edu-
cation isn't presently concerned
with the financial problems of the
state's higher educational system.
This is what Central Michigan
President Judson Foust reported
this week after a Lansing meeting
of the state board and members
of the Michigan Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
Many members of the state
board previously said they felt the
board would either recommend
individual institution's budgets to
the governor (a plan favored by
*,r&d~v4- fl NRrhr)nr ,v. AQiver a
vague. And Foust's statement
makes it even more cloudy.
IFC stiffened its guilty verdict
against Trigon fraternity, accused
of religious discrimination by IFC
two weeks ago, by setting a Sept.
1 deadline for revision of Trigon's
ritual or face possible expulsion
from the fraternity system.
Another encouraging manifesta-
tion of the growing concern for
the undergraduate is the estab-
lishment of a special student-fac-
ulty-administrative committee to
discuss the role of the undergrad
at the University. The idea origi-
nated from SACUA's Student
Relations Committee.
The committee intends to study
the whole question of the desir-
ability of student participation in
University affairs. With Prof. Mar-
vin Felheim of the English de-
partment as tentative chairman,
the committee will also be com-
posed of undergraduates and grad-
uate students. The committee
wants to develop workable ma-
chinery for presenting student
grievances to the University.
Kara an-Solid Display
HERBERT VON KARAJAN and progressingly larger segments of
the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra played a program of master-
works last night in Hill Aud.
From 1717 until his appointment as cantor at Leipzig in 1723,
J. S. Bach was employed as court conductor by Prince Leopold of
Anhalt-Coethen. This period produced the majority of Bach's secular
works, among them the well-known Suites for Orchestra.
Strings, continuo, and solo flute are used in the Second Suite.
Containing a rewarding flute part, the only strict canon in the
suites, and two of Bach's few Polonaises, this *ork is one of the best
and most interesting of Bach's chamber music.
* * * *
ADOPTING the baroque practice of conducting from the harpsi-
chord, Karajan led a small orchestra in a graceful and sensibly paced
performance. Flute soloist Karl-Heinz Zoeller displayed a full-tone
impressive technique, and sound musicianship.
Mozart's Symphony 29 in A, K. 201, together with two other
symphonies composed in late 1773, in contrast to the light "Italian"
style of his earlier symphonies, is characterized by an increase in
seriousness, more rigorous developmental procedures and broader slow
Considerably augmented in size, the Berlin Orchestra produced
: .
,Aid Pla'"n
To the Editor:
A MOST ACTIVE schedule has
delayed my writing Laurence
Kirshbaum about The Daily ar-
ticle regarding the Opportunity
Award Program last September.
The article is a comprehensive
summary of this particular pro-
gram, as well as the summer pre-
college program which was con-
ducted last summer.