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January 30, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-30

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See Editorial Page



Low- -5
Cold with scattered snow
flurries in mid-afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom





Increase Congress
Test ng'Supports
g'VNw Hill

Quang Tells U.S. 'Hands Off'

SAIGON (I)-Trich Tri Quang
was reported to have laid it on
the line to United States politi-
cal officers yesterday he wants

cers in the first such conference threw out Huong and seized power
between Americans and ranking again.
Buddhists since the hierarchy Though they have been openly
started its final drive against critical lately of each other's views

WASHINGTON ()-The United States is preparing even bigger
explosions in its underground nuclear testing, still keeping within
the-terms of the limited test ban treaty.
The Atomic Energy Commission disclosed this yesterday in its
annual report, revealing also that the equipment and plans for
swift resumption of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons are
essentially completed and ready for use if the pact is violated by
any nation.
The treaty prohibits atmospheric, outer space or surface tests
of nuclear devices. It permits underground detonations if there is
+,'nn Acrana o~~f r riafi n~i m

_. _ . - ;


Police Foil
Rebels' Plot
In Malaysia
-Destruction of an Indonesian-
inspired plot to promote armed
revolution in Malaysia 'was an-
nounced by federal police yester-
Three Malaysian political lead-1
ers who oppose Prime Ministeri
Tunku Abdul Rahman's policies,i
were charged with conspiring to;
slip into Indonesia and set up a
rebel government in exile as part
of President Sukarno's campaign
to crush this British-backed anti-
Communist federation.
All three were arrested latej
Thursday, completing a roundup
launched with four arresst Tues-
day, The International Security
Act permits indefinite detentionf
without trial.E
Police identified the accused
politicians as Dr. BurhanuddinE
A-Hemi, president of the Pan
Malaysian Islamic party; Abdul
Aziz Bin Ishak, president of the
National Convention party; and
Ishak Bin Haji Mohamed, former
chairman of the Socialist Front.
A police communique said se-E
cret documents showed all three'
had been "in secret contact with
R. M. Soenita, an Indonesian in-
telligence officer . . . from whom s
they received large sums of
money." They were reported pre-
paring to leave the country next
Both the Socialist Front and the
Islamic party, a fanatic Moslem
organization, are known to have
pro - Indonesian leanings. T h e
prime minister once described
them as "the disloyal opposition."
The Convention party is alignedt
with the Socialist Front.c
Indonesia is known to have or-
ganized what it calls a volunteer1
Malaysian national army to helpE
in its fight against Malaysian and
British armed forces guarding the
In announcing the first four
arrests Tuesday, police charged
that the detainees "recruited and
sent a number of Malaysians to
Indonesia for guerrilla and sabo-
tage training."
The arrests are expected to stir
protests from opposition groups.
But these would have little if any
effect on Rahman's ailliance gov-'
ernment. It controls four-fifths of
the 159-seat house of representa-
tives, the key lawmaking body.
Pick Director
Of Water Lab
H. D. Poston has been appointed
director of a $2 million water
pollution control laboratory to be
built on the University's North
Campus, it was announced by
Gordon G. McCallum, chief of. the
Division of Water Supply and Pol-

no escape of radioactive contam-
ination beyond the local area or
the territorial limits of a coun-
Russia recently conducted an
underground test from which ra-
dioactive traces in the air were de-
tected outside that country's boun-
daries. Moscow, answering an in-
quiry by the United States, was
reported to have said this resulted
Bigger Bombs
During 1964, the United States
conducted 29 underground tests,
ranging in yield from a few up to
the 200-kiloton category, the com-
mission reported.
The AEC said bigger, deeper
test caverns are being installed in
the Pahute Mesa area of the Ne-
vada test station. One of them
is, being bored to a 13,670-foot
depth-which will permit carrying
-out "higher yield underground
Less Earth Shock
Studies have shown that the
geological formations in the high
and remote Pahute Mesa area
"may not transmit earth shocks
to off-site communities as read-
ily as would formations at the
more accessible parts" of the Ne-
vada test station, the report said.
Caverns, or rooms, at the bot-
tom of the drilled holes have been
excavated up to 900 cubic yards in
size," the AEC said.
This means that not only will
there be ability to use bigger de-
vices but to improve the decoupl--
ing techniques. In decoupling, the
device is suspended free of di-
rect, hard contact with the cav-
ern walls. This dampens the trans-
mission -of earth shock to the
surrounding terrain.
Study Concealment
Several objectives are sought
in decoupling, including a reduc-
tion of damaging shock to com-
munities outside the test site and
providing a place for studying
techniques which might be used by
any country for concealing under-
ground testing by reducing or
eliminating the tell-tale seismo-
graphic waves.
In discussing the nuclear wean-
ons program during 1964, the AEC
"Among significant weapons de-
velopment objectives were a pro-
gram to increase the hardness and
penetration capability of missile
warheads so that their vulnerabil-
ity to enemy anti-ballistic missile
counter-measures is decreased:
and, the development of relative-
ly 'clean' (less radioactive fallout)j
nuclear explosives for both stra-
tegic and tactical use, as well as
for peaceful applications.
"Also, during the year, signifi-
cant tests in the areas of nuclear
safety and nuclear efficiency were
conducted. Modernization of the
stockpile through new production,
and modification to existing weap-
ons was achieved. Development
continued toward the objective of
providing improved devices for
installation in nuclear weapons to
p r e v e n t unauthorized employ-


WASHINGTON ()-A chorus of
bipartisan support arose yesterday
for swift congressional approval of
a constitutional amendment to
establish procedures for filling
vice-presidential vacancies and in-
suring continuity of presidential
Its volume far exceeded dis-
sents which included the express-
ed fear that the proposed presi-
dential disability procedures might
make possible a coup d'etat to un-
seat an unpopular President.
Foremost among favorable wit-
nesses before a Senate judiciary
subcommittee were Nicholas Katz-
enbach, the newly designated At-
torney General, and Herbert
Brownell, who filled that cabinet
post under President Dwight D.
Public Hearing
Under examination in the public
hearing was an amendment spon-
sored by Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind)
and 75 other senators.
Bayh, the subcommittee chair-
man, said after the close of the
one-day hearing that his group
will vote Monday on the amend-
ment. Its approval by subcom-
mittee, parent committee and Sen-
ate is considered a foregone con-
Sen. Roman L. Hruska (R-Neb)
raised the question of a possible
coup d'etat and suggested that
having Congress act "violates the
principle of the separation of
powers" and could result in a
prolonged political row during
which neither President nor Vice-
President could exercise the execu-
tive powers.
While no witness voiced as
strong objections as committee
member Hruska, some suggested
'changes even though they did not
oppose the principles of the
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Il),
the Senate minority leader, urged
the subcommittee to consider
-It would be better to require
a two-thirds majorityt vote by
Congress for confirmation of aI
new vice-president;
-The amendment should re-
quire that the vice-presidential
nominee be chosen from the ranks
of the cabinet or Congress;
-The President should be for-
bidden to nominate a new vice-
president from his home state.
UN Consults
On Indonesia
tary-General U Thant called in
all members of the Security Coun-
cil yesterday on consultation on
Indonesia's withdrawal from the
United Nations.
A statement issued through a
spokesman said that since there
is no procedure in the UN char-
ter governing withdrawal of a
member, Thant had decided to
consult informally with members
of the Security Council and rep-
resentatives of various groups on
the matter.
Indonesia's flag still flies at UN
Tnant arranged a separate aft-
ernoon meeting with Soviet dele-
gate Nikolai T. Federenko, then a
group meeting with the ambas-
sadors of the other four perma-
nent members of the council.

-Associated Press
CHARLES EVERS, field secretary of the Mississippi National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People, comforts
Hiram Shelby as he mourns the death of his son who was killed
last Friday in the Hinds County jail by a sheriff's deputy.

Special To
NEW YORK - One of the n
correspondents told a host of aspiri
task of a journalist is to "challenge
Harrison Salisbury of the New
college newspaper editors that the
on their news pages to keep pacev

ro ead ers O To exemplify this transforms
lopro European bureaus gave his impress
ment in the world today. It is not
Marx's "Das Kapital" nor Lenin's
I vss J e ro s ta ion "State and Revolutionary," he
said, but an annual Sears Roebuck
catalog of merchandise.
JACKSON, Miss. (P) - Negro leaders called off a mass demon-
stration yesterday in response to state court orders and turned to other "They've never seen anything
means to protest the killing of a Negro youth at the county jail. so marvelous," he declared. "It's
The Negroes had wanted to march to the Hinds County court- ' like a fairyland come alive.
house to demand suspension of the five officers involved in the shoot- "If I were running the Central
ing of Ollie Shelby, 18. The demonstration was cancelled on advice of Intelligence Agency," Salisbury
attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored chided, "I wouldn't put money in
Pepe. U-2 planes and other espionage
Peoe activities. I'd print up a million
Four state judges had banned the march on grounds it would Sears Roebuck catalogs and dis-
interfere with the peace and dignity of the court and its proceedings. tribute them openly.
- NAACP lawyers said a similar or- "These would be our best propa-
Ider had been upheld by the fed- ganda. Yet no one in America
Set [ aeral courts in 1963 and they urged would think of an everyday phe-
the Negroes to comply. nomena as being revolutionary,"
retary in Mississippi, announced Worn Images
the cancellation, adding that Along this line, Salisbury warn-
Negroes would continue to press ed that the persistence of time-
The steering committee of the for suspension of the five officers worn images in foreign affairs en-
literary college yesterday tenta- pending completion of an investi- dangers this country.
tively set Feb. 22 as the beginning gation into the week-old killing. He called specifically for a re-
date for student counseling sem- Arbitration focusing of attitudes about Asia.
inars. Evers called for Leroy Collins, To the Asian, he explained, the
Students from the various de- director of the federal Commun- two great events of the century
partments will be available at ity Relations Service, to person- have been:
the seminars to answer questions ally join in the investigation. Col- -The defeat of Russia by
and generally counsel students. lins' job, set up under the 1964 Japan in 1905, the first time that
The students conducting the Civil Rights Act, is to act as arbi- an Asian power could and stood
seminars will be discussing courses trator in racial disputes. toe to toe with and defeated a
adprofessorsnthe iajrba- The NAACP leader also called non-Asian aggressor; and
ed on personal experience. They for a renewed effort on a national -The detonation in China last
are chosen through a recommen- boycott of Mississippi products October, the first indication that
aen chonthirhreectmven-and urged that every federal ,
dation from their respective de- dime sent to Mississippi be with- ptheyre on the threshold o com-
partment heads held until a full investigation is eng with the technology of the
The steering committee, an ad- completei" l
visory body composed of literary Federal, county and city investi- Salisbury's address keynoted an
college students, also decided to gations are being pushed into the evening devoted to informing the
investigate the possibility of es- killing, which has incensed the student editors here on the pros-
tablishing a file of reading lists Negro community in this capital pects of "careers in journalism."
or course syllabi which could be city. Editors Assemble

The Daily
ation's most distinguished wartime
ing writers here last night that the
the unchallengable."
York Times told a conference of
ey must develop fresh perspectives
with the world being remade over-
ation the veteran of Moscow and
ion of the most revolutionary docu-

Washington to keep hands off Huong Jan. 20.
future Buddhist political cam- Fence-mending was under way.
paigns. But American officials said they
Quang is the Buddhist leader feel that, since the Buddhists have
whose eight-day hunger strike, now had a major role in bringing
with four other Saigon monks, down three governments, they are
built up pressure that led to the likely to try for more.
military ouster Wednesday of Tran U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D.
van Huong, the American-backed Taylor called on Lt. Gen Nguyen
premier. Khanh for their first conference
He met with the political offi- since the Vietnamese strongman
Continual Challenge
IGoal of Journalism


used as a guide either for mak-
ing course selections or for extra
study in a particular case.
The committee further discuss-I
ed the idea of the value of ad-
vance placement tests as a sub-
stitute for distribution and pre-
requisite requirements and con-
sidered the advisability of revis-
ing the present course credit sys-
tem to allow students to enroll
in four subjects for approximate-
ly the same number of credits
now received for five. This last
proposal would necessitate in-
creasing the work load in each

Ku Klux Klan
At the same time in New Bern,
N.C., three white men linked by
the FBI to the Ku Klux Klan were
jailed yesterday on charges of
bombing a Negro funeral home
and two cars parked outside a
civil rights rally.
The bombings last Sunday night
were the first racial incidents in
the North Carolina coastal town
of 18,000 since last summer.
FBI agents confiscated a Ku
Klux Klan charter listing Ray-
mond Duguid Mills as exalted
cyclops of the KKK unit in New

More than 150 editors of student
papers throughout the nation have
assembled for a weekend of lec-
tures and seminars on national
and international events.
Today's session will feature
panel discussions with correspond-
ents and government officials
covering such broadranging topics
as Africa, world Communism, and
The session will conclude with a
special press conference by Sen.
Jacob Javits (R-NY). The confer-
ence shifts tomorrow to Columbia
University and moves Monday to
the United Nations.

Tu skegee,

U' Increase Exchanges


Director Cites
Cost Factors
In Construction
The interaction of labor, supply
and demand is the primary factor
affecting construction costs at the
University according to James
Brinkerhoff, director of the plant
extension department.
The cost of housing facilities for
students, he explained, changes
with the degree of luxury and
spaciousness that students request
and not necessarily with the land
space to be used.
Contract Volume
An important consideration this
year in construction costs is the
sheer volume of contracts to be
awarded by the University and
private industrial firms, he added.
Brinkerhoff explained that the
greater the amount of construc-
tion available to$ construction
firms, the higher the costs.
The unavailabiltiy of labor plays
an indirect part in establishing
building costs. The contractor has
to assure a sufficient amount of
skilled labor to complete the job,
and many times this includes
overtime payments, Brinkerhoff
said. When skilled laborers request
an increase in wage rates or extra
benefits, the contract prices for
construction will be affected, he
Strikes in general primarily af-
fect the work schedule, but the
reasons behind- the strike cause
changes in costs. Summarizing the
labor factor, mBrinkerhoff said that
someone must pay something and
this appears in the construction
Automotive Influence
The automotive industry has a
further, impact on changes in con-
struction costs. If business is good,
more capital will be reinvested in
brick mortar buildings in this
area by the companies, Brinker-
hoff explained. The big three auto
firms have an extensive construc-
tion program in southeastern
Michigan, he said.
Thegaffect ofthis industry is
limited however, because for every
dollar that goes into construction,

on military intervention in gov-
ernmental affairs, a U.S. mission
spokesman said their relations
Pere normal. They talked a little
more than an hour.
Khanh also had a talk with po-
litical leaders of central Viet Nam,
a stronghold of Buddhist power
marked by continuing anti-Amer-
ican agitation. The general, com-
mander of the Vietnamese armed
forces, has made it clear he now
wants to keep in the good graces
of the Buddhists.
His new acting premier, Har-
vard - educated Nguyen X u a n
Oanh, ordered release of all per-
sons arrested during the past week
of demonstrations and riots ex-
cept those suspected of being Viet
Cong agents,
Release Prisoners
Saigon authorities, heeding this
order, turned loose 79 Buddhist
monks, 85 nuns, 132 students and
133 other persons. Among these
were those picked up Jan. 22,
when a mob smashed windows of
the U.S. Information Service li-
brary in widespread street fight-
But a Buddhist spokesman in
Hue, 400 miles north of Saigon,
said his group is still not satis-
fied. He said it demands the ex-
pulsion of Taylor, punishment of
Huong for alleged activity against
Buddhism and installation of Brig.
Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi as pre-
The military commander in the
Hue area, Thi never used his
troops against rioters such as the
mob which sacked the U.S. In-
formation Service library in that
city and burned hundreds of its
Two pamphlets illustrated diver-
gent opinions in Saigon.
Scattered through the streets
was one urging support of Tay-
lor and calling for the restoration
of Huong as premier. Its source
was not determined.
The other, which a U.S. spokes-
man called scurrilous, declared the
United States has to- stay in Viet
Nam for its own economic well-
being and safety, regardless of in-
sults and combat casualties.
This pamphlet, distributed at
Buddhist headquarters here last
Sunday, came belatedly to the at-
tention of American authorities. It
follows a propaganda theme of the
Viet Cong that the United Stateg
would collapse if foreign aid wa
It could not be determined
whether the pamphlet was print-
ed on orders of the sect's high
command, but Buddhist leaders
must at least have known of its
SStudents Plan
Escort Service
For 'U'Oen
Prompted by the recent assaults
on University coeds near the cam-
pus area, two men's residence
halls have established a service
to escort girls from the main
campus to their dorms at night.
Since the beginning of the term
there have been four reports of
assault with intent to rape in
Ann Arbor. The four victims are
presently enrolled at the Univer-
An Ann Arbor police official
said all of the assaults took place
in the general vicinity of the
North State St. and Huron St. in-
tersection. Two were on North
State, one on Huron and one on
Ann St. All of the attacks oc-
curred between 7 and 8 p.m.
Same Man
Details from the reports indicate
all of the assaults were made by
the same man. He is -reportedly

a Negro in his late 30's.
The police official said due to
the length of time between the
assault and the report, from 30
minutes to an hour, the police had
very little chance to apprehend
the man. He said the Ann Arbor
police are on the lookout for a
man fitting the description.
John Bingley, director of stu-
dent affairs and organizations,
said Sanford Security officers
were cooperating fully with the
city in the case.
Escort Service
Meanwhile the men's residence
halls have come up with a pos-

;- Y . . :First of a two-part series
:*.; The educational and cultural exchange program between the
:..> University and Tuskegee Institute has made "enormous strides."
Plans are being made to send the University Symphony Or-
chestra to Tuskegee in April. Also being finished are plans for a
display of art work from Tuskegee.
According to N. Edd Miller, assistant to the vice-president for
v academic affairs and coordinator of the program, the subject of
his recent visit to Tuskegee was to discuss the possibility of receiv-
ing government or special foundation funds for the program.
Miller explained that the program has expanded tremendously
since its beginning in 1963. One of the most dramatic fields in the
cooperative effort has been the rapid progress in race relations re-
search. Tuskegee, an ideal place for field study, has done much to
4 _ further knowledge in this area, he said.
In the two years of its existence the exchange plan has brought
"**...::..a number of Tuskegee staff members to the University for consul-
tations with professors in the education department. Tuskegee
hoped to strengthen their staff and technique in the fields of nur-

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