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January 28, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-28

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Arraign Seventeen
For Rights Murders
Accused Slayers Plead Innocent
Before Mississippi Federal Court.
MERIDIAN, Miss. ()-Seventeen men stood in federal court
yesterday and pleaded ifnocent to charges of conspiring to kill three
civil rights workers.
Arraignment came after an extensive, still incomplete defense
fight to derail prosecution.
The judge did not rule on any of the defense motions argued
during the day. He gave the defense 15 days in which to file affi-
davits, allowed the government 15 days in which to answer.
No Trial Date
The decision on the motions will come after that period. No
trial date will be. set until the decision on the defense motions.
The 18th man charged in the case, James Edward Jordan, 38,
formerly of Meridian, will be arraigned in Atlanta. The FBI said he
'gave a full statement of the kill-
Iings.He loomed as a major prose-
RihtTo Vote cution witness.
Two of the 45 motions formed
Ef fprtResultQ the bedrock of defense strategy.
24 A Prejudicial Coverage
One claimed that news coverage
In 24 Arrestsof the arrests prejudiced the case.
The other said the search of the
SELMA, Ala., 0)-A Negro right farm which yielded the three bod-
to vote campaign in the final day les was illegal.

Federal Court To Study
Miscegenation Test Case
RICHMOND, Va., (M)-A three-judge federal court heard and
agreed to take under study yesterday the case of a white construction
worker and his part-Indian Negro wife: a case brought as a test of
state laws against interracial marriage.
The court promised an early ruling after a strong suggestion by
one of its members that the Virginia Supreme Court be asked first
to rule again-in the light of more recent constitutional interpreta-
tions from Washington-in such a socially sensitive area.
Anti-Miscegnation Laws
Anti-miscegnation laws-laws against the marriage of whites
with other races-of Virginia and 18 other states are at issue in the
-Ucase which ultimately undoubtedly
will go to the United States Su-
Ch~arge pFCC reme Court which thus far has
ot given a definitive ruling on

Scientists Offer New Theory

of a special 12-day registration
term brought more arrests yester-
day when officers enforced a lim-
it of 100 on the number allowed
to line up for tests.
Seven white civil rights work-
ers went to jail when they per-
sisted in trying to talk to pros-
pective voters after they had been
warned to leave, and 17 Negroes
were arrested when they sought
to join the line after the allotted
number of 100 had arrived at the
courthouse first.
Unlawful Assembly
All 24 were charged with un-
lawful assembly after warning.
The three white civil rights
workers were arrested after Chief
Deputy United States Marshal H.
Stanley Fountain had warned
them against conferring with Ne-
groes waiting in line to register.
After the three white men were
told to get off the sidewalk, they
persisted in trying to talk with
the Negro applicants and were
pushed across the street by sher-
iff's deputies.
Taken Into Custody
They were taken into custody
half a block away when they tried
to persuade Negroes whd had left
the registration line to return.
The Negroes, arriving at the
courthouse late, were turned away
because of the 100 limitation on
th'ose permitted to stand in line.
They returned after leaving once
and were arrested when they re-
fused to move.
The federal court injunction re-$
quires the registration board to
issue numbered places to the first
100 arriving each day. t

"We submit that this search be-
gan before service of the search
warrant, which makes it illegal
and void," said Herman Alford,
one of a dozen defense lawyers.
Alford said FBI agents were on
the property Aug. 1 and it was
a continuing search from that
time on.
Defines a search
John Doar, chief of the justice
department's civil rights division,
said the Supreme Court had ruled
that the presence of investigators
in an open field was not necessar-
ily a search.
Doar emphasized that the search
was legal in his opinion and did
not "touch the constitutional
rights" of the farm owner.
'Common Criminals'
In its claim of prejudicial news
coverage, the defense said the men
-accused by the FBI of a Ku
Klux Klan execution-were treat-
ed like "common criminals" after
being taken to the Meridian Na-
val Air Station.
The preliminary hearing for the
men was held at the air station's
bachelor officers quarters build-
ing. They were charged with con-
spiring to violate civil rights.
Admits Photographers
Cmdr. R. C. Wright, station ex-
ecutive officer, said he permitted
newsmen and photographers into
the BOQ several hours after the
16 prisoners had been brought to
the base.
The station commander, Capt.
J. W. Williams, Jr., said newsmen
;had been at the station gate for
six hours and were admitted an
hour after lawyers for the 16 men

Rules Biased
WASHINGTON, (M)--A member
of the Federal Communications
Commission accused the FCC to-
day of intruding unconstitutional-
ly into the field of religion.
Commissioner Lee Loevenger
told a national religious broad-
casters convention that past FCC
decisions and practices "leave no
room for doubt that the commis-
sion has established religion as a
required element of broadcasting
service. "Furthermore, the FCC's
most junior commissioner said,
the Commission "has applied this
standard to mean such religion as
meets the FCC definitions and no-
tions of acceptability."
The FCC, he said, specifies in
its license application forms the
kidids of programs it considers to
be in the public interest. Religious
programs are included.
Beyond Limits
Loevinger said the commission
"has gone far beyond the limits
that have been marked by the
Supreme-Court as permissible gov-
ernment action in the field of re-
"The FCC rushes in where gov-
ernment agents are forbidden to
tread," Loevinger said, "when it
requires religious programnnng
and determines that a certain
amount of religious broadcasting
is or is not adequate or excessive,
or that the public interest is or is
not served by the broadcasting of
particular views on religion or of
the views of particular churches
or sects . ."
First Amendment
Loevinger called on the com-
mission "to analyze and reconsid-
er its practices and doctrines in
the light of the First Amendment,
and to extend the constitutional
principle and the great spirit of
religious liberty to American
The First Amendment to the
constitution forbids the making
of any law "respecting an estab-
lishment of religion." It is the
basis of the doctrine of separation
of church and state.

such state laws
Philip J. Hirschkop, one of the
attorneys for the Lovings, enlisted
by the American Civil Liberties
Union, argued that Loving's right
to marry a woman of his choice
was so fundamental and such a
present right that there was noth-
ing for the state to decide.
Suspended Sentence
He said his plea specifically was
to permit the Lovings to reside in
their native Virginia without the
threat of prosecution. They were
arrested at their Caroline County
home five weeks after their June
2, 1958, marriage in Washington,
D.C. At that time they pleaded
guilty to violation of the state
law and were sentenced to a year
imprisonment. The sentence was
suspended, however, on the con-
dition they leave the state and
not return together for a 25-year
The state attorney, Robert D.
McIlwaine III, said the action was
an effort to bar the enforcement
of a Virginia criminal statute and
the federal court should not in-
Action Pending
He argued also there was pend-
ing in a state court an action
broughtby counsel for the Lovings.
which was appealable to the state
supreme court. His reference was
to an effort by Hirschkop and
his associate, Bernard S. Cohen,
to have the circuit court of Caro-
line County, quash the suspended
sentences', which was denied by,
the court only last week.
One of the judges, District;
Judge Oren R. Lewis of Alexan-I
dria, repeatedly asked the Lovings'
counsel if he thought a man
should be free to marry anyone
he chose-or if the states should
have any control at all.
Marriage Laws
Hirschkop said he felt the states
had a right to set the rules but
not where one race was discrim-
inated agains. He argued that the
laws : against interracial'marriakd
violated the 'ights under the 14th
Amendment as to due process and
equal protection under the laws.


INDONESIAN Foreign Minister
Subandrio told a farewell ban-
quet in Peking last night that
Indonesia and Communist China
have "a common enemy-im-
perialism headed by the United
States and Britain." The state-
ment follows Indonesia's re-
cent withdrawal from the Unit-
ed Nations and China's call for
the establishment of a new in-
ternational organization.
World News


NEW YORK ()-Scientists of-
fered a new theory yesterday that
could be the first act in a sub-
atomic drama exposing the mean-
ing of all matter in the universe.
The theory tries not only to
create order from the debris
smashed from the hearts of atoms,
but it offers new insights into
how these sub-atomic bits behave.
It is still too early to tell how
the theory's mathematical pre-
cepts will stand up under. the
probing of other scientists.,t
Hearts of Atoms
Physicists have been confound-
ed to a great extent by their own
experimental wizardry. The hearts
of atoms seemed at first to be
merely simple structures of pro-
tons and neutrons.
But since 1950, atom-smashing
machines of increasing strength
have pounded more than 100
strange particles from the atomic
Theory has tried to keep up
with the burgeoning number of
SU3 Theory
Then last year along came a
theory called SU3. In a sense, it
put the particles into categories
of descriptive similarity.
Then yesterday, the new theory
Was presented to an annual meet-
ing of the American Physical So-
ciety by Abraham Pais and M.A.B.
Beg of the Rockefeller Institute.
They said that other theoreticians,
including a group from the Inter-
national Atomic Energy Authority,
headed by Abdu Salam , have
come to similar theoretical con-
clusions. .
The new theory is called SU6.
It combines two earlier, simpler
theories, butit adds a number of

new characteristics of

the strange,

Categorizes Atoms
Instead of type-casting them1
narrowly, it provides huge cate-
gories and considers them as a
whole. It is something similar to
studying a nation like France to
find out something about a
Frenchman, and by a study of na-
tions to find out how their citi-
zens will get along together.
It will predict, for instance, how
particles will exist, how strongly
they will be bound together,
whether they will collide and how
they will die.
Predicts 13 Particles
It also predicts that there are
at least 13 particles additionally
that would fit into one of the
families readily-and the discov-
ery of one or more of these par-
Johnson Told.
To Miss Rites
WASHINGTON, (M)-President
Lyndon B. Johnson will not be
able to attend the late Sir Win-
ston Churchill's funeral Saturday
because of his heavy cold.
The President told a press con-
ference that his doctors felt the
trip could cause reinfection, al-
though they felt he had made a
substantial recovery from his vi-
rus infection.;
In London, meanwhile, over
60,000 mourners paraded by the
late diplomat's catalfaque and of-
ficials worked on preparations for
the funeral, to be attended by at
least five monarchs,'

tidles in further atom-smashing
f operations would help provide
proof for the theory.
The authors believe that it will
also help overcome a basic prob-
lem with Albert Einstein's special
theory of relativity. It has always
been difficult to make the proton
behave by Einstein's rules, and
the explanation has been that
particles will appear differently to
observers because of their differ-
ing motions.
An extension of the SU6 theory
indicates that the proton should
have a much more complex label
than it currently carries-that the
moving proton can be described
satisfactorily to fit thedEinstein
If this is so, it would go far to-
ward bridging some barriers be-
tween the sub-atomic world ob-
served and the rules Einstein con-
ceived for moving bodies.
the nnual
Kiwanis Sale
FeWb.11, 12,13
Nat'l. Guard
proceeds to
those in need
regardless of

By The Associated Press
Foreign Minister Raul Roa pro-
tested to the United Nations yes-'
terday against what he called a'
conspiracy by the United States
and several Caribbean countries
to violate Cuba's territorial integ-
rity through armed attacks.
* * *
House announced yesterday that
President Lyndon B. Johnson will
ask Congress for legislation to
,provide for the vice president to
take over as acting president in
the event of the president's in-
ability to serve.
The announcement by Press
Secretary George E. Reedy fol-
lowed belated disclosure that
Johnson and Vice President Hu-
bert H. Humphrey already have
an agreement under which Hum-
phrey would become acting presi-
dent should the president be un-
able to carry out his duties.
Reedy said the Johnson-Hum-
phrey agreement was entered into
before their inauguration Jan. 20
and has been in effect since.
* * *
WASHINGTON -- Secretary of
State Dean Rusk appealed per-
sonally to senators today to re-
ject a D~ouse ban on the sale of
surplus agricultural commodities
to Egypt.
His argument that the action
would usurp some of President
Johnson's foreign policy making
powers apparently swayed. some
senators to varying degrees. He
delivered the plea at a closed
meeting to which all Senate mem-
bers had been invited and 30 to
35 showed up.
* * *



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(Continued from Page 2)
Departmental offices by that time.
Hopwood Awards - Petitions to the
Hopwood Committee must be in the
Hopwood Room (1006 Angell Hall) by
Monday, Feb. 1.
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to
America), created by Pres. Johnson un-.
der War Against Poverty (Office of
Econ. Oppor'ty) Men & Women 18
yrs. or older for 1 yr. assignments in-
cluding 4-6 wks trng. program. Posi-
tions in 50 states, Puerto Rico, Virgin
Islands & Trust Territories. Details
& applic avail at Bureap of Appts.
Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington-Res-
dent Advisor Assistantships. Grad wo-
men as counselors & group advisors for
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Organizations who are plan-
ning to be active for the Winter
term must be registered by Jan. 29,
1965. Forms are available in Room 1011
Canterbury House, Quest for Human
Values, supper and discussion, Thurs-
day, Jan. 28, 5:30 pm., Canterbury
House, 218 N. Division.
* * s
The Christian Science Organization,
Meeting, Thursday evening, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 528D, Student Activities Bldg.
*. * *
Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 28
Janvier, le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
* * *
International Students Association,
"Are You Aware,?" UAR Week, Jan. 29,
7:30 p.m., Culture-party given by theI
UA.R Club at the International Center.
* a. *
W.A.A. Folk Dance Club, Folk Dance
with instruction suitable for beginners,
Friday, Jan. 29, 8 to 10:30 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Bldg.
* * *
Y o u n g Republicans, Membership
Meeting, Thursday, Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3B, Michigan Union.
* * *r
Young Socialist Alliance, Speech:1
Crisis in the Congo,.Jan. 28, 8 p.m.,Z
Room 3D, Michigan Union.

residence halls. Stipend & #ee room
& board. Details at Bureau.
Univ. of South Dakota, Vermillion,
S.D. - announces NASA Predoctoral
Traineeships in space science & tech.
Traineeships avail in Anatomy, Bloc-
chem, Chem, Microbiol., Physiology-
Pharmacology, Psych, & Zool. Stipend
plus tuition & dependency allowance.
Applic. deadline March 1.
Edsel B. Ford Inst., Detroit-Research
Ass't. Man or woman with B.S. in Phy-
sics or Chem/minor in Physics. Pref.
exper in radioactive isotopes, Immed.
Mgmt. Consultants-Director of Re-
search for central Mich. firm. Engrg.
Degree, knowl. of thermodynamics &
fluid flow. Under 45 yrs.
W. M. Chace Co., Detroit-Mech. Engr.,
B.S.M.E., recent grad for immed. open-
ing. Exper. not req. Initial period on
layout & detailing then full time R&D.
Jewish Vocational Service, Detroit--
Youth Counselor M.A. in guidance,
psych or rel. field. Exper. or txtensive
trng. pref.
Y.W.C.A., Springfield, Ohio - ATTN:
June Grads. Health Educ. Director. Wo-
man to organize & promote varied pro-
gram & administer budget. Major in
Phys, Ed./sociol., psych & rel. fields.
Skilled in aquatics. Start Sept. 1965.
State of Wisconsin, Madison-Public
Health Dentist, Dent. School Grad
plus yrs study in publ. health plus
yr. exper in publ. health dentistry.
Equiv. comb. of trng & exper. will be
considered. Apply before March 1.
For further info, please call 764-7460,
General Div., Bureau of Appoints, 3200
The following list of schools will in-
terview next week at the Bureau of
Appointments for teachers for 1965.
The following list of schools will be
interviewing at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments for prospective teachers for
1965 this week.
MON., FEB. 1-
Long Beach, Calif,-AII Fields.
TUES., FEB. 2-
Phoenix, Ariz.-Must have MA & 30
hrs. in major: Engl./Speech/Dr., Journ.,
Biol./Phys. Sl., Art, Bus. Ed., Span.,
Latin, Fr.. Ger., Home Ea., Ind. Arts,
Math, Vocal & Instr., Girls PE (dance),
Boys PE, Soc. St., Read., Asst. Coach,
Spec. Ed,.-Slow learn.
Rolling Hills, Calif.-All Elem., All
Sec. except Boys PE, especially Si.,
Math (Palos Verdes Penn.).
Grosse Pointe, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Vo-
cal/Instr., Fr.; J.H.-Art, Engl., Fr.,
Latin, Vocal, Instr., Math, Sol., Soc.
St., Girls PE, H.S.-Engl., For. Lang.,
Ind. Arts, Lib., Math, Set., Soc. St., Girls

PE, Spec. Ed.-M.R., Read., EMH, Sp.
Corr., Psych, Serv.
Bridgeport, Mich. - Fields not an-
FRI., FEB. 5-
Flint, Mich.-All Fields.
Make Appointments Now.
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Education Div., 3200 SAB,
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
Beloit Corp., Beloit, Wis.-BS-MS:
ME. BS: EE. R & D, Des., Sales, Trg.
Cadillac Gage Co., Warren, Mich. -
All Degrees: AE & Astro., EM, ME &
Met. MS-PhD: Instrum. Prof.: Applied
Mech's. BS-MS: IE. R & D, Des., Prod.
,Consumers Power Co., Lower, Mich.-
BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, ME, & Met. MS-
PhD: Nuclear. BS: E Math. BS &'MA:
major in Personnel, Ind. Relations,
Mktg. or Econ. Men & Women.
Foster Wheeler Corp., N.J., N.Y., &

Pa.-BS-MS: ChE, CE, EE, EM, ME.
MS: Const. & Instrum. BS: NA & Ma-
rine. R & D, Des. & Prod. Can con-
sider non-citizens if becoming a U.S.
Hazeltine Corp., Long Island, N.Y., &
Mass.-BS-MS: EE. BS: E Physics &
ME. Men & Women. R & D, Des. &
International Nickel Co., Inc., New
York-BS: ChE, Mat'ls. & Met. R & D
& Sales Trng. Prog.
International Nickel Co., Inc., Hunt-
ington Alloy Div., Huntington, W. Va.
-BS-MS: Met. BS: ChE, EE, IE & ME.
R & D, Des., Prod. & Sales.
Toledo Edison Co., Toledo, Ohio, area
-BS: EE & ME. R & D, Des. & Sales.
Wynadotte Chemicals Corp., Wyan-
dotte, Mich.-BS-MS: ChE & Mat'ls.
Dev., Prod. & Sales.
Applied Physics Lab. of John Hop-
kins Univ., Silver Spring, Md.-All De-
grees: EE, EM & ME. MS-PhD: Instrum,
BS: E Math, E Physics & Set. R & D,
Des. & System Eval. Men & Women.
Westinghouse Electric Corp.-BS-MS:
EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME, Met. BS: E
Math, E Physics & St. Engrg. MS:
Communicn. Set., Instru. & Nuclear.
R & D, Des., Prod. & Sales. Men &

BOGOTA - Lt. Gen. Alberto
Ruiz Novoa resigned unexpectedly
as minister of war yesterday, fore-
shadowing a possible cabinet cri-
Other resignations are expected
from the government of President
Guillermo Leon Valencia.

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On-Campus Interviews

ora 'jump-in'...
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Both Permanent and Summer Positions Are Available In Philadelphia,
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