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January 27, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-27

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U~g Ā£itgattu BatI
SSeMty-Piftb Year


.* Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
Images from a Somber January Afternoon
by H. Neil Berkson


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MATNARD ST., ANN AARmo, MIC.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws Pxnvw: 764-0"52

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This -must be noted in all reprints.

The Theatre Protests:
Success Requires Prudence

of themselves over the weekend. They
thought that movie prices, as well as oth-
er prices, are too high for this college
town. They decided to do something about
it and, for all their efforts, attracted a
moderate amount of attention.
They tried to hold a "stay-in" at the
Michigan Theatre Friday and Saturday
evening at the end of the first show and
a boycott of the 9 p.m. show. They also
tried to convince students that they,
should boycott the State Theatre entire-
ly. The results were encouraging Friday
at the Michigan Theatre, mainly because
Student Government Council had done
the urging. Saturday night was a flop.
The demonstrations did not succeed
for various reasons. It was the first
weekend of men's rush. Women were still
rushing. It rained Friday night; the snow
was deep and cold Saturday night. Many
Ann Arbor residents and high school stu-
dents had not heard about the proposed
demonstrations and came to the theatres
anyway. The highly praised "Mary Pop-
pins" at the Michigan Theatre is a Walt
Disney movie and therefore attracted the
family crowd.
BUT IT WAS NOT THIS that caused the
picketers to look foolish. Through
their senseless and juvenile singing,
taunting, chanting and cajoling, they
alienated many people-students and Ann
Arborites - who might otherwise have
been sympathetic to their cause.
The picketers hurled childish insults at
the manager of the Michigan Theatre,
hoarsely shouted at patrons that they
should not attend the show, sang their
civil rights songs with new words appro-.
priate to the price increase and generally
acted more like students having fun pro-
testing than protestors out to influence
people to right a wrong.
Quiet, ordered marching in front of
the theatres-nothing said, the only com-
munication being signs and leaflets -
would have been more effective in gain-
ing patrons' sympathies and the theatre
management's respect.

selves and their cause if they will act
more intelligently this weekend, when
they intend to demonstrate again. They
must find substantiative proof of sev-
eral of their assumptions about the state
of movie houses in this town. They have
assumed that:
-There is no legitimate economic rea-
son for Butterfield Theatres to raise
-Butterfield is making a profit in Ann
Arbor, if not at its theatres in other
towns throughout the state;
-Butterfield has a monopoly and has
purposefully kept competition from set-
ting up its own theatres in Ann Arbor;
-The University has influence because
of its Class B stock and two representa-
tives on the board of directors of the
Butterfield organization and can repre-
sent the students' interests there, and
-Whatever the case, the University
should be looking out for the welfare of
its students in this controversy.,
THESE ASSUMPTIONS must be cleared
up before any widespread support will
be picked up by the protestors. Maybe a
meeting between Butterfield and SGC
would verify or refute some of these as-
sumptions. The others will have to be
clarified by the students through discus-
sions with theatre managers, University
administrators and other members of
what the protestors would probably call
the "bureaucratic set."
While this is going on, student support
should be active. It should also be calm
and ordered.
Naturally, students are having fun with
"stay-ins" and boycotts and picketings.
It is part of the student attitude to pro-
test. But the protest must be meaningful.
Without clear and purposeful fore-
thought, the theatre demonstrations will
die out, and any good that may have
come out of them-such as settling a
basic issue: the University's responsibility
toward its students - will never be real-

LOOKING OUT from Mason Hall, the Diag and sur-
rounding area merge and disappear, covered by a
solid sheet of ice. Nevertheless, two constant streams of
students move in different directions, walking a little
faster, perhaps, but otherwise unaffected by the impu-
dence of winter.
Thus the Academy. Events strike from within and
without, yet the institution has a nature which
THE CLASSROOM comes back into focus. Your
professor has operated oblivious to your absence. Rela-
tively spontaneous as teachers go. Few notes, much
discussion. Learn to think! He wants to have individual
conferences with everyone. All too rare.
What can the University be reduced to? The books
are there, the facilities, in large part. More important,
the faculty. TheEUniversity has yet to banish the skilled
teacher from its midst. Some departments are out to
eliminate him. Some theorists argue he isn't necessary.
Commitment creates commitment, however. If students
respond at all, they respond in large part of models,
ON THE OTHER side of the street, the administra-

tion labors as it always does, continually juggling a list
of priorities, knowing that no element of the University
can ever be all that it should but trying to insure that
none is ever too much what it shouldn't. Its failures
evoke abuse; its successes go unnoticed, often unknow-
How do you create the balance? How do you provide
the perspective? Where criticism, where praise.
Thus the Academy.
r[HE PROGRESS of the residential college has been
questioned by everyone from Regent Power to mem-
bers of the college's faculty planning committee. The
latest idea for the college, however, a faculty-student
government, is both productive and progressive.
In the midst of growing concern over how to
provide extra-classroom perspective, student participa-
tion in educational policy decisions is an excellent
proposition. The experience will be valuable both in
terms of responsibility and an opportunity to view their
own goals in a broader context.
Sooner or later, someone will wonder whether stu-
dents are equipped to participate in the college's policy

decisions. Positive evidence exists: Dean Thuma's student
committee-not the faculty-has worked out this
thoughtfully detailed proposal for a joint government.
IN THE PAST YEAR, under the leadership of Larry
Phillips, Graduate Student Council has revived. GSC
has ably examined such issues as graduate housing and
student parking; it has been represented on more
University-wide committees; it has expanded services
to the graduate community.
In Jim McEvoy, Phillips has a capable and articulate
successor. The new GSC president is best known for
an inability to understand the goals of the John Birch
Society. He took this position out of a general desire
to "make things happen." McEvoy has never quite
been an introvert,, and there is no reason for him to
change now.
AS STUDENT Government Council remains in a
tailspin, with no visible, willing candidates for its own
first all-campus officer election next month, a definite
leadership vacuum exists on campus. Mr. McEvoy may
just fill it.




"My Idea Of .A Great Society Is Plent Of Leisure"
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Make Quad Breakfast
Worse-If Possible

THERE ARE 1200 residents in
South Quadrangle. Sixty-five
of them ate breakfast last Satur-
day and 68 ate breakfast on Sun-
day. On a good weekday morning
perhaps 300 or 25 per cent of
the quadrangle residents eat
This is no accident; it results
from skillful planning by the ac-
countants, dieticians and5 cooks
of University food service. As stat-
ed on the back of all meal tickets
the board rate is "based on an
expected percentage of absentee-
ism." Food service expects the
vast majority of students not to
eat breakfast, resulting in "the
economy which makes the present.
board rates possible."
Nonetheless a small but stub-,
born minority persists in rising to
eat quadrangle breakfasts. This
is unfortunate because preparing
breakfast for this small number
of students is uneconomical:- food
service must face overhead costs
for utilities and hire cooks, bus
boys and staff men to work at
* *
IF FOOD SERVICE really want-
ed to economize it would abolish
This wouldn't be easy. After all,
the quadrangle is obliged to serve
breakfast as long as there are
students crazy enough to eat it.
Food service has done a fine job
of discouraging most quaddies
from breakfast by providing burnt
toast, orange juice, cocoa and
stale dry cereal as mainstays. For
variety, eggs are alternately boiled,
fried and scrambled six daysa a
week, with a pancake or piece of

Without Support

SO THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan Stu-
dent Employes Union isn't going to
picket. But they were, and that's just as
It's bad because the UMSEU can't ac-
complish anything by picketing, just as it
can't accomplish anything by simply go-
ing to the manager or owner of a store
and asking' (or demanding!) that he
raise the wages of his student employes.
What the UMSEU doesn't seem to real-
ize is that it will never be able to ac-
complish anything until it has support
from a much larger segment of the stu-
dent body than it has at present. It
doesn't have massive support now, which
is, too bad, but the really sorry part is
that it probably never will.
T11RE HAS BEEN LITTLE "student ac-
tion" of any import on this campus in
the recent past, not because there were
no issues or because of increased academ-
ic pressure, but because the character of
the student body at the University is not
one that will support direct action of any
The student body is conservative, on the
whole, and it considers the shunning of
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN.............Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD ..............Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY..........Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE.Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND.......Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ND... ...Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER........... Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER...............Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER............Contributing Editor
JAMES KESON ................... Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: Lauren Bahr, David Block, John
Bryant, Robert Johnston, Michael Juliar, Laurence
Kirshbaum, Leonard Pratt.
Bigelow, Gail Blumberg, Michael Dean, John Mere-
dith, Barbara Seyfried, Judith Warren.
Business Staff

such social action as picketing its first
real step toward the gray flannel world
of adulthood.
It's a pity that the students don't seem
to realize how loud their collective voice
would be-don't realize what an effec-
tive, economic strength they have col-
STUDENT ACTION-pickets, sit-ins, and
the like-aren't even necessary. Stu-
dent inaction would do the job if it were
the proper form of inaction, the boycott.
A complete boycott of any one of the
major book, clothing or food stores could
change the complexion of the entire eco-
nomic establishment of the campus-area
merchants. It is doubtful that the merch-
ants would be bloodthirsty enough to let
a boycotted store go bankrupt - they
would have to get together and reassess
their whole outlook toward the exploita-
tion of students.
But a theoretical situation like this
will remain theory because the student
body isn't enough interested in its own
welfare to work for its improvement. And
the student "activists" (those who are
ready to picket at the drop of a hat) ac-
tually hurt the cause rather than help it,
because whenever there is any semblance
of organization, as there was at last
week's abortive movie stay-ins, they are
always too worried about who is going to
lead the "student movement" and who
is going to take credit for it if it suc-
Case in point: this week is an occasion
known as Farmers' Week at Michigan
State University. The five-day event be-
gan Monday with a weighing-in for
feeding project hogs. After more than 100
seminars on such tonics as Avrshire cat-

The Rational Route to Problem Solving

French toast usually thrown in
on the seventh.
The most obvious method of
discouraging students from eating
breakfast would be to make it
worse than it already is. Con.,
ceding that breakfast foods are
already at rock bottom, there are
two things that are worse-
lunch foods and dinner foods.
* * *
any worse than' it is, why not
substitute a few of the real qua-
die travesties from other meals?
How about oriental soup (the
euphemistic name for a broth of
fried watercress, mushrooms, pars-
ley, tea, onion, pepper, garlic and
cabbage) as a daily mainstay? or
breakfast might consist of stuffed
cabbage, embamados, and peas
and mushrooms.
With all the miserable lunch
and dinner dishes currently being
served in the quadrangle, there
are an infinite number of break-
fast possibilities. How about bak-
ed creole, spaghetti, fruit am-
brosia and blue plums? Or per-
haps some the that city chicken
served with those mashed pota-
toes that are so hard and lumpy
they have to be pried from e
The great thing is that these
items are left in such great quan-
tities that the food service would
not even need totprepare them fr
breakfast. Al the' cooks would
have to do is freeze up the lunch
and dinner leftovers and thaw
them out for breakfast. After all,
that's the way a good share o
lunch and dinner is prepared al-
ready. Then the sky would be the
limit on raw quaddie burgers,
ham balls and pineapple ring,
macaroni neopohtan, embamados,
and Della Robbia.
THESE DISHES, which already
discourage many students from
eating lunch and dinner, undoubt-
edly would cut down breakfast
attendance. Another method would
be to exploit a device that cur-
rently discourages most students
from even consideringsbreakfast.
The breakfast serving time of
7:20-8:05 necessitates getting up
early for every student that does
not have an 8 o'clock class. How-
ever several hundred students who
have 8 o'clocks are up anyway
and might as well try to get
through a breakfast.
The way to exclude these quad-
dies would be to move the break-
fast hours back to 6:20-7:05. Then
only a few early risers, such as
Psychology 110 students going to
feed their rats, would get up for
NOW THEN, every Thursday
and Sunday several hundred stu-
dents skip dinner in preference to
wearing a suit and tie or fancy
dress to meet clothing regulations.
Why not extend this same rule to
apply to all breakfasts? This
would turn away many students.
By this time only a handful of
four-year quad veterans, relying
on Pepto-Bismol, will be around
to meet anything the quad cooks
can throw at them.
The final crushing tactic is the
one a few enterprising West Quad-
rangle cooks used recently when
they decided to quit early one
evening. They simply didn't pre-
pare enough to eat and thus food
ran out before the line did.
By this time getting up for
breakfast would be out of the
question. What Psychology 110
student would want to get up at
6 onock.Dto nn a iit and hone




To the Editor:
MR. JOHNSTON ("A Sword of
Damocles," Jan. 24) does not
seem to understand the role of the
student in today's society. It is,
indeed, true that there are many
unfair conditions at the Univer-
sity. However, since we are, hope-
fully, educated people, we must
as a community believe in a ra-
tional, reasonable approach to the
solving of problems.
Mr. Johnston must realize, being
part of an academic community,
that what hurts the University
will ultimately hurt us as students.
I do not excuse the administration
or the faculty for those injustices
perpetrated. However, I will con-
tinue to believe that if we all
remain rational these problems
eventually can be solved.
The University community can
be a valuable place to test out
new ways of solving problems in
which there is intense emotional
involvement on both sides. Let
us try to solve these problems in
an enlightened way, as befits edu-
cated people, and let us not resort
to violent methods wherein those
who advocate those methods have
most to lose by their use.
-Gloria M. Paulik, Grad
To the Editor:
defeat us because our present
method of attack is ineffective.
The sit-in was a good start but
cannot be continued because stu-
dent interest and support will
diminish as can be shown in other
incidents, such as quad food.

against the theatres but to fight
to win students, teachers and the
University over to our side. The
question is one of supply and de-
mand. As long as tPe students will
continue to keep up the demand,
there is really no reason to lower
1) All student organizations im-
mediately should find common
terms on which to unite.
2) A survey should be taken to
discover which students go to the
theatres and why.
3) There should be an increase
of poster distribution.
4) WCBN should allow free po-
litical advertisements to the dif-
ferent organizations in its role
as the student-oriented station.
The more people who stay home
on Friday and Saturday, the bet-
ter it will be for the campus
station which will increase its
listening audience.
5) The Daily should increase its
editorial comment to explain the
day by day situation to the stu-
dents. It should also increase the
letters to the editor column, and
the organizations should keep up
a steady stream of letters which
could also help to keep the stu-
dents away from the theatres.
Furthermore, this student news-
paper should reverse its neutral
position and, unlike its coverage
of the sit-in, serve to incite the
students to action. .
6) The faculty should organize
to remind its students each day
that they must not go to the
theatres, for the student body
must be explained the gravity of
the situation and the possible
further increases in all areas of
Ann Arbor.

appeal without signs and boy-
cotts to the theatre-goers to re-
consider in light of the price in-
10) There should be. issued a
statement representing all the
student organizations explaining,
very clearly the problem and its
possible consequences if no action
is taken,
11) There should be more se-
crecy involved in all the plans
that are to be carried out. There
should be more immediate acts

and fewer long-discussed, pub-
licized plans.
12) We must be prepared for a
long range offensive if we are to
be realistic.
13) We should get the backing
of the University officials, who
should feel some responsibility in
the matter.
14) We should work to win over
the Ann Arbor community to our
side through the community or-
-Stephen Schneider, '68

Rubinstein Triumphs
In Romantic Recital'
ARTUR RUBINSTEIN electrified Ann Arbor for the twelfth time in
his career last night at Hill Auditorium.
Rounding out a dozen appearances over the course of twenty-five
years, the great pianist presented works from the heart of the roman-
tic repertoire. Like most Rubinstein recitals, there was no single high-
light, but a-continual series of triumphs.
The recital opened with one of the first romantic masterpieces,
the Schubert "Grand B-flat Sonata," continued with three short
Brahms selections, sustained its excitment through the Schumann
"Kreisleriana," and ended sweepingly with three Chopin selections.
The three encores included two Chopin favorites and a scintillating
Villa-Lobos miniature as a finale.
* * * *
EXCEPT FOR the Villa-Lobos, all the works on the program were
written within a period of 65 years and a space of 300 miles. The
variety of approach which Rubinstein brings to pieces sharing funda-
mentally the same vocabulary is nothing less than amazing.
Although billed as "the last of the great romantic pianists," Rub-

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