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January 27, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-27

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r ^'IT . n

Court Reverses Contempt
Ruling in CivilRights Case;

By The Associated Press
The United States 5th Circuit
Court of Appeals reversed a con-
tempt ruling by District Judge
Harold Cox yesterday in New
Orleans against U.S. Atty. Robert
Hauberg in a sharply divided 4-3
Cox had held Hatiberg in con-
tempt last Oct. 22 after the at-
torney, on orders from Acting
Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach,
refused to prepare and sign grand
jury indictments of two Negroes
on perjury charges.
The clash between Cox and
Hauberg occurred when the grand
jury reported it wished to indict
the Negroes but Hauberg would
not draw up the necessary papers.,
Line of Command
Cox then ordered Hauberg to
prepare the indictments. The at-
torney declined, citing orders from
Katzenbach. The judge then or-
lered Hauberg jailed for contempt
and directed Katzenbach to ap-
pear in court to show cause why
he, too, should not be held guilty
of contempt for disregarding the
court's orders.
The action was stayed pending
appeal. Arguments were made be-
fore. the full court, sitting in At-
lanta last Dec. 18.
In the majority opinion, the
Appeals Court held that a judge
cannot require or coerce a U.S.
Attorney to sign an indictment.
"Exercise of Futility"
It follows that to require him
to draw up an indictment he is
unwilling and under no duty to
sign would be "to indulge in an
exercise of futility," the majority
opinion written by Judge Warren
L. Jones stated.
The three dissenting judges held
that a federal grand jury has an
unquestioned right to return an
indictment whenever it finds a
reasonable probability that a
crime has been committed.
Previous Testimony
The two Negroes involved had
previously testified before the
grand jury investigating the slay-
ing of, three civil rights workers
near Philadelphia, Miss., last sum-
mer. The grand jury subsequently
indicated 18 white men in con-
nection with the triple slaying,
partially on the basis of their
Cox said yesterday in Meridian,.
Miss. that he understands one of
the 18, James Edward Jordan, in-
tends to plead guilty to the con-
spiracy charges in the slaying of
the civil rights workers.
All 18, including Neshoba Coun-
ty Sheriff Iawrence Rainey and
Deputy Cecil Price, are scheduled'
to be arraigned before Cox today.
Separate Plea
t But Cox said Jordan might ap-
pear separately in Atlanta to en--
ter his plea.
Much of the Justice Depart-
ment's case reportedly is baped on
an alleged confession by Jordan.
He reportedly has been under
government protection since his
appearance before the grand jury
at Jackson Jan. 12.

-Associated Press
AFTER COMPLYING WITH THE federal court order guarantee-
ing numbered places in line only to the first 100 Negroes arriving
at the court house, Selma, Alabama, police yesterday arrested
thirty four Negroes for refusing to move from the line.
TroopersWatch Selma;
Voter .Drive Proceeds

LBJ Loses
Initial Test
In Congress
son administration lost its first
test of the year in Congress yes-
terday when the House added an
anti-Nasser amendment to an
emergency farm appropriation bill.
The vote was 204 to 177.
The amendment, which would
curtail surplus food sales to the
United Arab Republic headed by
President Gamal Abdul Nasser,
was solidly backed by Republicans
and opposed by the Democratic
On the vote, the amendment re-
ceived support from many south-
ern Democrats and from a num-
ber of Democrats from northern
urban areas having large Jewish
Nasser of the UAR has opposed
U.S. foreign policy although his
nation. has been receiving Ameri-
can aid, including surplus food.
Rep.1 Robert H. Michel (R-Ill),
proposer of the bill, asserted that
Nasser has been diverting U.S. aid
funds, and using them to interfere
in the affairs of other nations con-
trary to U.S. foreign policy.
Food shipments to the UAR un-
der other programs would not be
affected by this amendment, he
In opposing the amendment, ad-
ministration leaders in the House
argued it was an untimely inter-
ference with conduct of foreign
policy and would tie the hands
of the President in dealing with
The House passed the bill by
voice vote after approving the
Michel amendment. The measure
now goes to the Senate which may
remove or modify the amendment.
Order G agin
Cadet Scandal
(A)-A tight gag, with threat of a
court martial and a more severe
penalty, has been clamped on'
resigning cadets in the United
States Air Force Academy cheat-
ing scandal which may not be
cleaned up for weeks.'
The academy superintendent,
Maj. Gen. Robert H. Warren, in
announcing six more withdrawals
of the more than 100 cadets in-
volved, said the painstaking probe
by a special officers' panel may
extend to Feb. 10.
The results, he added, will be
forwarded to the Secretary of the
Air Force, Eugene M. Zuckert, for
personal review and any further
action the secretary might feel is


-Associated Press
WORKMEN CLEAN THE DECK of the Port of London Authority launch Havengore, which will
carry the casket of Sir Winston Churchill up the River Thames. Yesterday Churchill's body was
brought from his London home at Hyde Park Gate to lie in state at Westminster Hall. The coffin,
draped in a Union Jack, was part of a procession of eight cars watched by a crowd of 2,000 as
it approached the hall.
Riots Break Out In Viet :Nam


SELMA (M)-Riot-trained state
troopers moved into Selma yester-
day as a safeguard against vio-
lence, but a Negro right-to-vote
campaign went quietly-though
Thirty four Negroes arriving at
the county courthouse after the
allotted number of 100 prospective
voters had been assigned places
in line were arrested when they
refused to move. Others left peace-
Helmeted state troopers under
command of COl. Al Lingo re-
mained on standby duty at the
National Guard Armory on the
city's outskirts.
Guard Within
Sheriff James Clark and his
deputies joined city police' in
standing guard within the city,
but made-no effort to interfere
with the applicants lined up in
single file awaiting their turn to
take the v6ter registration t test.
Chief Deputy U.S. Marshall H.
Stanley Fountain also was on
hand to make certain that sher-
iff's officers and Negroes alike
complied with a federal court in-
junction guaranteeing prospective
voters the right to seek registra-
tion unmolested.
The injunction, issued by Dist.
Judge Daniel H. Thomas in thel
wake of mass arrests by sherriff's
deputies last week, was directed
against Clark and his men but

it also prohibited the Negroes
from unlawful assembly.
Lingo declined to say how many
troopers came to Selma with him,
but newsmen counted about 30
patrol cars at the armory.,
Restraining Order
Thomas' restraining order re-
quired county authorities to issue
numbered places in line to the
first 100 prospective voters arriv-
ing at the courthouse each day.
The court order provided further
that those still in line at the end
of the day must be given priority
when the board meets again.
Approximately 170 N e g r o e s
showed up this morning and the
deputy marshall told those with-
out numbers that they would have
to try again tomorrow, the final
registration day this week.
' A federal referee, the first in
Alabama, has already been ap-
pointed to handle voter registra-
tion in Perry County. Even so,
Negroes said the pace is still slow.

By The Associated Press
Rioting erupted yesterday in
South Viet Nam in protest against
Premier Tran Van Huong.
In Nha Trang a 17-year-old girl
drenched herself in gasoline and
committed suicide by fire at an
anti - government demonstration
In Saigon, two terrorist grenades
exploded from the ceiling of the
headquarters of Maj. Gen. Frank
A. Osmanski, the United States
logistics chief in-South Viet Nam,
and slightly injured several per-
sons working in the reception
Two hundred students tried to
set fire to market stalls in an-
other suburb. Police and soldiers
arrested about half that group.
Also former Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon claims that the U.S.
is "losing the war in Viet Nam
and we will be thrown out of the
country in a matter of months,
certainly within a year."

concerning Viet Nam is the most
important thing facing President
Lyndon B. Johnson and the people.
of the United States.
He proposed that the United
States "quarantine the war in
South Viet Nam and use American
air power and sea power to cut
off supply lines."
The Republican 1960 presiden-
tial candidate described his pro-

posal as "a very risky one," but
said he did not believe Red China
would enter the conflict.
"The risk involved in winning
the war is far less than the risk
of losing it," he asserted. All of
Southeast Asia is at stake.
Nixon said that, with the Soviet
Union and Red China having their
differences, this is "the best time
to call the hand of China."

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union yesterday accused Richard F. Stolz,
first secretary at the U.S. embassy in Russia of spying and demanded
he leave the country.
LANSING-The State Legislature returned to business yesterday
after 11 days of post-opening day recess.
* * *

Speaking yesterdayin New WASHINGTON-Sale of about four million bushels of American
York, Nixon said that a decision soybeans to the Soviet Union for $11 million was approved yesterday



1. i.I



(Continued from Page 2)
Gen. Lib. Arts for Mgmt. Trug. &
CIA-(See above).
Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh, Pa.
-Degrees in Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen.
Lib. Arts, Hist., Math, Poll. St., Psych.
& Sociol. for Mgmt. Trng., Merchandis-
ing & Sales.I
Lincoln National Insurance Co., Ft.
Wayne, Ind.-Seeking Gen. Lib. Arts
and Math majors for positions in home
office insurance, Mgmt. Trng., & Sales.
Located in various cities.
Manufacturers National Bank of De-
troit-Econ. & Gen. Lib. Arts majors for
banking & mgmt. trng. positions for
men & women.
Standard Oil, Detroit--Degrees in
Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts & Poli. Sol. for
positions in Mgmt. Trng., Merchandise
ing & Territorial Sales. Detroit &
throughout Michigan.
CIA-(See above).
Control Data Corp., Minneapolis,
Minn.-Men & women, BA, MA in
Math for Program Analysis, Computer
Application & Computer Sales Engrs.
IBM World Trade Commission-For-
eign Students Only-Opportunity, for
career positions with IBM upon return
to own country, as Data Processing
Sales Trainees & Systems Analysts. All
degree levels in EE, ME, Physics/Chem.,
Math & Bus. Admin. Openings in 30
countries (please call Bureau of Ap-
pointnients 764-7460 for list).
FRI., FEB. 5-
IBM World Trade Comm. - (See
Announcement of teachers exam for
teachers of Mentally Retarded (Elem.
School level) in San Francisco-March
27, 1965 (pre-registration required). For
information write to San Francisco
Unified School Dist., Personnel Div.,

135 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, Education
Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
JAN. 29-
Abbott Labs., N. Chicago, I.-All
Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: IE. BS: IE. R. &
D., Prod. & Ind: Engrg.
Air Reduction Co., Inc., All locations
-All Degrees: ChE, Mat'Is., ME &
Met. BS: EM, E Physics. R. & D., Des.
& Trng. Program-(BS only).
Allied Chemical Corp., N.Y., N.Y.-
BS: ChE, EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., & ME.
Dev., Des., Prod., Sales, Tech. Service.
Arvin Industries, Inc., Columbus, Ind.
--BS: EE, EM & ME. April grads. Men
& women. Can consider non-citizens if
becoming a U.S. citizen. R. & D. &
JAN. 29 (p.m.)-
DeSoto Chemical Coatings, Inc., Chi-
cago, Ill.-BS: ChE. R. & D.
JAN. 29-
Hercules Powder Co., Nationwide -
BS-MS: ChE, EE & ME. Men & women.
R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
Lincoln Lab., M.I.T., Lexington, Mass.
-All Degrees: EE. Men & women. Will
interview residents with permanent im-
migrant visas. R. & D., Des.
New Holland Machine Co., Div. of
Sperry Rand-BS: IE. Dev., Des. &
Project Work.
Rexall Chemical Co., N.J., Texas, &
Calif.-BS-MS: ChE & ME. R. & D.,
Prod. & Sales.
Union Carbide Corp., Silicones Div.,
Tonawanda, N.Y.: Sisterville, W. Va.;
Nationwide-Sales - All Degrees: ChE,
Chemistry-(Analyt., Inorg., Org. &
Physical). Can consider non-citizens if
becoming a U.S. citizen. R. & D., Prod.
& Sales.



Our little o' Lower Level
has got the greatest sale
of furblend cardigan
sweaters in black,
brown, bright navy and
powder blue. 36 to 40
but not all sizes in
oll colors. They were
11.98-now that's a
great sale isn't it

The wickedly innocent
kitten-faces of pansies, gently
blurred in monotones, but
still with that curiously alert
look pansies have. The
VILLAGER shirtdress, dear to
collectors, drifts in a cloud of
Fortrel polyester and cotton
as soft as the first day of
Spring. Cool Pink, Cool Blue,
Cool Gold. Sizes 6 to 16,




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