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January 24, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-24

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$4e tir ]Dt aily
Seventy-Fifth Year

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
The University's Better Side: Jack Manning
hy H. Neil Berkson


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
orthe editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

What Comes After the
Glamor of 'Greekuess'

women who have taken part in rush,
it marks the climax of two weeks of con-
stant, if not confused, activity.
Although the emotional states of those
involved range from euphoric to depres-
sive, the universal feeling is one of re-
lief because it is over. However, as the
pledges are carried over the portals of
their soon-to-be-homes, "it" has just be-
gun. What will they find when the glamor
of "Greekness" wears off?
The fraternity system has been un-
der strong attack in the last decade. It.
is a diminishing college institution, and
many rejoice at the prospect. Although
the opposition acknowledges certain su-
perficial comforts afforded by the sys-
tem, better feed and greener lawns are
hardly indispensable assets.
'TRADITIONALLY, the fraternity system
has been attacked because of its nab
ture. It is a selective group. However,
the present difficulty with the system
is not its selection process, but its prod-
uct. A self perpetuating unit can become,
narrow and, if it does, it can be socially'
and intellectually stifling.
The value of college is confrontation
with and learning from differences. The
identification that may occur from in-
ternal breeding limits the scope of the
1Iowever, this stifling experience can
occur in any group which is too self-ori-
ented. Just as the sorority woman is
criticized for her "in"' group, so should
the beatnik be made aware of his closed
community, and the residential college
should beware of self-centered isolation.
Furthermore, it is not the individual
in the group that prevents diversity, for
by definition he contributes to the varie-
ty of parts that compose the whole. It is
the image of the group which is perpetu-
ated by opponents and proponents of the
system which encourages social and in-
tellectual suffocation.
an awareness of the problems that
confront the system. The new rush pro-
posal illustrates the initiative and real-
istic approach of its leadership. How-

ever, it was not accepted by the sorority
membership; they were afraid. This fear
focused on change-the assumption of
greater responsibilities for themselves and
for the prospective sorority women. A be-
lief in their own maturity and ability to
act as women was lacking, as was their
recognition of the future.
It would be appropriate at this time
for sorority women to examine their rai-
son d'etre. Under the barrage of attacks
it has perhaps been lost.
A SORORITY is a social group which
encourages and exists from the inter-
action of its members. Mystic bond or
not, it's a living, functioning unit. It is
the individual's relation to the group that
makes it a productive or {destructive ex-
perience. In a campus of this size the
undergraduate sorority provides a very
necessary nuclear group. However, it
should be recognized just as that, a home
base, from which it is very important to
emerge; it is a part of the University but
it is not the axis upon which the Univer-
sity turns.
Such a group needs the cooperation of
its members and clearly defined direction
through its leadership.
In his relationship to the group the in-
dividual may derive many benefits. One
learns through contact with different
personalities and opinions-2000 soror-
ity women may not be easily stereotyped.
As a member the individual is subordi-
nate to the system, but her identity must
remain separate from it.
derived from the sorority system can
be attained from other sources. However,
it would demand a great deal more indi-
vidual effort, and at a university this size
where the primary concern of its popula-
tion is the pursuit of a respectable grade-
point, it is dubious that such an effort
would be made by many people.
In the next few years the problems and
promises of the sorority system will be
under further scruitiny, and future gen-
erations will not be kind. The system
should pause and reflect upon its pur-
pose, for it should not be satisfied with
sunporches alone.

"YOU KNOW," he said, "most of what The Daily says
about the University has merit. Lord knows ther
are a lot of soft spots, and you do quite a job of
putting a spotlight on them. But you don't focus enough
on the compensating factors-the people who make the
University bearable and sometimes even exciting."
The speaker: John J. Manning, Jr., who, although he
most certainly wasn't blowing his own horn, is one
of the people who does make the University both bear-
able and rewarding day after day.
Jack Manning is the administrative assistant in the
literary college's Junior-senior counseling office. He is
the resident director of Fletcher Hall. He is a teaching
fellow in the English department aiming for his PhD.
sometime this summer. If you can catch him running
between one of his three offices, chances are you can tie
him up for a whole day. He has an aptitude for assuming
other people's problems until they are eliminated.
MANY STUDENTS have come in contact with
Manning, and most would testify to his extraordinary
suspicion of red tape. When dealing with people he
doesn't talk rules and regulations unless they make
sense; he is the first to worry when when they don't.

Thus, when a number of student activities people
seemed especially dazed by trimester pressures last
December, Manning decided to launch a full-scale study
of the relationship between classroom and extra-class-
room life. His object: to determine whether or not the
literary college could provide any concrete recognition
of the role of activities. Primarily on his own time he
has spent long hours researching the problem, looking
for both significant patterns and solutions.
ON HIS OWN TIME as well, Manning last year
talked to virtually every resident adviser in the dormitory
system in order to prepare a housing office report on
how to attract better staff. Indicative of the University's
other face, Director of Housing Eugene Haun, who had
encouraged the report, had yet to read it six months
after it was turned in.
Manning has his faults, too. He is a Massachusetts
Republican with certain qualms about Texas Democrats,
The University should have more people like him.
* . . .
THE ALREADY-PUBLICIZED course description proj-
ect moved into its critical phase over the weekend.
Questionnaire forms came off the presses and have
now been distributed.

The aim of the project-to provide concentrated,
public student comment concerning courses and profes-
sors at the University-has proved beyond reproach.
Sceptics have centered their fire, and rightly so, on
the lack of a scientific sample.
The participating student groups shared this con-
cern long before the proposed booklet was announced.
The handicaps to a scientific sample, however, were
insurmountable. Both time pressure and the necessity
of University cooperation-class records would be needed
to conduct such a sample, and the University would
be understandably reluctant to provide such a sanction-
were considerations.
AT THIS POINT two things become necessary. In
order to be defensible, the booklet must represent a
very high response. Moreover, student comments must
be thoughtful. As trite as that may seem, if this booklet
is merely a means to pay back grudges it won't be of
any use.
In any less-than-scientific survey the danger of
getting only extremes of opinion is great. The success
of this survey depends on the considered participation
of everyone.

War Footing
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The Week in Review
Staying in Movies-and School

Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
winter term, student activity
experienced an upward surge as
several student groups picketed
and "stayed-in" local movie
houses, and eight others prepared
a questionnaire for a course eval-
uation booklet.
More than 600 students par-
ticipated in the stay-in demon-
stration initiated by Student Gov-
ernment Council at the Michigan
Theatre Friday night; 30 others
from Voice Political Party, the
Independent Socialist Club and
the Young Democrats picketed
outside. A second demonstration
was scheduled for last night.
Both demonstrations were called
to protest the recent admission
price increases at the three But-
terfield theatres in Ann Arbor.
Students hoped to counter the 25
per cent price increase by ie-
maining in the theatre through
part of the second show, thus
preventing the accommodation of
patrons for ,that performance.

GRADUATE Student Council,
Inter-Quadrangle Council, Assem-
bly Association. Student Employes
Union, International Students As-
sociation, the Lawyers Club and
the Young Republicans endorsed
the SGC action.
Student leaders hoped to use
the demonstration to influence
the Butterfield management to
lower prices and to urge the Re-
gents, with a minority interest in
the Butterfield chain and two
representatives on the ' x-man'
Butterfield board of directors. to
"take a stand" and use their in-
fluence to reduce prices to the
original level.
SGC planned no further protest
action until Wednesday. in the
hopes that some agreement could
be reached before further action
is taken.
The Butterfield theatre man-
agement seemed fairly unrespon-
sive to the student protest Friday
night. Gerald Hoag. manager of
the Michigan Theatre, noted that
the students were "having their
fun," and claimed "there is no
chance" that prices be lowered.
agitation over the theatre price
hike almost seems to be an index
of the fact that ,theterm.,is only
two 'weeks old and, exams- and
papers required in literary college
courses will not fall due for sev-
eral weeks. The entire issue seems
to belong to the general category
of "college days."
However, there is a deeper is-
sue: prices charged by Ann Arbor
merchants are generally inflated;
the Butterfield increase is not an
isolated event but one in a series
of prices rises students wish to
halt now.
Meanwhile this week, eight stu-
dent groups - Assembly Associa-
tion, Interfraternity Council, The
Daily, Panhellenic Association,
Graduate Student Council, Inter-
Quadrangle Council, the Michigan
Union and the Women's League-
continued work on a course evalu-
ation booklet scheduled for ubli-
cation in The Daily in February.

Representatives from the eight
groups completed a questionnaire
to survey student opinion on
courses and teachers. It sis sched-
uled for distribution among stu-
dents early this week.
* * *
IN OTHER student action, As-
sembly President Maxine Loomis
called Monday for a merger be-
tween Assembly House Council
and Inter-Quadrangle Council.
Miss Loomis cited three reasons
for the proposed merger:
-The growth of co-ed housing
on campus and the construction
of co-ed Bursley Hall on North
Campus merit a co-educational
governing body;
-Staffing of a single,. co-
educational body would eliminate
current recruitment problems and
would allow for a more selective
and extensive recruitment system;
-A merged Assembly and IQC
would provide a "center of con-
tact" between Bursley Hall and
Central Campus.
* * *
ALTHOUGH this proposal raises
several problems concerning the
implementation' of the merger, it
is basically a sound one and seems
a logical follow-up to the recent
-and pending-decision to merge
the studenthstudents activities
groups of the Union and the
From the administration this
week came the statistics on stu-
dent dropouts during the fall term.
According to the figures released
by the office of the associate dean
of the literary college, substan-
tially fewer literary college stu-
dents were asked to leave the Uni-
versity at the end of last semester
than after the fall semester in any
of the past few years.
The number of students asked
not to return (including some
later readmitted) this term drop-
ped to 299-a decrease of 103
from the previous fall term. The
percentage of students who
dropped out because of academic
difficulty was cut almost in half,
as only 1.4 per cent were forced
to leave.

Theatre Scandal a la. Berkeley

A Sword of iDamocles

'THEY'RE RIOTING at Michigan" is a
headline, or radio or television news
announcement, that is presently appear-
ing in some of the University administra-
tors' worst nightmares.
With the touchy budget review process
getting under way in Lansing, and with
that greatest of all public relations
schemes, the Sesquicentennial fund drive,
gathering carefully nurtured momentum
around the country, the very thought of
the word RIOT is enough to give said ad-
ministrators of these programs the
screaming heebeejeebees.
The best laid plans of mice and men...
The ugly spector of Berkeley pis haunt-
ing their thoughts like a sword of Dam-
ocles. Many reasons can be advanced why
Berkeley won't happen here. No leaders
like Mario Savio, no issues concrete
enough and strong enough to really get
a hold of, student apathy or even hostility
toward "socialist RIOTS."
BUT SUCH DISCUSSION is meaningless
if Berkeley does happen here, as it
might. Who is to say what unnoticed is-
sue might set off the bomb, what lead-
ers might suddenly appear to organize
the mobs, what mobs might appear out of
nowhere to join the excitement? RIOT is
a powerful and magic and strange word,
cropping up in the strangest places.
It wasn't a RIOT at the Michigan The-
atre last night, but a thousand or so stu-
dents, cramped into close quarters with
at least a semblance of a common griev-
ance ... the administrators better thank
their lucky stars.
Right now, for a change, the students
are holding a few trump cards. Played
well, some meaningful returns can be

reaped. The University administrators
have considerable vested interest in the
status quo-$100 million worth, if one
-wanted to be dramatic, Sesquicentennial
plans plus the Lansing appropriation. It
is therefore entirely logical to say that
campus tranquility is worth a good many
millions to the University. What is it
worth to the student?
Those millions aren't going to benefit
him. He won't be here when they start to
take effect. The students, in return for
being tranquil, deserve their return here
and now. And the administration, if'
pressed, knows it is going to have to give
them these returns or watch that sword
of Damocles come down upon its collec-
tive neck.
A LONG LIST of demanded returns can
be handed to administrators. Barry
Bluestone made one up not long ago. No
promises, delays, evasions or excuses need
be accepted in return. Either administra-
tive action or student reaction. Black-
mail? Not exactly, fair bargaining is a
nicer term.
Here are a few not-unfair demands:
-Make more University facilities avail-
able to show movies that students can at-
tend while boycotting the Butterfield
conspiracy, and if Butterfield tries to
play rough, i.e., use its influence to cut
off the sources of movies for non-Butter-
field Ann Arbor showings, the University
has both legal talent and considerable
influence to use in return;
-Change the Regents policy so that
a cooperative bookstore can be set up to
sell new books at discount prices on Uni-
versity property;
-Work to get more teeth into Ann Ar-'
bor's fair housing laws and more inspec-
tion into slum apartments and rooms
for students; pricing practices for all
non-University/ housing could also stand

To the Editor:
EVERSINCE the children at
Berkeley came up with an
excuse to get a little pr, their
counterparts here at the factory
have been waiting for their
chance. Along comes the Great
Theatre Scandal, and they have
it. It's nice to see them finding
an outlet, all in the great Ameri-
can tradition.
But what is so sacred about the
old rate of $1 per adult head? I
agree with the Butterfield boys-
the rate should be changed-but
maybe to $.50 This is because the
average movie is worth about this
(given a high rate of inflation).
WHAT the stay-inners are tell-
ing the owners, though is that
the movies are worth $1 per head.
It seems that these students would
rather be charged $1 for a $.50
movie than be charged $1.25. This
is understandable but still kind
of silly.
I refuse to participate in any-
thing but a stay-home until the
goal is made a $.50 ticket or a $1
What we really need in this
area is free-enterprise pay TV,
high quality at a reasonable price.
Competition would do more to
bring down the movie prices than
all these demonstrations, resolu-
tions (and letters to the editor).
-Walter W. Broad, '66E
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to clarify the na-
ture of the Student Ernployes

Union in relation to the letters
printed in The Daily Jan. 23. It
appears that at least four out of
26 students employed by Drake's
are satisfied with their wages and
working conditions. From this it
would seem a logical conclusion.
(if these four students are rep-
resentative) that the union has
no place at Drake's. However, UM-
SEU, because of its unique dual
function may operate in two dif-
ferent capacities.
The first of these two capacities
is that all employes unions-bar-
gaining and mediation relying on
the power of strike-but because
of the nature of a student work
force, being, mobile; and easily re-
placeable, this traditional function
is not a practical one for a student
employes union.
Therefore in this particular case
we cannot exercise the primary
and most powerful function of a
labor union. We must utilize an-'
other force which is just as pow-
erful but in a more intangible way,
that of, public opinion. In this
second capacity we may function
as a social reform agency calling
community attention to what we
feel is of vital concern.
* *
IF WE were acting strictly as
an employes union, we could not
take any direct action without the
consent and participation of the
employes involved. However, there
is a possibility that these people's
jobs might beendangered if they
did participate in this kind of
union activity. In this particular
instance we are using this second
power of public opinion to put
pressure on an establishment

which pays wages below the stan-
dard we are trying to achieve,
$1.25 an hour.
I sincerely doubt that the 26
student employes all are satisfied
with their working conditions.
This kind of action cannot pos-
sibly affect their jobs and it will
call attention to a situation that
should be remedied.
--Gail Smiley, '67
UMSEU Executive Committee
Vocational School?
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to ask Mr. Vetz-
ner and the 70 students who
backed out of history of art 102,
what is a university?
It appears to me that a lot of
students who are now attending
the University should be in a trade
school, for all they want from the
University is a developed skill in
one narrow field.
It would be interesting to know
the number of scholars walking
around this campus who are mere-
ly putting in their time between
orientation and graduation. How
many are looking for the path
with the least work and the small-
est amount of knowledge, and how
many are willing to sacrifice the
grade point for knowledge?
If a person can graduate from
a university knowing no more than
the material in one specific field,
then that university should be
listed as a vocational school.
-Nancy Kriegn,'68

Get Yourself Some
Better Entertainment

At the State Theatre
ANYON who decides to protest
X high ;movie prices by staying
an extra quarter of the way
through the show now at the
State Theatre deserves the Purple
First there is a feature called
"The Sound of Speed," starring
Lance Reventlow and the Scarab
(no, silly, it's a racing car!), whose
sole 'purpose seems to be that of
testing the bass response of the
State Theatre's speaker systems.
Then, following a rather medio-
cre cartoon, comes an even worse
motion picture, "Get Yourself a
College Girl." Apparently it's writ-

ten into every Miss America's
contract that she has to make a
movie whether Hollywood likes
it or not, so look-out-Doris Day-
here-comes-Mary Ann Mobley!
She and the other up-and-coming
young starlets in the film display
a wide range of acting talent
(from worse), while at the same
time dressing so as to display
everything they've got (or else
emphasize some things they
Yourself a College Girl" is about
as thin as Quad soup (Miss Mob-
ley plays a modern-day Joan of
Arc who does a slow burn more
than once during the course of
the picture), MGM has padded it
to the hilt with no less than six
name combos,- possibly to take
everyone's mind off Miss Mobley's
own particular style of singing.
Among these are the Animals
(so-called because they look like
animals, act like animals and
sing like animals), the Dave Clark
Five (the poor man's Beatles, who
somehow manage to croon out a
song with a minimum of lip move-
ment, sort of pop-song ventrile-
quism), organist Jimmy Smith
(the poor man's E. Power Biggs)
and-worst of all--Astrud Gil-
berto, who sounds as if she were

An Evening of Top-Flight Entertainment

LAST NIGHT'S Ella Fitzgerald
show provided a tasty blend
of top-flight jazz. The mixture
included many styles and incited
some interesting comparisons.
The program opened with the
always-cohesive Oscar Peterson
Trio in performances of jazz

originals that were arranged for
a recent album. Terry played with
crackling zest and humor and
floored everyone with his con-
versational brand of scat singing
that is really a vocal adaptation
of his horn phrases.
.* *

more showy and metallic style.
Miss Fitzgerald varied her tem-
pos and moods effectively and
was accompanied by a formidable
jazz group in its own right, the
Roy Eldridge Quartet, featuring
the lyrical piano of Tommy Flan-
agan. Flanagan's spare, linear
style contrasted sharply to Peter-


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