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January 23, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-23

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TU . Myruir_ A NT ll1 a wy %r


Buddhist Rally Sparks
Saigon it Demand




End to Huong Regime

--Associated Press
BUDDHISTS SURGED THROUGH groups of seated Buddhist
monk demonstrators in Saigon yesterday as tear gas exploded
about them during protests against the government of Premier
Tran Van Huong. Paratroopers smashed through the mob with
billy clubs and tear gas.
Soviets Attack U.S.
Sone Fight
UNITED NATIONS ({P-The Soviet Union accused the United
States yesterday of trying to paralyze the activities of the United
Nations by creating an artificial crisis over peacekeeping assessments
owed by the Russians and a dozen other nationis.
In a statement to the press the Soviet Union delegation declared,
that the U.S. position was the only stumbling block preventing the
General Assembly from returning to normal voting procedures.
The statement said the Soviet Union would make a substantial
voluntary contribution to ease the UN's financial plight-but that
the amrount was Moscow's own business, and would be disclosed
" only after normal voting pro-

Mobs Stone
USIS Unit,
Fight Polce
Embassy Denies Riot
Was Anti-American
SAIGON MA)-Buddhist rioters
attacked the United States Infor-
mation service library and bat-
tled security forces throughout
Saigon yesterday in an effort to
unseat South Viet Nam Premier
Tran Van Huong. Skirmishes per-
sisted into the night..
The disorders, touched off by a
rally of about 450 yellow-robed
monks and nuns in front of the
U.S. Embassy, had openly anti-
American overtones.
Some banners curiously parallel,
ed the Viet Cong propaganda line.
Communist Slogan
One, though looking innocent,
was identical to a slogan of the
Communist guerrillas: "We de-
sire democracy, freedom and peace
for the Vietnamese people."
Monks and nuns carried these
and other banners in a 10-block
march through Saigon to the U.S.
Embassy in defiance of govern-
ment orders against street dem-
Vietnamese paratroopers guard-
ing the embassy permitted a five-
man delegation to deliver to the
door a petition for U.S. Ambassa-
dor Maxwell D. Taylor. They de-
manded an end to American sup-
port for Huong's regime, which
the Buddhists charge is oppressive.
Attack Police
Trouble boiled up two blocks
away. A wave of yelling Buddhist
youths attacked and stoned cor-
dons of combat police. Dispersed
with tear gas and clubs, the youths
reassembled and marched on the
U.S. Information Service library
-four blocks from the embassy.
They smashed library doors and
Use Tear Gas'
Paratroopers finally donned gas
masks and broke the demonstra-
tion up with tear gas and clubs.
Several dozen demonstrators were
Fifty-five Buddhists and 20
monks were arrested in the ini-
tial clashes. Police charged some
of the monks were draft dodgers.
Not Anti-American
A U.S. Embassy spokesman said
he did not regard the vandalism
at the USIS library as an anti-
American act, adding:
"In any case it does not reflect
the feeling of the majority of the
Vietnamese people."
Even so, the number of rioters
did not seem to be great. Perhaps
fewer than 2000 persons made up
the hard core.
The demonstration apparently
was organized by the Young Bud-
dhist Monks and Nuns Associa-
tion for the Defense of Buddhism,
headed by a monk named Thich
Thanh Nhan. None of the rank-
ing leaders of the Vietnamese
Buddhist movement was present.

Reds Move into Laos,[
May Aid Viet Cong
WASHINGTON (P)-A buildup of Communist North Vietnamese H
military forces in Laos was reported yesterday by the State Depart- P
ment. l
A spokesman said there have been indications "'of North Viet- a
namese movements into Central and Southern Laos." s
Such reinforcements could foreshadow an intensification of
fighting in the little Southeast Asian kingdom which shares y
common borders with North and e
South Viet Name
Officials said they are not sure v
of the strategic 'purpose of the h
Red troop movements. They could Talks B egin d
mean an increased effort to guard 1l
supply and reinforcement routes
used by the Reds from North to WASHINGTON (')- Adminis-
uth et TNam trough the L tration witnesses found the going
Increas They might also mean easy yesterday when they open-
increased Communist infiltration ed their arguments for President
in support of the Viet ong ger- Lyndon B. Johnson's education
rillas fighting United States-sup- bill. e
ported government forces in South Democrats on a House Educa- e
Viet Nam. tion subcommittee heaped praise l
Some officials expressed belief on the bill and predicted its cer-
that the strengthening of the tain passake and the launching ti
Viet Minh forces in Laos may be of a new era I education. l
a normal increase in preparation Secretary of Health, Education a
for increased Red military actin- and Welfare Anthony J. Cele- Ih
ity following the end o the rainy brezze and Commissioner of Edu- r
season about two months ago. cation Francis Keppel assured a
State Department press officer the congressmen that Johnson's t
Robert J. McCloskey told a news proposal to improve educational
conference he could not throw opportunities for children in low- li
any flight on either the size or income families would aid both s
the purpose of the increased North public and private school pupils p
Vietnamese activity in Laos. and be constitutional. a
More Troops Celebrezze and Keppel offered
"There has been a net increase volumes of testimony, charts, dia-
over the last few weeks of Viet grams and statistics in support s
Minh troops in Laos," he said, of Johnson's $1.25-billion program s
McCloskey described this as a for the elementary and secondary b
source of concern to the U.S. in schools. Another $250 million for a
view of U.S. commitments in the higher education is in a separate t
area. But he said he would not bill.
describe it "as a source of alarm." Most of the money--$1 billion- a
The supply lines which run is to help educate "the children p
from North to South Viet Nam of poverty." It would be allocated v
have been under occasional U.S. to school districts on the basis of v
air attack at strategic points for the number of children they con- n
several months. The primary ob- tai living in families with annu "
jective has been to knock out incomes of less than $2000. a
strategic bridges and otherwise im-
pede the movement of supplies to There are five million such di- c
he Red guerrillas in South Viet advantaged children in the schools M
Nam, as well as to try to reduce now, Celebrezze said, 11 per cent of t
the flow of supplies and reinforce- the school-age population. In Mis-
ments into the Communist-held sissppi, 37 per cent of the chil- p
areas of Laos. dren are in this category, he re- s
Recently there was a fresh out- _oted. p-
break of fighting between Com-
munist and Lao government forces
In the northeastern province of
Sam Neua.
Pick Bliss forrC
Top GOP Post
CHICAGO (P) -- Republicans,
following their unity script, elect-
ed Ohio's Ray C. Bliss as national
chairman yesterday, and Barry
Goldwater told them he was per-
sonally to blame for the landslide ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH and
election loss that led to their fam- the EPISCOPAL STUDENT
fly feud. FOUNDATION
Outgoing National Chairman 306 North Division
Dean Burch. the man in the mid-
dIe of the GOP fight, was prais- Phone 662-4097
ed by word and by resolution aft- SUNDAY
er he formally stepped aside. 8:00 a..Holy Communion.
Goldwater, who chose Burch for 9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and
the chairmanship, said his protege Breakfast at Canterbury House.
has been bla emodfrdcewthepreh 1 1 :00 d.m.-Morning Prayer and Sen
has been blamed for decisions the 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer and com
nominee made himself. TUESDAY
Sen. Thruston 13. Morton (R- 9:15 Hoy Tunion.
Ky) indicted Goldwater for his WED. 'oy omnioAY
handling of the civil rights issue 70 -DNion
during last fall's campaign. 700 a.m.-Holy Communion.
He told the convention that Re- FRIDAY
publicans are never going to re- 12:10 p.m.-Holy Communion.
build their party nationally un-
til they go after the Negro vote BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER
in the South.r ..^

Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON-As of now, the
House would pass some version of
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
egislation for health care of the
aged, an Associated Press poll
The Senate passed the bill last
'ear and Democrats have increas-
d their strength there. And the
party widened its House majority
ven more, so it appears that a
[ecade of controversy will end in
victory for the proponents of
health benefits administered un-
er the social security system and
inanced by payroll taxes.
The Ways and Means Commit-
'e will decide the exact provi-
ions of the bill sent to the House.
Poll Legislators
Associated Press reporters reach-
d 396 of the 435 House members
with questions about health-care
Of these, 175 said unequivocally
[hey are for the administration
egislation, and 25 more said they
re inclined to vote for it. Per-
haps more significantly, only 21
ecorded themselves as opposed to,
ny further government action in
his field.
Reactions of the remainder var-
ed, but the biggest bloc--115--
aid they want enactment of some
lan for health benefits for the
ged, other than the Johnson plan.
Some Undecided
Twenty - nine representatives
aid they are wholly undecided,
ix said they are uncommitted,
ut inclined to vote against the
dministration bill and 25 refused
o state their positions.
The members definitely or prob-,
bly for the administration pro-
osal total 200, which is only 18
otes less than 4n absolute ma-
ority of the House. There seems
io reason to doubt the proposal
'ill pick up that number from
mong the 93 unaccounted for be-
ause members could not be
eached, refused to reply or said
hey had not made up their minds
Moreover, some of the 115 who
refer other plans may vote in a
howdown for the administration
roposal rather than nothing.;

The administration program
calls for hospital and some lim-
ited home health services to those
over 65, administered through the
social security system but sep-
arately financed. Additional pay-
roll tax and some general Treas-
ury contribution for persons al-
ready 65 and not under social so.
'urity would be used. There would
be no Income or property test for
These general principles are ex-
pected to survive the committee's
rewriting of the legislation dur-
ing the next few weeks.
The major alternative plans
so far brought forward avoid pay-
roll-tax financing and set some
means qualifications.
Alternative Plans
Those most often mentioned by
representatives polled are a bill in-
troduced by Rep. Frank T. Bow
(R-Ohio), a plan suggested by the
American Medical Association and
expansion of the existing legisla-
tion for state-federal health serv-
Ives for low - income persons,
known as the Kerr-Mills Act.
Moreover, Republican members
of the Ways and Means Commit-
tee have promised to bring up an
alternative of their own, still be-
ing worked on.
Both the Bow bill and the AMA
proposal contemplate the subsidiz-
ing of private health insurance for
elderly persons whose incomes fall
below specified levels.
Tax Credits
Bow would subsidize premiums
up to $150 annually by granting
tax credits, or, for persons who
do not pay that much tax, by
grants from the fegeral Treasury.
The AMA would establish a flex-
ible, state- administered system
using state and federal funds. The
insurance under either plan would
cover more than just hospital bills.
The Republican plan, not yet
disclosed, is believed likely also
to contemplate the use of private
Existing System
The existing Kerr-Mills system,
not fully implemented in all states,
involves federal grants in aid for
states that set up health care pro-
grams for aged persons. Each state
sets its own standards of care
provided and financial +eligibility.

The eligibility requirement
not as stringent as those foi
sons receiving outright w
There have been a numb
proposals for changing the
Mills system, especially by e
the eligibility standards so
permit qualification of mor
derly persons who have only
means but are above the pc
Oen Senal
VA 7xHearin;
hearing on plans to close
veterans' medical facilities.
the nation opened yesterday
avalanche of angry protest
manding that President Lynd
Johnson block the move for
ther study.
Senator after senator arc
object to any shutdown of V
an's Administration hospitals,
ticularly those serving his
state. Leading the way were
ate Majority Leader Mike N
field (D-Mont) and Mir.
Leader Everett M. Dirksen (R
Defends Program
But VA administrator V
Driver vigorously defended
plan, saying that centering
program on large urban hosl
near medical schools is a s
way to provide more and t
care for veterans.


This does not mean, he added,
that "all our hospitals can or will
be located in heavily populated
medical centers or affiliated with
medical schools."
"I am convinced that on a na-
tional basis the decision was
sound," the VA chief told the
Senate Veterans Subcommittee.
Lessen Impact'
"We will do our best to lessen
the impact of dislocation on these
veterans, communities and eme
ployes Who are adversely affect-
ed," he sard.f
The Vapuns to closedown-11
hospitals and 4 domiciliary facili-
ties-VA homes-and consolidate
16 regional offices by June 30.

House Favors Medicare

'provided and financial eligibility.

18 regional offices bs' June 30.




World News
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN--Iran's Premier Ali
Marisour, wounded in an assassi-
nation attempt Thursday was re-
ported out of danger last night.
Those arrested for the attempt
were believed under the influence
of groups opposed to Shah Mo-
hanmed Reza Pahlevi's moderni-
zation programs. These call for
redistribution of large estates and
extension of political rights to
NEW YORK-State Democratic
Chairman William H. McKeon
emerged from a state investigation
commission hearing yesterday and
said he had denied under oath
that he offered bribes to influ-
ence the Democratic leadership
fight which has stymied the state
SELMA, Ala.-A group of Ne-
gro school teachers was shoved
down the steps of the Dallas
County Courthouse by sheriff's
deputies yesterday when thef said
they wanlted to register as voters.
The voter registration board was,
not in session at the'time.
NEW YORK-The first officialk
ly sponsored talks in modern his-
tory between representatives of
the Roman Catholic Chprch and
of major Protestant and Ortho-
dox bodies will begin soon, a,
leader of the World Council of
Churches said yesterday.

cedure is resumed.
Tuesday Confrontationi
The latest Soviet'blast at the
U.S. and criticism made Thursday
of Secretary-General U Thant in-
dicated that chances were de-
creasing for avoiding a U.S.-So-
viet confrontation in the Assem-
bly next Tuesday.
Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana,
the Assembly president, has said
he will call for election of com-
mittee chairmen and Assembly
vice-presidents at the conclusion
of general policy debate, expected
on Tuesday. Since its start on Dec.
1, the Assembly has been operat-
ing under a no-vote truce.
The U.S. has said that any re-
corded vote will call for appli-
cation of Article 19 of the UN
charter, which says that any mem-
ber two years in arrears on as-
sOssments shall lose its Assembly
Russian Debt
The Soviet Union is about $60
million in arrears, and would have
to pay $21.7 million to get off the
two year list.
In its Press statement the Soviet
delegation said that rumors al-
leging there are consultations on
the amount of the Soviet volun-
tary contribution "h a v e no
grounds whatever, and are an in-
vention from beginning to end.";
The Soviet Union agreed previ-
ausly to the Afro-Asian plan which
would waive applicability of Ar-
ticle 19 and continue normal As-
sembly business while results were
awaited to an appeal for volun-
tary contributions.
The U.S. turned down the plan.
A U.S. spokesman had no direct
comment on the latest Soviet





730 Toppan-662-4245
Russell M. Fuller-Pastor

Sunday Worship-10:45 q. r.
Monday: Buffet Luncheon at 12
Was The Week That Was."

noon. "That


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9:45 a.m.-"Psychology and Religion."
11:00 a.m.-Worship, First Baptist Church.
7:00 p.m. - Lecture and Discussion, "The
Theological Philosophy of John Hick," Mr.
Stephen Tigner, Grad. Student, Dept. of
Paul W. Light ,- Compus Minister
James H. Middleton-Senior Minister
1 432''Washtenaw Ave.
NO 2-4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen, John Waser
Worship at 9:00, 10:30 aim. and 12.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the

802 Monroe-662-5189
J. E. Edwards---Campus Minister
7:00 p.m. Sunday - Seminar on Historic
Christian Thought.
Meeting at YM-YWCA 350 S. Fifth
Rev. Walter R. Petersen, Pastor
9:45 Sunday Bible School
11:00 Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Gospel Hour
423 S. Fourth St.'
Rev. E. R. Klaudt, Rqv. A. C. Bizer,w
& Rev. A. G. Hdbermehl, Pastors
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.-Worshlp Service
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.-Church School
7:30 p.m.-Student Guild
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
For transportation call 662-4018.
9:30 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2
to 20 years of age.
11:00 a.m.-Sunday morning church service.
11:00 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2
to 6 years of age.
A free reading room is maintained at 306 E.
Liberty, open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m:;
331 Thompson
NO 3-0557
SUNDAY-Masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00,
12:00, 12:30.
MONDAY-SATURDAY-Masses t 6:30, 7:00,
8:00, 9:00 and 12:00 and 5:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY-7:30 p.m.--Mother Perpetual
Help Devotions. Confessions following.
SATURDAY-Confessions: 3:30-5:00; 7:30-
9:00 p.m.
National Lutheran Council
Hill St. and S. Forest Ava.

At State and Huron Streets
Phone NO 24536
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Eugene Ransom,' Campus Minister
Jean Robe Bissell, Associate Campus
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Worship Services, Dr.
Rupert, " Decisive Moments in~ Our Re-
igious History-Let My People GoR"
10:15 arm. ---Student Seminar. Students will
join the School of Missions in Social Hall.
7:00 p.m.-Winter Party. Meet at Wesley
Lounge to go to Burns Park for sledding
and skating. Refreshments at Wesley
Lounge at 9:00 p.m.
12:00 ,noon - Class, Pine Room. "Christian
Dating, Courtship and Marriage," Dr. Ran-
som. Lunch 25c.
8:30 p.m.-Open House, Jean Bissell's aport=
ment. .
7:00 a.m.- Holy Communion, Chapel, fol-
lowed by breakfast in Pine Room. Out in
time for 8:00 a.m. classes.
5:10 p.m.--Holy Communion, Chapel.
6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grads, Pine Room. Sup-
per. "Contemporary Religion," John Gran-
12:00 noon--Class, Wesley Lounge. "Shapers
of Contemporary Protestant Thought," Mrs.
Bissell. Lunch 25c.
Forest at Washtenow
The Rev. Donald Postema
Sponsored by the Christian- Reformed Churches
of Michigan.
1501 W. Liberty St.
Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein,
Fred Holtfreter, Pastors
,Worship Services-"$8:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Holy Communion -- Secondi Sunday of each
Church School & Adult Bible Class-9:45 a.m.
Holy Baptism--First Sunday of mornth.

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1511 Washtenow Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Stephen J. Stein, Vicar
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.--Services,
with Sermon by the Vicar, "Off Our Moun-
Sunday at 11:15 a.m. - Bible Discussion,
"Baptism in Practice."
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-Gamma Delta Supper
and Program, with talk on church work in
Detroit's Inner City, the Rev. David Eber-
hard, pastor of Riverside Lutheran Church,
Detroit, speaker.
Monday at 8:00-Winter Term Class, second
meeting, "Systematic Theology in Minig-
Tuesday at 6:00-Married Couples Potluck
Supper. Phone 3-5560 by Monday evening
for reservations.
Wednesday at 10:00 -Midweek Devotion,
Pastor Scheips in charge, "A Message From

Nursery facilities during worship
e#harch school.

services and

church school.


W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
John G. Makin, Minister
10:00 o.m.-Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship.

Postors: Henry 0. Yoder
Norman A. Erikson
Cl lklt AV..

k !





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