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January 22, 1965 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-22

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~j~g 134tgrn u dtb
Seventy-Fifth Yeavr

Students Prepare for 'StayIn', Boyco

6Are Fe,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARmOR, Mica.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

All Factions Must Accept
SGC Movie Protest Plan

To the Editor:
IT IS NOW common knowledge
that the movie theatres have
raised their prices 25 cents over
Christmas vacation. This action
is unrealistic, and ;the attitude
behind the price increase assumes
that the student body is un-
responsive to any actions on the
part of local merchants.
Mr. Hoag, the manager of 'the
Michigan Theatre, said, according
to Saturday's Daily, that he ex-
pected a reaction, but that the
rise would be finally accepted. Is
this attitude to be condoned? Are
the students at t!he University un-
willing to respond to another in-
crease in the high cost of living
in Ann Arbor? The student body
as a captive economic market has
allowed itself to be exploited by
local merchants too long. It is
time to act!

gents take before it recognizes
the need for a student bookstore
on campus? But most importantly,
how long do we have to wait
before the student population gets
fed up with going from one store
to another with the same high
prices for student supplies? How
long before somebody gets upset
at this whole situation of the un-
protected student and the uncon-
cerned University he attends?
We wholeheartedly support the
sit-in, but it can only work if all
the people who attend the Michi-
gan Theatre ("Mary Poppins")
this Friday night are willing to
support all those campus groups
who called it. We therefore urge
all students to engage in this sit-
-Mike Grodin, '66
Young Democratic Club

and children. There was no burial
for those who were slaughtered-
they were left lying wherever they
In addition, the Belgian soldiers
were known to practice canni-
balism on fallen natives. It has
been estimated that the number
of murders in the Congo from
1885 to 1905 approaches the un-
believable total of 10,000,000. The
Congolese people were kept in
this state of terrorized slavery and
wretched poverty for many years.
* * * .
THE REASON I bring up this
gruesome history is this: before
the Belgian arrival the Congolese
were not a particularly outgoing
people, they rarely came in con-
tact with foreigners, they were
not unified, and in consequence
they had no set principles of
foreign policy. All that they later

en a commendable stand in spon-
a sit-in tonight at the Michigan
e. The plan has attracted wide-
student support.
rtunately the success of this 13-2
n may be marred by the "pick up'
garbles and go home" attitude of
ident factions.
thinks SGC has gone too far-
fly negotiations or at most a boy-
,s called for.
other faction, led by leaders of
feels that SGC had not gone far
. It plans to violate an SGC re-
that the Friday night sit-in "be
le extent of student action until'
sday, January 22," by staging the
again on Saturday night.
FACTIONS are not thinking. The,
t does not realize that SGC has
repeated efforts to talk to the
management. Gerald Hoag, lo-
tterfield spokesman, declined an
[on to give his rationale for the

price increase at Wednesday's SGC meet-
ing because of a "prior engagement."
The Saturday night faction is evident-
ly unaware that their very plan was a
proposed amendment debated at length
by SGC. This move to continue the sit-in
through Saturday was voted down by
SGC 8-7. The reasoning was that SGC
wanted to give the Butterfield owners
a fair chance. to negotiate a settlement
by next Wednesday.
Obviously no one will be in total agree-
ment with the SGC plan. But Council did
effect a fair compromise between apa-
thetic students content to watch prices
go up without, attempting recourse and
the activists who support prolonged dem-
ALL STUDENTS should give the plan a
fair chance, and, if it does fail, then
consider other measures. Possibly SGC
did not choose the best tactic; but the
best tactic now must be to follow the
plan they chose.
Bad Choice
SGC HAS SCHEDULED a "stay-in" at
the Michigan Theatre tonight to pro-
test the recent Butterfield price hike.
It shouldn't have..
Patrons in line for the nine o'clock
performance obviously do not wish to
participate in the protest; they want to
pay their $1.50 and see "Mary Poppins."
A stay-in won't let them.
If most people are really interested in
rescinding the price increase, a boycott
would work as well as a stay-in-and
no'one who preferred not to participate
would be hurt.'

FOES of high prices and crusaders_
inst low wages in Ann Arbor ought;
e tonight's picket of the Michigan
re for instance. A host of student
s, including the Student Employes'
is seeking to force the manage-
to rescind a 25 cent increase in mo-
ices made during the Christmas
ever, the 'theatre's manager has
ed that some of the revenue from
icrease is being applied to raise
t enploye salaries at the theatre
.85 to $1 an hour.
DER if the Student Employes Un-
t will carry placards tonight urging
rsal of these salary increases also?

111, ,
,y* 4 '~:i'

rather than a particular bias, I
would want to learn of them.
-David C. Seigle, Grad
To the Editor:
HE REVIEW of "Luther"
printed in the Jan. 21 Daily
struck me as typical of one writ-
ten when the visions of the play
were missed and a condemnation
seemed the best way to create the
illusion that the critic knew what
was going on.
Very little of substance was said
in the review to help one under-
stand why the reviewer was dis-
appointed in the play, just enough
to justify the suspicion that vague
generalities hadto be stuck to for
the maintenance of the omni-
scient illusion.
* * *
FIRST OF all, the play seemed
to me tQ be Built around the belief
that Luther's intellectual theses
are not really understood when
viewed simply as "honest doubt,"
as the reviewer put it, but rather
must be seen as the result of a
sort of psychological determinism.
The play took" great pains to
make clear thekparallel, between
the transition from authoritarian
Catholicism to individualistic
(capitalistie) Protestantism and
the relationship between Luther
as a son when the play opened
and as a father when the play
closed. That is, Luther's feelings
toward the Catholic Church with
his ultimate rebellion were very
carefully shown to be a direct re-
sult of his relationship with his
father, marked for Luther by a
simultaneous loathing and love re-
sulting in tortuous guilt.
For Luther, his father stood to'
a great extent for the things of
this world, bodily and monetary
indulgence. The Catholic Church,
as a father symbol of authority,
with its emphasis on works in
this world as the way to salvation,
bodily and monetary aspect as
soon came to stand, for this
well, and thus also for the devil
and for death. Luther, as he had
to reject his father, had to reject
the Church, but in so doing re-
jected everything of this world
and its activities as being entirely
of the devil, and preached indi-
vidual faith in God as the only
THE AINT of the playvwas that
It was because of Luther's istinct-
ual soul-wrenching conflict with
his father that he felt as he did
toward the Church-it was basic-
ally an emotional, not an intel-
lectual reaction.
Perhaps Luther's seeming obses-
sion with anal and excremental
imagery was regarded by the re-
viewer as "coming from some-
where ouside the play," possibly to
give it color. If so, it, might be -
well to say that this language is,,
in fact, entirely Luther's, com-
ing from his own writings. For
Luther, the devil, the Pope, indul-
gences, the life of the flesh, works
in the world and the waste of the
body are regarded as all in the
same category of excrement,,
death. Thus an effective way to
combat the devil and all he rep-
resents is to "show your backside
to him and let him have it"-
give him a taste of his own medi-
cine. It is in Luther's own writ-'
ings that he made his crucial dis-
covery that "the just live by
faith" while sitting on the tower
privy, and the play makes this
FAR FROM uttering "the sog-
giest of cliches,"the authoritarian
figures in the play helped one' un-
derstand Luther by means of some
really penetrating insights into

'A "STAY-OUT" would be
tifi?.ble. A stay-in isn't.
bad choice.

morally jus-
SGC made a

Hold Horses on High-Rise

DOWN WITH HIGH-RISE construction,
at least temporarily.
Ann Arbor City Council recently voted
against a resolution to place a three-
month moratorium on the issuance of
building permits for structures over 15
stories high.
The purpose of the moratorium was'
to delay construction of high-rise build-
ings until a study to determine the ap-
propriate locations for them and to con-.
sider parking and other related prob-
lems could be completed.
The reason for . not establishing this
moratorium was that it would discourage
private investment in Ann Arbor and slow
down the city's economic development.
ESTABLISHING the moratorium would
not have meant a monetary gain for,
either the city or private investors, but
it would have benefitted present and
future citizens of the area.
Height in itself is not necessarily a
detriment to the city. Unplanned, hodge-
podge height is. But, it is unfortunate to
dwarf Burton Tower and Angell Hall with
"commercially profitable" high-rise busi-
ness and apartment buildings.
As Councilwoman Mrs. Eunice Burns
recently emphasized: "No one objects to
heights as such but the limitation and
moratorium should be imposed until a
study could determine where the high-
rise structures should be built."'
THREE MONTHS is not such a long time
that business and private investors-
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN.............Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD .......... Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor'
JOHN KENNY . ............Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE ..... Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND........'Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND............ Associate -Sports Editor
GARY WYNER ..............Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER E ....Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER......... .. Contributing Editor

could not cool their heels until appropri-
ate recommendations could be made. Ann
Arbor realtors appear to have proved
correct the description of them as "bitch-
es in heat" this fall.
City council is to be partially commend-
ed for bringing the problem to public at-
tention. Three Democratic members of
council, Mrs. Burns, Robert P. Weeks and
Dr. Edward Pierce, were especially influ-
ential in presenting, and advocating the
resolution. Council defeated the resolu-
tion 6-5, each member voting along party
But, city council is to be commended
only partially because it should have
seen the problem developing a year or at
least six months ago. High-rise develop-
ment plans did not spring up over night.
The question of a moratorium should
have come up last summer.
GRANTED, ANN ARBOR is growing at a
stupendous rate and the University is
greatly expanding its enrollment, but the
city still could plan carefully the new
buildings going up to meet its expanded
Hopefully, the businessmen who con-
struct the high-rise buildings will have
some sense of esthetic responsibility when
they plan the location and style of theirl
buildings, for if they don't, no one else
Mirror Imag
SAIGON-Observers of U.S.-Vietnamese
relations here viewed with guarded op-
timism reports that a quiet "palace re-
volt" has put into office a group of tech-
nicians unaligned with any faction.
They note that support for the con-
servative former leader, closely associated
with some military elements, had dwin-
dled rapidly, even in the crucial southern
delta area. Disillusioned former followers
defected in large numbers to give stun-
ning triumphs to what some commenta-

On Friday and Saturday even-
ings, January 22 and 23, students
arriving at the Michigan Theatre
at 6:15 will distribute leaflets to
those who enter the theatres urg-
ing them to see the first show
and remain in the theatre through
the first quarter of the 9 o'clock
show also, in order to protest the
25 cent increase in the price.
Students are urged to boycott
the 9 o'clock show. (It might be
noted that the price of "Mary
Poppins," the featgre showing at
the Michigan Theatre, will be
$1.50.) Students will also picket
the State Theatre.
* * *
holding stock in Butterfield
Theatres, appoint 2 of the 6
members of its board of directors.
As stockholders they can certainly
voice their opinion on the price
increase, but they have failed to
do this.
The University must not con-
tinue avoiding involvement in the
economic conditions of the local
community. We strongly urge the
University to take a stand on this
issue, and to use its power -to
reduce prices to the original level.
-Richard Horevitz, '67
Voice Political Party
Barry Bluestone, '66
Student Government Council
Michael Grondin, '66
Chairman, Young Democrats
John D. Evans, '66
Chairman of the Board,
Maxine Loomis, '65
Assembly Association
Eric Chester, '66
Independent Socialist Club
To the Editor:
THE YOUNG Democratic Club
has officially endorsed the stu-
dent sit-in to be held this even-
ing in the Michigan Theatre. We
urge our members to attend the
7 p.m. show and remain in the
theatre for the extra half-hour
they are entitled to on the basis

To the Editor:
was past by the1
Young Republican Club,
Whereas, the Universi
Republican Club feels
justification or nonju
of management's decisi
crease prices at the B
theatres can be best s
obtaining all the facts ur
management based its
Whereas, the Universit
its one-third interest in
terfield chain has suffi
fluence to obtain the fa
Therefore, be it reso
the University Young'ER
Club urges the administ
use its influence to ob
present these facts to tH
body and be it further
that University Young
can Club urges the admi
to use its influence to re
price increase if it is f
justified and be it fu
solved that the Universi
Republican Club would
boycott on January 22.
-Young Republica'
Executive Board

found out about foreigners came
resolution from direct experience with Bel-
University gian soldiers.
Executive Does. it not seem natural then
that when they finally gain
ty Young enough power to form policies of
that the their own, that these- policies to
stification some degree reflect those which
on to in- came before? Does it not also seem
3utterfield natural that whenthe United
ettled by States assumes tactics similar to
pon.which those of their oppressors and joins
decision; with them wholeheartedly in raids,
;y through that the Congolese are not going
the But- to be ready to accept that Ameri-
then But- cans have any better objects than
acient i- the Belgians? And do they? Is
acts, itprimarily for the benefit of the
ived that Congo or the United States that
epubican we are involved?
Aain to The Reverend Joseph Clark
Mtain and (quoted in The Crime of the Con-
re student gobySir Arthur Conan Doyle)
resolvedi- was not exaggerating when as a
ntraio- missionary to the Congo he said
nstratthe (in 1896), "... if the natives were
scind the to rise and sweep every white
oundr un- person on the upper Congo into
te reungg eternity there would still be left
su Young a fearful balance to their credit."
support a No wonder then that we are re-
pulsed by the "massacre of in-
n Club nocents"-it is almost one thou-
sandth of one per cent of their
10,000,000 then and thousands
Congo And who are the "innocents"
but white landowners whose
fathers stole the land years ago
see Mr. and displaced and" killed the
Daily in rightful inhabitants. Also no won--
nable ap- der that we are particularly
situation, nauseated by the bloodthirsty, in-
s opposed humane methods of the Congolese.
ptive edi- -they are not a bit better than
t I think our own.

THUS, tension isn't reduced at
all, but increases since. It lasts
over a longer period of time.
2) I have always been under the
impression that the time to learn
is during the year, not one week
before finals. A review of one tri-
mester's work does not take seven
full days. A seven day reading per-
iod would then imply that the ty-
pical student learns (not reviews)
for his finals and by its existence
foster such action.
In summary, I feel that such a
long reading period wouldncause
almost unbearable tension and'
really benefit only those people
who have poor study habits.
-Linda Nozik, '67

To the Editor:
Gethoi's letter in The
which he offered a reaso
praisal of the Congo
and therefore was muc
to Miss Koch's unpercer
torial of last week. But
he could have gone furth
The history of the Be
the Congo since 1885 isf
ing thing. If the Belgia
ties there had not be
uppedrby those of the
Germany half a centu
perhaps more people . w
call them. Briefly, Belgi
arrived in the Congo for
purpose of economic exp
They took out its vast,
natural resource, rubber
lecting rubber the nat:,
left largely unpaid; if
bitrarily high quota was
many natives were sho

Fil m- Disp; la'ysGenius
OftRay's Perception
At the Cinema Guild
F YOU DID not see Satyajit Ray's "The Music Room" last night, be.
advised that you shpuld not miss it before it leaves tonight. Ray is
the finest motion picture director in India or the world, and though
he may not have made a film to rank with his Apu Trilogy or his "Two
Daughters," he has, in "The Music Room," sensitivly displayed his
genius for understanding the human condition.
The story is a very simple and, sometimes, sterile, one. Huzur, an
artistocrat descended from a line of wealthy landowners, has a con-
suming love for Indian music which he enjoys in his ornate music room.
* * * *
IT IS THIS passion which consumes his interests and leaves him
unable to attend to his estates. Because of his careless prides and pas-
sions, he loses his wife and son in a boating accident, his eroding estate
and any fortune he may have inherited.
After four years of mourning his family and disdaining any form
of music, he holds one last evening perkormance in his beloved music
room and realizes at last that his life is flickering out. He dies the next
morning when thrown from his horse, with the spectator left wondering
if the frightened look on his face was fear of imminent death or real-,
ization of past failures.
* * * *
THE MOST impressive thing about this Ray film is his pacing.
With it, he attempts and rarely fails to bring out the full scope of
Huzur's character. He starts things out slowly, zooms the camera in
and out and cuts a trifle faster, as though he were composing music
with constantly changing rhythm.

elgians in
an amaz-
n atroci-'
pen one-
Nazis in
iry later,
Nould re-
an troops
r the sole
For col-
ives were
vthe ar-
not filled
ot as an

* * *
SO LET US not wear the dia-
phonous cloak of righteousness
about this issue. It does not be-
come us. Let us attempt rather
to right some old wrongs and
try to understand that the Congo's
brief taste of the benefits of
Western civilization has not been
-David Goldberg, '65
To the Editor:
IN HIS LETTER Tuesday, Mr.
Gethol attempted to explain
the Congo problem. I fully agree

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