PAGIlB a.w.:1k i
Learns Congressional Ropes
By MARK KILLINGSWORTH gram where another dollar spent' staffed committee at the moment.
would be wasted," Vivian caution- Its demise may be rapid, and I
Don't expect any fireworks from ed. will do everything I can to facili-
Rep. Weston Vivian (R-Mich) -!tate it."
yet. Lauds Move
Past Politico
Professor of
i Scientist, PROFESSIONAL'
Music, Die Pre-La
Mrs. Ava Comin Case, 64, By RICHARD WOLFE
pianist and professor of music at
the University, died here Dec. 15 "Participation in the pre-leg
of a heart attack. She was a mem- studies program gives the prospe
ber of the faculty since 1929. tive law student a solid edu(
Mrs. Case received her master tional foundation," the special a
of music degree at the University visor for pre-legal studies, Pr
and studied piano in Italy in 1937 James J. White of the Law Scho
with Artur Schnabel and later in recently said.
w Seeks Solid Basis
This is the impression the ob-
server gets after talking to the
new congressman, the first Demo-
crat from Ann Arbor's Second Dis-
trict in 32 years.
"No congressman can hope to
be effective until he learns the
procedures and techniques, until
he knows how the House is run,"
said Vivian in an interview before
Congress convened on January 4.
"I Will probably have to devote
the first session to learning the
ropes, and then look a little far-
ther ahead."
Committee assignments are the
first problem a new congressman
faces, and in view of seniority,
Speaking of the issues that will
face his party and the House in
the 89th Congress, Vivian strongly
favored the Democratic Study
Group's successful attempt to strip
Reps. Albert Watson (D-NC) and
John Bell Williams (D-Miss) of
their committee seniority. They
supported Republican presidential
nominee Barry Goldwater despite
the study group's warning that it
would punish any Democratic con-
gressman who did so.
Vivian also predicted a new
fight to halt reapportionment of
state legislatures. "The Tuck bill
nearly got through last session,
and only therefforts of liberal
senators defeated," he said. "But
the Judiciary Committee may be
pressing the fight again with a
vengeance. I personally predict
some rough sledding."
The Tuck bill and the subse-
quent Dirksen rider, which Vivian
strongly opposes, both attempted
Vivian also supported the un- to limit the effects of the Su-
successful "Fairness Resolution," preme Court's "one man, one vote"
which challenged the right of Mis- decision declaring that state leg-
sissippi's five congressmen to take islative districts should be sub-
office. It charged that they were stantially equal in population.
1965 Schedule
Winter Termi ..
Classes begin
Recess begins 5 p.m.
Classes resume
Classes end
Easter Sunday
Study day
Examinations begin
Examinations end
Spring Term ..*.
Classes begin
Memorial Day (holiday)
Spring half-term ends
Summer half-term begins
July 4th (holiday)
Summer half-term ends
Thurs. Jan. 7
Thurs. Mar. 4
Mon. Mar. 8
Sat. Apr. 17
Sun. Apr. 18
Mon. Apr. 19
Tues. Apr. 20
Tues. Apr. 27
Sat. May' 1
Mon. May 3
Wed. May 5
Mon. May 31
Sat. June 26
Mon. June 28
Mon. July 5
Wed. Aug. 18
other Michigan congressmen al-
ready on a committee, and other
technicalities, Vivian found get-
ting on the committee of his
choice an education in itself.
Safe' Choice
Vivian's choice, the Science and
Astronautics Committee, is con-
sidered relatively "safe" because
retiring Congressman - at - Large
Neil Staebler was its only Michi-
gan member.
"I'm interested in it primarily
'because I feel I can be most ef-
fective there, rather than else-
where, during this term," Vivian
said. He is vice-president of a lo-
cal electronics firm, and as such
has had wide experience in Michi-
gan working on most of the coun-
try's major missile programs.
However, he has indicated that
he may not be overly sympathetic
to some of his fellow scientists'
interests. "We may have reached
the stage in the moon-shot pro-
elected in violation of federal laws
governing elections, and would
not have seated the congressmen,
until the nature of their election
has been decided.
Other congressional reforms Vi-
vian supports are the reintroduc-
tion of the 21-day rule and the
abolition of the House Committee
on Un-American Activities. The
21-day rule provides that, if the
House Rules Committee fails to
adopt a rule governing the con-
sideration of any bill within 21
days after it receives it, the bill
may be discharged from the Rules
Committee by the House speaker.
This measure is regarded by many
observers to have an excellent
chance for adoption.
Noting that three Republicans
and one Democrat on the Un-
American Activities Committee
were defeated last November, Vi-
vian remarked, "it's a very under-
In foreign policy, Vivian is high-
ly concerned about the United
States involvement in Viet Nam,
and in December issued a state-
ment indicating concern over the'
situation there. He later voiced
doubts that the United Nations
could police a cease-fire or con-.
trol the country's borders.
Hard To Define
"It's a very nebulous border,
not at all like the Gaza strip,"
he commented. He also noted that
the UN's smaller members are in-
creasingly reluctant to involve the+
world organization in world trou-
ble spots.
Vivian hopes to keep fully in-
formed on the situation in South-
east Asia, and has met with State
Department officials on numerous
occasions for briefing sessions.
The new congressman also has
his doubts about the proposed
multilateral force. He was re-
lieved by StaterDepartment as-
surances that Congress will be
consulted on any step towards
such a force, and is "pretty nega-
tive" about giving Germany nu-
clear weapons outright.
Looks to 1966
Most observers agree that Vi-
vian has been running for re-
election ever since it became ap-
parent that he had defeated in-
cumbent Republican Congressman
George Meader by about 1500
votes. He plans to visit the dis-
trict almost every weekend, has
frequent meetings with local poli-
tical aides, and is now mounting
a research program which will be
administered by the University
Young Democratic Club.
Vivian has also formed a "brain
trust" of University faculty mem-
bers and others, who will work
in teams to giveadvice and com-
ment on public issues.
Vivian is particularly enthusias-
tic about solving problems in the
second district. He mentioned wa-
ter pollution, a source of increas-
ing concern in Monroe County in
the district, and the difficulty in
getting certain farm loans as spe-
cific examples.
"I don't think any of us know
what can be done for this dis-
trict yet," Vivian declared, refer-
ring to the record of former Rep.
George Meader. During the cam-'
paign Vivian characterized Meader
as "Vote-No George," and charged
that Meader had a generally un-
sympathetic and overly conserva-
tive approach to the district's
'U' Rnks 2t
In Enrollment
The University ranks 12th in
the nation in full-time enroll-
ment, according to figures releas-
ed Monday in "School and So-
ciety," an educational journal.
According to the same poll,
Michigan State University ranks
ninth in the nation while Mich-
igan's third-largest college, Wayne
State University, ranks 27th.
Many leading universities drop-
ped one place in full-time enroll-
ment this year due to the listing
of different state colleges in Cali-
fornia as a single unit.
The University fell from 12th
to 14th in total enrollment but
maintained its same standing in
full-time enrollment. MSU re-
mained the same, while Wayne
State moved up from 29th to 27th
place in full-time enrollment. In
total enrollment, Wayne State
moved up from 22nd to 18th.
The University's full-time en-
rollment increased from 22,058 to
24,642 during the past year.
New York and Ann Arbor with'
Mrs. Case has been chief ad-
judicator in Michigan for the
certification program of the
Michigan Music Teachers' Asso-
She is survived by her husband,
Prof. Lee 0. Case of the chemistry
department, and by two sons, Lee
Jr. and John.
Everett Somerville Brown, pro-'
fessor emeritus of political science,
died here Dec. 19 after an ex-
tended illness. He was 78.
A native of California, Brown
served on the faculty from 1921
until his retirement in 1956. From
1943-1947 he served as chairman
of the political science depart-
From 1917-1918 he was a mem-
ber of the U. S. Food Administra-
tion in Washington, D.C., and
from 1918-1920 he was assistant
to Herbert Hoover in the Ameri-
can Relief Administration as well
as director of ARA's information
Brown was born May 2, 1886 in
Corralitos, Calif., and received the
B.L. degree at the University of
California in 1907, the M.L. de-
gree the following year, and the
Ph.D. in 1917.
From 1914-1916' he was an
assistant in history at his alma
mater. He was lecturer in history
at Stanford University in 1921.
That same year he came to the
University as assistant professor
of political science.
Gifts Boost
Alumni Fund
Gifts from 27,000 alumni have
boosted the University Fund to a
record $1.2 million during 1964,
According to fund manager James
K. Miller. He said this was a 46
per cent increase over 1963 fund
Pre-legal studies is a specially
designed curriculum for students
who wish to pursue a liberal-arts
program in their last two years
of undergraduate work while pre-
paring for law school. Participants
must earn 45 hours of credit from
a list of junior and senior courses
in seven departments: economics,
h i s t o r y, philosophy, political
science, psychology, sociology and
With the permission of the ad-
visor, pre-legal students are per-
mitted to choose certain advanced
courses outside of the courses list-
ed to fulfill their requirements.
The advisor encourages students
who wish to select other courses
which have a small enrollment
and which are of an analytical
Four Fields
The program further stipulates
that elections must include courses
from at least four of these fields
and that no more than 18 of the
45 required credits may be con-
centrated in one field. In addi-
tion, the student mist satisfy all
distribution and hours require-
ments for a bachelor's degree.
When the University abolished
a three-year undergraduate pro-
gram through which a student
could gain admission to the Law
School without a bachelor's de-
gree, it left a need for a diversi-
fied program of pre-law study.
The pre-legal studies program
arose to fill this need.
White, who took over the pro-
gram in its fourth year, not only
serves as counselor to all of the
students in the program,,but also
counsels other undergraduates de-
siring to enter Law School.
Studied Law Here
White obtained his undergradu-
ate degree at Amherst, and his
Law degree at the University.
Since then he has served in the
Air Force and practiced law two
years in Los Angeles. This sum-
mer he became an assistant pro-
fessor in the Law School here and
replaced as advisor Prof. Lionel
Laing of the political science de-
partment, who helped plan the
program and had handled it since
its inception.
White pointed out that a major
in pre-legal studies does not auto-
matically increase a student's
chances of admission to the Uni-
versity Law School or any other
law school. The program's only
concrete advantage, he feels, is
that it provides "desirable diver-
sity for the student who does not
have a fully developed interest in
one of the standard major fields."
Elections Aide
The advisor for pre-legal studies
performs several services for un-
dergraduates. He helps students
make intelligent elections which
fill in their background and de-
velop their analytical ability. He
gives advice to prospective law
students not in the program con-
cerning elections outside their
major. Also, he provides them
with information on various law
Of the 150 courses from which
a pre-legal student may make
elections, White recommends sev-
eral as most important: History
511 and 512 (the constitional his-
tory of England) and English 325
(advanced composition). In gen-
eral, he believes that students
should select courses which are
demanding, but those which have
substance that might be helpful
for the particular kind of law
which the student has in mind.
U of D Raisels
Ti itioiiCosts
DETROIT (MP)-The University
of Detroit has announced that,
beginning with the summer ses-
sion, tuition will be increased from
$27 to $30 a credit hour for most
undergraduate programs. Engi-
neering, architectural, profession-
al and graduate courses will be
hiked from $32 to $35 per credit
And join The Daily
editorial staff
Plunge into academic, po-
liticol, university issues.
Swim with an exciting,
interested team. Stop in
anytime this week-420
Maynard St.--and attend
the first trainee meeting
here 7:30 Monday night,
January 11.
I f l
VOICE Political Party Presents:
lecturer, radio commenator, author
UGLI-Multipurpose Room-Thursday, Jan. 7
3:00 P.M.-Robert Cohen's Film "The House
Committee on UnAmerican Activities"
Discussion and Questions
7:30 P.M.-"Russia After Khrushchev"
A Talk by Mr. Mandel, author of
"Russia Re-examined," "Soviet Far East"
and "Guide to the Soviet Union"
Thursday-Jan. 7-UGLI Multipurpose Room
A non-credit course taught by
PROF. WI LBERT J. McKEACH IE, Chairman of Psychology, U of M
Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 A.M.
A Study of the Theological positions in contemporary religion
Sunday Evenings 7:00-8:30 P.M. Jan. 10-Feb. 14
Introduction Jan. 10 by
DR. PATRICK MURRAY, Office of Religious Affairs, U of M
The Baptist Campus Center
Challenge Program Plans
Study of Communist China
After a lapse of three semesters,
Challenge has been reborn and
this semester plans to focus its
lectures and discussions on "The
4 Challenge of Communist China."
Challenge is a student organi-
zation which seeks each semester
to develop a speaker and discus-
sion program on a topic pertinent
to students but not met by the
University experience.
in choosing this semester's
theme, the members of the newly
' reborn group hope to pinpoint the
differences between China and the
United States to bring into focus
the whole range of trends and
issues on which Americans must
make choices.
These choices must be carefully
considered before affirmative ac-
tion can be taken in order to
maintain control over the nature
and form of our society, Challenge
hopes to demonstrate.
Challenge plans a series of dis-
cussion groups to meet regularly
throughout the semester. Lec-
tures will supplement the discus-
sions and provide a focal point for
Several speakers have already
agreed to participate:
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