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January 21, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-21

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19 :

Anti-Catholic Bias Charged

Notes Need

Two associate professors at
Queens College in New York have
brought a million-dollar libel suit
charging the New York Board of
Higher Education and former
Queens College President Harold
W. Stoke with anti-Catholic bias.
Professors Josef V. Lombardo
and Joseph P. Mullally charged
that Stoke libeled them when he
said they brought up the bias
issues to cover their own incom-
petence. The two seek $1.2 million
in damages, according to The
Phoenix, the Queens College news-*
This law suit stems from an
earlier case in which Mullally
and Lombardo brought suit
against the board to force the
granting of promotions. The two
have claimed that they were not
denied promotion to full profes-
sorship because of anti-Catholic
bias at the college.
No Jury Trial
In 1963 Appellate Justice Char-
les D. Breitel ruled that the orig-
irial suit for promotion should
not go before a jury as it was
"difficult torsustain the accusa-
tions" of bias. Breitel's decision
was upheld by the Court of Ap-
peals, the state's highest court,
just a year ago.
The board, in resisting a jury
trial on the original suit for pro-
motion, suggested that the con-
siderations for promotion were not
such that a jury could evaluate
them. For instance, a committee
in each department recommends
those to be promoted based on
such qualifications in the Regents
bylaws as "continued academic
The current suit resulted from
a statement that Stoke made in
refuting a report from the State
Commission on Human Rights on
bias at the college. The commis-
sion found "resistance to the em-
ployment and promotion of Cath-
olics in positions" at the college.
Charges Refuted
Stoke refuted the commission's
charges and in a reference to the

two professors maintained:
"These persons, unable to con-
vince colleagues of their qualifi-
cations for advancement, have,
over a period of years, deliberately
charged religious discrimination
to explain their lack of academic
success and to obtain promotion."
Sees .Boost to
Future Studies
In Humanities
Strong support for the estab-
lishment of' one, or possibly two,
humanities foundations modeled
on the National Science Founda-
tion is developing in Congress, ac-
cording to an article in the cur-
rent Science magazine.
The proposals would "provide
the arts and humanities with some
of the institutional and financial
recognition the federal govern-
ment long ago gave to the sci-
ences," the article states.
Little opposition is expected be-
cause of the relative unanimity
among backers of these plans.
"For better or worse, things have
evolved in this country to the
point where very few legislators
dare make fun of what is consid-
ered to be intellectual activity,"
Science states.
The foundation would have au-'
thority to "develop and promote
a broadly conceived policy of sup-
port for the humanities and the
arts." The plans also propose
"grants, loans, and other forms of
assistance" for "educating and de-
veloping scholars, teachers, and
artists at any stage of their
Science reports that, "The first
appropriation woull be $5 mil-
lion. The foundation would be
headed by a full-time director."
Like the National Science Foun-
dation, "the NHF would have a
25-member board."

Stoke mentioned that
"professional conduct" was
tionable" in view of thei
Case Next Month
In a letter to Stoke a we
Mullally and Lombardo wr
none of the courts dealin
the case had "made a det
tion that our charges of r
bias were false." The facult
bers further maintaine
Stoke's statements to theF
were untrue and misleadi
would only arouse the
against us.
Currently, the case will
fore a jury next month
Supreme Court Justice A
M. Livoti ruled that th
should go before a jury a
refused a motion by the
dismiss the case. Livoti rul
"questions of fact are pr
which preclude a . . . disl
in this matter.
Stoke, who is presently
for the Department of
Education and Welfare, co
be reached in Washingt
comment. Both Mullally an
bardo also refused to comr
the case to Phoenix repor
Controversial Issue
The bias issue at the
has been a controversial
came to light again las
when the Court of Appea
ing in another case, held t
Commission on Human
had the right to look into
fairs of the Board of High
cation. The board had mai
it was exempt from
scope of investigation.
The Phoenix reported a
that the Court of Appea
cision was one of the maj
tors in the decision of S
resign. His resignation c
week after the ruling, whic
observers felt would reop

r com-
ek later,
ote that
ag with
y mem-
d that
ng and
go be-
ze case
fter he
city to
ed that

To Compose HRC Ba(
£> M oral Codes A recommendation to the City
Council to pass amendments which
would strengthen Ann Arbor's fair
A lawyer has warned universi- housing ordinance was approved
ties to draw up codes of ethics unanimously by the Human Re-
for their scientists "before public lations Commission Tuesday.
opinion forces more vigorous gov- These recommended amend-
ernment intervention." ments would make the fair hous-
William Douglass of the Uni- ing ordinance applicable to all real
versity of California's Lawrence estate including private homes,
Radiation Laboratory proposed commercial property, r o o m i n g
the development of "self-regulat- houses and unimproved lots.
ing codes" to avoid conflict of in- The ordinance now only covers
Nterest problems in the field of "multiple housing" units.
scientific r e s e a r t h. Douglass Ann Arbor Pacesetter
spoke at an American Council on HRC Director David C. Cowley
Education Conference on Research said he hoped that Ann Arbor
STARAdministration would be a pacesetter in introduc-
Douglass suggested that "a ing ordinances prohibiting dis-
haracter actor with university board, composed of criminatory pr'actices.
tion of Producing senior scientists and engineers In urging the HRC to make the
star in "An Even- from diverse fields, could well pro- recommendations, Commissioner
by Prof. Donald vide the responsible and under- Harry A. Mial of the HRC claimed
nglish department. standing guidance needed in the that Ann Arbor would be "way
academic environment." ahead of other communities" in

Mks Housing Refeorm


Will Geer, ch
the Associal
Artists, will
ing's Frost"
Hall of the E

-Failing to transmit to the
person having the right to sefl
or lease or rent the real property
any offer to purchase or lease or
rent the same, and
-Failing to show a substantial
number of listed propertieg that
would have been shown to anoth-
er prospective buyer or tenant who
differs from this one as only re-
gards his race, color, religion, na-
tional origin or ancestry.
No Discrimination
The amendments also stipu-
late that no real estate broker
--Solicit or accept or retain a
real property listing on the un-
derstanding that the property is
not to be shown to certain per-
sons or is to be shown to such
persons on different terms or in a
different way because of their
race, color, religion, national ori-
gin or ancestry;
-Make any record or inquiry
of the preference of any person
listing real property concerning
prospective biyers' or tenants'
race, color, religion, national ori-
gin or ancestry, or
-Encourage the sale or rental of
real property by representing that
persons of a particular race, col-
or, religion, national origin or an-
cestry were entering or would be
entering the neighborhood and
that such entry would lead to a
fall in property values in the




position New Problem
M U S de s Conflict of interest is a rela-
tively new problem to the scient-
working 1odBist, who has only recently been
Health, ! OWU USeS confronted with multiple commit-
uld not ments to which he may have con-
on for Overcrowded conditions are evi- flicting responsibilities, both legal
id Lom- dent in dormitories, off-campus and ethical, he said.
nent on housing, classrooms and even the The problem arises, Douglass
ters. campus buses at Michigan State explained, because the "nation
University. must rely on a relatively small
number of professionals. The sup-
college With seats on the buses at a ply of creative, highly qualified
one. It premium, two students entered scientists and engineers is much
t April the awaiting bus illegally through lower than the demand.
,ls, rul- the back door. The bus driver Difficult Task
hat the shut off the motor and refused "The faculty scientist may si-
Rights to take the bus to campus until multaneously serve on more than
the af- the freeloaders got off. one government advisory body
er Edu- Six minutes later, with the pair that way . . . provide support to
ntained calmly waiting for the bus to his university and to the compan-
COHR's leave, the driver decided not to ies for which he consults," Doug-
penalize the majority of paying lass continued.
pen t maoriy o pa- "In the case of the professor
rumorstudents and finally drove to am-,. . . his involvements create a dif-
al's de-pficult task of separating obliga-
or fac- More than 30,000 students are tions, allegiances, and legal com-
toke to now taking the campus buses from mitments," Douglass said. "Fur-
came a their dorms to the campus in com- thermore, his problem may be
h many parison to the 15,000 students even more complicated by invest-
en the which used the buses last term, ment or ownership in one or more
against according to the Michigan State of the organizations for which he
News, consults."

the civil rights field if the amend-
ments were passed by the city
Mial successfully challenged an
expansion of the recommendation
which would have included the
clause, "providing that these
amendments may be within the
legal province of the city of Ann
Arbor to legislate and control."
Softening the Sting
Commission Chairman Paul C.
Wagner proposed the additional
clause and observed it would "soft-
en the sting" of the amendments
for many residents.
Mial replied that he did not be-
lieve there would be any way "to
soften the sting for those who are
going to be stung."
The first part of the amend-

ments would expand coverage of
the fair housing ordinance by de-
leting references to "multiple
housing accommodations" and
substituting the words "real prop-
Prohibited Practices
"Prohibited practices of real es-
tate brokers, salesmen and their
employes" are pointed out in the
second clause of the proposed
amendments. These prohibited
practices are:
-Refusal to sell, exhibit, rent,
lease or otherwise denying to or
withholding from any person any
real property;
-Falsely reporting to any per-
son that real property is not avail-
able for inspection;



Across Campus

case of


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Thursday, January 21
Actuarial Review Class for General
Mathematics Examination of Society of
Actuaries will meet in room 3231 An-
gell Hall Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
Botany 101 make-up examinations
will be held Tues., Jan. 26, at 4:00 p.m.,
2007 Nat. Sci.
School of Music Degree Recital-Ed-
ward Soehnlen, organist: Hill Auditor,-
ium, 8:30 p.m.
Sunmer Work in Washington:
There will be a meeting of students
interested in the Washington Summer
Intern Program January 21 at 4:00
p.m. i nthe multipurpose room of the
Undergraduate Library. The appli-
cation procedure for summer positions
will be explained at this meeting. Stu-
dents unable to attend should contact
the Summer Intern Counsellor in Room
1516 Rackham on Thursdays from
3 to 5, or phone 764-3490.
Research Seminar in Hospital and
Medical Systems: Prof. Millard F. Long,
Vanderbilt University, "Planning Hos-
pital Systems," Thurs., Jan. 21, 3 p.m.,
69 Bus. Ad. Bldg.
DIAL 8-6416
'Best Foreign Film."

General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Feb. 19. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must be in the President's hands
not later than Feb. 5.
Parking Notice-Restrictions on the
new Staff Paid Permit Parking Lits M-
28 and M-30 in the 1400 block of Wash-
ington Heights will be effective Jan. 25.
Restrictions on Staff Paid Permit Park-
ing Lot E-7 on Wilmot Street are ef-
fective immediately.
To Members of the Univ. Faculty:
The Mich. Memorial-Phoenix Project
invites requests for faculty research
grants to support research in those
fields within the scope of the Proj-
ect. Awards may be granted to as-
sist investigations in the social, philo-
sophical, legal or economic aspects
of nuclear energy; the physical, math-
ematical and chemical aspects of nu-
clear theory; the use of radioisotopes
in the biological, medical, physical,
and engineering sciences; radiation-
induced changes in physical and bio-
logical systems; and the release, con-
trol and utilization of nuclear ener-
Requests for grants of $3,000 or less
are most appropriate. Grants may cov-
er equipment, supplies,' research as-
sistance, and necessary research travel.
Applications for these grants should
be sent to the Phoenix Project by Mon.,
Feb. 8, 1965. Grants will be made by
April 1.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the office of the Phoenix Project
Memorial Laboratory on North Campus
or by calling 764-6213.
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business-Application blanks for the
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business are now available in 122 Rack-
ham Building. The next administration
of the test will be on Saturday, Feb. 6,
and applications must be received in
Princeton, New Jersey by Jan. 23.
Law School Admission Test-Appli-
cation blanks for the Law School Ad-
mission Test are available in 122 Rack-
ham Building. The next administration
of the test will be on Saturday, Feb.
13. Applications must be received in'
Princeton, New Jersey by Jan. 30.
For the benefit of those who cannot
find a seat in the UGLI, or would
rather study elsewhere, a study hall is
held regularly - from 7 until 10 p.m.
Monday through Friday in 25 Angell
Hall, and also in 321 Angell Hall when
the need arises. A monitor is present,
and smoking is not permitted.
Applications for General Undergrad-
uate Scholarships will be available at
the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be-
ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications
must be completed by March 1. Un-
dergraduate students who have com-
pleted one or more full semesters with
an overall average of 3.0 or better:
are eligible to compete. Financial aid
DIAL 662-6264
A i

is a factor in making these awards. provided written application is made to THURS., JAN. 21-
Applications for the Following Schol- the Diploma Clerk no later than 60 Iron Mountain Youth Camp, Mich.-
arships are available in office of days before the closing date of the Coed camp. Students, jobs as general
alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial term in which the degree is earned. counselors, arts & crafts, and ass't.
Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12, waterfront personnel.
1965; recipients will be announced at Winter Term Fees: At least 50 per cent THURS. & FRI., JAN. 21-22-
League Recognition Night, March 1, is due and payable on or before Jan. Blue Star Camp, Hendersonville, N.C.
1965. 29, 1965. -Coed camp will interview Thurs. from
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is Non payment of at least 50 per cent 9-11 a.m., 1-3 p.m., & 4:30-5 p.m. and
offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- by Jan. 29 will result in the assess- Fri. 1-3 p.m. All types of counselors,
en on the basis of academic perform- ment of a delinquent penalty of $5. unit leaders; married couples & spe-
ance, contribution to University life Payments may be made in person or cialists. Good pay.
and financial need; the stipend is mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015 FRI& SAT.,JAN.2223
variable. Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m.,! CaI. WhSTPJN.2- Cd-
The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- Fri., Jan. 29, 1965. camp. Interviews Fri. from 3:30-5:30
ship is offered to undergraduate wom- Mail Early, cam. Intervins ents fro 3:30-5:t0
en on the basis of academic perform- Mail payments postmarked after due p.m. Make appointments for Sat, with
ande, contribution to University life, date, Jan. 29, 1965, are late and subject Mr. Kronick at the Union, Fri, evening.
and financial need; the stipend is var- to penalty',&dcabrn counselors, sailing,nature
iable. Identify mail payments as tuition & campcraft heads, two section heads.
The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is and show student number and name. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER-
offered to out-of-state undergraduate
women who have successfully completed College of Lit., Science and Arts, and VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
their freshman year and have a dem- Schools of Business Admin., Education, sign schedule posted at 128-H W. Engrg.
onstrated financial need* the stipend Music, Natural Resources, Nursing and for appointments with the following
is variable. Public Health: Students who received JAN. 25-26--
The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- marks of I, X, or No Report at the end Bechtel Corp., San Fran., Los An-
ship, amounting to approximately $180 of their last semester or summer ses- geles & N.Y.-BS-MS: CE, EE & ME.
(interest on the endowment fund) is sion of attendance will receive a grade MS: Structural. Men & women. Des.,
available to undergraduate single wom- of "E" in the course or courses unless Engrg. & Constr. of industrial com-
en who are wholly or' partially self- their work is made up. In the College plexes.
supporting and who do not live in of Literature, Science and the Arts and JAN. 25-
University residence halls or sorority the Schools of Music, Business Adminis- Carrier Corp., N.Y. & Pa.-All De-
houses. Girls with better than aver- tration and Nursing this date is Feb. grees: ChE, EE & ME. BS: Mat'ls. R. &
age scholarship and need will be 1, 1965. In the Schools of Education, D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
considered. Natural Resources and Public Health Factory Mutual Engrg. Div., De-
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship this date is by Feb. 4, 1965. Stu- trolt Office covers Mich., Ohio & Ind.-
is open to both graduate and under- dents wishing an extension of time BS: AE & Astro., ChE, CE, EE, E
graduate women: The award is made beyond these dates should file a peti- Math, EM, E Physics, IE, Matl's., ME,
on basis of scholarship, contribution tion with the appropriate official of Met., NA & Marine, Sci. Engrg. Des.,
to University life and financial need, their school. In the School of Nursing Industrial Sales & Fire Protection.
the stipend is variable, the above information refers to non- Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.
The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is Nursing courses only. -BS-MS: EM, IE, ME & Met. Can con-
open to women graduates of any sider non-citizens if becoming a U.S.
accredited college or university. It may citizen. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.'
be used by a University of Michigan Placem ent JAN. 25-29-
graduate at any college or university, General Motors Corp., Midwest &
but a graduate of any other univer- POSITION OPENINGS: East-BS-MS: ChE, EE, EM, IE. Mat'ls.,
sity will be required to study on the American Standard, Detroit-Indus- ME & Met. BS: E Math, E Physics &
Michigan campus. Academic achieve- trial enrgs. BS IE or ME or Indus. Sci. Engrg. MS: Commun. Set. & In-
ment, creativity and leadership will be Mgmt. for immed. opening. 2-5 yrs. strum. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales.
considered in granting the award. The exper. in standards, methods, etc. Age JAN. 25-
stipend is $1,100. limit 35. General Radio Co., Des. & Dev. thru-
The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is Wilson & Co., Chicago-Several open- out U.S.-Ail Degrees: EE. MS-PhD:
open to women graduates of any ac- ings including: 1. Advertising, BA mktg Commun. Sci. & Instrum. Dev., Des., &
crediter college or university. It may or advertising. 2. Finance Trainee, Sales.
be used by a University of Michigan pref. acctg. degree, banking or acctg. Hydronautics, Inc., Laurel, Md. - All
graduate at any college or university exper. helpful. 3. Prod. Supv. BS Degrees: AE & Astro., CE, EM, Mat'is.,
but a graduate of any other school will Chem., Chem. Engrg., or Med. Service ME, Meteor. & Ocean., Met., NA &
be required to study on the Michi- for pharm. products. Marine. BS: E Math, E Physics & Sci.
gan campus. Academic achievement, Johns-Manville, Detroit-Sales Engr., Engrg. Prof.: Applied Mech. Can con-
personality and leadership will be con- recent Civil Engrg. grad, exper. in sider non-citizens if becoming a U.S.
sidered in granting the award. The constr. or consulting fields. Immed. citizen. R. & D. & Des.
stipend is $1,100. opening. Western Printing & Lithographing
Smith, Kline & French, Phila., Pa.- Co., Racine Wis.-BS-MS: IE & ME.
Michigan Marching Band: Members of Various openings including: 1. Mktg. Can consider non-citizens if becoming
the Marching Band who will be per- Res. Analyst, degree in Lib. Arts, Bus. a U.S. citizen. Des., Prod. & Industrial.
forming at the Basketball game this Ad., Psych.,' Econ., etc. 2. Medical U.S. Marine Corp., U.S. & Abroad-
Sat., Jan. 23, are NOT to wear uniforms. Writer, BA in Engl. bkgd, in Sc., writ- All Programs and degrees in Engrg.
Dress will be exactly as it was at the ing exper. req. 3. Ass't. TV Program Men & women. Also Fr., So. - Jr.'s for
last game. Enter the North end of the Director, 2-4 yrs. exper. in TV prod., Platoon Leaders Course & Sr. & Grads
Field House through the door closest to travel req. for Officers Candidate Course.
State Street to obtain admission ticket. Caylor-Nickel Research Foundation,
Bluffton, Ind.-Research Tech., BS in EDUCATION DIVISION:
AN-A mr-l, (° a , ."Alnr in fn , mi4+ .f nz ,.;ts.

2:15 p.m.-The Mental Health
Research Institute Seminar with
Nicholas Rashevsky will discuss
"Some Possible Quantitative As-
pects of a Neurophysiological
Model of Schizophrenias" in 1057
3 p.m.-The Research Seminar
in Hospital and Medical Systems
will present Millard F. Long, de-
partment of economics, Vander-
bilt University, discussing "Plan-
ning Hospital Systems" at 69
Business Administration Bldg.
4:15 p.m.-Rev. Roland de Vaux,
O.P., director of the French Bib-
lical and Archaeological School in
Jerusalem, will deliver the 1964-65
Zwerdling Lecture in Old Testa-


ment Studies, "The Hebrew Patri-
archs and History - Abram The
Hebrew (Gen. 14:13)" in Aud. C.
7 p.m.-Col. Frank L. Havel,
project manager for general pur-
pose vehicles for the Defense De-
pattment, will address members of
the Army ROTC on "The Utiliza-
tion of Taxpayer Funds in the
Production of Defense Equipment"
at Rackham Amphitheatre.
7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild
will present Satyajit Ray's "The
Music Room" in the Architecture
3 p.m.-Emile Benoit, professor,
School of International Affairs,
Columbia University, will deliver
the University Lecture in Journal-
ism, "Ending the Arms Race;
Strategic and Economic Aspects"
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
4 p.m.-U-M vs. Ohio State in
gymnastics at Yost Field House.
4:15 p.m.-Rev. Roland de Vaux
will deliver the second lecture of
the Zwerdling Lecture in Old
Testament Studies, "The Hebrew
Patriarchs and History - My
Father Was a Wandering Ara-
mean (Deut. 26:5)" in Aud. C.
7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild
will present Satyajit Ray's "The
Music Room" in the Architecture

Open Daily 9 a.m. #o I I p.m.
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Time in Detroit!
* Action Films of
Sports Car Racing
Nat'l. Sports Car Experts
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Free Parking

* 271-1620


Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Organizations who are plan-
ning to be active for the winter term
must be registered by Jan. 29, 1965.
Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB.
-V S
American Society for Public Admin-
istration Elections, 4 p.m., Graduate
Outong Room, Rackham, Jan. 22.
Cervantes Club, Organizational Meet-
ing, Jan. 21, 8-10 p.m. 3D Union Newt
members admitted-Purpose of the club
explained. New members elected.
* S
Christian Science Organization, Meet-
ing, each Thursday evening, 7:30 p.m.,
528D, Student Activities Building.
* S S
Guild House, Friday Noon Luncheon
Discussion, Sam Friedman: "The Mor-
ality of Intervention; Perspectives on
Snooping," 12:00-1 p.m.; Friday Eve-
ning Dinner and Informal, "Identity
Midst Change." (Call 662-5189 for din-
ner reservation), 6 p.m., Jan. 22, Guild
House, 802 Monroe.
Mn o
Graduate History Club, Prof. Shaw
Livermore, History Dept., "The Subject
Matter of American History," Thurs-
day, Jan. 21, 8 p.m., West Conference,
* * *
Graduate Student Council, Meeting,
January 21, 1965, 7:30 p.m., West Con-
ference Room, Rackham, Committee
Reports and Election of Officers.
* *V *
International Students Association,
Turkey Week, January 21, 7:30 p.m.
Multipurpose Room Undergraduate Li-I
brary, Dr. James Stewart-Robinson
speaking on Turkish culture. Friday, I
January 22, 7:30 p.m., International
Center, Turkish folk-culture party.
.* * *
Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 21
Janvier, le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
3 Building.
* *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture by Dr. George Mavrodes, Uni-

January 23, 8:30 P.M. Tickets on Sole
Hill Auditorium 9:00-5:30 Daily
Tickets-$3.50, 3.00 & 2.50 H ill Auditorium
1000 !Boxes of Stationery
Reg. $1.00 each
2 for $1.00
4 for $1.88
4 I.
307 South State
Open Mon. 'til 8:30 p.m.






Graduate Students expecting to re- Med. Tech., Cem.,and/or xiui. ±01
ceive the master's degree or profes- genetic res. Exper, not req.
sional degree in May, 1965, must file a Michigan Mfr.-Industrial Supv. for
diploma application with the Recorder automotive products in heavy industry.
of the Graduate School by Fri., Jan. 22. Immed. opening, male grad, BBA or
A student will not be recommended for BSIE or comb. program in Industrial
a degree unless he has filed formal ap- Supv.
plication in the office of the Graduate Sargent Camp, Sponsored by Boston
School by that date. Univ., Peterborough, N.H.-Camp Direc-
tor for educ. & rec. program. MA with
History Make-up Examinations will be exper. in leadership or teaching, super-
held Saturday, January 23, 10-12 a.m. visory exper. desirable. 1 yr. contract,
in Room 2429 Mason Hall. Please cony starting June '65.
suit your instructor and then sign- *
the list in the History Office, 3601 Ha- For further information, please call
ven Hall 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
To Students Who Expect to Earn
Graduate Degrees at the end of the SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE:
Fall and Winter Terms: Graduates may 212 SAB-
elect to receive the large diploma (size The following camps will interview at
13" x 17") without additional cost, 212 SAB this week:

jThe following list of schools will be versity of Michigan Philooh et
interviewing at the Bureau of Ap- "Why Evil in God's World?," Friday,
pointments during the month of Jan- January 22, 1965, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd
uary for prospective teachers for 1965. Floor,
MON., JAN. 25-* *
Shaker Heights, Ohio-Tentative. Unitarian Student Group, Discussion
pI .ZCln.A''.iUU ofa N-1v1a r> Qc union

-Bosley Crowther, N. Y.Tinm
' -,.aadw, G .AM Nw Y,.

Shows at 1-2:55-5:-7 & 9:10
Tony Curtis
Natalie Wood
Henry Fonda
Lauren Bacall
' Mel Ferrer

TUES., JAN. 26-
Evanston, Ill. (Township H.S.) - Bus.
Ed., Couns. (female), Engl., Fr., Span.,
Fr./Span., Girls PE. Home Ec., Math,
Sci. Chair., Biol., Chem., Soc. St., Spec.
Ed.-M.H.; MA & Experience required. P
THURS., JAN. 28-
East Patchogue & Bellport, L.L., N.Y.
-Elem. K-6, Art, Read., Instr. Music,d
Vocal, Sch. Nurse, J.H.-Engl., Soc. St.,e
Math, Boys PE, Home Ec., Guid., Sch.
Nurse, Sc., M.R.; H.S.-Engl., Soc. St.,
I.AI/Dr. Th., Guid., Lib.
Pittsburgh, Pa.-Tentative.
Make Appointments Now.
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Education Di-I
vision, Bureau of Appointments, 3200
SAB, 764-7462.

(transportation at Markley & Union,
6:45 p.m.), January 24, 1965, 7:00 p.m.
Unitarian Church.
* * *
University of Michigan Amateur Ra-
dio Club, Meeting, January 21, 7:00
p.m., Union Room 3B.
W. A. A. Folk Dance Club Every Fri-
day of Fall Semester, 8-10 p.m., Wom-
en's Athletic Building.

I r
r r



DIAL 5-6290
Ending Tonight








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