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January 21, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-21

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Cold winds in

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



Is Ebbing
LONDON A) - Sir Winston
Churchill's circulation grew weak-
er last night and his life was at a
low ebb.
Lord Moran, Sir Winston's phy-
sician, visited the statesman three
times - including an unexpected
call in the afternoon-and 'report-
ed at the end of the day:
"The weakness of Sir Winston's
circulation is more marked. There
is nothing else to report. There
will be another bulletin in the
The Office of Student Affairs
announced 1 a s t night that
women's hours for yesterday
would be extended until one-
half hour after the completion
of the play "Luther." Presenta-
tion of the play was consider-
ably delayed when sets were
late in arriving.
The final curtain rang down
at 12:30 a.m. The normal week-
night per is midnight.
Terminal Stages
A British Medical Association
spokesman said the evening bul-
letin indicated Churchill might be
getting toward the terminal
stages of his illness" - meaning






The inaugurated President Johnson addresses nation and world ...
Johnson Pledes 'All of U
To Conquer Tyranny, Misery

SGC Calls Movie 'Stay-In'

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson, describing this
era as a time of rapid and fan-
tastic change, declared yesterday
that poverty, hunger, sickness and
ignorance will be conquired "be-.
fore this generation of Americans
is finished."

In the climax of a three-day
ceremony installing him for a
full four-year term, Johnson re-
newed the oath of office as Pres-
ident and told Americans that the
responsibility "is not mine alone,
but ours together."
"Our nation's course is abund-
antly clear," he said. "We aspire

to nothing that belongs to others. The spokesman said that the
We seek no dominion over our latest reportn"fits in with the
fellow man, but man's dominion general decline."
over tyranny and misery." The life of the nation went on
In calling for national unity, in subdued tempo as Churchill's
Johnson said the time has come condition declined. A small crowd,
"to achieve progress without undeterred by a chill wind, con-j
strife'and to achieve change with- tinued to keep vigil at the head
out hatred." of Hyde Park Gate where the'
"Not without difference of opin- Churchills live.
ion," he added, "but without the Low Ebb
den and qbhidin di ii.rnn cwhich


THE GROWING SWELL OF STUDENT SENTIMENT against the recent movie-prices increase in
Ann Arbor was represented by Laurie Lipton, '66. She condemned the $.25 increase during consti-
tuents time at last night's Student Government Council meeting. The SGC members, such as Inter-
national Student Association President Yee C. Chen, '65, and James Boughey, '66, shown in repose
(right), were spurred to call for massive student protest Friday.
M11otion Is Soundly Endorsed

Berkeley Students Continue
Quiet Political ManeuverilnK1
Although students at the Berkeley campus of the University of
California are now caught up in the tensions of final examinations,
behind-the-scenes political maneuvering is continuing.
The major problem is "whether the administration has the right
to discipline students for illegal actions resulting from outside political
activities," Ray Colvig, manager of the Berkeley Public Information
Office told The Daily yesterday in a phone interview.
"The campus is quiet right now because students are busy taking
exams, but the main issues in the political dispute have not been
" resolved," he said.

Uep UII g vlli U1IIIs ons w
scar the union for generations.
"Justice requires us to remem-
ber: when any citizen denies his
fellow, saying; his color is not
ine or his beliefs are strange
and different, in that moment he
betrays America, though his fore-:
bears created the nation."

When Lord Moran left Church-
ill's. ho ne a reporter asked him if
Sir Winston was at a very low
"Yes," Lord Moran replied.
Colonial Secretary A n t h o n y
Greenwood, who had planned to
fly to New York Wednesday
night for a visit to the United

Cutler Mulls
AHC Proposals
For Governors
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler has observed
that the joint Assembly-Inter-
quadrangle Council proposals de-
signed to revitilize the Residence
Hall Board of Governors will "pro-
vide a basis for full scale evalua-
tion of the current system."
These proposals included requir-
ing regularly scheduled monthly
meetings of the Board, making
Director of Housing Eugene Haun
chairman of the Residence Hall
Board and establishing an execu-
tive committee for the organiza-
However, he continued, the
prospects are unlikely that any
specific changes will be presented
for the Regents approval by the
end of the current term. "Since we
intend to establish permanent and
effective relationships, I can't
justify any adoption of a plan we
haven't had time to study."
Hopeful Reaction
John Eadie, '65, IQC president,
said that "Cutler's reaction was
exactly what we had been hoping
Maxine Loomis, '65N, president
of Assembly Association said she
was' pleased that Cutler was so
receptive to the recommendations
her organization had cosponsored.
However she had hoped that the
four changes, which include re-
placing the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs by the director of
housing as chairman of the Resi-
dence Hall Board of Governors,
adding two more student members
to the board, requiring regularly
f scheduled monthly meetings, and
forming 'an executive committee
of the board would be instituted
"T wuniild like a revitalized hoard !

Regents Meeting
The California regents, which
set up a study committee to look
into the problem at their Decem
ber meeting, will meet again Fri-
"I don't think they will take any
definite action on the political
issue then because some of the
regents won't be able to attend
the meeting," Colvig said.
Colvig explained, Martin Meyer-
son, the recently appointed chan-
cellor, worked rapidly to prevent
further trouble at the school, but
his "interim rules" relaxing the
administration's restirctions on
on-campus student political activ-
ity are considered too "mild by
many student leaders."
To Continue Activities
At the same time, the Free
Speech Movement (FSM) which
was recently reported to be con-
sidering plans todisband, has
moved into new, larger quarters
off campus, "indicating they plan
to continue their activities," he
Meyerson's temporary r u I e s
stated that tables could be set up
on campus where political organi-
zations could recruit members and
collect funds. No permits would be
necessary for these activities. The
required advance notification for
campus political speeches was cut
from 72 to 48 hours.
.In an attempt to improve com-
munication between the adminis-
tration a n d student political
groups, Meyerson recently created
a new office, assistant chancellor
on political affairs. This post is
being filled by Prof. Neil Smelser
of the sociology department from
Bar Distribution
The four-month controversy at
Berkeley began when the admin-
istration issued a regulation bar-
ring the distribution of political
material at the entrance to the
Further restrictions followed
and frequent demonstrations with
some violence ensued. On Dec. 5,
01 A o+,Aan io wm n,.,n-Aa iy,

11111 1 V1 7l U U lu l 11 *
Johnson defined the great so- Nations and later to the Carib-
ciety he advocates asnthepex- bean aera, canceled his UN visit.
citehnent of always "trying, prob- The trip to the Caribbean will de-
ing, falling, resting', and trying pend on the course of :Churchill's
again-but always trying and al- illness.
ways gaining."
Declaring that "our desctiny in TT
the midst of change will rest on Harvard Girl
the unchanged character of our
people-and on their faith," he Withdraws Bid
xsaid:W tdrw Bi
have forgotten in abundance what For Equality
we learned in hardship: that de-
mocracy rests on faith, that free-3
dom asks more than it gives, and CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (W) - A
the judgment of God is harshest Radcliffe College senior gave up
on those who are most favored." her attempt yesterday to breach
"For we are a nation of be- the walls of Harvard University
lievers," he said. "We are believ- tradition and become class mar-
ers in justice and liberty and in shal.
our own union. We believe that The position at Harvard always
every man must some day be free. has been held by a man and it
And we believe in ourselves. will be again this year at the Uni-
"That is the. mistake that our versity's 325th commencement ex-
enemies have always made. In ercises in June.
my lifetime-in depression and in Faye Levine said she had with-
war-they have awaited our de- drawn from the race for the post.
feat. Each time, from the secret She had pointed out that Rad-
places of the American heart, cliffe girls attending Harvard
came forth the faith they could classes receive Harvard diplomas,
not see or that they could not and "if I'm going to get a Hiar-
even imagine. It brought us vic- yard diploma then I should be per-
tory. It will again." mitted to run for class marshal,,
After his inauguration, the Pres- Bitteo n rcassUmars.
ident had just three words for Council the vUndegaduane rs
newsmen who met him when he announced Monday that write-in
walked from the ceremonial plat- votes for Miss Levine would not
form into the capitol: "A won- be counted.
derful day." _

Student leaders expressed over-
whelming approval of last night's
7Student Government Council de-
cision to stage a "stay-in" at the
Michigan Theatre Friday evening.
Leaders of the Inter-Quadrangle
Council, Assembly Association,,
Student Employes Union, Inter-I
national Students Association,
Lawyers Club, and Young Demo-
crats have given their endorse-
Representatives of the Butter-
field Theatre chain locally and
at the Detroit headquarters said
they have no plans for a change
in prices.
Gerald Hoag, of the Ann Arbor
Butterfield theatres, had been in-
vited to explain the price increase
at last night's SGC meeting. He
declined, however, explaining that
he had a prior engagement.
It was alleged by SGC members
last night that Butterfield the-
atres in Grand Rapids charge a
special rate of only 90c for college
The A n n Arbor Butterfield

during Christmas vacation 25
cents to $1.25.
'Extremely Happy'
Commenting on the decision
Interquadrangie Council President
John Eadie, '65, said, "I am ex-
tremely happy about this SGC
action and will give it all the
support I can."
Eadie said IQC is distributing
informational bulletins on the sit-
in plans to be posted in all mens
housing units.
Similar reaction and plans were
voiced by Assembly Association
President Maxine Loomis, '65. "I
think its about time SGC provides
some responsible leadership." She
said Assembly is, "preparing all
manpower possible to support the
-fBarry Bluestone, '66, president
of the Student Employes UJnion,
acclaimed the 14-2 decision as,
"a significant step toward positive
action for student welfare." Hisj
organization is also committed to
supporting SGC.
Proper Place
The president of the Lawyers
Club Mike Matthews, '65L, said,


theatres increased their pricesj

Universities, Said Favoring
Construction of Accelerator
A national consortium with representatives from about 30
universities should be formed to accept responsibility for the con-
struction and management of a'proposed "next-generation" high
energy physics accelerator which may cost as much as $1 billion.
Sources have reported that this was the general consensus of
opinion at a meeting in Washington Sunday of 26 university presi-
dents. Vice-President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman represented
" the University at the meeting.
Such a consortium would be
one way of preventing regional
' competition over the huge ac-
celerator's location and academic
disagreement over design.
Another important feature of
the proposed arrangement would
be allowance for maximum par-
ticipation by the nation's physi-
cists in operating the accelerator.
Glenn Seaborg, chairman of the
Atomic Energy Commission, and
Donald Rornig, science advisor
to President Lyndon B. Johnson,
reportedly told the university rep-
resentatives that it was clear that
only one accelerator of such a size
could be built. They said that if
regional or academic disagree-
ments developed the whole pro-
ject would be endangered.
The type of high-level consor-
tium that was contemplated at
the meeting would be similar to
American Universities, Inc. (AUD,
a group representing eastern
schnn which rdirects the nnra_

"I think SGC is the proper place
to have action taken. As long as
they are sponsoring ,this I'll sup-
port them."
Also expressing support was
Michael Grondin, '66, chairman of
the Young Democrats. He said he
was "totally in favor of the de-
cision" and urged consideration of
placing pickets at the theatre on
Richard Horevitz, '67; president
of Voice Political Party, said he
"congratulates SGC and hopes
they continue to take up more
student concerns. Horevitz said,
however, that his organization had
planned for a sit-in on Saturday
Following are excerpts from
the resolution passed by SGC
last night concerning the re-
cent rise in movie prices:
.Student Government
Council believes that students
generally are opposed to the
admission price increase and
believes that they have some
justification for this position...
SGC urges all students at-
tending the Michigan Theatre
on Friday night, Jan. 22, to
attend the 7 p.m. showing and
remain in the theatre for an
extra half hour beyond the end
of the movie. While in the
theatre SGC requests the stu-
dents to maintain orderly con-
duct. SGC makes this' request
in order to demonstrate to the
management of the Butterfield
Theatres that it has widespread
support in its demand for a
price reduction ..
SGC requests that the man-
agement of the Butterfield
Theatres in Ann Arbor meet
with representatives of Student
Government Council immedi-
ately to hear student demands
for a price reduction.
SGC requests that the man-
agement of the Butterfield
Theatres issue a public state-
ment explaining the rationale
for the price increase...
SGC requests that this be the
sole extent of student action
until Wednesday, Jan. 27, thus
giving SGC and Butterfield'
Theatres one week to reach an
acceptable agreement b e f o r e
further action is taken.
All student organizations are
requested to encourage their
members to support SGC ac-
tion in response to the price
night and will consider this at a
meeting today. He indicated more
action than SGC currently plans
may be desirable.I
YR's May Join
Lyle Stewart, Grad, chairman of
the Young Republicans, said his

Pltans Action
For Friday
At Michigan
Council To Request
Talks on Movie Fee
Hike with Managers
Student Government C o u n C 1
last night urged a student "stay-
in" at the Michigan Theatre Fri-
day evening to protest the recent
admission price increase at the
three Ann Arbor theatres.
The resolution, passed by a 13-2
vote, came after two houts of
SGC leaders said later the pur-
pose of the demonstration will be
to impress upon the theatre man-
agment both the student dissatis-
faction with the price increases
and the student support of further
SGC action.
With this as evidence of "wide-
spread student support," SGC
would request that the "manage-
ment of the Butterfield Theatres
in Ann Arbor meet with repre-
sentatives of the Council immed-
iately to hear student demands for
a price reduction," the resolution
Sole Extent
Therefore, SGC asked that "this
be the sole extent of student ac-
tion until Wednesday, Jan. 27."
If by that time the theatre chain
does not agree to a price reduc-
tion, SGC will consider further
However, representatives of sev-
eral groups indicated that their
organizations may hold protests
beyond the Friday "stay-in"
Council advocated last night. The
SGC action asked all student or-
ganizations "to encourage their
members to support (Council)."
Only Council Treasurer Eugene
Won, '66, and Robert Bodkin, '66,
voted against the action.
Earlier Vote
Bodkin had earlier submitted a
stronger motion for approval, ask-
ing for demonstrations Friday and
Saturday evening, which was de-
feated 8-7. He attributed hisneg-
ative vote on the accepted motion
to his feeling that stronger action
should have been taken.
Woh s aid he felt that SGC was
acting without full knowledge of
the factors involved in the Butter-
field position. He had called for
action only if Council investiga-
tion indicated the price increases
were unjustified.
The three Butterfield Theatres
in Ann Arbor, the Michigan, State
and Campus, raised their regular
adult evening and Sunday admis-
sion prices during the Christmas
recess from $1 to $1.25. The Mich-
igan Theatre will be showing
"Mary Poppins" Friday evening
when the student demonstration
is scheduled. The ticket price will
be $1.50 because the feature is a
Walt Disney production.
Original Motion
The original SGC motion by
Thomas Smithson, '65, was
prompted by a resolution passed
by the Lawyers' 'Club Board of
Directors on Jan. 13, urging SGC
to represent the students in pro-
testing the price increase.
SGC appointed SGC President
Douglas Brook, '65, and Smithson
as representatives of SGC in the
proposed meeting with the Butter-
field management.
Inter-Quadrangle Council indi-
cated its support of any SGC ac-
tion at its meeting on Jan. 14.
Tuesday evening, the executive
board of the Young Republican's
Club passed a resolution which.

urged an inquiry be made into
the facts of the price rise. The
board said that the University,
with its "one-third interest in the
Butterfield chain has sufficient
influence to obtain the facts," and
"to use its influence to rescind
the price increase if it is found
The YR's also stated they would
support any SGC action.
The International Students As-
sociation also expressed its ap-
proval Tuesday evening of the
"pfronosed actions by other stu-


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