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May 19, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-19

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C, r -



Increasing cloudiness
towards evening

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



Violence Explodes

With Little Warning

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the seond
of a four-part series on the state's
racial climate.
Associated Press Staff Writer
It was the summer of 1963, and
Michigan's racial scene was rela-
tively calm.
In Detroit, where about one-
third of the population is Negro,
w some 150,000 marchers walked
down Woodward Ave. in a peace-
ful demonstration. If trouble was
coming, many felt, it would be in
the Motor City.
On September 18, suddenly and
without warning, violence did flare
up. But the explosion did not
come in Detroit.
It was in Jackson, a city of
about 50,000 with an historic place
in the Negro fight for freedom.
The flareup took the form of a

rock-throwing student riot out-
side the ultra modern $3 million
Parkside High School. Jackson
had a few days of jitters before
the situation simmered down.
Thus--as it has come to many
unsuspecting communities - vio-
lence came to Jackson, once an
underground railroad depot for
fleeing slaves.
In the summer of 1964, Detroit
again basked in rdlative racial
And again violence struck.
This time it was Lansing,
where several hundred Negroes
staged a brief riot.
These unexpected outbreaks
shook up many residents of Mi-
chigan's outstate cities who had
smugly assumed an "it can't hap-

Lansing flareups, it is generally
conceded, were the usual tensions
and pentup frustrations among
Negroes over real or imagined
"Patterns of discrimination and
second-class citizenship exist in
many Michigan communities to-
day," says Burton Levy, director
of community services for the
State Civil, Rights Commission.
"Slums, with disease, broken
families, school dropouts, and
large unemployment not only
waste our needed human resour-
ces, but produce a segment of the
population that naturally views
the policeman as the enemy'," he
The problems of law enforce-
ment in the Negro community fre-
quently boil down to charges of
police brutality on one side and

cries for firmer action to stem
rising crime statistics on the oth-
Eighteen months after the
Parkside incident in Jackson, Earl
Miller was named Jackson police
chief. In a bulletin to all officers,
he declared:
"Any officer who w ,uld hit a
man just because he is a Negro,
or use more force than necessary
to effect an arrest because of the
subject's race, color, or creed is
a disgrace to the uniform and
should be dismissed.
"Verbal abuse is no less repre-
hensible than physical abuse. Im-
partial and equal application of
the law knows no color or race . , .
"All must understand that an
impulsive act - a thoughtless
act - can serve as a trigger for
a riot in an intense situation. We

must enforce the law - but with
no more force than necessary."
Today, according to Don Durst
of the Jackson Citizen Patriot,
race relations in the community
range from fine to good, depend-
ing on who is talking.
Chief Miller says, "Conditions
are good. Since I've been boss, I
have insisted that everybody be
treated the same, and it has
worked well. Our biggest trouble
is caused by outside Negroes -
from Ann Arbor, Battle Creek and
Ypsilanti - crashing local Negro
Other police officials echo Mil-
ler's sentiments.
Charles Southworth, Jackson
County undersheriff and spokes-
man for the department, says
there are no law enforcement
problems in the outlying areas.
"For example," he says, "a

year ago it was touch-and-go for
our officers when they appeared
at the Oak Grove Country Club, a
Negro-operated and supported so-
cial club southeast of Jackson.
"Today our men are welcome
there at any time."
Lansing's 7,000 Negroes repre-
sent about 6.5 per cent of the
population of the city. Some 700
of them took part in the 1964
riot in which Police Chief Char-
les Straiger was injured.
Lloyd Moles of the Lansing
State Journal reports the racial
climate appears to have improved
since then, probably because of
the work of the city's human
relations committee.
As in many Michigan commun-
ities, the most pressing problem
in the capital city is housing for
low income families.
Moles says the problem is be-

ing attacked from several angles
in a cooperative manner.
"The city has federal approval
for 500 units-300 for low income
families and another 200 for el-
derly-which is nearing the plan-
ning stage by architects," says
As for handling racial flare-
ups, the Lansing Police Depart-
ment started a concerted train-
ing program of all officers for
riot duty about three years ago.
"This training paid off in a big
way at the June 1964 riot, which
could have led to serious injury
or deaths," Moles reports. "The
riot control method results in a
sealing offf of the affected area
and keeping out possible race
TOMORROW: Is a House a

pen here attitude.
Causes of the

Jackson and

Future SGC
4P Mi Jidigait IaiI Plans Listed



UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL officials were notified yesterday by
the federal government that the hospital is qualified to partici-
pate in the Medicare program. The action, anticipated for the
past few weeks, means the institution will be eligible to receive
federal payment for health services given to all patients covered
by the new Social Security Medicare act.
THE UNIVERSITY RANKS fifth in the nation of colleges
and universities to receive National Science Foundation Fellow-
)q ships and Traineeships for 1966-67, while it is second among all
state universities, announced Dean Stephen H. Spurr of Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
The institutions having the largest number of all types of
NSF Fellowships and Traineeships are: Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, '429; Harvard, 426; Stanford, 409; University of
California, Berkeley, 370; University of Michigan, 244; Wiscon-
sin, 213; Princeton, 218; Illinois, 212; Yale, 206, and California
Institute of Technology, 204.
ATRE PROGRAM Robert C. Schnitzer announced yesterday that
the subscription enrollment for the Fifth Fall Festival by the As-
sociation of Producing Artists Repertory Company has estab-
lished a new record during the spring drive.
Already at 5.000, the advance sale for the coming autumn
season-which wili offer Helen Hayes and Melvyn Douglas as new
APA members-is 1,000 ahead of last season at this time, four
months before opening.
The Fifth Anniversary season of APA in Ann Arbor, prior to
its Broadway winter season in New York, is expected to reach a
sell-out subscription of 10.000 by the time the Festival premieres
on campus Septembeer 20.
announced by Yale University to help solve the problem of train-
ing more college teachers in less time.
Dean John Perry Miller of the Yale Graduate School said the
degree will be awarded to students who have completed all re-
quirements for their Ph.D. except their dissertation.
The new degree will require two years of graduate work,
rather than the three to five years required to earn a Ph.D. The
M.Ph., as it will be called for short, will replace the traditional
master of arts and master of science degrees, usually attained in
one year of graduate work.
STUDENT ACTIVISTS rebelling against machine-like treat-
ment by campus administrations are equally machine-like in
their protests, a Stanford University philosopher said recently.
They exemplify in their own attitudes the very tendencies
they decry. This is the most alarming feature of the situaton,"
said Prof. Philip H. Rhndelander. "The process of depersonaliza-
ion has gone so far that those who protest it have been caught up
in it," he said.
"The students are experiencing and enacting what our au-
thors, playwrights, and poets have been pointing to for 20 years
or more. If we view the situation with alarm, we ought not to
view it with surprise. "And our concern-if we are concerned-
ought to be less for the student than for society itself."
PROF. ALBERT WHEELER of the Medical School is new
president of the Michigan Council of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People. He was elected recently
at the council's convention in Muskegon
Secuity Problems]I
S e r

By Robinson
President Will Ask
For Student Time
At Regents Meetings
Student Government C o u n c i I
President Ed Robinson, '67, yes-
terday outlined what SGC will be
doing this summer and plans for
changes and expanded programs
in the fall.
One of the main prxojects,~ he
said, will be work on a plan which
will allow the SGC president to
present a report at Regents' meet-
ings. Robinson said he would be
working with Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard Cutler
during the summer to formulatel
a formal request which would be
presented jointly by them to the
The request will ask that. the
president of SGC be allotted a
specified amount of time at each
meeting, perhaps 15 minutes, to
keep the Regents informer, aboutI
the opinions and operations off
SGC, and through SGC, the opin-
ions and feelings of the student
body, explained Robinson.
He said the reports would in-
clude information on what SGC
is doing and why, what they are
doing with their money, particu-
lar problems facing SGC, and
opinions on matters of concern
to the University and the students
in particular.
Yearly Meetings Now
At the present time SGC mem-

Ky Regime
By Civil War
GoVernment Troops
Attempt To Seize
Rebel Strongpoifts
SAIGON ()-South Viet Nam's
v chronic political troubles plung-
ed toward open civil war early to-
day as Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's
paratroops moved on the strong-
holds of the Buddhist-backed reb-
els in the northern city of Da
Backed by armor, the loyalist
r troops sent the dissidents into re-
treat amid the clatter of heavy
machine gun and small arms fire
24 hours after Ky had talked of a
' peaceful settlement of the dispute
and ordered all soldiers to stay
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi out of politics.
apter of the American Loyalist paratroopers climbed
into a truck and drove off in the
direction of the government-held
radio station. About 50 rebel
troops moved back into the area
the government soldiers had va-
cated, and began setting up ma-
chine guns and digging foxholes.
Shooting erupted early this

DAVID KA'TZIAN OF TIlE TEACHIING FELLOWS Organization presents grievances to members of the local cho
Association of University Professors last night.

Teaching Fellows




U' Professors


Repxresentatives of the Tea
Fellows Or'ganization, prese.
their grievances in a panel di
sion last night before a gro
professors met with some s
nnnnda n i icnrvn

approval ana asapproval
bers have an opportunity to meet mostly with attempts to
with the Regents only once a issues, especially the charge
near, declared Robinson, whereas teaching fellows are underpa
monthly reports would provide for
a more frequent and direct com- Speaking before the localc
munication between the Regents ter of the National Associati
and SGC. University Professors, DavidI
Expanding on future plans, Rob- man and Robert Rockaway o
inson said that in the fall SGC history department reiterate
will switch from a standing com- demands of the several hu:
mittee structure to a project in theim organization for s
oriented committee structure. It
is hoped that this method will be " 1 "
more effective in dealing withP
specific problems and also in- a
crease student interest in SGC, he
SGC plans a greater number ofA
projects for fall, Robinson con-
tinued, including work with the

increass, the g'ranting of faculty think that they are employes of find positions for the "appren-
library and insurance benefits the University but instead that tices" when they are th'rough with
cng and reduced class sizes. They care- they themselves are the Univer- graduate school.
nting fully stated that, though they were sity, McKeachie suggested. More active sympathy for the
iscus- executive board members of thetecigfloscmpane-
up of TF They wr spaking o Another panel member, Prof. teaching fellows' ,complaints, es-
trong fxHubert English, in charge of the pecially on the economic level,
butf themselves. freshman English program, also came from Prof. Norman Thomas
skirt Faculty panelist Prof. Wilbert objected to terming teaching fel- of the political science depart-
that McKeache, chairman of the psy- lows "employes," saying he didn't ment, who said in discussion af-
id. chology department, expressed dis- like the connotations of business ter panel speeches that the fel-
l. satisfaction with the dihcussion lk h onttoso uies"ef.
chap- satopicfTeaching Fellow: Student and industry that the word evokes. lows are being used as "serfs."
But, his response was not typical
on of or Employe?" and with the idea He instead used the term "ap- of last night's gathering.
Katz- of teaching fellows thinking of prentice," suggesting that there
f the themselves as working at a "job should be "real' collaboration be- Perhaps the most concrete sug-
d the for money." Teaching fellows tween professors and their fel- Manon ofamthe from Prof. Richard
ndred might consider themselves, rather, lows, with perhaps a team-teach- Mann o t psychology depart-
salary as faculty members who don't m set-up and an obligation to ment who asked that teaching
fellows be given a full-year
stipend while working 'only two
" out of three trimesters. Under
such a plan, the third semester
Scien ce1prwould be open for the fellows to
pursue scholarly interests of their
own choosing, on their own
i e s V1schedule.
fesMann complained that teaching
fellows are ''being deflected" from

morning in Da Nang, 380 miles
northeast of Saigon, as two gov-
ernment spotter planesacircled over
a three-pagoda complex held by
an estimated 1000 insurgents-dis-
sident troops and Buddhist "sui-
cide squads."
Two of Ky's tanks smashed a
Buddhist roadblock on Da Nang's
main street but halted when a
monk threw himself on the pave-
ment ahead of them. Civilians
See Related Story,
Page 3
scurried frantically through the
streets trying to avoid the cross-
Reliable sources said the new
commander of the northern prov-
inces, Maj. Gen. Huynh Van Cao,
had been dismissed because he re-
fused to move against the dissi-
Cao was the third man named
to command the army's 1st Corps
since the firing of Lt. Gen. Nguyen
Chanh Thi on March 10 gave the
Buddhist leadership a pretext for
the crisis which has continued ever
Ky's move against the rebel
pagodas recalled similar action by
President Ngo Dinh Diem nearly
three years ago. That resulted in
Diem's overthrow and death.

Literary College Steering Com- By MERED[TII LIKER elections in political science had who has received the position as
mnittee on academic affairs and, gone up 25 to 30 per cent in the director of the Center for Conflict
the counseling system. SGC hopes Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, past few years-the department Resolution here and who will teach
to be more concerned with na- chairman of the political science will add four full professors and in international studies.
tional issues relevant and impor- department, spoke enthusiastically three assistant professors to its The fourth man to join the poli-
tant to students, he added. yesterday of continuing expansion faculty. tical science faculty will be a visit-
One of SGC's most successful and strengthening planned for this Eldersveld said the political sci- ing associate professor from Mis-
projects, the Student Housing fall within the department. ence department is primarily "in- souri, David Waurfel, who will also
Association, is continuing its work In an effort to keep pace with terested in building onto its basic be instructing in the Southeast
in the areas of housing and voter increasing enrollment demands - strengths" in areas such as in- Asian studies program.
registration this summer. Eldersveld reported that student ternational studies, comparative Eldersveld also discussed the de-
politics, and public administration partment's summer program. The
while "adding luster to these pro- number of courses offered, he said,
grams" as well. is about the same as last year pri-
Because the department is link- marily because the budget has re-
ed closely with other units on cam- mained about the same. He pointed
r ~~ C , pyi pus including social research, men- out, however, that even if the de-
tal health, public administration, partment had had more money,
sociology, and public health, many difficulties in finding enough in-
of its faculty members work joint- structors would have been en-
Steude acknowledged that Uni- frequently been turned in fromn ly in other University areas and countered.
versity Towers has been a con- boxes located on each floor of the staffing problems result, Eldersveld Personnel, he explained, is scarce
tinual problem because of its size. building. Damage to elevators, explained, during the spring half-term. Pro-
"This has been a unique, unpre- walls, carpeting and in individual Unlike the poinical science de- fessors receive research grants
edented problem for our office" apartments has also occurred d partment at Michigan State Uni- elsewhere or have made their plans
versity which has lost three pro- for the summer months. Many are
He emphasized that he hopes to that: fessors in the past months, the de- paid well enough during the year
"improve rapport between stu- -The building lacks carbon- partment here has been able to ac- so that they don't need to teach
dents living in the building and dioxide fire extinguishers and quire the needed personnel. In ad- extra courses, he added.
the University Towers manage- that there is no evacuation plan dition to former MSU Prof. Alfred Eldersveld said that because of
ment." But he added there was for tenants in case of fire. G. Meyer, the University will gain the professor shortage many grad-

work at the "intellectual frontier"
because many of their hours are
consumed in teaching introduc-
tory information and with many
unexciting graduate courses.


'The Paper' Loses Printer,
Says It's Been 'Blaeldlisted


State Labor Mediation Board,

Co-Editor claiming that he was unjustly
fired by the management. Wit-
A close examination of security nesses to the two weekend inci-
problems at the 18-story Univer- dents reported that there was no
sity Towers apartment will be deficiency in the security opera-
maintained, William Steude, di- tion. The building has two guards,
rector of Student-Community Re- usually graduate students, on duty!
lations said yesterday, during late-night hours Fridays
Incidents of vandalism and phy- and Saturdays.
sisa1 violAnce have nlagued the Security Cutback

The Paper, a student weekly
newspaper at Michigan State Uni-
versity has been "blacklisted" by
publishers and no one will print
it, Michael Kindman, editor,
charged last night.
The action may have some con-
nection with MSU's withdrawal of
recognition of The Paper for the
content of its last issue.
Kindman said he learned of the
"blacklisting" when he brought
materials for The Paper to its
regular publisher for scheduled
publication last night.
When he arrived the publisher
frdrl him-' 1)ithat he irefued ito

was told it took only 10 minutes
to make the decision.
He said observers at the meet-
ing told him the action was caused
by at least one, possibly two arti-
cles in The Paper's last issue. The
first was a cover of an "informal
talk" by Paul Krassner, editor of
the Realist magazine, Kindman
said. The other was a "discussion
of nudity," Kindman continued.
Prof. Frank Senger, chairman
of the Publications Board, when
called last night had no comment
on why the action was taken, but
suggested that anyone who read
the Krassner article would under-
staxnd theaction.


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