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May 11, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-11

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See Editorial Page

CYI rr


40 att

Cloudy with
occasional showers

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
IlProgram Endangered byNewEventsBi


The University's i n t r a m u r a 1
sports and physical education pro-
grams are facing a long period of
lean financial years just when
they need the money most, accord-
ing to authoritative sources.
A long-range decline in the ath-
letic revenues which have support-
ed them in the past, plus a large
long-term drain - the University
Events Building now under con-
struction - are the crux of the
problem, the sources say.
IM sports are administered by
the Department of Physical Edu-
cation and Athletics under a Re-
gents by-law which gives the de-
partment jurisdiction over "the
required work in physical educa-
tion for men and women, intra-
mural sports, recreational activi-
ties. . .'

These activities are financed by
the department which, in turn,
obtains its money from its Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, a faculty - alumni - student
body charged with administering
the University's intercollegiate
athletic teams. This board, which
obtains the gate receipts from all
University sports events, has long
been a department money-maker.
In this sense, the intercollegiate
branch of the department, con-
trolled by the intercollegiate ath-
letics board, has almost totally fi-
nanced the intramural program
as it has developed over the years.
The board spent some $1.5 mil-
lion on the Women's Pool and has
built and now maintains Palmer
Field and the IM Building itself.
It also purchased Wines Field and
pays for most of the equipment

used by the IM and physical edu-
cation programs.
All this is governed by another
Regents by-law calling on the
board to devote surplus funds from
intercollegiate sports to "the fur-
ther support of the various pro-
grams and activities carried on
within the department. .."
Over the years, the IM program
at the University - unlike any
other Big Ten IM program-has
thus become entirely dependent
upon the University's intercolleg-
iate sports.
The problem now is that the
University's intercollege sports are
becoming less and less able to sup-
port it. As one member of the
athletics board put it, "We're in
a tight belt situation for the for-
seeable future." There are two
basic reasons for the board's sud-

den demise as a money-maker for
the department.
First, intercollegiate athletics
are becoming more and more ex-
pensive. Coaching salaries are ris-
ing, travel costs are on the way
up and athletic scholarships are
also subject to a certain degree of
inflation. Yet at the same time
the revenue they bring is fairly
Second, the department has
committed itself to the construc-
tion of the new $6.7 million Events
Building. $5.8 million of this was
bonded, but the department still
has to pay the extra $900 thousand
plus the interest on the bonds,
which run for a period of 25 years.
No help is available from the Uni-
versity's $55 Million Fund Drive;
only some $47 thousand has been

pledged to the Events Building,
and half of that is earmarked for
the furnishing of a special alumni
reception room.
Both these factors means the
board's operating reserve has been
reducedto a very low level. Ad-
ministrators stress that it isin
no real sense in trouble with either
the Events Building or intercolleg-
iate sports. But its finances for
expansion are nonexistent.
Yet the IM program has needed
additional money for a long time.
As enrollment has risen, and as
the trimester has become a reality,
more facilities have been needed to
accommodate the crush of users.
IM administrators cite the need
for a new IM building, more fields
for the Central Campus and IM
facilities on North Campus which,

despite the completion of Cedar
Bend dormitories scheduled for
the fall, has none. At the same
time they stress they cannot move
at all without athletic board
While board members say they
can finance the IM program at its
present level, all deny their ability
to expand it at all.
The athletic board has recently
been sending out appeals to find
help in supporting the IM pro-
gram. Prof. Stuart Churchill, a
faculty member of the board,
spoke to the April meeting of the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-then the cen-
tral body of the Faculty Senate-
and reportedly urged them to con-
sider the problem. A SACUA mem-
bers says the meeting questioned

whether the athletics board should
in fact still be charged with sup-
porting the IM program.
H. O. Crisler, department direc-
tor, says simply that the depart-
ment has made "University peo-
ple aware of the situation" and
can do little else than wait for
someone to come up with an
Other department officials say
openly that the University's cen-
tral administration has been asked
to take over the IM program di-
rectly-for example, to support it
with student fees, instead of gate
receipts, as is. done at other col-
leges-to free athletic department
No administrators report the
existence of any concrete plans for
a solution.









Draft Exams
Opposed by
'U Students
Voice To Administer
Substitute National
Viet Nam ExaminationI
Last evening's meeting of
VOICE political party, the Univer-
sity's local chapter of Students for
a Democratic Society, focused on'
two major issues: the March to
Washington, SundayhMay 15, and
# the National Viet Nam Examina-
tion to be given at the same time
as the Selective Service Examina-
The latter issue took precedence
and time as the members present
discussed their treatment of the
Viet Nam exam being distributed
by the national office of SDS and
Inter-University Committee for
Debate on Foreign Policy.
Saturday, May 14, the Selective1
Service examination will be given
to students in the NaturalbScience
Auditorium. Simultaneously, SDS
members will administer their ex-
amination in the Chemistry Audi-
torium to those students not tak-
ing the exam.
The National Viet Nam Exami-
nation is not being presented as.
an alternative to the government,
examination, but rather, as an
ideological protest and a more eth-!
ical approach to the means ofI
draftee selection. The purpose of,
the test is educational as well.
Questions are posed in terms of
multiple choices: such as "Match
the quotations below with the au-
thor . . ." 'I have only one (hero):
Hitler'" Among nine choices are
late President Kennedy, President
Johnson, Nguyen Cao Ky, premier
of South Viet Nam and Ho Chi
Minh, premier of North Viet Nam.
Another question used is, "If
the approximately $13 billion the
U.S. is expending this year to pros-
ecute the war in Viet Nam were
distributed equally among the
Vietnamese people, how much
would each receive?" (Four choic-
es are given.)
"We feel that the Selective Serv-I
ice examination violates demo-
cratic principles by limiting itself
to the college group which consists1
mainly of the middle class or
above. Secondly, it lawfully forces
those who morally oppose the war
to undergo examination. Further-
more, the questions asked in the
government exam are totally ir-
relevant to the purpose of the
exam," concluded Locker.
The test will also be administer-
ed 2:30 Saturday in the Natural
Science Aud. to those having just
completed the Selective Service
Other objections came from
Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY) who,

__*See Success-
. Jeopardized
A IBy Changes



Late World News
GUATEMALA (AP)--THE GOVERNM1ENT last night declared
a state of siege only hours after Congress elected Julio Cesar
Mendez Montenegro to the presidency.
Government spokesmen said the move was prompted by the
kidnaping of two officials last week. Two other persons were slain
during the abduction.
A 30-day limit was set on the state of siege, a modified form
of martial law.
Earlier Mendez Montenegro, leader of the leftist, non-Com-
munist Revolutionary party, was elected president by deputies
for a four-year term.
TWO MICHIGAN DAILY writers received $250 awards from
the Detroit Press Club Foundation for articles that appeared in
last summer's Daily. Executive Editor' Bruce Wasserstein, '67,
won for a story predicting a tuition increase. Philip Sutin, '66
Grad, national concerns editor for The Daily in 1963-64, won for
an 11-part series picturing student activism at the University
since 1960. Eight undergraduate awards and 14 professional
honors were presented in the first annual writing contest.
UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS pronounced as a success the
launching of a huge, high-altitude research balloon at Palestine,
Tex., on Monday.
Prof. Frederick L. Artman, project engineer in charge of the
experiment held Sunday at Palestine, said the flight allowed
scientists to test a series of instruments to be used on satellites.
The instruments are designed to measure temperatures of the
earth and other planets.
REP. ADAM CLAYTON POWELL (D-NY) said yesterday he
had received unverified information that Central Intelligence
Agency personnel were associated with the University of Pennsyl-
vania and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Powell made the assertion in announcing an investigation by
the staff of the House Education and Labor Committee, which
he heads, of CIA contacts with Michigan State University, pre-
viously reported.
Max Millikan, director of the MIT Center of International
Studies, said the college would reluctantly drop research con-
tracts with the CIA because they were subject to misinterpreta-
tion. Millikan said "there never was a secret" about the contracts,
which were for research on international developments, particu-
larly Communism and Communist China.
SEN. EDWARD LONG (D-Mo) said Monday the search for
a site for a $375 million atom smasher has turned out to be "a
miserable deception."
He told the Senate that the six sites remaining for con-
sider.tion by the Atomic Energy Commission are "seriously in-
At the same time, Long called on the AEC for a "complete
review of all proposed sites-not just these six."
Sites still in the running, gleaned from more than 200 orig-
inally offered, are Ann Arbor; Brookhaven, N.Y.; Chicago; Den-
ver; Madison, Wis.; and Sacramento, Calif.
Long asserted that the six sites "failed to meet the basic
physical requirements which the commission itself set forth last
Long said the National Academy. which chose the six sites.

Oppose Proposal T
Construct Separate
(JLass. Office Units
The acceptance of proposed
architects' changes In the residen-
tial college "would seriously Jeop-
ardize the successful future" of
that college. a faculty committee
has reported.
The residential college faculty
planning committee based the re-
jection of plan changes on three
1) that "the residential college
is first and foremost a place for
experimentation in teaching and
learning, student-faculty dialogue,
and residential community:"
2) that "facilities must be at-
tractive, comfortable and useful
enough to maintain student loy-
alty;" and
3) that "since the college comn-
munity will be to some extent iso-
lated, it will require some facili-
ties that might otherwise not be
One of the major changes calls
for two separate classroom and
office buildings.
Faculty plans included having
both classes and offices in one
building. An integration of the
two, they feel, encourages student-
faculty association. Having two
such buildings, such as Haven andj
Mason Halls, discourages students
from seeking out faculty, they be-
Having two separate buildings
results in a monetary saving be-
cause classrooms require high ceil-
ings while offices do not. To give
offices high ceilings in a combined
classroom - office building would
waste space.
Another change involves the
basement area. Under the new
plans this space isbcut by about
I half. Game and hobby rooms and
other rooms planned for the base-
ment have therefore been cut or
greatly reduced. The faculty's
complaint is that if the cut seg-
ment of the basement is not exca-
vated they will never be able to3
use that area.
Other changes reduce the lounge
and seminar rooms in the resi-
dence halls. The architects also
plan removing clasrooms from the
housing units that had them, sub-
stituting combined class and pub-
lic rooms.
Architects have planned the]
elimination of a bookstore conces-
sion, and a snack bar. The com-
mittee wants these so that stu-
dents will not have to go to the
central campus area for every-
Additional changes include the
elimination of:
-informal recreation areas;
-a "fishbowl" type area;


Communist leader Mao Tze-Tung, center, makes his first public appearance since la
escorts Albanian Premier Shehu, right, in Peking.
Kerr Backs 'Cluster Coli

$.5 Million
Cuts Called
Faculty Seeks Chance
To Re-instate Changes
Requested by Regents
The residential college faculty
planning committee has informed
the administration that they find
proposed architects' changes in the
college's building plans unaccept-
able. Their action casts doubt on
the fate of the residential college.
The faculty noted that while
"many desirable features of ear-
lier plans" have been retained in
e new, cost-saving plans, "the
jcommittee cannot recomm~end ac-
ceptance" of the changes, "since
so many features of the residential
college that the committee deems
essential have been eliminated." -
-Associated Press Assistant Dean Burton D. Thuma
of the literary college, director of
the residential college, noted that
( changes made earlier this year
ist Nov. 26 as he lowering original estimates from
$16 million to $12.7 million were
changes "we could have lived
Now, however, changes the Re-
gents requested require cutting
costs by $1.5 million to a new to-
tal of $11.2 million.
.e IThis reduction, said Thuma, is
too much, and has caused much
unhappiness on the faculty com-
l authority has led mittee as a result.
open society dream- What happens next is not clear.
klin and Jefferson, Thuma said the architects are.
at something else presently putting the finishing
acancy left by the touches on their plans.
ld order. The administration has express-
ed hope that the plans 'will be
ready for the next Regents meet-
e ing on May 20.
eks Administrators, however, may
now decide to intervene before-
" hand, to reach a settlement. At the
iCais mement they say they have not
yet seen the report.
Once they do they may decide
re taught so as to to make changes in the archi-
of the ports in the tects' new plans. Although Thuma
with the hope of says some improvements can be
student to continue made without extra cost, most of
yond the introduc- what the faculty wants put- back
ficial levels. into the plans will require more
er the humanities, money.
ural and s o i a l The decision to make changes
ver physical educa- therefore depends on whether the
ifically they include administration can find extra
opology, psycholog- money.
s of education, con- The administration could decide
d cultures, political to have the Plant Extension de-
erging nations, and partment send back the plans to
in anationseand the' architects to make changes.
Lan and society. On the ther hand, the admin-
for the fall semes- istration could have the Plant Ex-
Lisbon, Barcelona, tension department approve the
e, Athens, Istanbul, plans and send them to the Re-
kok, Hong Kong, gents. The Regents might then
nolulu. pass the plans, disregarding the
o the Seven Seas faculty report.
i e admssin to If this happens, there are In-
res admission to dications several faculty planning
g at Chapman Col- members will resign. Thuma said
rage is required of the Regents' move might be inter-
ring from another preted as treading on the rights of

University of California Presi-
dent Clark Kerr lashed out at
"specialized, segmented" under-
graduate courses at the "Univer-
sity in America" convocation in
Los Angeles this week.
"The crisis of the university is
limited primarily to undergradu-
ates primarily in the humanities
and sciences," Kerr said.
Kerr said "there is no crisis in
professional schools" because these
students have clear vocational
alms, the curriculum isadesigned
to further their aims, and the
schools generally are small enough
to maintain a feeling of individ-
'Cluster College'
Kerr advocated a "cluster col-
lege," a relatively small and broad-
ly oriented undergraduate college
within a university, as a feasible
"The cluster college to be ef-
fective should be reasonably small
in size, have a broadly oriented
curriculum, and possess its own
separate identity," Kerr said.
"The broad curriculum will serve
the student with general interests.
The separate administrative iden-
tity will make possible a specialized
study. It will provide a more inti-
mate group that can treat each
student and faculty member as a
unique individual," he said.
Kerr based his remarks on the
success of a new, residential-col-
lege type unit at Santa Cruz. It is

group that the gradual dissolving from traditiona
of traditional authorities - civic, to the kind of o
ecclesiastical and social - have ed of by Fran
left modern man feeling direction- but added thf
less and unguided. must fill the v
Lippman said this emancipation erosion of the o
Floatin College'S4
Prospective '' App

Interviewers f r o m Chapman
College's Seven Seas Division will
be at the University tomorrow
seeking prospective students for
the college's "floating campus."
Seventy students from the state of
Michigan may participate in class-
es next semester aboard the S.S.
Ryndam, a Holland-America Line
trans - Atlantic passenger liner,
which is to be used as Chapman's
college afloat.
The purpose- of the floating
campus is to select outstanding
students from high schools, col-
leges, and universities and to place
them in a situation of intense
academic concentration, while at
the same time exposing them to
the diversities of the world.
The unique advantages of such
a program are found in special-
ized field trips, conferences with
foreign faculties and students, and
visits to universities to comple-
ment the various academic pur-

alog, courses a
take advantage
itinerary and
motivating the-
his studies bey
tory and superf
Courses cove
language, natu
sciences, and ev
tion. More spec
cultural anthr
ical foundation
temporary wor
systems in em
a seminar in m
The itinerary
ter includesI
Marseille, Rom
Bombay, Bang
Tokyo, and Ho
Admission to
Division requi
regular standin
lege. A "C" av
those transfers

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