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May 10, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-10

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Fair, somewhat
warmer tomorrow

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Journalism Department Celebrates

75 Years at '

Leading journalists from across
the nation gathered yesterday to
celebrate the seventy-fifth anni-
versary of journalism education at
the University. In speeches and
panel discussions, the most fre-
quently-sounded themes dealt with
uncertainty over the Viet Nam war
and the resilience of the American
Louis B. Seltzer, retired editor of
the Cleveland Press warned that
if the "engulfing tide" of a new

business depression were to hit
the United States, "the American
people could not swim quite as
well with the same stamina and
strength as they did during the
Great Depression of the 1930's."
Seltzer emphasized that "we
have experienced an erosion of
ideals, principles and of our moral
and spiritual values, as well as an
erosion of ruggedness and self
"Our spiritual strength must be
brought to parity with our eco-

nomic and technological strength,"
he said.
Seltzer reminded his audience
gathered at the North Campus
Commons that the experience of
1929 serves as a warning against
the danger of believing in the
perpetuity of prosperity.
He pointed to vast technological
and economic strides accomplished
by the U.S. since that time.
"In the past 35 years we have
fashioned the most intricate, com-
plex scientific civilization the
world has ever known. It has

elevated the U.S. to the number
one position in the world."
As for the future, Seltzer said
journalists must realize that the
changes of the past 35 years are
nothing compared to what will
take place in the next 35 years.
"I visualize within 25 years or
less that an individual in his own
home will have the ability to flip
the pages of newspapers in full
color on a screen through remote
He said the challenges in the
future of interpreting unprece-

dented scientific events are greater
than any we have faced in the
"We must make Americans
aware not only of what we have
gained but also what we have lost
and must regain," he said.
Earlier, keynoting the day of
discussions and celebration, retir-
ing journalism department chair-
man Wesley Maurer pointed to the
basic problem of the profession-
the miracle that anyone can con-
vey meaning to any other person

that bears any resemblance to
what might be intended.
"The science of journalism.. . .
is the knowledge of the variables
of how meanings get lodged; of
the influence of environments and
experiences, physical and mental,
on the emergence of meanings.
Our profession at its best has
serious intent to convey meanings,
involving the thinking process and
involving the skills in the use of
language tailored to the correctly
assessed mentalities of audiences."
"The intellectual resources for

journalism lie in the synthesis of
knowledge and in reflective think-
ing which examines the whole,"
Maurer said.
He pointed to the crisis in edu-
cation, caused partly by the em-
phasis on specialization rather
than synthesis.
"Journalism and society in gen-
eral has a vested interest in the
continuing synthesis of knowl-
edge," he said.
Maurer characterized the role
of journalism in rendering an



Conference Advocates Changes To Be Given

In Selective Service System

CEEB Tests
Language Department
Will Revise Testing
Of Orientation Groups

Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-A broad national
service plan that would make the
Peace Corps and other forms of
non-military service an alternative
to service in the armed forces was
advocated here Saturday at a con-
ference of top education, student,
and government leaders.
With an eye toward the explora-
tion of the current Selective Serv-
ice law in July of 1967 the con-
ference advocated the use of a lot-
tery system to fulfill military
manpower needs.
Among the 30 representatives
present at the conference were


Munro, dean of Harvard i fied for some form of non-mili-

College; Phillip Sherburne, presi-
dent of the U.S. National Student
Association, and Harris Wofford,
associate director of the Peace
Corps. The conference was organ-
ized and chaired by Donald Ese-
berly of the Overseas Educational
Lottery Proposal
Dean Munro, Wofford, and Prof.
Leon Gramson of Swarthmore
College sketched a lottery proposal
that would pave the way for non-
military alternatives to service in
the armed forces.
Nineteen-year-old men, except
those who have previously quali-

tary service, would be included in
the lottery.

Men who have demonstrated to
their local Selective Service board By MEREDITH EIKER
that they have qualified for some The Romance and Germanic
form of non-military service would language departments will begin
be exempted from the lottery. The using the College Entrance Exam-i
non-military alternative must be ination Board placement tests this
proposed prior to the lottery to be summer as the means of determin-
valid. ing. the language level of entering

Numbers Game
All men whose numbers are not
selected in the lottery will be ex-
empted from giving any form of
service to the country. These are
the only men who would not be
required to give some kind of mil-
itary, or non-military, service.
This feature was proposed to en-
courage participation in the lot-

The decision to use both the
CEEB written and listening (oral)
sections was made two years ago'
by faculty and an admissions com-
mittee for the Literary .College
Professor Pott, chairman of the
Germanic Languages department,.
explained yesterday that language
placement tests were given to
freshmen students during summer
and early fall orientation in the

WASHINGTON (JP)-THE PEACE CORPS will begin scouring
college campuses next week for volunteers who would like to
spend two years in "paradise."
The corps announced that beginning this fall about 750
volunteers will be sent to the islands of Micronesia in the Trust
territory of the western Pacific.
But even paradise has its drawbacks, a Peace Corps promo-
tion booklet makes clear:
"Tropical islands. Enchanted evenings. Swaying palms and
sun-kissed maidens. Understaffed schools. Bad roads. Insuffi-
cient medical facilities. Inadequate water and sanitary systems.
An island territory that has to import its seafood."
The booklet is called "The Peace Corps goes to paradise."
hundreds of phone calls from unhappy college students who
were told to report as far away as Mississippi to take their draft
deferment examinations.
"It was a madhouse today," Col. Arthur Holmes, state Selec-
tive Service director, said yesterday. "We probably had a good
250 calls."
Holmes is telling all the students that Selective Service-
which is not administering the tests-will do everything it can
to correct the situation.
The calls began Thursday, and the total to local boards and
state headquarters in Lansing probably is well above 1,000, he
Science Research Associates of Chicago has the contract to
administer the tests, which are intended to help draft boards
decide which college students to defer from the draft, Holmes said.
While Michigan students are being sent everywhere from
Mississippi to Massachusetts for exams May 14, May 24 or June 3,
Holmes said, other states are having similar problems, too.
He advised students sent more than 30 or 40 miles from their
home or campus to write to Science Research Associates and re-
quest a change.
"Every opportunity will be given to students who have tried
and failed to have the location of the examination changed to be
granted a new date to compete," Holmes declared.
What may have happened, he said, was that as local testing
centers filled up, students were sent to the next closest center
which still had an opening.
attempt to intimidate any student or official at Wesleyan
University in its investigation of a national student organization.
Hoover said that such contentions by student critics of the FBI at
Wesleyan were "a misrepresentation of the truth of the matter."
The FBI chief said any charge that the organization was
hostile to the goals of academic freedom was "not only utterly
false but also is so irresponsible as to cast serious doubt on the
quality of academic reason or the motivation behind it."
Students for a Democratic Society, a national left-wing group
claiming 5,000 members on many college campuses, has been the
target of an FBI investigation. The FBI is hunting for subversive
Communist infiltration in SDS.
The students at Wesleyan protested to Hoover after a college
official was quoted by the college newspaper as saying FBI
agents asked him for a list of Wesleyan students in the local
RlSDS chanter The colleg dean sid he had informed the FBI

Other incentives to encourage| past. Scores from these were then
men to join the lottery were an sent to the counseling offices to!
increase in military pay; expan- facilitate registration.
sion of the G.I. Bill; and a time T.s
adjustment-two years of service "nuisance and an expense." Now
might be required in the army students can take the tests during
while three years of non-military their senior year in high school
service would be required in thel
as part of the three achievement
Peace Corps,1tests required for admission to the
"The advantage to this plan is Univ ersity.
that it eliminatestuncertainty," He and Professor James O'Neill,
contended Dean Munro. He said chairman of the Romance Lan-
that through this system all men guage department, explained fur-
would know where they are going ther that the CEEB's were chosen


RETIRING JOURNALISM DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN Wesley Maurer (left) congratulates his
successor, Prof. William Porter of the department. Maurer is retiring after 42 years of service in
the journalism department, 18 of them as chairman.

Name Porter

To Succeed

M A r

at 19. Students would still be al-
lowed to continue their education
at 19, but they would have to
commit themselves to some form
of service at a specified time-such
as after graduation.
Alternative Service
Another proposal at the confer-j
ence was an alternate form of
military service suggested by Rev.
William S. Coffin, chaplain of
Yale University. Under this plan
men willing to servie a standing
! United Nations' army might be
exempted from American military
The conference advocated a wide
variety of non-military alterna-
tives beyond service in the Peace
Corps and the various federal gov-
ernment anti-poverty programs.
Among those suggested were the
community organization of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society;
voter registration of the Student
Non-Violent Co-ordinating Com-
mittee; the social service work of
church affiliated groups such as
the Friend's, or Quaker's servie
committees. 0 t h e r s suggested
conservation work such as fight-
ing against water pollution and
land reclamation.
The conferees agreed that it
would be in the national interest
to let persons who fail the armed
forces mental test take educational
and vocational training to fulfill
their national service require-
ment. For example, a man might
spend two years in the Jobs Corps
as his contribution to the national
service. The conference claimed
that by making up educational
deficiencies a young person would
be serving the best interests of
his country.
Another suggestion was that
women be given an opportunity to
serve voluntarily in a non-mili-
tary program. The conference
suggested that opportunities for
women to serve be expanded.
It was noted that currently Bel-
gium, Norway, Switzerland, and
Germany all allowed full substitu-
tion of non-military service for
military service. France and Israel
currently offer partial substitu-
John S. Stillman, chairman of7

from tests made available by the W
Educational Testing Se'vice t __Ifla ur r 1
Princeton. -
They were then run on a trial
basis during the past two years in By CLARENCE FANTO ,
the 231 and 232 level courses. The Co-Editor
departments were thus able to
arrive at a table of equivalents to roj.liam orter a the
be used. in placing students. lJournalism department was ap-
O'Nedi comentd tat the pointed chairman last night at a
O'Neill commented that thedinner honoring retiring chairman
CEEB's will be advantageous to the Wesley Maurer who has been
language departments because chairman of the department for
they are "standard, refined, and 18 years and on the journalisn>
meaningful all over the country." faculty for 42 years.
Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to Th di r a lebrated the
the Vice President of Academic 75The anniversay o journalism
Affairs, said that during the next t hth e Universt.imol
few years the University will be teaching at the University. It fol-
administering the tests primarily lowed a day-long series of speech-
adinst" r i "t t t s prir i es and panel discussions by dis-

n Journalislm Post
ure in journalism education as is media. Journalism education can
indicated by his recent presidency thus become the most liberal of
of the Association for Education the social science undergraduate
in Journalism," Haber said. "He programs."
is a journalist of considerable pro- Porter indicated that technical
fessional achievement. He is a courses would not be expanded but
challenging teacher and a counse- that major content areas would
los to students of rare insight and be enlarged, with subject matter
warmth." increasingly provided by social re-
Haber reported that the jour- search.
nalism curriculum had been sub- He pointed to "staggering pre-
jected to a thorough examination conceptions about the mass me-
by himself, the journalism facul- dia, particularly among intellec-
ty and the literary college exec- tuals."

Ford Cuts
Cause Stock
Market Drop
Automobile Maker
Second To Announce
Production Cutbacks
NEW YORK R) - The stock
market took another dive yester-
day as a rallying movement failed
on news that Ford was trimming
The closely-watched Dow Jones
industrial average toppled to a
loss of 16.03 at 886.80, greater than
any of the big daily losses last
week and the worst since Nov. 22,
1963, when President Kennedy was
After a mixed and cautious
opening, prices skidded badly and
trading snowballed until the ticker
tape was 11 minutes late around
GM News
The market's continued weak-
ness was attributed by brokers to
the weekend news that General
Motors would reduce work weeks
during the rest of May.
Some recovery followed but it
was only temporary. The market
sank to its lows of the day follow-
ing news that Ford Motor Co. was
cutting its production schedule by
7 per cent in May.
Ford slowed its red-hot auto
production pace and blamed the
move in part on harassment on
the auto safety issue.
GM Lead
Ford followed the lead of Gen-
eral Motors in saying that the
production cutbacks were to get
output in line with dealer inven-
General Motors had four plants
on short-work time last week and
said Saturday eight other plants
would be idled one to three days
during the rest of May.
Ford reduction from the plan-
ned 261,000 cars to a new target
of 242,000 will be made without
any plants going on short time,
Instead, Ford said, some planned
overtime work at various plants
will be eliminated.
Biggest May
Ford said its 242,000 goal, if
attainedsstill would be the big-
gest May in Ford history. The
current mark of 236,839 cars was
set last May.
Chrysler Corp., the other mem-
ber of the automotive Big Three,
and American Motors said they
had no plans to-cut their May
production schedules.
Ford spokesmen, pressed for an
explanation of Ford's cutback,
pointed to a weekend interview
in which Arjay Miller, Ford pres-
ident, told the Detroit Free Press:
"There is some downturn in
sales. What caused it is hard to
say. It's my personal opinion that
the undue attention on the safety
of autos has had some effect. The
harassment the industry is going
through is probably causing some
people not to buy cars."
All-Time High
Weekend reports indicated that
an all-time high of 1,582,444 new
cars were in dealer hands or en
route to them May 1. This was
about 230,000 cars higher than at
this point last year and at current
selling rates represented about a
53/2-day supply.
Ford said the elimination of the
19,000 cars from its projected out-
put would be reflected In decreas-
ed schedules for all car lines ex
cept Mustang, which would re-
main at its planned level.
Indicating the complexity of the
production picture, Ford said eight
of its plants would be on overtime
this Saturday with five car lines
and eight truck lines.

Output Trimmed
Ward's automotive reports said

utive committee.
'.Ati re U n L xi~trrrluua Le rurn*a I~

to pick up the pieces" and insure1
that all students have taken them.
The written part of the examina-
tion will be given in a classroom
as placement tests in the past have
been, while the listening section
will be given in the language
laboratories on campus.
O'Neill said that the tests will

j tngushd nwsmn.A core undergradauate program
tinguished newsmen. will be continued and strengthen-
Noted professional figures, de- ed and vigorous efforts will be
partment alumni, current students made to enlarge the graduate cur-
and top University officials at- riculum at the earliest possible
tended the dinner for Maurer. moment, Haber said.
University Executive Vice-Presi- P
dent Marvin Niehuss, Regent orte paiiau te to hemp asizd
Emeritus Eugene Power, Umver- that the objectives of the depart-
sity Secretary Erich Walter, for-m

be adi ianstrec to university'men' University President Alexan-
Students in language courses der Ruthven (1926-1951) and Dean
periodically to re-establish norms William Haber of the literary col-
and determine where a C-student lege, all saluted Maurer's accom-
here stands in relation to incom- plishments and dedication to jour-
ing freshmen and students else- nalism and a free society.
where. Porter's appointment as the
Scores from CEEB tests are bas- fourth chairman in the depart-
ed on a scale with a range from ment's history resulted from ex-
200 to 800 possible perfect score. tensive consultation with profes-
While they will be used in the sional journalists and university
Romance and Germanic languages officials throughout the country
now, as well as in Russian, the as well as with members of the
Latin and classical language de- University's journalism faculty
partments will probably not be Haber said.
using them yet, O'Neill concluded. "Prof. Porter is a national fig-

ment as formuiated by the retiring
chairman will not change. He in-
dicated, however, that new forms
and methods of achieving those
goals would be developed.
In a recent interview, Porter ex-
pressed the hope that "an under-
graduate journalism major will
come to be recognized as the best.
most broad liberal arts education
in the literary college.
He sees the role of journalism
education as "taking apart Amer-
ican society and examining it from
the point of view of its most per-
vasive social institution-the mass

In order to attract quality stu-
dents, he envisions the depart-
ment as an increasingly exciting
place to be intellectually." Porter
sees the expanding honors pro-
gram in journalism as a major
contributing factor to intellectual
excitement and creativity among
journalism students.
Although no firm decisions have
been made, Porter foresaw the pos-
sibility of a dual master's degree
program in journalism - one for
students who were undergradu-
ate journalism majors, the other
for students with no previous ex-
perience in the field. Both pro-
grams will continue to combine
in-depth study in a social science
or area study with intensive prob-
ing of the mass media and its
problems in special seminars.
Porter emphasized that a gen-
eral liberal arts background is of
paramount importance for the,
prospective journalist, especially in
a time of increasing academic spe-
cialization both on the graduate
and undergraduate levels. He thus
envisions an undergraduate major
consisting of about 22 hodrs of
journalism courses with the re-
maining credits obtained in the
humanities, social and natural sci-
He cited the role of the mass
media in political decision-making
as one of the major issues to be
tackled by journalism students in
a more formal version of a new
CollegeHonors course he taught
during the past year.
Porter, a 47-year-old native of
Kansas, joined the University
journalism faculty in 1962 after
18 years at Iowa State Universi-
ty. He earned his bachelor of arts .




Re veal Modesty, Refinement

It is unfortunate that conduc-
tors cannot face their, audiences
during performances; especially in
the case of Eugene Ormandy. The
modest and refined way Mr. Or-
mandy conducts himself and his

Copland's "Music for A Great
City," a lively piece which seemed
to be written for a conductor1
twice the size of Mr. Ormandy.
Yet as the "Skyline" theme began
to become more intense and
powerful, Mr. Ormandy's precises

pressions of the sounds as he feels
them. There is nothing unauthen-
tic or mechanical about the man-
ner in which he conducts.
Back stage he speaks with the
same restraint and sincerity, and
a slight European accent. He is a

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