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August 04, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-04

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Y, AUGUST 411966




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House Votes
Homeown er




Congress Approves Plan To
Resume Flights for 30 Days


WASHINGTON (P)-A contro-
versial open housing provision that
would exempt an estimated 60 per
cent of the nation's housing units
was tentatively written into the
1966 Civil Rights Bill yesterday
by a dramatic one-vote margin,
The narrow victory in the House
saved a compromise provision that
would open. large apartment
houses and newly built tract homes
but exempt individual homeowners
from a proposed ban against ra-
cial discrimination.
Other pitfalls lay ahead for the

measure, including a motion to
eliminate it from the bill and a
separate roll call vote on it before
final passage.
It also still faces trouble in the
Improve Chances
However, House leaders were
hopeful yesterday's vote would im-
prove the bill's chances for final
The vote came on an amendment,
by Rep. Charles M. Mathias, Jr.
(R-Md) that made clear the na-
ture of the exemption for home-
owners, which was originally ap-

proved by the, House Judiciary
The proposal is aimed at real
estate agents, builders, bankers,
and others in the business of sell-
ing and renting houses. It says
they cannot discriminate in any
of their transactions.
Since homeowners are not in
the business of selling or renting
houses, they would not be covered.
The committee said an exempt
owner could use a real estate
agent to carry out his transac-
tion, but the interpretation was

challenged. The Mathias amend-
ment was intended to clear up any
The amendment achieved far'
greater significance, however,
when Northern liberals saw it as
a chance to get a stronger provi-
sion that would exempt only home-
owners who handled their own
transactions without using a real
estate agent.
Liberals 'Against'
Spurred by civil rights groups,
they voted against it, undismayed
by the fact they were joined by
Southern Democrats and conserv-

Kosygn Criticizes U.S. Foreign Policy,
Pledges Increasing Support for Hanoi

ative Republicans who wanted no
open housing provision and figur-
ed the best way to defeat it would
be to keep it as strong as possible.
Rep. William R. Ryan (R-NY)
sounded their battle cry when he
said, "We should vote against the
Mathias amendment because it is
right to vote against it as a mat-
ter of principle."
On a standing vote the amend-
ment was defeated 150 to 138, with
about 20 liberals standing with
the opponents of the measure.
Another Vote
The losing side has an option to
get another vote, taken by count-.
ing members as they file down
the center aisle between tellers,
and supporters of the amendment
got one.
After the first surge of both
sides, the amendment was still
trailing by 24 votes but 24 lagging
supporters-many ofthem liber-
als who had stood up against the
amendment-came through just in
time to produce a=179-179 tie.
Rep. Richard Bolling (D-Md),
presiding over the session, then
cast his vote for the amendment
and the chamber echoed with a
roar of victory from the bill's sup-
The House quit for the day after
disposing of an amendment that
would have made any federal law
inactive in states with open hous-
ing laws unless a court ruled the
state law was not being enforced.
The vote was 131 to 48.

WASHINGTON (P)-A compro-
mise plan under which Congress
would end the airline strike for a
month, then look to President
Johnson for action, was drafted
yesterday. A Senate decision is
likely today.
With organized labor bitterly
opposed to an enforced halt in the
walkout, the Senate's leaders and
lawyers turned out a bill which
involves orders from both Capitol
Hill and the White House.
Still before the Senate is a
measure endorsed by its Labor
Committee which would leave it to
Johnson alone to send the mach-
inists back to work for up to 180
Sponsors of the new plan, the
Senate's leaders among them, will
seek today to have it substituted
for the committee proposal.

Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY),,
who helped draft the compromise,
said it would have Congress order
an end to the strike for 30 days.
Earlier in the day, the Senate
rejected compulsory arbitration as
an ultimate answer to the airlines
The 81-6 roll call vote which
turned down final, binding arbi-
tration if there is no contract set-
tlement in six months left unan-
swered the key question before
the Senate: should it be Congress
or President Johnson who issues
any order imposing a 180-day halt
in the walkout?
Against a background of elec-
tion-year politics, creators of the
compromise plan sought a way to
spread the responsibility.
Cloakroom Conference
While they conferred in cloak-

rooms and offices off the Senate
floor, Sen. Frank J. Lausche (D-
Ohio) argued that only final com-
pulsory arbitration by a five-man
board can guarantee a perma-
nent end to the walkout which
has shut down five major air-
lines since July 8.
And he said the threat of even-
tual arbitration would spur nego-
tiators for the AFL-CIO Interna-
tional Association of Machinists
and the five grounded airlines to
work out their own contract terms
during any government-forced
cooling off period.
Not Ready
"In my opinion," countered Sen.
Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa), "the Sen-
ate is not ready for compulsory
arbitration. I'm not ready for it
yet, and certainly not in this
Clark is the sponsor of the Joint
resolution which would have Con-
gress empower Johnson to stop
the strike for up to 180 days with
one order or a series of commands.
Javits conferred with Atty. Gen.
Nicholas Katzenbach and with
Senate Republican Leader Everett
M. Dirksen of Illinois on the plan
which empowers Johnson to ap-
point a special airlines dispute
panel which would seek a contract
If none came, Johnson, with ad-
vice from the board, would be au-
thorized to extend the back-to-
work period-which could run for
six months.

'More Steelmakers
Raise Price Levels

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin said yesterday the Viet-
namese war is isolating the Unit-
ed States from the rest of the
world and jeopardizing Soviet-
American relations. At the same
time he pledged to do, everything
possible to bring about a Com-
munist victory in Viet Nam.
He urged a change in American
policy in Viet Nam to help nor-
malize Soviet-American relations,
In a broad statement of policy
delivered to the Soviet Parlia-
ment, he told applauding deputies
that his government "will do ev-
erything 4n its power to help the
Vietnamese people expel the Amer-
ican occupationists from Vietna-
mese soil as quickly as possible."
The somber-faced premier, with-
out disclosing any details, prom-
ised increasing Soviet military;
economic, moral and political aid
to Hanoi.
Kosygin said U.S. policy in Viet
Nam: has placed the United States
"in a situation of growing inter-
national isolation" and caused

the present state of what he called a mile from the Cambodian bor-
bad Soviet-American relations. I der.

As Soviet conditions for a nor-
malization of relations, he listed
American respect for internation-
al law and an end to what he call-
ed American interference in the
domestic affairs of other coun-
This view is used by the Soviets
in backing Hanoi's demands for a
U.S. withdrawal from Viet Nam.
Kosygin' said his government
would react favorably towhat he
described as "common sense ten-
dencies" in the United States, an
apparent reference to American
groups protesting the war in Viet
In South Viet Nam, clashes
erupted in the central highlands
yesterday for the third day in a
row and heavy U.S. reinforcements
were thrown in to thwart any
North Vietnamese drive toward
the coast.
Eight-engine B-52's came in
high from.Guam and bombed a
suspected North Vietnamese troop
concentration and base behind
the battle lines in the mountains

The U.S. 25th Division reported
killing at least 81 North Vietna-
mese in the three days of fight-
ing. U.S. casualties were describ-
ed as light.
Navy pilots returning from Tues-
day's raid on an oil depot on the
outskirts of North Viet Nam's
port of Haiphong reported the
area was engulfed in flame and

smoke, preventing a full assess-
ment of bomb damage.
Hanoi radio claimed a U.S. plane
was shot down while bombing "a
populated suburban area" of Hai-
phong yesterday but made no ref-
erence to a large-scale raid. Ob-
jectives of new air attacks on
North Viet Nam were not given
in Saigon, but a spokesman said
bad weather curtailed operations

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-In line with
French desires, the United States
begins this month to withdraw all
remaining operational Air Force
units from France-six reconnais-
sance squadrons with 4400 men
and 7000 dependents.

North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion military alliance, and wants
foreign troops out of his country
by next April.
The six squadrons, which are
equipped with 90 RF-101's, RF-
4C's and RB-66's, will be out of
Fra'nce by October, the Pentagon

The move is dictated by French said yesterday.
President Charles de Gaulle, who * * *
is pulling his nation out of the NEW YORK-The stock market
rallied sharply yesterday after In-

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
"accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"How To Install Theory Y": Mich-
igan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"1964": Multipurpose Room,
Undergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance -- Noel Coward's "Blithe
Spirit": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8
School of Music Degree Recital -
Jonathan Bolduan, pianist: Recital
Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
puablicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
i, sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Catholic Voice Lecture Series, Oct. 8,
Nov. 11, 1966; Feb 18, March 10, 1967,
Agell Hall, Aud.,A, 8-9,30 p.m.
Regents' Meeting: Sept. 16. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must' be in the President's hands,
not later than Thurs., Sept. 1.
Language Examinations: Language ex-
aminations for master's will be given
the week of Aug 8-12. Students wishing
to take the examination, make an ap-
pointment with the secretary in the
Linguistics Office, 2223 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Walter
Anthony Hackler, Nuclear Science;
thesis: "Study of Lithium Mobility in
Irradiated Silicon," Thurs., Aug. 4, Con-
ference Room, Auto. Lab., at 10 a.m.
Chairman, Chihiro Kikuchi.
Doctoral Examination for James
Leonard Montour, Radiation Biology;
thesis: "Radiobiological Studies in the
Young Chicken," Thurs., Aug. 4, Room
2111 Natural Science, at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, C. J. Shellabarger.
Great Lakes Carbon Corp., Niagara
Falls, N.Y.-Interested in graduates in
Engineering Physics, also any graduate
engineers in chem., mechan., ceramic,

metallurgic and elect., categories with
the BS and, for manag. trng., the Ind.
Mgmt. masters.
Chas. Pfizer and Co., Inc., Groton,
Conn.-Director of several technicians
on studies in Industrial Fermentation.
PhD in Microbiology or Biochem., an-
tibiotics, organic acids, vitamins. bkgd.
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit, Mich.-As-
sistant to the editor of a new maga-
zine Hudson's will put out featuring
teenagers and their cars,clothes, sports,
etc. General handyman (woman), some
journalism exper. needed, degree not
City of San Diego, Calif. - City
planning dept. needs junior planner
and assistant planner. Degree and 0-1
year. exper., or masters. Assist in prep-
aration of community and neighborhood
plans, every phase of the field open
to these persons.
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the 1967-67 school year:
Bloomfield Hills, Mich. - Develop.
Bridgeport, Mich.-Elem.
Davison, Mich.-Sec. English, HS Bus-
iness, HS Math.
Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Dist. No. 7)
-'Elem. Phys. Ed., 5th Grade, 6th
Goodrich, Mich.-JH English, Elem.
Reading, Elem. Type A, 6th Grade.
Monroe, Mich. (St. Mary's School)-
JH Social Studies.
Montrose, Mich.-Typing/Bus. Train.
Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twp. Sch.)
-HS Bus. Ed., JH Math, JH Girls PE,
Elem. Vocal, HS5 Library.
Unionville, Mch.-Elem. Ment. Ret.
Type A, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th
Grade, Chem./Math.
Whitmore Lake, Mich. (W. J. Maxey
Training School)-Ind. Arts, Spec. Ed.
Emot, Library, Math.
Whitmore Lake, Mich. (Boys Training
School, Lansing, Mich. (Boys Training
School), Adrian, Mich. (Girls Training
School)-Special Education Teachers,
Phone 482-2056
OPEN 7:00
Shaown at 8:25 & 12:40

Art, Geography, Recreation Instruc-
tor, Motor Mechanics, Vocal and/or In-
strumental Music, Bus. Ed., (Typing
and/or Bus. Machines). Teacher Train-
ed Librarian, Math, Physical Science,
Physical Education, Industrial_ Arts,
Remedial Subjects, Upper Elementary,
Vocational Counselor, Lower Jr. High.
* * *
For additional information contact
MissCollins, Bureau of Appointments,
Education Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered stundent or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Christian Science Organization, Tes-
timony meeting, Thurs., Aug. 4, 7:30
p.m., 3545 SAB.
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance,
with instruction, open to everyone,
Fri., Aug. 5, 8-11 p.m., Barbour Gym.

land Steel announced it was rais-
ing prices by $2 to $3 per ton.
Trading was moderate.
Gains made by steel issues spread
through the list to other key
groups, including autos, oils, rails,
airlines, aerospace issues and elec-
tronics. Prices rose from the start
of the trading session.
Volume totaled 6.22 million.
shares, up from 5.71 million on
* * *
Security Council yesterday voted
down a resolution seeking to con-
demn Israel for an air attack
against Syria July 14.
The resolution needed nine votes
to be adopted. It got only six.
All of the council's nine other
members abstained.
Syria had complained that two
Arabs were killed in the attack
by Israeli jets. Israel said the raid
was in retaliation for sabotage
actions from Syria in which two
Israelis were killed.
BUENOS AIRES-Resignations
of personnel at the University of
Buenos Aires in protest of its
seizure by the government mount-
ed yesterday to more than 500 de-

spite official promises that the
school's autonomy would be re-
The resignations ranged from
college rectors and professors to
secretaries and extension workers.
The university has about 2000 pro-
fessors, associates and assistants.
* * *
MANAGUA, Nicaragua-Presi-
dent Rene Schick Gutierrez, 26,
died yesterday. The National Con-
gress elected Lorenzo Guerrero,
one of the three vice-presidents,
to fill out the term.
Schick possibly was Latin Amer-
ica's most outspoken foe of Cuba's
Fidel Castro. He offered Nicaragua
as a base for a Cuban invasion
to overthrow Castro.
* * *
DAMASCUS-The Soviet Union
has pledged to meet all Iraq's
arms needs to defend itself, Iraqi
Premier Abdel Rahman Bazzaz
announced yesterday.
Baghdad radio said Bazzaz made
the statement on his return from
an official visit to the Soviet Un-

steelmakers-Armco and Jones &
Laughlin-followed the lead of In-
land Steel Co. yesterday and
boosted some basic steel prices $2
to $3 a ton.
But the Johnson administration
was reported still undecided on
whether federal action is called
The White House said President
Johnson's Council of Economic
Advisers hasn't reached the point
where it can advise him as to
whether the'price increases are in-
f lationary.
The steel firms maintained the
boosts are "modest" and necessary
to meet rising costs.
But Council Chairman Gardner
Ackley was reported to have sent
telegrams to U.S. Steel, the No.
1 producer, and at least one other
A U.S. Steel spokesman who
said Ackley sent the firm a tele-
gram, would not reveal its con-
tents or whether Ackley was seek-
ing to persuade the firm not to
join the price rise.
Both Inland Steel and Armco
conceded that they would have to
pull back their price increases if
the other steelmakers refused to
go along with them. But an Arm-
co spokesman said all face press-
ing costs problems.
Strip and Sheet Metal
The major price increase is for
strip and sheet metal, which is
used extensively in automobiles
and large appliances. It accounts
for about 30 per cent of the steel
The editor of Steel Magazine,
Walter J. Campbell of Cleveland,
said it would mean only $1.50 add-
ed to the cost of the average auto.
Ackley told Press Secretary Bill
Moyers that although he could
not yet advise the President con-

clusively on the increases, he
could reaffirm administration op-
position to any inflationary price
There was a hint from Capitol
Hill of an investigation if the
price increases are not rolled back,
although some members of Con-
gress were cool to the idea.

(Continued from Page 1)
to approve general medical con-
duct guidelines, but "not under-
take specific operational and di-
rectional capacities." These would
be reserved to the AMA which'
would adopt a procedural code.
A proposed code dominated a
great deal of the debate at the
convention. Known as the Declara-
tion of Helsinki, it is now awaiting
approval by the AMA membership.
Established in 1954 under the
sponsorship of the World Medical
Association, the document was in-
tended as a worldwide statement
of the obligations of a doctor in-
volved in research to his patients
and the profession.
The main precept of the decla-
ration is that human experiments
should be performed only by quali-
fied doctors with the "informed
consent" of the patient. Its defini-
tive statements, if adopted, would
clarify a researcher's position and
make drug experimentation rela-
tively safe. Its national accept-
ance would be spurred by an in-

formation campaign aimed at urg-
ing individual researchers to un-
derstand their responsibilities.
But experts are looking for a
better solution and may well soon
put technology to use to eliminate
the need for human subjects in
experimentation. Computers are
continually finding more import-
ance in making evaluations. Re-
cently, a doctor announced devel-
opment of a machine which sim-
ulates the activity of several hu-
man organs, opening the possibil-
ity of robot subjects with variable
controls which check for adverse
reactions in people under an as-
sortment of conditions.
There is certainly much to be
done before the day in which
doctors can be certain of the ef-
ficacy of the cure he prescribes for
each patient, but an admirable
start has already given medicine a
remarkable safety record. In order
to reach their goal, the medical
profession must have an ethics
code, established and operational
as soon as possible.

Controversy Grows
Over Drug Controls



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