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August 02, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-02

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n onesia //s New Leaders Facinconomi(

-" I S I

Associated Press Special Correspondent
Ihonesia, rated the world's
third richest nation in terms of
natural resources, faces deep eco-
nomic crisis while its new pro-
Western leaders wait for outside
The new regime, having kicked
4 out a powerful Communist ele-
ment, inherited an economic mad-
house. To keep its head above
water, it desperately wants cred-
its. Without them it sees little hope
of success in tackling the moun-
tainous problems piled up by years
Army Chief
Takes Over
Gowon Announces
That Nigerian Strong
Man Is Kidnapped
LAGOS, Nigeria () -- Army
Chief of Staff Y. Gowon an-
nounced yesterday he is taking
over responsibility for the Niger-
ian government because Maj. Gen.
Johnson Aguiyi Ironsi, military
junta leader, has been kidnaped
by rebels.
Gowon said he had the majority
consent of the National Military
Supreme Council in taking over.
He said that Ironsi, who took
power in a coup last January, had
been kidnaped along with the
governor of the western region, Lt.,
Col. Fajuyi.
Diplomatic reports reaching
London said negotiations were go-
ing on between northern rebels
and the army loyalists in Lagos.
They said there was no new word
There was speculation in Lon-
don that the rebels held Ironsi
as a pawn for their demands for
more influence in the government.
Junta loyalists and rebels have
been reported in negotiations
since the end of fighting in and
around Lagos Friday night. British
officials discounted rumors that
Ironsi had been killed.

of President Sukarno's erratic
While Sukarno has appeared to
be effectively boxed in by the new
leaders, his public challenges to
them have an effect on creditor'
nations by, raising a prospect of
new chaos. The problem of the
new regime is to convince the
creditor nation that Sukarno is,
indeed, powerless.
The jitters persist abroad. Amer-
ican businessmen actively inter-
ested in investing in Indonesia
say the U.S. State Department
evidently fears that Indonesia re-
mains too unstable to permit re-

sumption of aid. Aid was cut off
more than a year ago because of
Sukarno's truculent anti-U.S. pos-
ture. '
The new regime has been court-
ing U.S. private enterprise al-
though it does not do this publicly.
After years of Sukarno's socialist
propaganda the leaders apparent-
ly feel it would lay them open to
Sukarno's charges of alliance with
what he calls "neo-colonialism and
But Hamengku Buwono, the sul-
tan of Jogjakarta, a top member
of the inner circle now in con-
trol and the economic brains be-

hind a national rescue effort, has
made it clear he is determined to
reverse the socialist trend. He
seeks a favorable climate for U.S.
Indonesia must rebuild its pro-
duction machinery, import indus-
trial raw materials, repair a shat-
tered transport system, feed the
cities and fight the specter of in-
flation. It could use a billion dol-
lars worth of credits right now,
but would settle for a quarter of
Under the profligate Sukarno,
Indonesia built up a $2.4 billion
foreign debt. A billion of this is

owned to the Soviet Union, only ore and textilei
about $150 million to the United natural marketi
States. tural goods. It ha
for them, to ke
Washington arranged for emer-~fotng o'
gency rice shipment on credit to moving.
Indonesia in April, but it was Netherlands hav
stressed that this was not a policy ness to get in on
shift but a one-shot emergency Japan already
deal. Jpnarayw
offer no-strings a
Commenting on this recently, munists were thi
Sen. John Tower (R-Tex) said, ternational Trac
"One-shot deals do not seem to Ministry declare
be a wise foreign policy with a first in findingn
struggling, friendly nation." investment in Ind
The props of Indonesia's econo- In Japan rece
my are its oil, rubber, rich tin tary of State Dea
Final Report OMAHA:
Shows Auto Re
Profits Drop Ri
No Dividend Payments OMAHA, Neb.c
For Fourth Straight Sorensen, visibly
violence on Oma
Quarter as Result Side, tramped thr
looted business1
DETROIT (P) - American Mo- and vowed "wea
tors' profit picture yesterday was tolerate any more
as compact as the cars it builds. Fires, break-in
The nation's fourth-largest auto vandalism sprou
producer reported earnings of a heavily Negro a
tiny total of $22,441 in its last day and in at lea
quarter. A year ago it earned occurred well bey
nearly $7 million in the corres- Molotov cockta
ponding quarter. ed bottles withr
The figure was in marked con- started fires inoth
trast to the last quarterly state- businesses. Anoth
ments of General Motors, Ford window of a do
and Chrysler which showed prof-;two miles from th
its ranging from $546 million to Police firing r
$54 million. air broke up ae
200 after a patrol
The AMC earnings, equivalent ---
to less than 0.1 cent a share, caus-
ed AMC's Board of Directors top
vote for the fourth consecutive D irk se
quarter to omit a dividend pay-j
ment. b
Earnings in the comparable :r raver
quarter a year ago were 37 cents
a share, and a dividend of 121/
cents was paid. WASHINGTON
off Atf nirlrco 'c

industry. It is a
for U.S. agricul-
as an urgent need
eep the economy
Germany and the
e indicated eager-
the ground floor.
'as in position to
aid after the Com-
rown out. Its In-
de and Industry
d Japan must be
new openings for
ntly, U.S. Secre-
n Rusk was quot-

ed as saying the time was ripe for

Sulaiman is reliably reported to

"joint assistance" to Indonesia. have been told by his government

This seemed to mean that Wash-
ington preferred international aid
arrangements rather than direct
U.S. aid to Indonesia, with Japan
in the role of the funnel.

not to "beg for cotton" from the
United States and to have been
ordered back. He was reported to
have planned to stop in the Neth-
err rd d.tr Wpf t rasrrar

Tony Sulaiman, a second cousin j 1 '1 VY C.w s, umany see&
of the sultan of Jogjakarta, has ing credits for equipment.
been in theUnited States in search Sulaiman is reported to have
of the credits, which would per- remarked to acquaintances in the
mit importation of raw cotton to United States that he would re-
feed the eight idle spinning mills port to Jakarta that Washington'
of Indonesia. The Commodity was not interested in doing busi-
Credit Corporation has not acted ness with Indonesia and did not
on the application. understand Indonesia.

newed Violence Erupts;
ots Occur in Negro Area

(P)-Mayor A. V.
shaken by fresh
aha's near North
rough burned and
places yesterday
are not going to
of this."
ins, looting and
ted through the
rea early yester-
st two instances
ond its confines.
rags for wicks-
three Negro area
er blackened the
wntown fur shop
.e Negro district.
iot guns in the
crowd of 150 to
car was stoned.

Twenty-four adults and seven Fourth uprisings, yesterday's out-
juveniles were arrested. burst had the mark of some plan-
Edward J. Byrd, 18, was shot in ning.
the stomach with a pellet from a Planning
police shotgun. Officers said they "A
surprised young Byrd and three Anytime
other youths looting a liquor store, cocktails ready, you have got some
The wounded youth was in satis- planning," the grim mayor said
w as he took- off on a 90 minute
factory condition in a hospital. as he took tour of damaged businesses.
Recent Riots
Four weeks ago, over the July "It's going to get worse," said
Fourth weekend, the National Sanford Brophy, manager of a
Guard joined police in quelling cleaning establishment heavily
rioting young Negroes on the near damaged by one of the fire bombs.
North Side. "I've had all I can take."
The area had been quiet until Police said they had heard
early Sunday when there was a rumblings for a week of an out-
new round of vandalism and loot- break this weekend.
ing. The trouble yesterday was far
more widespread. Resentment
Police said that unlike the July Sorensen said manyNgehad

--Associated Press
Civil rights marchers led by Al Raby and Rev. James Bevel march through a crowd of jeering white
youths as they demonstrate in an all-write neighborhood on the south side of Chicago.

n Proposes Voluntary
s in Public Schools

(A)-Sen. Ever-

Kcy Says Won't le Candidate

Robert B. Evans, AMC board LN. . u i b JJIsproposal toie-
chairman, and Roy Abernethy mit- voluntary prayers in public
president. epressed confidencepschools was described yesterday

the auto company's sales future
looks brighter.
Evans and Abernethy said a sev-
en-city showing of four AMC idea
cars had attracted much attention
to the company's car lines.

Presumably Ironsi was in the ,
hands of the northern tribal reb-
els who rose up against his re-
gime last week. He had been at WASHINGTON (MP)-The Wash-
Ibandan, about 70 miles north- ington Post quoted Premier Nguy-
east of Lagos, the capital. en Cao Ky yesterday as saying he
Ironsi, 41, took over the govern- would not be a candidate for pres-
ment in January after a military ident in next year's election in
coup that resulted in the death South Viet Nam.
of Prime Minister Sir Abubakar Interviewed in Saigon by Ward
Tafawa Balewa. The army accused Justrofeth d P frign servicd,
Balewa of failing to unite the Just of the Post's foreign service,
Moslem-dominated north with the Ky said that following the elee-
other regions of Nigeria. tions he would return "to my air
Rebels who revolted Thursday force, where I can be in the front
and Friday charged that while lines, not in the rear lines."
Ironsi aimed for a unitary gov- Ky said in the Post interview
ernment, his regime was overload- that he expected the chief of
ed with men from his Ibo tribe state, Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, to
which dominates the south. run. Thieu, although technically

I cut til IV tut L AUUUMIL

Ky's superior as chairman of the
directorate of 10 generals that runs
South Viet Nam, has been less
visible than Ky in the manage-
ment of the country.
The Post story said the pre-
mier's decision, which appeared to
be final, was taken after long con-
versations with associaters.
A former pilot, Ky, 35, has long
described himself as uncomfort-
able with politicians and disin-
terested in politics. When his re-
gime assumed power 13 months
afo after the collapse of the civil-
ian government of Dr. Phan Huy

Quat, Ky retained the command The showing "should be an im-
of the Vietnamese air force as air portant prelude to improved sales
performance in 1967," they said,
vice-marshal. adding: "There is some evidence
Ky's recent statement support- consumers are taking a fresh look
ing an invasion of North Viet at our current American Motors
Nam, he told the Post, was a con- car and that they are changing
tribution to "realism." He said their minds favorably about them."
all he meant to imply was that if The quarterly report was the
the United States did not care to first issued since Evans, 58, had3
invade the north, then it had best taken over as AMC's board chair-
prepare for a long war. He indi- man June 6.
cated, Just said, that statements General Motors, Ford and
by U.S. Sens. Mike Mansfield and Chrysler issued their second-quar-1
J. W. Fulbright did not bother ter reports last week, and all of
him. The senators took issue with them, as AMC did Monday, trailed
Ky's remarks. comparable 1965 figures,

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as ambiguous, a feeble escape from
moral education in the schools and
a risky tampering with the Bill of
But the Illinois Republican stood
firm in his determination to press
forward in the face of these argu-
ments by a Catholic law school
dean, a Harvard law professor and
a spokesman for the National
Council of Churches.
As eight days of hearings be-
gan before a Senate judiciary sub-
committee on his proposed consti-
tutional amendment, Dirksen ask-
ed no questions of his first op-
posing witnesses. But he said he
is not going to be dissuaded by
"highly sophisticated arguments."
Dirksen, the GOP Senate leader
whose proposal is endorsed by 47
other senators, said members of
Congress are hearing by the mil-
lions from "the common man;"
This man, he declared, "is going
to have his way,"
Paul A. Fround, a Harvard law
professor, argued that "to alter
the Bill of Rights, and in particu-
lar the First Amendment, for the
first time in our history would
surely be a momentous event" that
should not come about except un-
der some overwhelming necessity.
Dean Robert F. Drinan of the
Boston College Law School, a Ro-
man Catholic institution, offered
a similar argument.
David R. Hunter, speaking for
the general board of the National
Council of Churches, said leaders
of the national Protestant bodies
"are not requesting or demanding"
any amendment to override the
Supreme Court decisions which
barred Bible reading and prayers
sanctioned by school officials.
Dirksen's proposal provides that
nothing in the Constitution shall
prohibit school authorities from
"providing for or permitting the

voluntary participation by stu-
dents or others in prayer."
Father Drinan argued that
whatever the source or form or
content of the prayer "if the
teacher makes it the pending busi-
ness of the class, it has then the
sanction of the school system and
the implied endorsement of the
administering authority."

told him of resentment which re-
sulted when a young Negro was
shot and killed by police last
Monday after'a burglary.
"This is no reason to go around
burning down buildings," he com-
Public Safety Director Francis
E. Yynch said police shifts will be
overlapped to provide extra man-
power for policing the near North
In Lincoln, Gov. Frank Morri-
son asked a meeting last night
with Mayor Sorensen, Lynch and
State Sen. Edward R. Danner, the
Negro legislator who represents
the near North Side district.

By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Communist China dis-
closed last night it has purged
high-ranking military officers who
wanted to eradicate party poli-
tics from the armed forces. No
names were mentioned byt Army
Chief of Staff Lo Juiching ap-
peared to be the chief victim.
Lo's name was absent from the
list of those attending a banquet
Monday night in Peking on the
39th anniversary of the founding
of the' People's Liberation Army.
Yang Chen-wu, fourth-ranked
deputy chief of staff, delivered the
major address and was identified
for the first time as "acting
chief of staff."

slumped steeply in moderate trad-
ing yesterday.
Brokers blamed disappointment
over union rejection of the propos-
ed settlement of the airline strike
as a major factor in the decline.
They also said there was no buy-
ing inspiration to counteract sell-
* * *
NEW YORK-The Ford Foun-
dation proposed a satellite sys-
tem yesterday that would radical-
ly change the way and cost of
distributing national television
Signals relayed from five sat-
ellites stationed 22,000 miles above
the earth "may permit a revolu-
tion in-the technology and in the

world News Roundup

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Office of Religious Affairs Book Dis-
cussion-Larry Davis, Philosophy, "Who
Is Man? by Abraham Heschel": Mich-
igan Union, 12 m.
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Writers on Writing," "Yeats
County," and "The Story of Time":
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li-
brary, 1:30 p.m.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered stundent or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture-discussion (informal), Tues., Aug.
2, 7:30 p.m., Room 3RD Union.
Voice-SDS, General membership meet-
ing, final plans for demonstration at
Midland on Aug. 7-8 - participants
should attend, Tues., Aug. 2, 2 p.m.,
Rm. 3G Michigan Union.

Events Wednesday
Audio-visual Education Center Film
Preview- Long Day's Journey" and
"Wild River": Multipurpose Room, Un-
dergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance - Noel Coward's "Blithea
Spirit": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8,
School of Music Degree Recital -I
Wayne Hamilton, trombonist: Recital
Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m.1
-eneral Notices
Regents' Meeting: Sept, 16. Communi-
cations for consideration at this meet-
ing must be in the President's hands
not later than Thurs., Sept. 1.1
August 7, 1966
To be held at 2 p m. in Hill Aud.
Exercises will conclude about 4 p.m.
All graduates of the 1966 spring-sum-
mer term may attend.
Reception for graduates, their rela-
tives and fri' ads in Michigan League
Ballroom at 4 p.m. Please enter League
at west entrance.
Tickets: .Four to each prospective
graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
July 25, to Fri., Aug. 5, at Diploma
Department, 555 Administration Bldg.,
except on Sat., July 23, when office
will be closed.
Academic Costume: May be rented
at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University
Become Angels
Open Meeting
Tues., Aug. 2, 8 P.M.
Multipurpose Room, UGLI

Ave. Orders should br plerl immedi- tors programmed through the Interna-
ately, and must be place d eiore July atal Center who will be on campus
16. this week on the dates indlcsted. Pro-
Assembly for Graduates: At i pm. 'n n arrageents ore beirg made by
Natural Science And. Marmas will li- Mrs. Clilord R Miller. International
rect graduates to proper .statione( Center. 764-2148.
Programs: To be distributed at 111i John M. Cole, news editor "The Guar-
Aud. dian," Great Britain. July 31-Aug. 1.
Candidates who qualily for a rdoetfral Agustin Ctorruelo Sendagorta, sub-
degree frrim the Graduate Schorl a01( director of the development plan; pro-
WHO ATIEND TIHE CO MMENCEMENT lesor (1 pohtical eronomy. Faculty of
EXERCISES will be preented a hod Econunic Sciences. University of Ma-
by the University at the ceremony. drid, Spain, Aug. 2-3.

Doctoral Examination f or Andrew
Padilla, Jr., Chemical EngiIieering;
i h"_; "l F" ivof}o;a~u i


ai HorizotPla 'te." Tues.,Aug. 2, 'ftI'l'i{)VN OIl'EINGS:
Room 2201 Est Engineering Bldg., at Management Consultants, New York
8:30 a.nm Chairman, R. E. Balziiser. Arca -Vi e-President of Manufacturing
resl>onsible for efficient operationn of
Doctoral Examination for Jlohn Tal- inanu. div. of large corporation, super-
ley Winthrop, Physics; thesis: "The 0vises overall planning of production
Fuormeation of Dfraction Images: 'res- "n budt plans required to insure
nel Images, the Compoud Eye, and manu. facilities. College degree, exper.
Holographic Microscopy," Tues., Aug. 2, :in diversiflied industries at top admin-
Room 620 Physics-Astronomy Bldg., at istrativ level, ability to delegate re-
2 p.m. Chairman, C. R. Worthington. lions;4c.iC t s hc
Mana;gement Consultants, Chicago,
11.--Two project engineers requiring
F' V - B'3ME, age approx. 30, positions of re-
4oreign Visitors =wsosibiiity. Protective Coating Equip-
Ii mt field, prefer strong bkgd. In field,
The tollowing are the foreig visi- 10 yrs. exper. if possible. Automotive

Wheel Servicing Equipment, Ass't. to
Chief Engineer ,exper. in tire changers,
wheel aligners, balancers. etc.
Wilson and Co., Inc., Chicago, Il.--
'lax Accountant, grad, mgr. in acctg.,
no exper. required, 21 to 30. Must be
draft exempt.
Sinclair ePtrochemicals, Inc., Chicago,
Inc.-Training Director for new farm
fertilizer marketing program, prefer
someone who grew up on a farm, and
experienced in developing sales training
programs from scratch, some industrial
plant work exper., prefer young man in
late 20's, some travel in midwest.
Consultants to Management, N.Y. City
-Leading Communications Company
needs assistant corporate controller, su-
pervises reports section, grad degree in
finance desired, age to 38, 7-10 yrs.
exper. in finance of large decentralized
company, exposure to the use of elec-
tronic data processing.
City of Oakland, Calif.-Openings for
engineering graduates in Port Dept.,
Street and Traffic Engineering Depts.
Design and inspection of harbor fa-
cilities, airports, bridges, streets, sewers
and traffic problems. Grads in Civil
Engineering not required to take writ-
ten test.
For further information please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
Phone 482-2056

* * * economics of television," the foun-
NEW YORK-The stock market dation said.


(Dept, of Speech) Present



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