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Sir iogan
P4 at
Warmer and sunny
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Students Are
Report Shows Schools
Not Accepting Many
Eligible Nonresidents
It is becoming increasingly dif-
ficult, both financially and aca-
demically, for high school grad-
uates to gain admission to public
At universities outside their home
states. This information appeared
in a report released over the week-
end by Robert E. Miller. adminis-
trative assistant for student per-
sonnel at the University of Con-
Miller's research showed that
while a majority of state univer-
sities have no quotas for non-
resident students, their admission
policies for these students are
clearly becoming more restrictive.-
This finding was based on in-
formation supplied by 63 univer-
sities in response to a. question-
From the replies there emerged
this profile of the "typical" state
university on the question of non-
resident students:
-It is cahrging higher fees. 42
of the 63 universities reported that
they had raised nonresident fees
within the past five years.
-It is raising academic require-
ments. More than 60 per cent of
the 63 universities said their policy
was to require nonresident appli-
cants to have a higher rank in
their high school graduating
classes than in-state applicants.
Among those universities giving
entrance exams, 62 per cent said
they required higher scores by
4s Trend
A further indication of an ap-
parent trend to limit nonresident
students was that of 26 institu-
tions reporting policy changes
within the past five years; 23
mentioned a change toward more
restrictive criteria for admitting
nonresidents. Miller said the poli-
cies in most cases were established
by university governing boards or
admissions committees, or through
"cooperative efforts" of governing
boards, administrative officials,
faculty and admissions personnel.
Most admission officers believe
that the acceptance of nonresi-
dents by state universities is best
justified "as an enrichment oppor-
tunity for state students," Miller
said in a summary of his survey.
But he also noted that the officers
also regarded nonresidents as a
poor source of university income.
These trends appear to be a
reflection of stepped-up applica-
tions by nonresidents throughout
the country, Miller said.
Late World News
By The Associated Press
Senate Empowers Johnson
CHICAGO-POLICEMEN SHOT and killed a Puerto Rican
man last night in an area struck by rioting in June. Extra squads
of policemen were rushed into the area as residents gathered in
the streets.
The beefed-up forced and a driving rainstorm combined to
force more than 1,000 persons indoors. There had been no vio-
The residents gathered in small groups about an hour after
Ismael Laboy, 37, a fgther of eight, was shot and killed in his
Patrolmen James Grundy and Frederick Paus said they were
called to the building to quell a domestic disturbance.
PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Police were pelted with stones and
bottles last night as they broke up a disturbance of some 100
young Negroes after a civil rights rally.
Several arrests were made as police, wearing helmets and
holding up plywood shields for protection, brought the disturb-
ance under control. The trouble broke out after a rally of some
1,000 Negroes were told by a civil rights leader: "Get up off your
behinds" and force the Providence School Committee to end de
facto segregation in the public schools.
No injuries were reported.
CHICAGO-LEADERS OF civil rights demonstrators map-
ped strategy last night and planned to return later this week to
a white Southwest Side neighborhood where rioting white resi-
dents broke up their protest march Sunday.
A spokesman for the demonstrators said there were no
demonstrations planned last night.
Al Raby, of the Coordinating Council of Community Organi-
zations who led the Sunday march which ended in a clash that
injured 60 and left some 300 automobiles burned or smashed, said,
however: "We will definitely return to the Southwest Side."
AFTER ONE MONTH under Medicare, the University Hos-
pital is scaling down the number of outpatients reservations held
for Medicare patients.
Eleven per cent of outpatient clinic time was held for patients
over 65 years of age during July, but demand proved to be well
below this figure,
Assistantadministrator Richard J. Hinds said University
Hospital had about 50 per working dlay.
University Hospital administrators say it will take a year or
two before they can make accurate predictions of the demand for
various house services by Medicare patients.
s * *
JOHN A. FLOWER, associate dean of the University School
of Music. will leave Ann Arbor to become dean of the College of
Fine and Professional Arts at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Flower will assume his duties at Kent State University on
Oct. 1. Kent's College of Fine and Professional Arts is composed
of the department of architecture, school of art, department of
home economics, department of industrial arts, school of jour-
nalism, school of music, and school of speech. This is one of the
largest complexes of its kind in the country.
THE STATE DEPARTMENT of Education today approved
nine school programs for disadvantaged children that will be
financed with $352,000 in federal education funds.
Dr. Ira Polley, State Superintendent of Public Instruction,
said 12 projects totaling $2.3 million have been approved so far
for the 1966-67 school year under provisions of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act passed by Congress.
}Early Ato
Senate To Debate Bill;
Administration Does
Note Favor Procedure
Labor Committee voted yesterday
to authorize President Johnson to
order striking airline employes
back to work for up to six months
-a procedure not- favored by the
The bill will be taken up by the
full Senate today. Sen. Mike
Mansfield of Montana, the Demo-
cratic leader, has predicted ex-
tended debate of any measure
designed to end the airlines strike,
which has tied up major airlines
for 25 days.
The Labor Committee bill, ap-
proved after a two-hour closed
session, is a modified version of
one given tentative endorsement
by the group last Friday.
Its author, Sen. Joseph S. Clark
(D-Pa) said it would empower
Johnson at his discretion to end
the work stoppage for a full 180
days, or to split up the six months
into brief cooling off periods.
Copi Under its terms, Congress would
declare the shutdown of five major
airlines has disrupted interstate
commerce but would shift the de-
cision of whetherand when to
order the men back to work to
The committee's action came
after Secretary of Labor W. Wil-
os lard Wirtz reported the outlook
was bleak for a negotiated settle-
ment. He did not advocate enact-
ment of strike-stopping legislation.
d, are Wirtz counseled against the
terms of the measure approved by
the committee last Friday. That
bill would have authorized John-
namese son to order a 60-day halt to the
lat thestrike, and to renew it for 'two
e sim- additional 60-day periods if .he
le want wished.
U.S. to Wirtz told the committee that
brit no if Congress enacts any legislation
it should be the plan proposed by
of the Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore). Under
e ideals Morse's proposal, Congress itself
he Viet would order the strikers back to
hnique. work for at least six months while
of the efforts are made to negotiate a
uetaka settlement.
hat 33 Morse said he will press for his
people bill in the Senate despite the com-
Com- mittee's approval of the Clark
nounce measure.
e great Congress stepped into the pic-
e in the ture because Johnson's advisers
Com- told him there is nothing further
he can do under the present law.
-Daily-Thomas R.I
Japanese students visit the University during their tour of the United States.
Japanese Students Discuss Life
In American FamilyUn iversit
The elite of 800,000 Japanese
high school students are currently
residing in homes here while
studying American universities and
family life. Films of the students'
activities will be released in Japan
by the Minaminihon Broadcasting
Company (MBC) of Kagoshima as
documentary films designed to im-
prove relations between the two
The University was chosen as
the center for the study on Amer-
ican universities because of its
courses on Asian studies.
The idea of the trip was inspir- in the United States have a groater
ed by a former Japanese fuedal social responsibility. He also ob-
thelord world in 1863studen gather in- served that dominant role of the
formation and return as leaders husband, is still strong in Japan.
in the modernization of their Fukuda said women have an
country. equal opportunity for a high school
Mrs. Lawrence Critchell, former and college education (Japan has
Education Officer for Kagoshimo compulsory education through
in southern Japan almost 1000 ninth grade), but that many wom-
miles from Tokyo) during the oc- en there (as well as here) go to
cupation after the war, arranged college mainly for a "Mrs." de-
homes for the students to stay in ege ms
and is coordinating their activities gree.
during their stay here. Fukuda said that competition in
The group's leader, Tashiyki Japanese schools is much tougher
Fukuda of MBC, compared Jap- than it is in the U.S. because if
anese culture to the American a person doesn't gain entrance to
culture experienced during their, a good university it is 'lery hard
esi. for him to get a top job.
.rC .iHe said that Japanese public
Moral Crisis schools help train children in
Fukuda spoke of a "moral crisis morals and social adjustment
in Japan similar to the moral through group discussions in
crisis in the U.S. with Prof. George 'homeroom" type situations. Vo-
Nace, of the zoology department
who served as an interpreter.
He said that poor communica-
tion between prewar, war-time,
and postwar generations is a con-
tributing factor to the crisis.
But the basic cause of probiems
in postwar Japan has been a lack
of an objective on which to base
morality, Fukuda explained. He,
cational studies, he sai
equally stressed.
Viet War
In regard to the Viet
situation, Fukuda said th
opinions about the war ar
ilar to ones here. The peopl
peace, but don't want theZ
give in; they want victory,
He said the majorityt
Japanese people support the
of the American role in to
Nam conflict, if not the tec
Itsuro Hatanaka, sont
president of MBC, Mr. S
Hatanaka, pointed out t
per cent of the Japanese
support the Socialist and
munist parties which de
the U.S. involvement. Th
majority of these people are
Socialist, rather than the
munist party.
Primary Contest Decided Today
By CAROLE KAPLAN hundreds of local offices. But the mayor is counting on his energetic trict headquarters of the AFL-CIO
Voters in Ann Arbor and all Democratic U.S. Senate race be- campaigning of the past two weeks Committee on Political Education,
ever the state will go to the polls tween ex-Gov. G. Mennen Wil- to bring out undecided Democrats, ! John Burton, United Auto Work-
today-locations listed below - liams and Detroit Mayor Jerome dissatisfied Republicans and in- ers coordinator for the district,
between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. to cast Cavanagh, with Williams favored dependent voters to support him. and employes of the company that
their votes in the Michigan pri- to win, has been the most color- Cavanagh's Campaign printed the circulars were sub-
mary, ful. Cavanagh's campaign has been poenaed for yesterday's hearings.
The ballot for both parties Although Cavanagh forces, even based on two issues: the fact that Their attorney argued that the
reaches from the governorship, in recent days, have admitted Williams has consistently refused statements accusing Cavanagh
where there are no contests, to they were trailing, the Detroit to meet him in open debate, and were true,
the war in Viet Nam. Williams, however, stated yes-
While Williams has supported terday that after examining the
CITY OF ANN ARBOR U.S. policy in Southeast Asia, say- leaflet, called "Let the Truth Be
ing that a show of strength will Known," "I repudiate the contents
POLLING PLACES FOR CITY ELECTION bring the Communists to the ne- ... as an appeal to prejudice."
AUGUST 2, 1966 gotiating table, Cavanagh has op- Williams' Support
posed the military regime of Gen- Williams has solid support from
Ward Precinct Location eral Ky and U.S. bombings of local party organizations and the
1 1 Northside School 912 Barton Drive the Hanoi-Haiphong oil depots. labor hierarchy, including the
1 2 City Hall 100 N. Fifth Ave. The Detroit mayor has repeat- UAW.
1 2 Jones chol 401 N. Diisi . edly challenged his opponent on The winner of the Williams-
1 3 Jones School 401 N. Division St. many issues, including his per- Cavanagh race will meet recently-
1 4 Northside School 912 Barton Dr. formance for six terms as Michi- appointed Republican Sen. Robert
1 5 Thurston School 2300 Prairie St. gan governor, and his actions as Griffin in the general election.
-------- assistant secretary of state for In other races, the state's 183
2 1 YM-YWCA Building 350 S. Fifth Ave. African affairs for the past five congressmen-12 of them Demo-
2 2 Forest Ave. Polling Place 411 s. Forest Ave. years. crats-are all favored for renom-
2 3 Angell School 1608 S. University Ave. Williams, however, has general- ination. One race that may be
2 4 Bayder School 2775 Bedford Rd. ly ignored Cavanagh's statements, close, however, is between Rep.
and only recently seemed to re- Lucian Nedzi (D-Detroit) and for-
3 1 Mary St. Polling Place 936 Mary St. turn some of the mayor's personal mer Rep. Harold Ryan. The con-
3 2 Burns Park School 1414 Wells St. criticism, test centers around Nedzi's sup-
3 3 Tappan School 2251 E. Stadium Blvd. Cavanagh presented hour-long port of open housing legislation-
3 4 Fird Station No. 2 1510 E. Stadium Blvd. television broadcasts Sunday night the district is predominantly
3 5 Pattengill School 2100 Crestland Drive and last night, during which he white,
3 6 Pittsfield School 2543 Pittsfield Blvd. answered questions phoned in by Voters will also pick nominees
3 6 Pittsfihel Schhool 253 Pittsfield Blvd. voters. He had invited Williams for 38 state Senate and 110 state
3 7 Mary Mitchell School 3550 Pittsview Drive to appear on these programs House seats. Nominees for lieu-
3 8 Allen School 2560 Towner Blvd. with him, but the ex-governor re- tenant governor, attorney general
4 1 Ebe_ htho 8fused, and last night planned his and secretary of state will be se-
4 1 Eberwhite School 800 Soule Blvd. own broadcast, which he describ- lected later this month by party
4 2Bach School 600 W Jferson ed as his "dialogue with the peo- conventions.
ltor for His Refusal
in Summer Session
said this was because the nation- Ohio University officials and
alistic motivation of prewar and Robert L. Newton agree on two
war-time ethics no longer exists. main points-Newton is no longer
Fukuda pointed out that the editor of the campus newspaper
major difference in family life is and the term "student" needs to
the closer parent-child a'elation- be clearly defined.
ship in Japan which is not found Newton, a 22-year-old philoso-
in the U.S. He added that Parents phy major from Columbus, lost
his job as editor of the Post last
week after he refused to register
for classes during the second term
of summer school.
Newton said he was fired. Dean
of Students James J. Whalen said
he knew he could not continue
as editor unless he enrolled.
Federal Grants Plentiful at "U'
Washington is playing an ever-
expanding role in research pro-
grams across the country's cam-
puses. The question often asked
is how does a university respond
to Washington, how does it cul-
tivate the acquisition of federal
The University, according to A.
Goeffrey Norman, Vice-President
for Research, has no Washington
office or particular agency through
which they will interact with fed-
eral agencies. He said that the
project or projects under consid-
Norman said that because the
University is so vast it necessarily
has more organization within the
field of research administration
than most smaller institutions.
This is evidenced by existence of a
specialized Office of Research Ad-
ministration and the Sponsored
Research business offices.
There are specialists within
these two offices who handle the
involved paper work related to
specific federal agencies, such as
the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, the largest
added that the University, in keep-
ing up with these changes, has an
exceptional record when applying
for a grant.
Norman added that the Univer-
sity keeps up to date on pending
and newly-enacted legislation. If
a pending bill is unsatisfactory to
the University it will usually send
a man who is well acquainted with
the nature of the bill to present
the University's feeling about theI
matter in the Congressional hear-
Norman saia that a university
receives a federal grant or loan
depending on its "demonstrated
The controversy is based on
different interpretations of the
word "student." Newton feels that
if he is a full-time student during
the year, he is termed a student
during the summer. Whalen feels
he is not.
Whalen spoke of the dangers of
a non-enrolled student, "A danger-
ous precedent could be establish-
ed if a non-student is allowed to
continue as editor or as a staff
member of the Ohio University
student publication."
Newton maintains that "It is
because of criticism of the war...
and a commentary on the Light-
house Apostolic Church,. that I
have been fired."
An article by Newton critical
of John Polllard, an elder of the
Lighthouse Apostolic Church, ap-
peared in the July 8 issue of the
Post. Pollard demanded a retrac-
tion. Newton refused because he
said the story was true.
While the dean was out of town,
his assistant, Janis Summerville,
defended the dean's point of view.
"The university has made no at-
tempt to censor or censure the
content of the paper," Miss Sum-
merville said. "Newton's loss of