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July 30, 1966 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1966-07-30

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Ni gerian
Control of ANTI-.
iidenPThreatened Sp
Y Dissident Elements


es Rise

Wilson Gives
Account of
Soviet Talks
Discusses Vietnamese
Situation, Economic
Plight with Johnson
WASHINGTON (P) - British
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
said yesterday he gave President
Johnson a full account on his re-
cent nine-hour talks with Soviet
Premier Alexei Kosygin, but held
out no hope for an early end to
the Vietnamese fighting.
Concluding a day of top-level
review of the international situa-
tion, and especially Britain's eco-

Johnson Takes Command of
Efforts To End Airline Strike

ient Reaction to Sukarno's
eech Urged by Indonesians

WASHINGTON (A) - President
Johnson took command yesterday
of efforts to end the massive,
three-week-old airline strike and
there were signs an agreement was
Johnson himself said that the
five struck carriers and the AFL-
CIO International Association of
Machinists "aren't too far apart."
And the President was in an ebul-
lient mood after being up "prac-
tically all night with the strike."
A Senate source close to the
situation, who declined to be quot-
ed bv nname. said. "They're ver

In Army Quelled as JAKARTA, Indonesia (P)--High
C I' I I i Stl government officials passed the
Curfew Is Imposed word to non-Communist embassies
LAGOS, Nigeria (;P)--An army yesterday to react with patience to
LAOS, Niger d (I-An army President Sukarno's tough speech
uprising was reported in thireedeonigMlyaadnef
Nigerian provinces y e s t e r d a y denouncing Malaysia and, mnef-
against the military government feet, the West, informed sources
of Maj. Gen. Johnson Aguiyi-Iron- reported.
si. By evening the government Sukarno's speech Thursday at
reported the situation was under the swearing in of a new caginet
its control. exploded among Western diplo-
mats like a bomb. And these na-
In London, the Commonwealth tions are needed to bail out In-
Relations Office said it had un- donesia economically.
official reports of an attempt to Gen. Suharto, the army strong
assassinate Aguiyi-Ironpi in the man, Foreign Minister Adam Malik
northern city of Ibadan, where he and Economic Affairs Minister
had gone Thursday to lead a na- Sultan Hamengku Buwono, who
tional unity conference of tribal now run Indonesia met and pre-
rulers. The reports said Aguiyi- sumably discussed the speech and
Ironsi had been held by rebel ele-
ments for a time and the revolt

its impact. Sukarto and Malik were
reported to have questioned Su-
karno about the speech.
Malik, who appeared stunned
as Sukarno spoke, threatened to
resign but was persuaded to re-
consider by Suharto, the sources
said. Suharto also is reported to
have asked some newsmen to be
patient and to expect a major
development in relations with
Malaysia within two weeks.
Although he has been left
largely a figurehead, Sukarno in
his speech declared he still is the
leader of Indonesia, and the hos-
tile confrontation with Malaysia
will continue. It was Malik who
arranged in talks with Malaysia in
Bangkok for an end to :.he guer-

" y

had been ended.
A Nigerian government state-
ment in Lagos said: "The situation
is under control and the govern-
ment hopes to restore peace and
tranquility very soon."
It said Ibadan, Abeokuta and

Must Request Soviet
Mediation in Vi*et Nam

I- v 14"21 , O"A , . G VG
rilla warfare that he and others nomic plight, Wilson told a news close," and predicted a settlement
blame Sukarno for pursuing while conference that the main theme of might come within hours.
dragging Indonesia into bank- his talks in Moscow was seeking The man who headed an erher-
ruptcy. ways to prevent escalation in Viet gency board that came up with
While pursing a pro-Communist Nam. recommendations' for a solution,
Chinese policy, Sukarno ordered Although he declined to go into Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), pre-
Western correspondents out of In- details, he held that the fate of dicted a settment might come by
donesia. They returned after he American fliers now held in North Monday.
was forced under public p.ressure Viet Nam figured prominently in "There was a very important
to turn over most of his powers his discussions in the Soviet Capi- break on this matter in the early
to Suharto in March. tal. hours of this morning," Morse
Reliable sources said Malik and While Wilson's talks with John- said.
Suharto met with Sukarno and son centered mainly around the Johnson summoned negotiators
challenged portions of his speech. economic crisis in Britain, and its for the opposing sides to the White
Malik wanted to know how In- political-military effects, reporters House. His press secretary, Bill
donesia could carry out economic at the crowded news conference D. Moyers said: "This is the
reforms without outside help. Su- asked questions mostly on the Viet crunch, in a sense."
karno had stressed that reforms Nam war. e said hnson a d him
should be carried out through The U.S. position, Wilson said, representatives could "negotiate
self-help. is "very clear: The President is
This is an impossible task. eager to enter into any discussions.
Transportation, for example, is but so far there is no response
all but immobilized by lack of from Hanoi." 'W ortd N e
spare parts for trucks, buses and Wilson appeared confident that r
trains, and Indonesia has no the drastic measures he introduc-
money to buy them. This affects ed last week and earlier this week
transportation of food, short in to prop up the pound sterling will By The Associated Press
many areas. end the present economic crisis. NEW YORK-The stock mar-
The United States is sending In his talks with Johnson, "I did ket sank to a new 1966 low in slow
rice and Britain has promised aid not seek any financial assistance," trading yesterday.
once the undeclared war against the prime minister declared. An early advance faded and blue
British-protected Malaysia is end- He made it clear to Johnson, he chips took stiff losses.
ed. British troops helped Malaysia said, that Britain "intends to diE- The Dow Jones average of 30
repel guerrillas in the Malaysian charge its role as a world power, industrials fell 6.68 points to 847.-
Borneo states of Sarawak and but we must discharge this with 38, a new low for the year. The
Sabah utmost economy." Associated Press 60-stock aver-
Saa.He said he believes his orders age dropped 1.8 points to 305.9,
Suharto, Malik and Buwono are cutting overseas expenditures will also a 1966 low.
known to agree that peace with be most effective and will result Volume dwindled to 5.16 million
Malaysia must come before they in saving of 150 million pounds a shares from 5.69 million Thursday.
can look for the foreign id they year. Also, cuts in what he called The airlines bucked the trend
need to haul the nation out of in home demands and a shakeup and posted good gains on hopes
bankruptcy. of manpower to get more men into of a strike settlement.
export industries will be effective, * * *

until doomsday and not make any
more progress than they are now
likely to make in one day."
Differences between labor and
management, Moyers said, had
been narrowed down to something
less than $25 million for a contract
that would extend over three
Eleven men from each side met
with Johnson for 27 minutes in
the White House Cabinet Room.
Then with Secretary of Labor
W. Willard Wirtz and the assis-
tant secretary, James J. Reynolds,
sort of refereeing, they met in a
session that kept on going with-
out a break for lunch.
Congress had been moving in
the direction of dumping the
whole airline row onto Johnson's
doorstep by considering legislation
authorizing him to halt the strike
at a time of his own choosing.
But Johnson beat them to the
draw. Moyers reported the Presi-
dent had been talking Thursday
with persons representating both
union and management points of
view, with members of his own ad-
ministration, and with members of
Then, at 2:30 yesterday morn-
ing, the White House announced
the President had called the nego-
s Roundup

tiating teams to a 9 a.m. session
at the White House.
With all this activity going on
downtown, Congress retired to the
sidelines for the weekend to await
Then Senate Labor Committee
put off until Monday its consid-
eration of a bill .authorizing the
President to order an end to the
strike for as long as six months.
"We were advised. that there
were intensive and meaningful ne-
gotiations going on," said the com-
mittee chairman, Lister Hill (D-
Johnson, Moyers said, set no
deadline and issued no ultimatums.
He said Johnson pointed cut to
the negotiators that there was a
relatively small financial margin
between them and he felt the
time had come for real progress.
The President, Moyers continu-
ed, noted that suggestions for set-
tling the dispute were coming
from newspapers, Congress and
outsiders but that he felt that
"you men around this table can
find a solution equitable to both
groups, better than anyone else."
Referring to notes he made on
the conference in the Cabinet
room, Moyers reported that the
President said collective bargain-
ing is the free, democratic way to
settle the differences and "it's a
better way than legislating the
breaking of a strike, or seizure, or
presidential fiat."
The President has no authority
under existing law to order the
35,000 striking machinists back to
work on the five airlines-Eastern,
National, Northwest, Trans World
and United.
Moyers reported Johnson be-
lieved an agreement could be
worked out that would be good
for the country, "without anyone
winning a great victory or anyone
suffering a great defeat."
DIAL 5-6290
Shows at 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00
Matinees $1.25
Eves. and Sun. $1.50

Ikeja provinces had been declared;
"military areas" following "some TOKYO (P) - Soviet Foreign --Japanese desires that Japa-
trouble by dissident elements in Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, when nese fishermen operating in north-
the army, mainly in Ibadan, Abe- asked yesterday why the Soviet ern seas be assured guarantees of
okuta and Ikeja." Union had made no moves to me- safety.
A dusk-to-dawn curfew was im- diate in the Viet Nam conflict, On the territorial dispute, Gro-

posed and military tribunals were
set up, the government said.
The capital, Lagos, was calm
trough te dy. But th ipr
has been unreachable since morn-
ing and planes were not permitted
to land or take of f.
In London, reports said Aguiyi-
Ironsi's six-month-old regime de-
tected a plot against it and fight-
ing was touched off at Abeokuta,
50 miles northwest of Lagos, when
loyal troops moved against muti-
First reports from London said
loyal troops also ringed Aguiyi-
Ironsi's headquarters in Lagos and
other government buildings but
were later replaced by police.
The London reports indicated
the revolt was spurred by old trib-
al differences.
Moslems in Northern Nigeria, a
majority of the population, have
been suspcious of the southern
Ibos since the ruling military jun-
ta overthrew the northern-domi-
nated federation six months ago.
Young officers in the north
have been reported planning a new
rebellion unless Aguiyi-Ironsi's re-
gime succeeded in establishing "a
new Nigeria." The northerners be-
long to a different tribe than Agui-
yi-Ironsi, an Ibo.
The announced purpose of Agui-
yi-Ironsi's trip to Ibadan, 70 miles
northeast of Lagos, was to rein-
force national unity and end po-
litical squabbling.

replied: "We haven't been asked.'
He said the Soviet Union would
not work for peaceful settlement
of the Viet Nam issue without a
request first coming from North
Viet Nam.
Gromyko told Japanese and for-
eign newsmen the Soviet Union
has been giving aid to North Viet
Nam "and will continue to give

myko refused to reopen the issue.
He said he and the Japanese
decided to continue exchanging
views but there was no guarantee
that Japanese fishermen would be
free of seizure or capture by So-
viet patrol boats for alleged viola-
tion of Soviet territorial waters.

more and more aid because they
are fighting a just war." Re e t p r v oa
Gromyko is scheduled to leaveR
today, ending a week-long visit to o
;Japan that consisted of exchanges r l $ 8 i l o
of views on a number of issues, In -I.) (Ld 9 l T 160 Lvl TE
cluding Viet Nam, and signing the
first consular treaty between Ja-r
pan and the Soviet Union. !Continued from Page 1 The city wants to make recrea-
He and his Japanese counter- At the Regents meeting Hatcher tion facilities surrounded by parks,
part, Etsusaburo Shiina, are sched- said Mayor Wendall Hulcher has in the area, but the University,
uled to issue a joint communique, been in contact with the Unziver- which owns the golf course land,
which informed sources say is en- sity about the University's plans will not change the residential
countering difficulty. for the North Campus and other college site.
Shiina and Prime Minister Ei- areas. The general funds portion of the
saku Sato had asked that the So- Hulcher's concern, said Hatcher, budget contains the costs of the
Viet Union exert its influence in for the "retention of open space day-to-day running of the Uni-
ending the Viet Nam war. The so- along the Huron River" and sur- versity. It rose $8,211,450 compar-
lution to the Viet Nam conflict, rounding areas. Earlier in the ed to a rise of $10.4 million last
Gromyko responded, "is for the summer, other Ann Arbor city year.
United States to stop its aggres- officials and members of the The expendable restricted fund
sion, for American troops to get Mayor's Conference on Natural deals primarily with research.'
not interfere in the affairs o an- Beauty in the Ann Arbor Area Most of its funds come from the
otherfcountry.''h rf voiced objection to the site chosen federal government, the rest from
Two other key issues which the for the residential college. gifts, grants and contracts from
Japanese hoped to receive favor- The residential college is to be other sources, such as foundations,
able responses were: on Fuller Road between the rail- industry and individuals.
-A request for return of So- i road tracks and the Huron River. This year the expendable re-
viet-seized Kunashiri and Etorofu At present the city operates a stricted fund is up $5.2 million
islands, municipal golf course there. from last year compared to a $5.5
million rise the year before.
....:: Of this money $52 million is
anticipated from federal grants
and contracts, $4 million more
than last year, and $3 million
from endowment investments.
The auxiliary activities portion
%%#2misstmW25m~aressammems2mm2Wsstgessataemaies of the t tal budget is up $4.7 over
rections": Recital Hall, School of Mu- bargaining, and BA preferably in in- last year. It includes self-support-
sic, 8:30 p.m. dustrial relations. Labor Hearing Offi- ing or revenue-producing activities
cer IVA, any part of the state, Three such as University Hospital, the
years of recent experience as legal rep- League the Union University
General o ices resentative before state or federal ad- u t
ministrative boards, three years in per- Press and student publications and
Demonstration: Brownlce W, Elliott, sonnel management or labor relations intercollegiate a t h I e t i c s. The
Dept. of English, Milford High School, problems. Applications should be ac- largest amount Is for University
will present a demonstration "Teach- cepted before Aug. 22, 1966. lretaon sfrUiest
ing the Short Story: A Demonstration "*Hospital, $21,994,400 this year.
Class" in Aud. C, Angel Haia4
n Aud..A Ht For further information please call Mental health activities are
n . nn Mnn am All I .nters~ted ,OVp

he predicted. TOKYO - The first anti-Com-
The United States, American 'of- munist Asian conference against
ficials explained, cannot remain nuclear weapons ended a two-day
indifferent about attacks against meeting in Tokyo yesterday with
the pound sterling on the inter- adoption of resolutions condemn-
national money market because ing atomic bomb tests by France
historically, trouble for the Bri- and Communist China.
tish currency usually means trou- The two-day conference was
ble for the dollar. represented by 37 delegations from
Wilson was 15 minutes late for India, Laos, Indonesia, Thailand,
his midmorning appointment with Malaysia, Nationalist China, Cey-
Johnson because he was not per- Ion, the Philippines, Australia
mitted by the Secret Service to Hong Kong and Japan.
leave Blair House, his temporary It was sponsored by the Nation-
into a nearby building, was com- al Congress against Nuclear Arms
pleted. and for World Peace.
Thant Keeps Silent on Talks
With Brezhnev in Moscow

SAIGON - Bomb damage re-
ports yesterday from the heaviest
U.S. foray of the war against
North Viet Nam catalogued such
things as 13 petroleum dumps bla-
zing a missile site four miles from
Haiphong hit 62 barges, destroyed
or damaged.
U.S. Air Force Navy and Marine
pilots took to the air again to
press attacks that Pacific com-
mand officials in Honolulu said
are slowly crippling the Commun-
ist war effort and crimping sup-
plies of North Vietnamese troops
infiltrating the south.
LONDON - One of the world's
most eminent archeologists Sir
Mortimer Wheeler said yesterday
he is "almost certain" that Came-
lot-King Arthur's legendary cas-
tle-has been found.
The spot is an Iron Age hill fort
at South Cadbury near the Somer-
set town of Heovil a part of Eng-
land much favored by Americans
and other foreign tourists,
Phone 482-2056




!"dJ¢rlifffi~ i' .^ F ' P: dJP '%f0 ' Yl}rf ."'.r' f.: 1i. '"Jf"1 iti.": I'Y' /

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Miehigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m, of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Cinema Guild-"Beau Geste": Archi-
tecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
School of Music Lecture Recital -
Richard Toensing, "New Sounds for



MOSCOW (R)--UN Secretary-
General U Thant wound up his
Moscow probe of the Viet Nam
problem yesterday at a meeting
with Soviet Communist Party
Chief Leonid I. Brezhnev. Thant
has kept Viet Nam uppermost in
his talks with Moscow leaders
since his arrival Monday.
But he and the Kremlin have
maintained complete silence on
the results.
Thant came here with the avow-
ed iptent of discussing "ways and
means of improving the interna-
tional situation." He emphasized
at the start that "the situation is
fraught with dangerous possibili-
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, with
whom Thant also talked, indicated
his approval of the work of the
secretary-general, qualified sourc-
es reported, and this country was
expected to back him for another
five-year term in his UN position.
But along with the favorable at-
titude, Thant had to contend with
what has become an apparently
rigid Soviet position on Viet Nam
-that Hanoi, not Moscow, decides
the moves.
Thant has worked out a Viet-
namese peace plan calling for a
cessation of American bombing of
North Viet Nam. This was in line
with the Soviet position and un-
doubtedly won him good will here.
But the secretary-general's peace
plan would also have both sides
cut down on their military opera-
tions and all interested parties
start peace talks. That does not

square with Hanoi's demands and
was not taken up here.
If Thant found any basis in his
Moscow talks for a new approach
to the Viet Nam problem, no hint
of it may be given until he gets
back to UN headquarters in New
York. He was to fly there today.
DIAL 2-6264



8.40 &


p m onmon.aug 1. l n res ea
persons are invited to attend.
Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and Busi-
ness Administration: Tentative lists
of seniors for August graduation have
been posted on the bulletin board in
the first floor lobby, Administration
Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be
requested of the Recorder at Office
of Registration and Records, Window
No. A, 1513 Administration Bldg.
Placemen t

Chorus: .Recital Hall, School of Mu- POSITION OPENINGS:
sic, 8:30 p.m. i H aN. C a
sic 8:0 pm.Children's Hospital and Rehabilita-
Lion Center, Utica, N.Y.-Clinical Au-
Eylog"t for hearing and speech dept.
E n s Diagnostic activities with new IAC
roomn, some industrial audiology.
School of Music Degree Recital-W. National Jewish Welfare Board, Uew
Larry Brentzel, trumpet: Recital Hall, York-Announces 40 two-year scholar-
School of Music, 2:30 p.m. ships, grants from the Herman Muehl-
stein Foundation, Inc., for graduate
School of Music Degree Recital-Rob- professional social work education of
ert Musser, oboist: Recital Hall, School Jewish Community Center and YM-
of Music, 4:30 p.m. YWHA workers. Students from the
Greater N.Y. area now in the field, are
# ~eligible for application In fall of 1966
Events M onday for programs starting fall of 1967.
Dickinson County Probate Court, Iron
Audio-Visual Education Center Film Mountain, Mich.-Juvenile Officer for
Preview-"Liverwort: Alteration of Gen- the county, probation and case work
erations," "Chick Embryo: Life Is plus some investigatory activities rela-
Born," and "Human Body: Sense Or- tive to delinquent, dependent and neg-
gans": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad- leeted children.
uate Library, 1:30 p.m. State of Michigan-Two openings in
_________labor relations. Labor elections officer
English Dept. Lecture-Brownlee W. II, location, Wayne County, Three
Elliott, Dept. of English, Milford High years of recent experience in labor re-
School, "Teaching the Short Story: A lations, including participation in me-
Demonstration Class": Aud. C, Angell diation or negotiations or collective
Hall, 4 p.m. ~~~~~ _~_~~__ ~_ __~ _- -_
School of Music ,Concert-William O. .A M T'r

764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB'
U. of M. Library. Excellent job op-
portunities (no library degree required).
$4800 Starting Salary. (C-5)-
Job. No. i-Responsible for tracing
and locating books reported missing
and lost; trains and supervises person-
nel, Knowledge of library catalogs and
bibliographical tools required.
Job. No. 2-Searching in catalogs, re-
cording, sorting, typing. Hindi lan-
guage knowledge and typing required.
Job No. 3-Various duties serving as
substitute in different library branches.
Abiity to work well with people and
typing required.
Job. No. 4-Supervises filing into De.
pository Catalog; trains and supervises
personnel. Knowledge of one or more
European languages required.
Job No. 5-Types and revises multi-
lith masters, many in foreign lan-
guages Foreign language knowledge
Job No. 6-Assists in accessioning and
filing of maps; files and sorts publi-
cations in a special collection. Foreign
language knowledge and typing requir-
(Continued on Page 41

budgeted separately. The total for
the hospitals and the Mental
Health Research Institute is $5,-
310,300, up from $4.75 million last
year, of which $4.47 million was
appropriated by the state, with the
remainder coming from fees paid
by patients.
There were no tuition or room
and board hikes made this year,
but there were a few increases in
auxiliary activities areas, primarily
in increases of about $5 per day
for room services and about $1.50
per clinic visit in the hospitals.
The total budget increase is $1.5
million less than last year's in-
crease of $20.4 million.
Last fall the Regents planned
for a 1966-67 total budget of $182.4
mililon. The budget turned out to
be $4 million more despite $7
million less in the general fund
because of lower state appropria-



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