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July 30, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-30

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mir4ijan Baly
Seventy-Sixth Year

Outreach': Learning Everyday Life

- . .

Trut Wiere Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Grosse Pointe Integration:
It Had To Happen Sometime

iT HAD TO HAPPEN sometime. The
spearhead of integration has thrust
its way into Grosse Pointe, Michigan. And
this upper class community previously
invaded only by Negro maids is up to the
hilt in moral controversy.
Now the nation will see how the so-
called "open minded" segment of Grosse
Pointe (to whom the fact that Grosse
Pointe is all white wasn't its appealing
quality) will react to having a real-live
Negro neighbor.
. GORDON WRIGHT is his name, and
he is the midwest director of the U.S.
Commerce Department's Economic Devel-
opment Administration. This prestigious
job could both help and hinder him.
As a native of Grosse Pointe I can say
that some 4ill have respect for his posi-
tion and accept him into their society.
But, because most racial bigotry is based
on fear and jealousy, many will resent him
even more.
On often heard anecdote in Grosse
Pointe is: "Personally, I wouldn't mind
if a nice Negro doctor moved in next door.
But after all, I have to think of my land
values, And I have to think of my chil-
dren going to school with them little
THE GROSSE POINTE image of Negro
children is five screaming, hungry,
future juvenile delinquent-race rioter
children all sleeping in the same room.
And the Image of the Negro home is a
dirty, run-down, three-story six family
This is partly the fault of the Negroes
themselves, who have failed to project
themselves as a caste-system society with
an upper class just like the white society.
This is mainly because many educated
and successful Negroes fear rejection by
their own race if they imitate the middle-
class white. The paradox of the situation
is that the middle-class white society is
just what they long to be a part of. The
Negroes who reject their conforming
brethren are basically the ones who for
a variety of reasons are not educated
enough or are too poor to become a part
of it.
THE MAJORITY of Grosse Pointers are
not Edsel Fords, Anthony Giacalones,
or racial bigots. They live in Grosse Pointe
because of the quiet atmosphere, the na-
General Ky
To Find a I
EVEN THOUGH late evaluations show
that supply lines from North to South
Viet Nam weren't significantly dismantled
by "tactical" bombings near Hanoi and
Haiphong, the United States can still save
military face by racking up the usual
large numbers of dead and captured Viet
Cong for press reports.
However, the recent public relations
foul-up will be hard to offset.
The differences between the U.S. and
U.S.-supported local Saigon leadership,
headed by Gen. Ky, over the relative mer-
its of invading the North have been well-
documented by the press for the past sev-
eral days.
That Washington could have let the ar-
gument volley so publicly would be un-
derstandably typical if there were some
other puppet ready to groom for Ky's
But, as It is, there has emerged no
other strong local personality that could
figure as a successor-except for Buddhist
leaders, who would never do, since they

want the U.S. to get its sticky capitalist
fingers out of their country.
Editorial Staff
LEONARD PRATT .. . ...,............. Co-Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER................Co-Editor
BUD WILKINSON ............ Sports Editor
BETSY COHN .... ., .... Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Helfer,
Shirley Rosick, Pat O'Donohue, Carole Kaplan.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT ............ Business Manager

tionally-known public schools, and the
social prestige. They earn $14,000 a year
at an honest PR or advertising job, pay
taxes, donate to charity, and hold only
normal prejudices.
These are the people who will spell suc-
cess or failure in Grosse Pointe's moral
and ethical struggle against its citizens'
consciences and convictions.
These people, I believe, have the moral
fortitude to overcome their petty preju-
dices. The reaction so far has been one
of complacency among the majority of
people. The common saying has been:
"Well, it had to come some time." The
topic has not become the over-the-fence
chain conversation at all. In fact one
resident said it was only mentioned to
her once in the week since Mr. Wright
moved in.
An attitude which could hurt the sit-
uation is the belief that Mr. Wright moved
in only to integrate. But the belief among
the majority is that, being used to upper
echelon society outside Washington, D.C.,
he naturally moved to a similar communi-
ty when his job required a transfer.
THE TRAGEDY of the situation, if it
comes at all, could come when Mr.
Wright's three children, aged five, seven
and nine, start school in the fall.
It is the job of Grosse Pointe parents
to teach their children to live in har-
mony with their three Negro school-
mates, and better yet to set an example
by living in harmony themselves with
their black neighbors.
Register Now
YOU ARE 21, you have been around Ann
Arbor all summer, you have registered
to vote at City Hall. You are concerned
about urban renewal, the war in Viet
Nam, aid to higher education, defense
Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh and
former Gov. G. Mennen Williams have
shown where they do and do not stand
on these and other issues all summer.
Sen. Robert Griffin, while not in a pri-
mary race, has positions of his own.
Your vote is the major way you can
exert your influence in the Senate, where
it counts. On August 2, next week, vote.
It's Harder
BUT, KY'S CALLS for invading the North
may become more vociferous, in dis-
regard of U.S. officials' cautions against
"escalating to a wider war." And, Ky may
have to be removed-for fear that he
would push on independently to that wid-
er war. It may also have to be done be-
fore anti-war mongers indict the U.S. not
only for failing to act in accordance
with the wishes of the general Viet Nam
populace but also for failing to even act
in accordance with the aims of the "legi-
timate" local government it claims to sup-
However, the sprouting of a coup, even
a bloody coup said to crop up spontane-
ously amongst dissatisfied military of fi-
cers, will be hard to pass off as locally-
inspired, since internal opposition from
even the remotest possible contenders for
Ky's position has been rigorously silenced.
AND, WITH NINE other local U.S.-sup-
ported leaders quickly come and gone,
it would be fairly difficult to find anyone
else around who wants the job anyway-

except Henry Cabot Lodge, maybe.
Who knows? Johnson might even have
to resort to allowing free elections.
Parking, Anyone?
BEGINNING WITH the fall semester,
student parking will be limited to
spaces located on North Campus and in
the vicinity of the ice rink (near Hoover
and Fifth Streets). Buses will be pro-
vided to transport students from their
cars to central campus.

IN A UNIVERSITY that lately
has been brimming with ex-
citing new educational develop-
ments, one of the most imagina-
tive is one which grew out of the
experimental organization of in-
troductory social psychology last
semester, called "Project Out-
The special importance of "Proj-
ect Outreach" is that, if its bas-
ic approach is coupled with de-
velopments in computer science
and teaching machines, it may be
the beginning of the teaching
methods of the future-that is,
letting the machines do the bor-
ing work of impartingsthe factual
basis for an area of study while
students and teachers are freed
to go on to more interesting work.
THE COURSE that fostered the
idea of "Outreach," Psychology 101
-psychology as a social science-
was under the direction of Prof.
Richard Mann. Mann was in
charge of an immense lecture,
given in Hill Auditorium, with
over 1200 students. The situation
obviously was not conducive to an
exciting study of phychology.
Consequently, the course sylla-
bus for theiWinter Term, 1966,
began like this :
"There will be no general lec-
ture in Hill Auditorium on Tues-
day as indicated in the time

schedule. Instead, as part of the
introductory psychology course
offered at the University of
Michigan this year, all of you
reading this ... have an oppor-
tunity to elect one of a group of
work-oriented projects in areas
such as mental health, civil
rights, cultural enrichment and
education within the Ann Arbor-
Detroit area."
The course announcement also
described the philosophy behind
the "Outreach" experiment in this
"We feel that there are many
involvements in 'the laboratory
of everyday living' which would
not only bring alive the student's
comprehension of a number of
the abstract content areas dis-
cussed within the framework of
a course in 'Psychology as a
Social Science" but who also
can deepen, extend and expand
the student's awareness and un-
derstanding through meaningful
contacts and experiences with
THE "OUTREACH" syllabus
then 'goes on to describe each of
the various projects in which stu-
dents may participate, including
work with mental patients at
Northville Hospital, with delin-
quent boys at Boys Training
School, with children in Ann Ar-

The Associates
by Carney and wolter
bor's experimental nursery school,
The Children's Community, on a
project analyzing "the college ex-
perience," on another on psychol-
ogy and the law, or on an indi-
vidual study of the student's
Students will, in addition to
their project work, meet with in-
dividual instructors in small
groups to discuss their work on a
more theoretical level. The grad-
ing of each student's work is some-
what informal-based on reports
from the projects' supervisors -
resting ultimately with his instruc-
One of the best aspects of the
new Psychology 101 course is that,
in the words of Prof. Mann, "it
might seem that upwards of 30 or
40 different introductory courses
were being offered under the same
title." And, the advantage of this
system, in addition to offering
numerous alternatives to each stu-
dent, is that it allows the teach-
ing fellow, still unsure of his teach-
ing abilities to deal with those
areas which he knows best.

not remain exclusively a psychol-
ogy department project. Already
plans are being made to apply this
method to many other, courses in
the University. Last week, many
of the instructors involved in the
original Project Outreach heldha
seminar for instructors in all fields
on the methods of Outreach.
Again, the main theme was the
use of "the laboratory of every-
day life" in teaching a course.
Eventually, those involved in the
project say, Outreach could be es-
tablished as a student-operated
organization complete with offices
in the SAB. The student-run Out-
reach would operate like a Free
University withinthe University
of Michigan (or like a similar set-
up currently in operation at San
Francisco State) complete with
credit hours for courses taken in
the project.
AT THE CENTER for Research
on Learning and Teaching another
education experiment is current-
ly being developed and tested. This
is the use of computerized proc-
essing of information, and the
computerized study carrel.
The carrel utilizes technology
already developed, yet assembled
in a new way to facilitate learn-
ing. The student has before him
a television screer and instruc-

tions for selection of the material
he wishes to study. He may wish
to listen to a lecture at another
university hundreds of miles away,
or he may wish to read some ma-
terial from the Library of Con-
gress. All this can be projected
on the screen. If he wishes to'have
a copy of the material he has
been reading, he can get one im-
mediately by just pressing a but-
The connection of this machine,
currently being developed at CRLT
with "Project Outreach," is in an-
swer to the question of how the
students will 'receive basic edu-
cation in psychological principles.
While the work of the knowledge-
able instructor should be to en-
gage the student in challenging
discussion, this obviously does not
leave much time for lecturing on
the "hard stuff."
And, this is where the concept
of a teaching machine comes in.
It will fulfill exactly this func-
tion of providing the strictly fac-
tual basis.
WITH THESE TWO pioneering
projects being conducted simul-
taneously at the University, and
the basic work nearing completion,
we can safely expect increasing
educational innovation in the next
few years of benefit to both stu-
dent and teacher.

The Causes of the Cleveland Riots

To the Editor:
OVER THE JULY 4 weekend I
had a most interesting conver-
sation with an official in the
Cleveland Urban Renewal Project.
He is a young, liberal and dynamic
man, who, because of the frustra-
tions of urban renewal in Cleve-
land, may take a job in Washing-
Both Clevelanders, though from
the suburbs, we chatted for several
hours abou the prospects and plans
for meaningful change in Cleve-
land. I submit the essence of that
conversation, for it gives insight
into he long run causes of the
riots and also a prediction of what
will happen in Cleveland.
MY FRIEND began by describ-
ing the morale of the urban re-
newal staff and remarking at its
high turnover. The causes lie both
in personality and politics at the
top; young liberals find it diffi-
cult to communicate with firm-
ness-leader types of the Cleveland
variety (Scotch bankers perhaps).
"Steady as she goes and don't
rock the boat" has led to the
situation in which "we have more
money than we know what to do
with," my friend remarked.
The relationship between the
City Administration and the ur-
ban renewal staff is cordial, but
hardly constructive. But more dis-
tressing is the recent fact that
the staff openings which were
previously filled as the young took
off and the ambitious took their
crack-the bright young men are
becoming more difficult to at-
I may interject here by own
casual observation that the well
educated young men and women
of my generation are not return-
ing to Cleveland to find jobs, bring
up families etc. Over this past
Christmas, a job conference aL the
Statler-Hilton in Cleveland found
many local graduates being almost
begged to take a job with a Cleve-
land-based firm. Among those I
knew, this was viewed with some
OF COURSE, the problems of
Cleveland's urban renewal pro-
gram and the flight of its educat-

ed do not explain the riots; they
are, however, symptoms of some
things more basic.
Cries for more leadership in a
nation where each is his own
leader sounds silly. Yet the lack
of leadership is a real problem in
Cleveland, and will be the stumb-
ling block for many years to come.
My non-Cleveland friends always
say, "But what about Celebreeze?
He was a good mayor, wasn't he?"
Yes, he was apopinted H. E: W.
chief, but Kennedy needed a prom-
inant Italian. And prominance, I
need not belabor, has little to do
with excellence. The fact that he
took the position shows the sort
he was-did you hear anything
about H. E. W. under his tenure?
er, got in as his predecessor's
choice and with the backing of
both newspapers, both times. The
second time around was impor-
tant because he just beat Stokes,
the Negro candidate, by a few
thousandvotes.dWithout one of
the paper's support, Locher would
have lost. It is difficult to point
out Locher's mistakes, for this
local, less than Eisenhower, has
been careful to do little. Locher
has had the blessings of both
papersbecause he was safe, and
in this truly provincial city, safe-
ness counts plenty.
In other clities where City Hall
has been inept and reluctant to
act, other groups have brought
pressure to bear andheffected con-
structive change. Labor, manage-
ment, and religious groups have
not done so in Cleveland. Nor have
any of the less likely, but poten-
tial power centers pushed for real
slum clearance, sensible street
planning, recreation facilities, im-
provement of the atrocious city
schools, really integrated housing
and the rest of the usual urban
ills. Those potential power cen-
ters are the newspapers, and local
and state party officials.
special remark for they have had
the most effective power in Cleve-
land for as long as I can :emem-
ber. Louis Seltzer was until two
years ago, editor of the evening
Cleveland Press, and the most

powerful man in town. It's the
Scripps-Howard paper which dis-
tinguished itself so in the Sam
Shepherd trial. And, it is doing
the same thing again with the
grand Jury investigation of who
caused the riots.
They claimed to have the in-
side word that it was organized
and plastered this on the front
page; the grand jury is .nean-
while beginning to investigate.
Seltzer incidentally, is head of the
grand jury. The Press is little
better than a tabloid; it admits
its writes for eight graders, and
has a wonderful batting average
for getting in its editorial choices
for office.
Dealer?" a friend recently asked.
The P. D. was a respectable Re-
publican morning paper six or
seven years ago. Then young Tom
Vail, out of Princeton and glowing
with conservative edicts, took over.
The paper has deteriorated since.
Vail is a man of angry pladitudes,
and he has recently taken himself
very seriously. He exhorts but does
not use the pressure he has; a
gentle editorial nudge is but words
on paper.
A threat of not backing Locher
next time around or else might
be more to the point. Yet that
doesn't happen, scuttlebut is that
Tom, with his Buckley plus
"Speaking from the Right" edi-
torial page, has senatorial am-
bitions. The P. D. is nota pulp
newspaper, but is directed by a
contradictory man who in the
end really believes that pushing
for change in Cleveland is his
business in words only. Vail's at-
titudes are those of what one
might call the Cleveland establish-
"THE CLEVELAND establish-
ment," my friend remarked, "is
the most distressing part of the
picture." There are potential power
loci among them, but they don't
use it." I suppose in the end each
feels, in the great American tra-
dition, that it's none of his busi-
ness, for after all he's not the
major. Yet, the fact that their
support, tacit or active, got this
bland man Locher in, and the

attending responsibility and power
eludes them. Until .recently, race
relations in Cleveland were
thought to be basically sound. The
establishment was sure of that. I
suspect the general reaction to
the riots was bored disbelief from
the lazy suburbs.
Cleveland is geographically a
large town, and it is ethnically a
very tight one. Italians, Poles,
Hungarians, Jews, Wasps etc. have
their own sections and keep to
them. My friend at urban renewal
related to me his experiences try-
ing to get the Poles and Hun-
garians to peacefully attend a
neighborhood carnival. The lines
of population expansion are clear
to the point of being geometric.
Each group moves out toward the
suburbs or the countryside in
clearly predictable paths. Rarely
mixing, keeping to themselves,
Cleveland's ethnic groups have
hostilities beyond the obvious Ne-
I DO NOT understate the in-
tensity of the grace problem. I take
it that the riots spoke for them-
selves; yet there are other prob-
lems which if not appreciated will
make solving the race problem in
its many dimensions impossible.
A rich community may well be
a more harmonious one than a
poor one. Cleveland may have
been rich, but tothis observer,
it's living off its interest. Cleve-
land's banks are successful, but
rumor has it they do most of their
investinig outside the general area.
The past president of Cleve-
land's industrial planning commis-
sion is the president of Standard
Oil of Ohio. Several years ago he
was in the unfortunate position to
announce that Standard's new
installation would be built in To-
ledo rather than Cleveland be-
cause it lacked adequate industrial
site space. The slow growth rate
of St. Lawrence Seaway trade
through Cleveland in comparison
to other ports on Lake Erie is but
another indicator of Clevelaid's
bumbling, sluggish economy,
MY FRIEND remarked on the
quietness of the downtown area.
The courts, Reserve Banks, and

local banks, and law offices keep
the streets populated at lunch
hour, but in general things are
quiet. All the large retailers long
ago set up huge stores in Subur-
bia, with the result that subur-
banites rarely make the trip down-
town. The recent pride and joys
of the core city are the under-
ground convention hall and the
rising Erieview skyscrapers. But
the latter, an office building, is
not half filled. Acres of buldozed
slums await redevelopment, but
indicision and lack of commercial
developers keeps the rubble there.
of the proposed Cleveland State
University. The city is interested in
turning the Western Reserve-case
area into a huge research park,
and expanding Fenn College into
a sort of M.S.U. towards the cen-
ter of town. ThelNegro community
has angrily reacted; the meaning-
ful slum clearance, low-cost hous-
ing etc. will not occur if the re-
search park is built; Cleveland
State would be nice but again is
largely beside the point. A dual
economy has developed in Cleve-
land, and while this is not unique
in U.S. cities, the most recent
economic news seems to point to-
wards a widening of the economic
gap between suburbia and city.
willingness to admit a problem
exists, hostile ethnic groupings,
an all but exciting economic situa-
tion, and the flight of the young
and capable-these were my
friend's key points that came out
of that conversation. The circu-
larity of these problems has driven
him to some very dim conclusions
about Cleveland's prospects. He
puts real change 20 to 30 years
in the future.
As for himself, he has been with
urban renewal for better than a
year. It is about to undergo an-
other well-publicized reorganiza-
tion, and while he will probably
be offered more money to stay on
the sheer frustration of running
around these paradoxical circles
will probably drive him to Wash-
-Robert D. Strauss, '66



"WhO'S Afraid of Virginia


WHATEVER Time magazine
says, "Who's Afraid of Vir-
ginia Woolf" is an important play,
in spite of and not because of the
"four-, five-, and six-letter-
words." Edward Albee is one of
our best playwriters. Thus when
it was decided to film "Virginia
Woolf" Warner Brothers were
embarking on something very new
to them-serious cinema.
This in itself would have not
provd too difficult for one of the
most technically proficient film-
making units in the world. How-
ever, there was an added difficul-
ty-the translation of a well-
known play which is "static" into
cinema which is "dynamic." Al-
bee's play is carried by the lan-
guage, by the dialogue and by the
intense interaction of the charac-
In order to obtain filmed-thea-
tre with the dialogue paramount,
the plasticity of the film space
must be strictly limited.
My only criticism of "Virginia
Woolf" is that Ernest Lerman's
screenplay attempted to transpose
Albee's play into standard cine-
matic conventions and this tend-

is superb; the camerawork is ex-
cellent and Alex North's music is
well above the average turned out
by Hollywood.
George is an associate professor
of history and the film opens with
him and Martha returning to their
home from a faculty party. Now
in middle age, George and Martha
are at daggers drawn. They bick-
er and nag, each denying the oth-
er any honest or sincere action.
They conduct a verbal fight which
degenerates on one occasion into
the near strangulation of Martha
by George. But this is in no way
a climax, the insults continuing
after the fight just as before.
MARTHA and George have cre-
ated a hell for themselves with a
whole series of games, in which
they abuse and disgust one an-
other. The games consist of ver-
bal invective or plain childishness
as, for example, the intellectual
version of "who's afraid of the
big bad wolf." However, George
and Martha bothappear aware
of the nature of their games. In-
deed Martha says "There is only
one man who made me happy;
who can keep learning the games
as quickly as I change them; he
is my husband." The games are

drunk and George is none too
pleased with the idea of guests.
aware of the "game nature" of ex-
istence. But as the "party" grinds
on they too become part of the
"hell." All four of the partici-
pants become more and more
drunk and through this the bases
for their respective "hells" are
laid open, not only for us, the
spectators, but for the young
couple too. Not, however, for
George and Martha since they

already know the nature of their
lives and for them it is just a re-
assertion or re-emphasis of the
terror of living.
For Martha and George the
stimulus for creating their hell
is Martha's father, president of the
university, whom George can nev-
er emulate. Forever he will be
"in the history department as op-
posed to running the department."
For the young couple, it is the
wife's naievete and stupidity and
fact that the husband was lured
into marriage. "I married her be-

cause she was pregnant.' Hysteri-
cal pregnancy, we learn. Before
marriage "she went up" and aft-
erward "she went down, puff."
THE INTENSITY of the games,
how the two couples vie one an-
other with abuse, lends to great
theatre. The film brings most of
this out. It might have been even
better, as we have suggested, but,
for all of that, the content is so
pungent that the film must be
classed as one of Hollywood's bet-
ter manifestations,

Only Chuckles from Thurber

of poster-paper trees, darts a
pert puppet-like figure who en-
thusiastically narrates a tale
about "The Night The Bed Fell."
All the characters are whimsical
creations in the world of James
Thurber, which is currently being
sketched by the Quirk Theatre at
Eastern Michigan University.
attemnt at humor which leaves

The fault does not lie with the
EMU players. The caricatures
which they depict are the tradi-
tional nervous little stickfigure
men; the raving hair in the air
housewife-shrew and the timid
taunted delusioned Walter Mitties.
These characters have been re-
vived with such skillful absurdity
that the most mosquito bitten visi-
tor to the outdoor Quirk is guar-
anteed at least to smirk.
THE FAUT o f the lanL-iid

There are moments however,
when a half smile becomes com-
plete and raucous chuckles break
out from the audience. "The Sec-
ret Life of Walter Mitty"; through
a combination of the Thurber wit,
which edges into man's most in-
timate daydreams, and the fine
"split" performance of Dale Bel-
laire who plays the muffled hen-
pecked hubby living a life in de-
lusions of grandeur is a main
attraction of the "Carnival."

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