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May 04, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-04

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Sir i!an



Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom

L. LXXVI, No. 1$

........ AW

Galbraith Discusses Colleges
In Public and Foreign Roles





Universities and colleges will be
an increasingly powerful force in
public life, especially in matters of
foreign policy said ?rof. John
Kenneth Galbraith of the eco-
nomics department of Harvard
University here Saturday.
Speaking at the spring Com-
mencement, Galbraith said that
recent experience with United
States policy on Viet Nam has
demonstrated the growing power'
and participation of the university
community in foreign policy.
"The chance, last year, of a
concensus in support of our policy
in Southeast Asia was lost when
the universities could not be per-
suaded. The reaction in Congress
University participation will not
be neutral. he said, and the only
question remaining is how they
will participate. "I venture to
think that what the country be-
lieves about a man or a policy is
likely to be what the universities,
believed a few months ago."
Galbraith said university polit-
ical concern is not a passing phase

like golfish swallowing as much of
Washington would probably like
to hopefully think.
This is much too optimistic on
the part of the politicans, he said.
"The question affecting peaceful
survival or conflict have a natural
interest for a young community of
better than average intelligence.
Additionally the draft arouses a
measure of interest in foreign
policy even among the more
evangelically apathetic."
The effect of the new university
participation, Galbraith explained,
is to create for foreign policy
"what the political scientists call
a client group." Farmers tradi-
tionally keep an eye on the Agri-
culture Department and labor un-
ions observe the work of the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board.
By contrast, he said, no great
citizen group has ever made the
foreign policy establishment an-
swerable to it. As a result, the
State Department, the Pentagon,
and other foreign policy agencies
"have had unparalleled freedom
from organized pressure by or-
ganized information," and they

have developed the habit of "ex-
pecting the public to accept the
official truth on a very large
range of matters."
'Client Group'
The rise of the academic com-
munity as a "client group" on
foreign policy is changing all this,
Galbraith continued. "University
communities mistrust force, are
deeply committed to collective ac-
tion and the rule of law, and have
been taught to be skeptical of
official truth."
At all these points, he said, I VeSig RilR
there is conflict with official hab- isrestsgaticg
its or tendencies. "The predictable
consequence will be a sharp de-
bate on foreign policy between the
universities and the government
in the months and years ahead. I
do not think this is a bad thing." Anti-Draft Movement
Galbraith said most of the views At Yale, Wesleyan
of the universities will prevail be-
cause they train the people and In FBI's Inquiry
have "a much greater capacity for
affecting the ultimate climate of Students for a Democratic
belief which, ultimately, will be Society will be among the groups
the determining influence on included in a Justice Department
action." investigation into the anti-draft
But, Gailbraith also pointed out, movement, according to Attorney
universities are not without their
own shortcomings in public af- General Nicholas Katzenbach-.
fairs. Their members will not be Although t h i s announcement
effective "unless they abide by a was made last October at a Chi-
few rules of sound political be- cago news conference, actual in-
havior," he said. quiries by federal agents have only
To be effective, Galbraith said, recently begun. SDS National Se-
professors and students must not cretary Paul Booth identified Wes-
be guided by "wishful thought." leyan University in Middletown,-
He cited the assumption by many Conn., and Yale University as the
academic people "that we had only sites of these preliminary inquiries.
to offer negotiation in Viet Nam Booth indicated that investiga-
and the offer would benaccepted. tions had been made at Yale dur-
"This insistence upon negotia- ing the past month because ofj
tion as a goal did not allow for SDS attacks on the American role
the seemingly obvious possibility in the war in Viet Nam and the
that the other side could reject sale of an anti-draft pamphlet.
negotiations." University people, He asserted .too however, that
he added, must learn to "resist SDS activities had been strictly!J
wishful thought and submit to the legal
discipline of reality."
Galbraith, himself an outspoken Wesleyan University
critic of U.S. policy in Viet Nam, At Wesleyan University Michael
also urged members of the aca- Seagly, news editor for the Argus.
demic community "to make a clear said that an FBI agent recently
distinction between public action asked Dean Stanley Idzerda for al
and political catharsis." list of all campus SDS members.'
To win public acceptance of an Informing the agent that Wesle-E
idea, he said, the citizen can work yan did not have such a list, Id-
with legislators, or he can seek to zerda refused to divulge anyt
elect lawmakers with whom he names, according to Seagly.



... _ _ _



department has won the Pulitzer Prize in music for his composi-
tion "Variation for Orchestra."
The music prize was awarded Monday for the first time since
Bassett's work was first performed in the United States by
Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra on Oct. 22, 1965
in Philadelphia.
Bassett said he considers the variations "one of the most
deeply motivated musical statements I have made."
* * * *
College of Education has passed a resolution expressing opposi-
tion to the use of national competitive examinations and grade-
point averages to determine Selective Service draft deferment.
"We reject as invalid the premise that tests or grades can
predict the future contribution that a student will make to so-
society. We reject as unjust the premise that students who are
competent but not outstanding are less deserving of continuing
their education without interruptions than their classmates," the
adopted resolution said.
M * '
spelled out some difficulties in maintaining high student morale
at the University to the Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs recently.
Some of his points were:
* Entering students often react negatively to the contradic-
tion between the high ethical ideal and scholastic ideal that we
publicize and the fact of indifferent or unethical treatment that
they receive from faculty and administration.
* Many students view their admission to the University as
a terminal reward for proven achievement in public or prepara-
tory schools. The new burden placed on them here scholastically
encourages criticism--and our students are sufficiently ingenious
and articulate to criticize effectively.
* Lack of faculty concern for students provokes additional
resentment, especially when it leads, as the student sometimes
believes, to a trap where we offer him either immature teaching
fellows or incompetent and fossilized professors.
* The accelerating transfer of faculty allegiance from the
Univeristy to a professional discipline may inspire proportionate
student alienation from the institution. Instead of a community
of scholars, the Universty becomes a comfort station for com-
muters destined for their particular professional firmament via
the appropriate bureau or foundation. Bright students draw
accurate conclusions from this and view the University as a part
of embarkation rather than the brief, best finishing school of the
$1,075,000 to the Michigan Alumni Fund during the past ten
A check for that amount was presented to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher during the annual alumni luncheon last
weekend held in conjunction with the 122nd University Com-
Now in its 13th year, the fund has received more than $6172
million since 1953 from more than 200,000 donors.
More than 200 different projects are supported by the fund
including faculty awards, student scholarships, student aid, the
president's fund and alumni activities.
* * * *
Secondary Schools has continued "for the time being" its accredi-
tation of St. John's University in New York City, where at least
60 faculty members have been on strike since January to protest
the dismissal of 21 colleagues.
However, the commission said that the university had made
"grevious errors" and that it would "not hesitate to revoke the
accreditation" at a future date.
The striking teachers have said that the 21 were dismissed
because they sought a greater voice in the Catholic university's
affairs. The major reason given by the university for the dis-
missals was "unprofessional conduct."
v1Iri'r the American Association of University Professors

heads are full of room numbers, class numbers, courses. Lines are full of people with che
to be x-rayed. Wastebaskets are full of carbon copied mistakes.
Ford Gies U'Grain

P r~lorthwood
Completion of Units
At North Campus
Planned for 1967
A final project statement
400 new "townhouse" married s
dent apartments, drawn up in
main by a student committee, 1
been authorized by the Board
{ . The Regents approved constr
tion of the apartments, to be b
on North Campus by the spring
1967 and to be financed by
College Housing Act, shortly a]
the Daily suspended publicat
for the winter term.
Half of the units are to c
tain two bedrooms, 40 .per c
threw bedrooms and 10 per c
one bedroom. A few will be u
homas R. copi furnished.
The new housing project, to
called Northwood 4, will allow
sts waiting present Northwood Apartments
married students.
Vice-President for Business a
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont s
that rent for a two-bedroom .
will run $115 per month, less ut
ties, and estimated that stude
could save $20 to $25 over w
they would pay for similar fac
ties rented f 'om ap rivate own
He admitted that privately-o-
ed townhouse apartments rent
political sys- as low as $99.50 per month,k
noted that these are unfurnish
program will require down payments and h
ute of Public higher utility costs.
idies relation University administrators h
terns of the praised the student housing
a number of visory committee's work in dra
ing up the project statement
Near Eastern the Northwood 4 group. Fran
tudies' train- Shiel, assistant to iPerpont, s
gram will also that the statement presented
the legents approval had b
that will be "changed a little" from the co
dy of certain mittee's original work but tha
conomic his- was "generally the same."
id a program Students have sat on build
the Mediter- committees working on the c
is being con- struction of Oxford Suites a
iropology de- Mary Markley Hall, but never
fore have they played sucl
second larg- major role in determining the t
o universities of housing they will live in at
d in interna- University.
Asian studies. Committee member Robert G
eceived $6.3 er, Grad, said that the Univer
See REGENTS, Page 2

can work or he can try to per-
suade the public and through then
influence legislation and policy.
"There are also the more dra-
matic forms of political activity-
the demonstration, march and
picket line. Emotionally, they are
far more satisfying, but I frankly
doubt that they are a fraction as
effective," he declared. "To iden-
tify one's self dramatically with
an idea is not always to serve it."

Wesleyan was the scene last
month of protest against the Viet
Nam war including an eight-day
fast that was held in conjunction
with those of several other New
England colleges. A recent article
in the Brown University (another
New England school) Daily Herald
revealed that William A. Surpre-
nant, director of Brown's student
See SDS, Page 8
- - - - - ---- --


The Ford Foundation has grant- international scholars for individ-
ed the University $4 million to ual study.
extend its research programs in Smith indicated that $1,750,000
international s t u d I e s, President of the money has been allocated
Harlan Hatcher announced Mon- for 11 projects developed by the
day, literary college and by the Uni-
The funds, for a five year per- versity's five foreign centers-Chi-
liod, will be used to maintain the nese, Japanese, Near Eastern and
work of existing foreign programs, North African, Russian and South
expand several current- research and Southeast Asian.
projects, and initiate new over- The Business Administration
seas programs. and Law Schools will receive
Vice-President f o r Academic, $1,550,000 to agument their inter-
Affairs Allan F. Smith said the national programs. $300,000 has
grant also would provide salaries been slated for support of re-
for eight teaching posts and one!search and publications in the
releasing Center for Research on Conflict
librarian's position, thus e sg Resolution and the Center for Re-

ment of democratic
Another expanded
be that of the Instit
Administration on st
to the behavior pat
bureaucracy within;
developing countries.
The Center for r
and North African S
ing and research prog
be expanded.
The two programs
continued are a stu
key aspects of the e
tory of East Asia an
on social networks in
ranean area, whichi
ducted by the anth
The grant was the
est of six awarded t
and societies engage'
tional research andj
Yale University r

Mrs. Wallace Wins in Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. UP)- - Mrs.
George C. Wallace, 39, whose gov-
ernor-husband tapped her to suc-
ceed him when the law kept him
from running, won yesterday's
Democratic primary so soundly
that she avoided a runoff.
Despite a massive outpouring of
Negro votes aimed at stopping a
Wallace victory, Mrs. Wallace led
the 10-man gubernatorial field al-
most from the start of the vote
As the returns poured in from
around the state, her lead mount-
ed. In county after county-even
where Wallace was weakest four
years ago-she led.
In the Black Belt-the heart of
the Negro voting strength-three

Negro candidates for sheriff led
their white opponents. No returnt
were in for four other Negro-white
sheriff's races in the Black Belt.
So there was exultation in the
air for both ardent segregation-
ists and integrationists. For the
smashing Wallace victory, in the
case of the former; for the pros-
pect of Negro sheriff nominees in
the latter.
Unofficial returns from 1,319 of
the state's 3,654 boxes gave: For
governor: Mrs. Wallace 162,694;
Atty. Gen. Richmond Flowers 47,-
444; former Congressman Carl El-
liott 24,358; state Sen. Bob Gil-
christ 19,979; businessman Charles
Woods 14,011; former Gov. John
Patterson 12,284.

U.S. Sen. John Sparkman, run-
ning against three opponents fox
renomination, also was an easy
winner, with good chances to avoid
a runoff.
Negroes voted in record numbers
bulwarked by heavy registration
under the effect of the 1965 Voting
Rights Law.
Even with Mrs. Wallace report-
ed a heavy favorite, they had hop-
ed in advance to force her into a
In Ohio Republican Gov. James
A. Rhodes swept to easy victory
and a young state senator raced
toward nomination to oppose him
this fall with a fourth of the re-
turns in from Ohio's primary elec-
tion yesterday.
See MRS., Page 3

search on Economic Development.
The new projects in the literary
college include programs of re-
search and training in compara-
tive economics involving the econ-
omies of the Soviet Union, China,
Eastern and Western Europe and
the United States, and an inter-
disciplinary study of comparative
processes of national development.
A new study of international or-
ganization will be begun, along
with a program in comparative
historical studies.
The political science department
will extend its study of party and
representation systems in political
integration and development, and
the Center for Russian Studies'
program on comparative commun-
ism in the Soviet Union and East-
ern Europe will be expanded.
Also being planned is an exten-
sion of the research program of
the Center of South and South-
east Asian Studies on the develop-

Congress SustainS
Nan Set-up

A $2.95 billion higher education
bill passed by the House recently,
minus an administration provision
designed to save $160 million next
year, will most likely assure the
University of being able to grant
student loans in the manner it's
been accustomed to.

The Daily Spirits--A Takeoff on the New Look

The Michigan Daily is an effi-
cient, respected and intellectually
recognized organization. Most of
the staff is fairly intelligent, con-
servative, distinguished and alert.
That is, during the winter.
But it is spring: the royal coun-
tenance of Editor Killingsworth is
somewhere in Guatamala giving
superior glances to coffee beans;
editorial master Harvey Wasser-
man is vacationing in the land of
tee-shirts and beanies-summer
camp, while his associate, Robert
Carney is currently touring Lon-
As these traveling editors tour
distant lands and make lanieits,
remaining Daily editors have
taken over the significant task of
publishing a coherent, respectable
facsimile of wisdom and witticism.
Naturally, much assistance is
The remaining forces are lodged

and plenty of space. Since the
season is still early, in-group jokes
have not had time to become for-
mulated so there is still time for
you to rush over and become an
object of ridicule.
More specifically, there are jobs
of all sorts: features, news, re-
views and sports. There are photo-
graphs and advertisements waiting
to develop, movies and concerts to
be reviewed and editoiials to be
Pictured to the left; the past
spirits of The Daily, the life force
which has kept The Daily on its
toes during previous summer sea-
We invite you to visit the Daily
this spring and summer and meet
the competing spirits of this
season: Clarence Fanto and Leon-
ard Pratt.
Even if you are not outsandingly
respectable, intellectual, conser-

The bill, wisked through t
House, wil. lalso provide gear
for the construction of colle
facilities. Left out of the bill w
an administration proposal to sh
the emphasis on the student lo
program from federal financi
under the National Defense Ed
cation Act to private financing.
For 1967, existing law provid
for $190 million in federal finan
ing for student loans, with $
million at most in 1968.
Assistant Director of Financ
Aids Karl Streiff called the nev
passed bill "encouraging" but sa
it was too early to know exac
what significance the bill wou
have for the University.
Early this year when Johns
announced his intent to request
switch to private financing, a
banks indicated an unwillingnm
to cooperate if the program we
adopted, the University and ur
versities across the country e
perienced a slight scare.
However, Streiff said the Ur
versity has felt secure for sor
time now that it would be able
obtain a good percentage of t
$1.5 million in federal funds it
requesting this year for stude
The University last year rece
ed all of the $1.28 million it h.
requested, after an earlier cut
about $200,000.
For construction grants :


r f




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