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471 ily,
sunny skies
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
- Ville ?irtjigcIt 3 ai ty
Set Faculty
To Aid OAA
Plan Evaluation of
Opportunity Awards,
Tuskegee Programsi
Late World News
CAN THO, South Viet Nam (P)-Premier Nguyen Cao Ky
said early today his military regime intends to stay in power
"at least for another year."
Ky also told a news conference that if the civilian government
that will eventually emerge from general elections is neutralist
or Communist "I and my friends will fight it."
Ky said the elections, expected to be held some time between
Sept. 15 and Oct. 1, will elect only an assembly charged with
drafting the nation's constitution.
Once the constitution has been drafted, Ky said, another
vote will be held to elect a legislative assembly which, in turn,
will appoint a civilian government.
and announced yesterday that if a student taking the forth-
coming draft deferment exam doesn't want to be-fingerprinted
he won't be.
In response to protests over the fingerprint .requirement laid
down earlier, the system said other positive identification will be
accepted. No examples were provided, a spokesman saying this
will be decided by Science Research Associates which will
administer the exams.
clarified the criteria by which graduate students may continue
their 2-S student deferments.
"If the student has been accepted for admission for a degree
by a graduate or professional school to the first class commencing
after the date he completed requirements for admission; and if
the school has certified that he is satisfactorily pursuing a full-
time course of instruction leading to the degree; and if in his
last full-time academic year prior to entrance in the graduate
school he has achieved a scholastic standing on that year's work
within the upper one-quarter of the male students in his class
or has attained a score of 80 or more on the Selective Service
qualifying test, the student will be eligible for continued defer-
ment," the statement by Lt. Elven Higdon of the national Selec-
tive Service office in Washington said.
The requirement that a student have attained a top-quarter
ranking based on his senior year of work or have passed the
Selective Service test with a score of at least 80 applies not only
to students entering graduate studies this fall but also to current
graduate students who are candidates for a master's or doctoral
TEACHING FELLOWS will meet Tuesday night to formulate
plans for an eventual link with the American Federation of
College Teachers. The group is seeking higher salaries and better
working conditions here. The teaching fellows have met with
University administrators several times but have reported little
progress toward fulfillment of their demands.
* * * *
crippled $67 million in University projects and other construction
jobs throughout Michigan continues with little sign of an
imminent break. The strikes are entering their fifth day.
PROF. ALMANDO VEZZANI of the University's School of
Education and a widely recognized authority on vocational
education, died Thursday at the age of 60. He had bren a
member of the University faculty for 22 years.
STANLEY THAYER, former Michigan state senator from
Ann Arbor and Repubiican Senate Majority Leader, has announc-
ed his candidacy for the Washtenaw County Circuit Judge
position. His move ended speculation that he might oppose Rep.
Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) in November's election for the
House of Representatives in Washington.
The Office of Academic Affairs
announced yesterday the appoint-
ment of a 15-member faculty
steering committee to work with
the OAA in coordinating Univer-
sity programs on the "development
of academic opportunities"-con-
centrating on programs which
bring Negroes in contact with the
. University.
The committee has been divided
into three subcommittees, each of
which will study and help plan
three University programs. The
first, the Opportunity Awards
Program, two years old, brings to
the University students who are
economically unable to otherwise
attend the University without aid,
and who "in many instances have
not had the cultural exposure" of
most students.
From 65 to 75 students, mostly
Negroes, are recruited each year.I
The second program, the Inter-
institutional Exchange with Tus-
kegee Institute, in operation since
1963, arranges for exchanges of
faculty and students between the
two institutions.
The third program concerns
"the recruitment of Negro facultyl
and staff members." Vice-Presi-j
dent for Academic Affairs Allan
F. Smith has asked the committee
to consider the University's posi-
tion relating to Negro faculty
The committee will work to set
up ways to bring potential Negro
faculty members to the attention
of departments with openings.
They will also give assistance with
housing problems and questions of'
Associate Dean Norman R. Scott
of the engineering school has
been named chairman of the com-
hittee. He says the committee was
formed because the OAA wanted
to have a faculty group coordinate
thlese prgrams11!. Scott said the
crt ion of suchI a rotp oes not
imply any changes or expansion
is being considered, but such ac-,
tion might be taken.
He noted that, for example, the:
Opportunity Awards program is in:
operation only in the literary col-
lege and the engineering school,
and the faculty committee, as the
central coordinating group, could1
act to expand its scope,.
The chairmen of the three sub-
committees are William Schlatter,
assistant to Smith, Prof. Ralph
Gibson of the psychology depart-
ment, and Robert Marion, admis-
sions counselor.
Other committee members in-
clude Profs. Donald Brown and
Edgar Epps of the psychology de-
partment, Leonard Greenbaum
and Rudolf Schmerl of the Eng-I
lish department, Melvyn Semmel
of the education school and
Assistant Dean Hayden Carruth{
of the literary college.
B lames Kerr
For, Actions.
Homosexual Behavior,
Sexual Promiscuity
Termed Widespread
The California State Senate
Committee on Un-American Acti-
vities yesterday released a -de-
tailed report on student activity
at the Berkeley campus of the
University of California: It de-
scribed the campus as "seething
with Communist and homosexual
activity," and blamed University
President Clark Kerr for this.
Thedcommitteecharged that
Communist-oriented students and
non - students have made the
Berkeley campus the nationwide
center for the anti-Viet Nam war
movement, under Kerr's adminis-
tration. Sexuality and sexual pro-
miscuity, the senators suggested
are rampant.
Kerr termed the report distort-
ed and inaccurate, claiming it con-
tained half-truths and situations
taken out of context. He repeated
his challenge that the report be
presented outside the protection
of legislative immunity. He also
renewed his offer to appear before
the committee at an open hear-
Rehires Professor
The senators also charged Kerr
-Daly-Thomas R. Copi
Students outside Martha Cook dormitory find if difficult to resist the attractions of the great outdoors, despite the studying which
accompanies the opening of classes.
Sehaadt Sees No Dorm Fee &Hike
Sex eral admini-t rators, pos:,i)y
, w Of a no1her encounter wit ha
le7'4iaIve invstigating eommittee
and more threats to reduce siale'
appopriiatiOns,7have, ni 6cted ir
that atwo-veHal trend in hikin
dormitory room and board rates
wGill not coni u', despite rising
food and labor cos l ts.
Residence Hall Business Mana-
ger Leonard A. Schaadt said that
the elimination of Sunday night
meals and a reduction in employs
made possible by students busing
their own dishes should eliminate
the need for another dorm fee
He said the cut in services to
keep rates at the samA leve hasj
been made n(cessary in one in-
stance by the drastic rise in food
prices over the past six monthsI
If the prices continue rising at
the same rate they have been.
Sri madt est imat -d thtnat the rst-
dece hall budget x would have to
accommodate a five to seven per
cent increase for food.
Pay increases for dorinitory em-
ployes is another factor figuring
in the service cut back. Schaadt
insisted that "no one knows" at
this time how much of a raise
will have to be accounted for or
how it xvill affect the budgeting
of residence hall funds.
If food and labor costs increase
too drastically to be handled by
available funds, the University has
the option of deferring until the
following year five per cent of
the debt-servicing payment it
makes annually. Dormitories are
operated on a self-liquidating
basis, financed by bonds which!
are paid back from the excesses
in fees after the deduction of
operating expenses.
Though Schaadt says the Uni-;
versity hopes not to use the de-
ferment next year, it could be
used and the five per cent sum
paid back the following year with-j
out too much strain being placed
on the residence hall budget.
CORE Gives Citizen Tour of Slums
By SUSAN SCHNEPP Congressman Weston Viv'ian <D- gerous health and sat(ty coiidi-
. Ann Arbor), who also took the tions.
Exposed wine fixtures, sloping tour, said that while a Relocation After the tour, Vivian comment-
floors and sagging porches. Buckl- Agency would be a necessary part ed that he was "pleased to have
in lit' nanrA imp and I,
ing- «as, cornaemne nouses ana
a house inside a junkyard,
These were only some of the
sights that opened the eyes of
about 100 Ann Arbor citizens as
they toured several houses in their
city's slums yesterday afternoon.
The local chapter of the Con-
gress of Racial Equality (CORE)
sponsored the "Tour For Better
Housing," its second, in an
attempt to bring Ann Arbor's sub-
standard housing and building
code violations before the public
Franklin Ferguson, chairman of
CORE's Housing Committee, spoke
to the citizen group gathered at
the Ann Arbor Community Cen-
ter and said that the purpose of
the tour was to bring into focus
two things.
First, he said, CORE wants to
bring to the public's attention the
lack of code enforcements in the
Secondly, there is a definite
need for Ann Arbor to set up a
Relocation Agency to provide
emergency housing for people
who hae hen frored to mo 'nut
of any renewal project, there CORE bring to the attention of
seems to be little need for it until the people just what the situation
there is some low-cost housing in is."
which to relocate the people. The crucial questions that lurk-
The citizen group viewed lpre- ed beneath the sui'face thiough-
liminary slides, then boarded yel- out the tour were stated succinctly
low school buses to personally in- by Taylor. "What." he asked, "is
spect the code violations and dan- the city's responsibility?"
Many people who have been!
forced to leav( their homes must
mov(' to Detroit, Ypsilanti or other
cities because there are no places
in Ann Arbor, Taylor said.
"Is this to be the tool for Negro
removal?' Taylor asked.
And again, "Is the city so con-
cerned about Negro removal that
it must overlook building code
Reserve funds for repairs and'
for pledging income for new build-
ings will not be needed for at
least a few years, since several
dormitories have recently under-
gone major repaiis. Administrators
. therefore feel that, with the com-
pletion of 1200-student capacity
Cedar Bends I and II and Bursley{
Hall within the next few years,
the student population, to be
'strictly limited by a freezing of
the freshman admission level, will
be sufficiently housed without
more new buildings.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit> of
the Higher Education Subcommit- ;
o Celebr(
The University's department of
journalism, whici offered the na-
tion's first course in newspaper
writing, will observe its 75th an-!
niversary with a day-long program
at North Campus Monday.
The program will also com-
memorate more than 40 years of
service to the department by re-j
with being instrumental in rehir-
tee of the House Committee on Schaadt explained the discrep- I ing a teacher, Eli Katz, who had
Ways and Means last fail launched ancy between dorm rates here and been previously fired, the commit-
ted said, because he lied about
an investigation into the financial at other state schools by citing the his past when he took the state's
affairs of the University fter an- high property values in Ann Ar- anti-Communist loyalty oath.
nounced tuition and dorm fee bor and the high wages imposed Katz, a professor of German
hikes. An audit prepared for com- by Ann Arbor being included in taught at Berkeley in 1963 but his
mitte(e investigations showed that the Detroit high labor area. He contract was.not renewed for 1964.
the University charged the highest also contended that the University After faculty protests, however.
rates of eight. state-supported offers "somewhat better services" Katz was offered his job back and
schools offering similar services. in general than other state schools. is scheduled to return to Berke-
_-__-- -ley this fall.
Kerr had been told by an un-
W named "but responsible" federal
agency that Katz was still con-
/ netted with Communist activities:
the committee said. The senators
Jrivia .ent And W in . further attacked Kerr because he
had failed to take steps to block
By BETSY COHN graphs: landscape, people, acci- therehiring.
dents, parties, and the experimen- Information Available
There is a huge amount oI tal In response to these accusations
trivia being slung around nowa- The Michigan Daily is not run Kerr said, "complete information
days. In fact, shrewd, mustachioed by shrewd, mustachioed business- on the Katz case was made avail-
publishers are hauling in a large men, but rather by the curious able to Chancellor Roger W.
sum of money just by selling the and clean-faced. Its subject mat- Heyns prior to his decision on the
answers to questions such as: Who ter is the non-trivia which hap- employment of Katz.
was the first mayor of Doodeyville pens everyday. Heyns, commenting on the sit-
did Capt. Kangaroo feed Mr To be effectually non-trivial, we ptpontsaid, "Here i a document
Green Jeans or how old was Clark must have a staff of serious mind- study of the Berkeley campus, yet
Kent when he began to sprout ed, significant people, factual re- no one from the subcommittee has
wings? porters who realize that life i ever spoken to us about it. They
wigsr not a bowl of candy-coated lath-hanoaseusw ttefct
The insigignificant drivel has er; but rather, that we are living areo uhtmyinterpretaion
also been splattered on movie in a tough and real world smack
screens and between softback book in the middle of a pot of egg- of events." described the report
covers of nude women casting plants as a "tiresome rehash of issues
wicked glances into tarnished mir- If you are a person of signifi Concerning the hiring of pro-
cance, if you are adamant about fessors, Kerr said, "the University
This is becoming the age of stopping the torrent of trivia of California has a policy against
popcorn and cotton candy, lots of which is sweeping the country; the employment of members of the
puff and frills with no significant hasten quickly to The Michigan Communist party. I voted for this
substance. Daily, 420 Maynard and ask for policy as a faculty mer ber in 1949.
Fortunately, there are still some the substantial figures of Char- I have supported it ever since. The
onions and peppers left; things lotte, Betsy, Bud or Clarence. report does not name a single one
with substance and character (The first mayor of Doodeyville of the over 50,000 employes of the
Things like news: political, state. to retire was Queen Gunga when university as a current Communist
national; deaths, medicine, discov- she realized she was being spon- party member. On January, 1962, I
eries, hockey games, movies, opin- sored by Wonderbread and Mr. wrote Senator Hugh Burns (chair-
ions, thoughts, observations, bab- Green Jeans ate prune yogurt and man of the committee) asking for
ies, thermos bottles, administra- Clark began sprouting at the age any evidence that the committee
tion, university news, plus photo- of 36.) has on this .matter. No reply has
ever been received. I repeat my
Kenr's fa dntouphold a for-
De art ment P a s mer rule forbidding use of the
campus for off-campus political
causes allowed "a left-wing dom-
ination of the campus scene," the
ite 7 Yeas Serice ommittee charged.
To support the charge that ho.-
mosexuality was prevalent at
tor of the Detroit News; Arthur' Prof. William Porter of the de- Berkeley, the committee cited a
Bertelson, managing editor of the partment will moderate a 3:30 story in the Daily Californian, the
St. Louis .Post-Dispatch, and Wal-'p.m discussion on "The Challenge student newspaper, which report-
lace Carrol, editor of the Winston- p ,, ed that 2700 of the school's 27,-
Salem Journal. The-discussion will of Change. Panelists will be Earl 000 students were homosexual.
begin at 10:30 a.m. at the North Gottschalk, science writer for the "The statistic was provided by
Campus Commons. St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Robert Harold Call, president of the Mat-
Luncheon speakers include Louis Achorn, managing editor of the tachine Society of San Francisco
Seltzer, former editor of the Cleve- Worcester, Mass., Gazette; Lester a group devoted to protecting the
lini Pre and Cleve Mathews of-- , , ' _ -A;'n_ -.+. , ri-'ht nf homosexuals." said Jim
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