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July 22, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-22

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See Editorial Page



Fair and cloudy;
warmer Saturday

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Pollu tion,

A ger,


"They're already beginning to
gather again we can see them
from our front porch . . . a jeep
just went by loaded with National
Guardsmen and machine guns...",
Last night's telephone interview
with University students currently
working for Cleveland's East Side
Community Union gave little in-
dication that the city's racial dis-
turbances would soon come to a
conclusive and satisfying end.
"The guardsmen may leave,"
said Stan Kaplowitz, '66, "but a
whole lot of resentment will re-
main. The riots, and the looting
and vandalism that followed, were
not provoked by a single incident.

and demands that the police chief cidents and occupation by National had occurred the night before mick have both been accused of
and safety commissioner be im- Guardsmen." illustrating the extent of con- advocating police brutality.
mediately fired cannot easily be The students described the tempt and resentment police are "The people complain that the
Cleveland situation in general as under.
met yorti istocher is urealist- being "really tense." It's like "One patrolman," Ayers related, called,"Ayers said, "and often
we're under a seige, Ayers com- "disguised himself as a National they appear to do more to aggra-
a permanentypeace can come to mented. "Guardsmen walk around Guardsman that he could walk va a situation h tothe ,
the co" with bayonets fixed, and machie down the street without being Verbal abuse is high on the list
Kaplowitz and Bill Ayers, '68. guns line passing, jeeps. They re- jeered at." He mentioned too that of local complaints, as well as
explained that the disturbances semble storm-troopers," he added. passing fire trucks equipped with brutality and even the complete
have not been the sole work of But Kaplowitz and Ayers were police protection are greeted with ignoring of someone in distress.
teenage vandals, nor have they quick to point out that the Na- cries of "Yeah, firemen . . . Boo, "They don't seem to want to get
been isolated. "Those who believe tional Guardsmen are not meeting ,ocie"Thedo"'Ayemsownrted e
that only a 20-block area in Hough with the hostility that confronts p
has been affected," said Ayers, local police. "The residents sense Cleveland police have seemingly Ayers referred to a meeting
"are mistaken. The Glenville dis- that the guardsmen are merely done little in the past few years which took place yesterday which
trict, where we are and where a doing their jobs, and the guards- to encourage the faith of the sought to determine the causes of
local minister was killed during men don't give the people the ver- residents and inspire confidence in the disturbances and find a way
the protests two years ago, is also bal abuse the police do." their abilities. Police Chief Wagner to aleviate the tensions. He de-
experiencing rock-throwing in- Ayers recalled an incident which and safety commissioner McCor- scribed the meeting as "stimulat-E

ing," noting that both teenagers
and adults were in attendance.
The people drew up a list of
demands which included the re-
quest of Wagner and McCormick's
resignations, more police respect of
residents, more supervised play-
ground facilities, more Negro po-
lice who better understand the
Glenville and Hough problems,
the extermination of the city's
rat population (a $3 million proj-
ect), more traffic lights on Lake-
view Ave. and better law enforce-
Ayers said, however, that the
Cleveland communities would not
be pacified with temporary solu-
tions to what he called "the long-
term problems of segregated and

inferior education, oppression, and'
He quoted one Negro woman
resident of the Glenville area as
explaining the situation this wav:
"Children grow upon Lakeview
Ave. in the midst of poverty and
ignorance. They know only frus-
tration and hate, and frustration
and hate can only be expressed
through violence. Slums are a vio-
lent situation in themselves and
cannot permanently be put down.
They will always continue to
Ayers commented too that there
has been no outstanding Negro
leadership during the four days
of disturbances either from within
the rank and file of Negroes or

from without. "The only thing of
significance we've heard," he said,
"was the request of one Negro city
councilman for martial law." And
here Ayers added, "You don't oc-
cupy a really free people,"
Kaplowitz, Ayers, and other Uni-
versity students working in Cleve-
land this summer say they are not
afraid . . . just a little "nervous."
They see no political motives be-
hind the racial violence this week
. just a lot of frustration and
"The weather is cool," concluded
Ayers, "and a breeze is coming
off the lake." But he doubted that
tempers would match weather
forecasts in Cleveland this wee-


- --- - ---------- -- -

Group Here Nir Miktgat aily
From France NEWS WIRE
Faculty from Aix,

Marseilles To Lecture
in Summer, Fall
There are 50 French students
and 10 professors from the univer-
sities of Aix-en Provence and Mar-
seilles currently visiting the Uni-
versity. They were invited as part
of the Junior -Year Abroad pro-
gram co-sponsored by the Uni-
versity and the Universities of
Wisconsin and Aix.
In addition, there will be 10
members of the Aix faculty here
as lecturers, visiting professors and
teaching fellows in the fall.
This program offers 40 students
from Madison and Ann Arbor the-
opportunity to study at Aix en
Provence, France, for one year.
Prof. Michel Benamou, of the
French department and director
of the program said that an ex-
change of ideas and personnel has
accompanied the stay of the Jun-
iors abroad over the last four
Dean Hill of Wisconsin ani
Dean James H. Robertson. asso-
ciate dean of the literary college
extended an invitation to 120 stu-
dents from Aix and Marseilles to
come to Madison or Ann Arbor.
The purpose of this invitation is
to establish a two-way bridge to
ipoethe prog;ramn.
Benamou said that the visit this
summer is intended to serve three
-To repay the hospitality giv-
en our students in Aix and to
foster more of it.
-To acquaint the different
communities with each other, and
-To pave the way for a recipro-
cal visit next year.
Mrs. Clifford Miller, director of3
the Visitor's Program at the In-
ternational Center; Mrs. Ann De-
sautels, Mrs. Miller's assistant;
Dean Robertson and Benamou
worked together to insure both
that the visiting professors and
students would have places to stay
and would enjoy an eventful visit.
Fifty Ann Arbor residents of-
fered living accommodations. The;
visitors are the guests of Ford
Motor Company, Hudson's and will
be the guests of the Greek Theatre
in Ypsilanti tonight.

Late World News -
33}' lThe 1SSO('ledIPr"es
yesterday to say what will be done with 19 North Vietnamese sail-
ors captured recently during a Tonkin Gulf naval engagement.
There was unofficial speculation the seamen might figure in
any efforts for an exchange of U.S. servicemen held by the North
WASHINGTON-PRESIDENT Roy Siemiller of the striking
Machinists Union said yesterday he saw no hope for a quick
settlement of the two-week-old airlines strike which is costing
the economy millions of dollars and untold inconvenience to
Siemiller, who stepped personally into the deadlocked ne-
gotiations for the first time yesterday, said he could not argue
with estimates that the strike against five major airlines could
last as long as another two weeks.
* * a e
NEW YORK-DEMIOCRATIC Senator Robert Kennedy is
reported to have said he will back former Michigan Gov.. G. Men-
nen Williams in seeking a U.S. Senate seat if Williams beits
Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh in the upconiing DemIocratic
NEW YORK -- AN li-YEA R-OLD Negro boy xxo >dhmL to
death last night during the buildup of racial tensions i the East
New York section of Brooklyn, police reported.
Police said the boy apparently was struck by a sniper's bullet.
Several hundred Negroes were collected on street corners in
the area, many armed with bricks, bats and bottles, when the
shooting occurred.
The Negroes said they had armed themselves against what
they told police were the attacks of whites.
SAIGON-TWO UNITED STATES planes went down over
North Viet Nam yesterday to raise the total lost in the war to
300, U.S. military headquarters reported early today.
Raiding .American planes encountered what a spokesman
described as "numerous" surface-to-air missiles during strikes
on oil depots and communications lines yesterday.
TOKYO - COMMUNIST CHINA rallied nearly a million
persons in Peking today to demonstrate support for North Viet
Nam against "U.S. aggression," the official New China News
Agency said.
lion Chinese people provide powerlul backing for the Vietnames
people," NCNA said.
President Liu Shao Chi told the demonstrators "the 700 mil-
BOGOTA, COLOMBIA-TWO bombs, which exploded almost
simultaneously, caused extensive damage yesterday to buildings
housing the U.S. consulate and a police officers' club. No one
was injured but the explosion knocked out electric service and
communications in both buildings.


'U To Use
Power Gift
For Theatre
Decide To Construct
$4 Million Structure
With Donor Funds
The University, after almost a
year's hesitation, yesterday an-
nounced plans to use a gift esti-
mated at $1.3 million from Eugene
Power, a former Regent, toward
the construction of a $4 million
1,426-seat theatre.
It is anticipated that both pro-
fessional and student groups will
use the structure, the University's
first new stage facility in 35 years.
The building, is being designed by
Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo, and
Associates, of Hamden, Conn.,
while the stage is being designed
by Jo Mielziner, of New York.
The project disappeared from
public view last September, when
an editorial critical of its finance
ing appeared in The Daily, The
editorial stated that the gift would
have meant the diversion of serce
University funds-to make up the
difference between Power's con-
tribution and the total cost-to a
nonessential project.
University officials say the fi-
nancing has changed since then.
Power's gift is now a part ofthe
$55 Million Fund Drive, from
which the additional $2.7 million
of the total cost must come before
construction can begin, Marvin L.
Niehuss, executive vice-president
explained yesterday.
The gift, made up of stocks, puts
the $55 Million drive at a total of.'
about $43 million, Niehuss said.
Plans call for the theatre to be
built on Fletcher Street, between
Huron and Washington Streets
facing Felch Park.
The theatre's stage will ccmbine
proscenium and thrust designs,
with either use being possible. Two
turntables will be included on the
An orchestra pit which can ac-
commodate as many as 52 players
is also called for.
Maximum seating capacity in
the plan is 931 on the main floor
and 495 in a balcony. Capacity will
vary depending upon -whether the
orchestra pit is used and upon the
arrangement of the stage. None of
the seats will be further than 67
feet from the stage.
Backstage facilities will include
dressing rooms, a shop, storage
space for sets and costumes, a
separate rehearsal room and a
green room.
The Professional Theatre Pro-
gram is expected to have offices
on the first floor of the building.
The University Musical Society
and such student groups as the
University Players and MUSKET
are also reportedly interested in
using the proposed theatre.

The above model is of the proposed new theatre building, to be financed by a gift of over $1 million from former Regent Eugene Power
and with funds from other private sources,
Cleges Try oint Operations in
EfJfort To Keep Expenses Down

By SHIRLEY ROSICK A prime example of the trend is campuses in the 1964-65 period. tatives from their institutions to
To hold down costs and at the the Committee on Institutional Wisconsin sent 19 students to study the plan for pooling re-
same time provide better instruc- Cooperation, based at Purdue Uni- other campuses. The University, sources.
tion, colleges increasingly are pool- versity, of which the University, during the same period received During the CIC's formative
ing resources in joint ventures along with the other Big Ten the largest number of traveling period, the concept of a "seed
ranging from sharing libraries to schools and the University of Chi- scholars-43, with Chicago re- grant" was developed and given
allowing students actually to at- cago, is a member. ceiving the next to the greatest support from funds awarded by
tend classes at another institution. One of the CIC's prime aims amount-24. the Carnegie Corporation. The
The government and some foun- is the broadening of graduate The University hosted students plan calls for granting small sums
dations are encouraging the trend study opportunities as cheaply as in the departments of political of money to permit faculty from
by favoring such ventures in possible. One of its latest projects science, linguistics, art, astronomy, various universities to meet and
grants and research contracts. is a facility called a "biotron," German, English, government and discuss projects.
- - being built on the University of in the music school. The depart- CIC members have called this
in which temperature, humidity ments of linguistics and political type of funding as extremely help-
and other conditions can be pre- science were the most frequently ful in developing cooperative or-
cisely con trolled to permit the visited. The lack of visiting schol- ganizations like the CIC, since
'tudy of climates and how they ars in natural sciences seems hard large government grants are made
affect humans. 'w to explain, in view of the fact that only after an idea has been de-
The biotron will cost $6 mil- a recent graduate school survey veloped into a coherent program
lion. "If each of the 11 universi- g a v e those departments top statement,
ties had built one, we would be '; ratings. In addition to its traveling
out $66 million," said William The idea for the CIC took form scholar program, the CIC has in-
Deminoff, CIC's associate director. in 1958 when the presidents of stituted a number of other proj-
Another CIC project involves the eleven Midwestern universities ects--in foreign languages, study-
more than 100 graduate students, decided to form a voluntary as- abroad programs and studies in
who make use of a "traveling sociation and appointed represen- course content improvement.

scholars" program that enables
them to go to another member
campus to get instm'uction. This
has become increasingly desirable
because of the growing tendency
of such students to pursue new
fields of study,
Traveling Scholars
Foi' instance, one student cur-
rently participating in the travel-
ing scholars program is working
for his doctorate at Northwestern,
University. He specialized in elec-
trical engineering as an under-'j
graduate, but his doctoral disser-
tation will deal with the mechan-
ical properties of muscle fibers.
To do some of this work, he is

Living Costs Jump .3% in June
Top 6-Month Rise in 8 Years
WASHINGTON (AP - Living He said this compared favor- nearly 10 per cent.
costs rose three-tenths of one ably with other nations which had Average after-tax wagesrof some
per cent last month, rounding experienced price hikes between 6 17 million factory workers re-
out the biggest six months of and 14 per cent in the past two mained at $99.22 for those with
rising prices in eight years, the years. three dependents and $91.35 for

Labor Department said yesterday.
Substantial price hikes for food,
medical care and mortgage in-
terest rates were the biggest fac-

"I'm not suggesting this is a
silver lining," Ross added.
Food prices went up four-tenths
of one per cent in June because

single workers but higher prices
cut their purchasing power by
about 25 cents a week.
The June price increase brought

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