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Light winds today,
warmer Friday
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Interest in the August 2nd
Democratic primary seems to be
focused increasingly on the Wil-
liams-Cavanagh race, as the day
of decision draws nearer.
Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh
and -former Governor G. Mennen
Williams are both hoping to win
the Democratic nomination for the
U.S. Senate position left vacant
by the late Sen. Pat McNamara.
They both have been campaign-
ing throughout the state all week,
meeting and speaking to potential
supporters. Their approaches to
the campaign, however, are at
opposite ends of the political pole.
Cavanagh claims a strong de-
sire to "discuss the difficult, com-
plex, and controversial problems
of our times," and has repeatedly
challenged the ex-governor to pub-
lic debate on any terms Williams
might set.
The Detroit mayor is directly
critical of Williams' policies and
positions in his campaign speeches,
and often challenges him to take
a stand on issues such as the war
in Viet Nam, the size of welfare
benefits, and the possibility of na-
tional wage guidelines.
Williams, on the other hand,
doesn't even mention his oppon-
ent's name in his speeches, and
continues his refusal to engage in
public debate.
Several television networks, as
well as the Detroit Press Club,
have invited the candidates to
appear in debates. Cavanagh has
accepted, Williams refused, all of
The essence of the Williams
campaign is the ex-governor's per-
sonal popularity. He is well known
through the state, and appears to
be comfortably ahead in the race
to date.
His speeches are primarily di-
rected against the Republican
nominee, Sen. Robert Griffin, and
he appears confident that he will
meet Griffin in the senatorial
Cavanagh, however, is far from
giving up. His staff believes that,
although he is behind in the race,
Williams' support has reached its
peak, while Cavanagh's is rising.
The Detroit mayor is hoping to
get a large proportion of the as-
yet undecided votes-and these
appear to be quite a few. Cava-
nagh's staff took a poll several
weeks ago which showed 40 per
cent undecided.
And a Detroit News poll taken
this week indicates as many as 17
per cent of the voters undecided
when Cavanagh and Williams were
respectively matched against Grif-
However, reporters following the
election are wondering whether
the "undecided" are concerned
voters or merely not interested
enough to vote at all.
Another speculation is that
Cavanagh has more support than
the polls reveal, mostly from young
people. When both candidates ac-
cidentally appeared at the same
factory gate Tuesday to greet the
workers, it was reported that many
were apprehensive about talking
to newsmen. This was attributed
to the fact that their local of the
United Steel Workers has en-
dorsed Williams, and shop ste-
wards were at the gate with the
Both candidates plan extensive
campaigning in the 12 days until
the primary, and it seems likely
that the tactics of both will re-
main the same: Williams making
general liberal statements, con-
centrating on projecting an image
of solid experience and trust-
worthiness; Cavanagh, pressing for
public debate, and trying to force
the campaign into a battle of
specific issues.
Accept Bids
u Id an Bai For Huron
NEWS WIRE 'High School
Late World News
By The Associated Press
SAIGON-TWO MORE U.S. warplanes were shot down b
the Communists yesterday, the U.S. Command announced ear
today, raising to six the number of American aircraft down
over North Viet Nam this week.
Seven American fliers were lost with their planes yesterda
and listed as missing.
A spokesman said the two craft were shot down by groun
fire, but did not indicate whether this was from antiaircra
artillery or missiles.
WASHINGTON-THE AIRLINE talks reached the pointe
another apparent breakdown last night despite President John
son's urging of round-the-clock negotiations to break the 13-da
"I don't know if we'll ever come back," said an obvious
angry union vice president, Joseph W. Ramsey.
Chief airline negotiator William J. Curtin said manageme
would refuse to make an offer for the striking Machinists Uni
to present to its members without a contract agreement.
The development came after Secretary of Labor W. Willa
Wirtz had denounced the union vote plan as "pointless," "into
erable" and "a farce of collective bargaining." Wirtz's strop
statement and Johnson's pleas apparently served only to del
for a few hours the union's announced intention to take wha
ever was the latest company bargaining offer and present itt
the striking employes for what is viewed as almost certain r
jection in the absence of a formal agreement.
BOCHUM, GERMANY-Four Germans were sentenced to li
imprisonment yesterday for their part in the wartime murderc
1,700 Jews at the Nazi Neu Sandez Death Camp.
They were former Police Inspector Heinrich Hamann, 5
laborer Johann Bornhold, 62, retired Police Sergeant Brun
Baunack, 63, and enigineer Josef Rouenhoff, 54. Other defendan
received prison terms ranging from three to 10 years.
ANDREW FALENDER, '67, has been appointed to the R
gents' student advisory committee for the selection of the Un
versity's next President in 1967. Falender replaces Edward He
stein, Grad, who resigned because of academic problems, Laure
Bahr, Grad, summer chairman of the committee, said recently.
DURING THE PAST YEAR, Michigan governmental an
political leaders greatly strengthened the University's Historic
Collections' holdings on public affairs, says F. Clever Bal
Alvin M. Bentley, former Congressman, of Owosso, and r
cently appointed Regent of the University, presented six boxesc
Congressional correspondence as the first installment of a com
prehensive collection of his papers, says Bald. "Gerald R. For
minority leader, House of Representatives, added 12 feetc
Congressional correspondence and other papers to his gifts. Mr
Lawrence established the Howard Lawrence Collection with
gift of her husband's papers.
Gov. George Romney gave the manuscript of his "McDivit
White Day" address, and Mrs. Elly M. Peterson, Michigan Sta
Republican chairman, added 200 items to her papers, large
relating to her 1964 senatorial campaign.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY yesterday signed four bills settin
up conflict of interest regulations on all government employ
increasing state grants to local school districts for driver educ
tion, establishing a water pollution control fund and implementm
Board of Education ". f
Decides More Delay
Would Be Useless
With only one dissenting vote
by the Ann Arbor Board of Educa- < '
ly tion accepted bids totaling $9.3
ed million for construction of Huronr
High School at its meeting last {
ay night.
After two hours of questions
ad and comments from the specta-r
ft tors and explanations from board
members in a crowded Little The-
atre of Ann Arbor High School,
of the vote, a seeming formality, was
n- taken.
ay William C. Godfrey, who had
stood apart from the other board
ly members in advocating further de- ,
lay in order to redesign the school,
cast the dissenting vote.
on The board's decision was greet- K . -
ed with applause from most of the
rd spectators. In the period allowed M
for comments and recommendla-
tions from the public on the is-
ng sue, not one person advocated a 3, h 4
ay further delay.
t- The main issue confrontingthe
to badhad been whether or not ~
e- they should spend several million
dollars more for the new school -Daily-Thomas R. Copi
than the voters authorized when ANN ARBOR BOARD OF EDUCATION TRUSTEES Felbeck, Prakken, Godfrey and Julin are shown at last night's board meeting.
fe they voted for bond issues. (See story elsewhere on this page.)
Sporadic in
Hough Area
Firebombs, Looting
Mark Third Night of,-
Racial Disturbances
By The Associated Press
Firebombs were hurled last night
in widely scattered, sporadic van-
dalism in and around Cleveland,'
Ohio's, Hough area, Negro section
sealed off by National Guardsmen
after two nights of rioting.
"They just threw a gas bomb at
us," a policeman radioed from one
spot. "They've got them stacked
behind a pole."
Firebombs-bottles of gasoline
with a wick - ignited numerous
small fires, the fire department
reported. Rock throwing, window
smashing and looting occurred in
some spots but disorders were on
a much smaller scale than on the
previous two nights.
A large crowd of Negroes smash-
ed store windows shortly, after
dark in an area about two miles
east of the section where rioting
Monday and Tuesday nights left
two dead and 24 injured.
Guardsmen joined police in
wide-ranging patrols.
A crude firebomb was hurled
from a car and gushed into flames
outside a hotel. But it failed to
ignite "the building. An armed
guard was posted inside the hotel.
The doors were locked.
"They're throwing bottles at
us," a policeman radioed from one
location. Another officer said
stones were hurled at a transit
car in still another spot.
But in the original riot area of
Hough, all was quiet in the first
hours of darkness under the tight
restrictions imposed by guardsmen.
Only residents or motorists on
official business could get in or
More than 800 guardsmen were
on patrol at dark. Police Inspector
Gerald Rademaker said guards-
men and police patrols were rang-
ing over an area 70 blocks wide.
In Chicago, meanwhile, the riot
zone was placid during the day,
but 1,700 National Guardsmen re-
mained on alert in armories. The
soldiers stayed off the streets
Tuesday night for the first time
since Friday, and officials said it
was "very, very quiet."
At Jacksonville, Fla., City Judge
John E. Santora cracked down on
Negro vandals after two straight
nights of violence, and law en-
forcement officials beefed up their
forces to halt a wave of rock
throwing and fire bombing which
began Monday.
Santora sentenced 10 persons to
jail. He told parents who came to
get their teen-age children that
he was not following a custom of
releasing young offenders to par-
ental custody.
"I am not releasing anyone
taking part in assaulting the per-
sons and property of our-private
citizens and policemen," the judge
said. "I don't like to do it-but I
am not going to tolerate this brick
The board president. Prof.
Stephen Withey of the psychology TIE
department, said the board has I1
about $22 million in funds, from
which the needed money will come..
Godfrey argued that since the
taxpayer money that had been
planned for some other use would
go to finance the new school, the
taxpayers should have a chance to
vote on the issue.
Another board member, Joseph
Julin, also was somewhat perturb-
PH~ a nt . InA~ii c 41,4i. nxrn. rnnnnr
Education Commissioner Asks
Granting of More NJJEA Funds
but said he was voting for ac-
ceptance of the bids because he A new plan presented to the
felt the need is very great. . United States Senate Education
Julin said he blamed the great Subcommittee this month by Com-
a loan from the Commission of bill suggesting NDEA financing
Education instead of a federal changes on March 1, opposition
capital contribution. cane early from universities
rise in cost of the school on the
delays in planning and lack of
competitive bidding. He agreed
with Withey that past "delays
have been tragic," and he could
see no sense in delaying again.
Members of the public spoke
up at the meeting to express their
support for acceptance of the bids.
Several brought petitions express-
ing this sentiment.
Others spoke up to say that
perhaps the new school would;
shortly be as overcrowded as Ann
Arbor High School is now. The
sentiment was expressed that
when planning starts for a third.
city high school, the board will
look back at the price of Huron
High School and say it came
missioner of Education Harold
Howe II may provide an additional
$30 million for NDEA loans to the
nation's colleges in the current
fiscal year.
Howe. in presenting his request,
said the extra money was needed
because approved requests for loan
funds from the colleges and uni-
versities totaled $213.5 million,
while the amount presently auth-
orized for loans is only $190 mil-
He also said that because of the
operation of the state allotment
formula, colleges in certain states
"would receive only 53 or 54 per
cent of their approved requests."
Under Howe's plan, colleges
which desired to could obtain their
student loan funds in the form of
GI Survival Chances Good in Vietnam
Institutions obtaining a loan
would be relieved of their present.
obligation to provide one-ninth.
matching funds but would still be
liable for 10 per cent of any col-
lection losses.
Notes executed by institutions!
for the loans would be sold
through the Federal National
Mortgage Association to private
investors in a sales participation
pool. Proceeds from the sales;
would go into a revolving fund'
from which additional loans to in-
stitutions could be made.
Howe emphasized in his testi-
mony before the Senate subcom-
mittee that the process "does not
involve banks or financial institu-
tions in any way in the student
financial aid affairs."
"It does not alter in the slight-
est the terms affecting student
borrowing. Loan forgiveness, in-
terest rates and the like remain
as at present. Neither are institu-
tions affected other than positive-
ly, since they will now be able to
free up their matching funds for
NDEA purposes and direct them
at their discretion to the host of
financial needs afflicting every in-
stitution of higher learning," he
Howe said his proposal resulted
from "a quite extended re-study
of the entire problem" following
the House Education Committee's
rejection of an earlier adminis-
tration proposal to shift the fi-
nancing of NDEA loans to the
commercial lending market.
President Johnson had revealed
on Jan. 25 a plan to shift the
financing of NDEA loans from the
federal government to a privately
The $2.95 billion higher educa-
tion bill passed by the House in
May. awaiting Senate approval,
left out the provision to switch
financing to private sources, sus-
taining the old set-up, where the
government provides loans to uni-
versities that supply matching
Vice President for Business Af-
fairs and Treasurer of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Robert Ker-
ley, testifying in favor of Howe's
plan before the subcommittee said
the new proposal "has great
merit" and "may very well pro-
vide a solution to the problem of
competing demand for funds."
Kerley was also testifying on
behalf of the Association of
American Colleges, the Association
for Higher Education, the Asso-
ciation of State Colleges and Uni-
versities and the National Asso-
the country as well as from
expected to finance loans
the proposed changed set-
ciation of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges. He told the
subcommittee that "we see cer-
tain advantages and, at the mo-
ment, no disadvantages" in the
Kerley also supported provisions
in the pending higher education
bill authorizing $453 million in
the current fiscal year for grants
for undergraduate academic facil-
ities, $60 million in grants for
graduate facilities, $200 million in
loans for both graduate and un-
dergraduate facilities and $30 mil-
lion in aid for so-called develop-
ing institutions.
While supporting the proposed
amounts for academic faciulties,
Kerley pointed out that they "will
not meet the need."
"Looking ahead, we can see no
alternative to asking you in future
years to give us greater, assistance
in the building of needed aca-
demic facilities," he said to the
subcommittee. "I refer not only to
much larger authorizations, but a
sharp increase in the federal share
so that all institutions may par-
ticipate in carrying the load of
increased student enrollments."
WASHINGTON (P) - Mounting
Viet Nam casualty figures mask
an essential fact for all draft-age
American men: The average GI's
chances of leaving Viet Nam alive
are five times better than during
the Korean War.
Of the next 1,000 men inducted
into the Army, only eight probably
will be killed in action, current
official figures show.
"Thousands of men are poured
into the Army every month and
must pass through a great series
of manpower filters before a rela-
tively few will wind up in Viet
Nam assigned to rifle companies
because they volunteered. More
than 4,000 men asked for Viet
Nam assignments in the last re-
porting month.
About 300,000 men will be draft-
ed into the Army under current
plans for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1967. And based on cur-
rent strength requirements in
Viet Nam, a Pentagon spokesman
estimated one-third of the total
will see service in the war zone.
Army officials are quick to add
that any radical change in the
Viet Nam situation could rapidly
alter such figures but barring
some unforseen turn, such as the
in Viet Nam is classified as sup-
port personnel - everything from
cooks, supply clerks and typists
to helicopter mechanics and truck
drivers. Almost one out of three is
in the supply network.
A Pentagon spokesman said
even men assigned to such com-
bat-bloodied units as the 1st Ca-
valry, Airmobile, Division run an
excellent chance of getting a job
behind the lines. He said in the
average 16,000-man division, about
6,000 to 7,000 men actually are
caught up' in day to day combat
This would place the number of
Pentagon figures show it is far
less dangerous to be in Viet Nam
than to have been in either World
War II or Korean combat zones.
The current annual battle death
rate in Viet Nam is about 24 per
1,000 Army men stationed in the
country. In Korea the figure was
136 and in World War II it stood
at 103 per year, the Army says.
Assuming a draftee is sent to
advanced combat training and
then given orders for Viet Nam,
there are still further refinements
in the lottery of death.
Those assigned as ordinary
riflemen have a survival edge over
School of Education Looks for
Summer Counseling Subjects
By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE to expand their services to Uni- wrong we're right on topo
:rnei iSad Maven
f it,"
Although there are many com-
plaints among students about the
lack of counseling services, it ap-
pears that there is a counseling
laboratory here in need of people
to counsel.
'T~h rwrmplng .a. tnv
versity students.
Educational Counseling
The program is designed for vo-
cational and educational counsel-'
ing. It is intended to help those
who are doubtful about their vo-
cation, or who have no vocational
Haven added that many of the
counselors are involved in per-
sonnel work in the Office of Ad-
missions or in the various offices
of the deans as part of their train-
The laboratory is located in