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July 14, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-14

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US. Bases in Spain May Be Politically Exp


Is };

By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER granted workers a limited right to
Associated Press Special Correspondent strike. The Franco government is
MADRID-For a dozen years working on a new law to establish
the United States has relied on air freedom of religion in this over-
and naval bases in Spain to help whelmingly Catholic country.
support American forces com- In its foreign policy Spain aims
mitted to the defense of Western at establishing new economic and
Europe. Today Spain's price for defense links with its neighbors
continuing these bases is going to in Western Europe and with the
be in terms of diplomatic support, Atlantic alliance. To achieve these
not in terms of economic aid or goals Spanish leaders want Wash-
military hardware. ington's help. Failure to get it
Spain is beginning to make rev- could jeopardize renewal of the
olutionary changes in both its in- base agreement, which comes up
ternal and foreign policies. for negotiation again in 1968.
At home it has moved toward Seek U.S. Aid
greater press freedom and has Though no Spanish policy mak-

er puts it in such precise terms,
the Spanish government is look-
ing to the Johnson administration
-Help overcome strong politi-
cal opposition in some West Eu-
ropean countries, dating back to
the Spanish Civil War 30 years
-To accept Spain as a mem-
ber of the North Atlantic Treaty
-Support Spain's now active
interest in joining the six-nation
European Common Market, which
Spanish leaders consider vital to
their booming economy, and

-Adopt a sympathetic attitude
toward Spain's claim for sover-
eignty over Gilbraltar, a British
bastion at the Atlantic entrance to
the Mediterranean for 260 years.
Base Agreements
The U.S.-Spanish base agree-
ment, made in 1953, partially
broke this country's isolation from
the West. American economic aid
in the years immediately follow-
ing helped to begin the moderni-
zation of the Spanish economy.
Initial political changes have been
undertaken more recently but in
the view of foreign diplomats here

are likely to be accelerated in the in the status of Gilbraltar. Traf-
future. fic between the British territory
Spanish officials believe the time and Spain has been slowed down
is at hand for other countries to by Spanish border authorities. Di-
make a place for Spain in the plomatic talks have been started
Western European and Atlantic on the issue, which could become
communities. They argue that the a serious quarrel between two
civil war which put Generalissimo friends of the United States.
Francisco Franco in power has Gilbraltar Issue
been over for 27 years and their American officials say the last
pro-Axis neutrality in World War thing they want is to get caught
II ended more than 20 years ago, in the middle of this dispute. But
The Franco government's most no one denies that the Spanish
direct action so far under its government has a leverage on this
emerging foreign policy has been issue as on others because of the
to put pressure on Britain, begin- presence and importance of the
ning early this year, for a change American bases here.

An authoritative Spanish view are asking that Spain's flag, as a
of the relationship between the two symbol of Spanish sovereignty, fly
issues-Gibraltar and the bases- over "The Rock" alongside the
goes like this: British flag, just as the Spanish
Britain gained control of Gibral- flag flies with the American flag
tar under the Treaty of Utrecht over American bases in Spain.
in 1713, taking advantage of in- If the Gibraltar problem is solv-
ternal Spanish dissension. The ed to Spain's satisfaction, offi-
Franco government contends that cials say, they see no difficulty on
agreement must be revised. Offi- this score in continuing the base
cials argue Gibraltar is a foreign arrangement with the United
military base and colony on Span- States. They say if it is not solv-
ish territory. ed, popular resistance must be ex-
They say they are not asking pected to develop against all for-
Britain to yield complete control eign bases in Spain, including
over Gibraltar and get out, they those of the United States.

Begin Purge
In Opposition,
To Soviets
Albanian Drive Aired
At Prime Enemy of
'True Communism'
MUNICH, Germany (P-Com-
munist Albania, Red China's only
ally in Europe, appears to have
launched a Chinese-style purge.
against "the remnants of the ex-
ploiting classes."
As in the current wide-ranging
purge in Peking, Albania's drive
against opposition elements holds,
,up the Soviet Union as the prime
enemy of true Communism.
The Albanians even say they
are organizing "Secret Revolution-
ary Committees for the Defense of
Stalin" in resistance to Soviet
leaders. They give no details, how-
Radio Free Europe reported yes-
terday the indications of an Al-
banian purge. The radio noted re-
cent speeches by Premier Mehmet
Shehu and party chief Enver Hox-
ha broadcast by Albania and mon-
itored by the private, anti-Com-
munist organization.
Radio Free Europe siad Hox-
ha, in a speech broadcast by Ra-
dio Tirana last Friday, told of "a
hard-fought struggle" being wag-
ed against "the remnants of the
exploiting classes, the remains of
the bourgeois ideology."
Hoxha attacked "those among
our people who with their work
and behavior display all kinds of
alien and dangerous concepts for
the Socialist ideology."
Shehu spoke of "hostile ele-
ments which emerged from our
ranks during the process of class
warfare," and added: "One should!
not forget for a moment that the
birth of revisionism in the Soviet
Union and elsewhere was not
brought about by external factors
and not as a result of external
aggression, but by internal fac-
tors, by the creation of a stra-
tum of privileged elements among
whom the principal group was
made up of the bureaucrats with-
in the state and party apparatus."
Hoxha disclosed the "Secret
Revolutionary Committee for the
Defense of Stalin" in his speech
but he did not elaborate.
In a broadcast Wednesday, Ra-
dio Tirana underlined its close
ties with Red China with a vig-
orous attack on Indian efforts to

Gandhi S
That Han
MOSCOW (W)-An impression
that Communist North Viet Nam
wants to end the fighting has
spurred Indian Prime Minister In-
dira Gandhi on her mission to
Moscow to seek a Vietnamese
peace, informed sources said yes-
Tough announcements coming
out of Hanoi, the North Vietna-
mese capital, insisting that the
United States first get out of South
Viet Nam have done little to sup-
port this impression.
But the sources said infornma-
tion reaching India is that Presi-

purred on by Rumors
oi Wants To End War


ficult for the Russians now to do Union, as co-chairmen of the 1954
anything about Mrs. Gandhi's Geneva conference on peace in
peace plan, even if they wanted to. Indochina, "should immediately
Mrs. Gandhi's peace plan was convene a meeting of the Geneva
made public last Thursday. This conference.'
was several days before an unof- "We would appeal for an imme-
ficial French envoy, Jean Sain- diate ending of the bombing of
teny, arrived in New Delhi from North Viet Nam," she said. "This
two Hanoi talks with Ho. should be closely followed by a
The oiil4t n t l d cessation of hostilities."

Union Has
Not Changed
Its Demands
Government Mediator
Claims There Is A
Hope for Settlement
WASHINGTON (P) -- Assistant
Secretary of Labor James J. Rey-
nolds, government mediator in the
six-day-old airlines strike, said
yesterday the two sides are still
very far apart.
But there is a clearer framework
of understanding, although there
has been no change in positions
sma the vlk,. t by th ALh CITO.

SAIGON (2)-U.S. jet bombers,
slashing again at North Viet Nam's
oil supplies and transport, wreath-
ed a tank farm in smoke and
flames during multiple raids yes-
terday that stirred two old Com-
munist MIG-15 fighters aloft for
a look.
"Both MIG's avoided contact,"
a U.S. spokesman said yesterday.
A Hanoi broadcast subsequent-
ly declared North Vietnamese
fighters shot down two U.S. raid-
ers over Ha Thay Province on
Wednesday. There was no confir-
mation in Saigon of such an ac-
Air Offensivej

can Air Force and Marine planes
of a Red staging area 38 miles
north of Qui Nhon, on the coast
260 miles northeast of Saigon.
The most spectacular strike of
the day in the drive to wipe out
fuel and lubricants for Hanoi's
war machine was against the
Dong Nhan oil storage area, 16
miles northwest of the port of

Draw MIG's in Multiple Raids

Haiphong. It was executed by car-
rier-based Navy pilots, who said
two large tanks had gone up in
flames and a third was probably
The Navy reported black smoke,
rising to 20,000 feet, was visible
140 miles away. The smoke col-
umn evidently could be clearly
seen in Hanoi, 60 miles to the west.

.Lli srs1ia yWUS 1o rule (UL
here that India might have got
advance word on what Ho told
Sainteny. But there was no con-
firmation that he was the source
of the Indian impression about
4.J4.'O .AO

The International Control Com-
mission would "safeguard the
standstill arrangements," Mrs.
Gandhi said. Under the Geneva
agreement. the commission is sup-

World News Roundup


dent Ho Chi Minh of North Viet While planes pressed the air of-
anois attitude.he p o reId ia istch irmoanwhItin f eernaaAscin o f M- Whepanspsedteiro-
Nam was in Peking in late June An earlier special envoy to Ha- the accord. India is chairman, with International Association of Ma- ifensive, Viet Cong gunners shot
and may be there again now try- noi, Canada's Chester Ronning, Canada and Poland as members. chinists last Friday against five down three U.S. Army helicopters
ing to get the Red Chinese to agree came away with an impression Mrs. Gandhi arrived Tuesday on airlines, Reynolds told a news con- in areas from 15 to 80 miles from
to some sort of truce. Red China of indefinite North Vietnamese a visit originally scheduled pri- ference d Saigon. The Communists seemed
has been most bellicose in calling toughness, contrary to the Indian manly for discussion of Indian- there a'think o agist the U eors
all U.S. peace overtures trickery. indications. Soviet relations. An India official there is anything in the situation against the 1800 U.S. helicopters
Furthermore, Peking has asso- Mrs. Gandhi proposed three steps reported that she had begun dis- that cannot be resolved by the par- that lend mobility and fire sup-
ciated the Soviet Union with U.S. toward peace in Viet Nam. cussing her Viet Nam ideas with ties in a matter of hours if there port to allied ground forces in the
peace efforts, making it most dif- She said Britain and the Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. is a real will to do it." south.
However, Reynolds said there is In all, six of the craft have been
...... ..... a aareessonboth sides of their down
'"**s* ''a : E1:an awareness on shot down this week at a cost of
responsibility to the country to get 13 allied soldiers killed, 5 wound-,
ofi with the job of settling the ed, and 1 missing. Such losses of
L) AILY OFFICIAL B JLLETIN strike. He said both sides realize these craft have averaged far less
that a dispute by a relatively few than one a week in the past. The
persons has Inconvenienced a total since 1961, excluding those
.. ..,. ............................,....**..**** gratman Aeriais.destroyed on the ground and
The walkout by 35,000 machin- wrecked through mechanical fail-
The fDaily Oftirial Bulletin is an Programs: To be distributed at Hill reau of Appointments for appointments t akint Nytw, mans urekis no 182.
oficial puhiivahon of the Univer- Aud. open today, 764-7460. ISts against Northwest, Trans u nd oprisg.e
sity of Mirh'gan ror which The Candidates who qualify for a doctoral World, Eastern, National and Ground operations again were
Michigan RaIly assumes no editor- degree from the Graduate School and POSITION OPENINGS: United has halted 60 per cent of iited ,
tal responsibility. Notices should be WHO ATTEND THE COMMENCEMENT Library of CongresshWashington,s.C. the nation's air travel, The air-
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to EXERCISES will be presented a hood -Men and women needed for work on. lines and the union's e mer however, reported finding the n the
Room 3519 Administration Bldg be- by the University at the ceremony. state-of-the-art summaries of Soviet ss members ieS of 71 Viet Cong killed in the
prmli.ation and by pdaymFriay Frech and Geman Objective Test' scientific research in various areas of are losing an estimated $8 million bombing and strafing by Ameri-
for Saturday and Sunday. General The Objective Test in French and Ger: physics. Equivalent of third year level daily. -----
foSatsrdayandpunsd aGeneal TheOnjectivenest indFrynhan Gr-teading knowl. of Russian and BS in United announced in Chicago
Notices may be published a mart- man administered by the Graduatemuoftoiheonrqs;Ba Physics.
mum of two times on request; Day School for doctoral candidates is sched- that it plans to furlough 7,780
Calendar items appear once only. uled for Thurs. afternoon, Aug. 4. Huntington Alloy Products Division, non-striking union contract em-
Student organization notices are not from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Natural Sci- International Nickel Co., Inc., Hunting- n t g it
accepted for publication. ence Aud. ALL students planning to ton, W. Va.-Grads with less than 5 yrs, ployes on Monday. The company
take the objective test must register Fxper. and BS or MS in Engineering has 17,011 non-union employes
THURSDAY, JULY 14 by Aug. 3 at the Reception Desk of (Metallurgy, Mech.. Materials set., whose present work status is not
the Graduate School Office in the Chem.. Welding, Elect., Indust.), Math afce ytefrog re
Rackham Bldg. and Phys. affected by the furlough order
(i Ciite~f~ia For further information call the Re- National Institute of Health, Beth- now. Dr. Ca r
aF uception Desk. Office of the Graduate esda, Md.-Positions available in Bio., Reynolds likened the situation to
summer Speech Conference-Regis- School, 764-4402. Chem., Biochem., Math. Stat., vio- a logjam which could re resolved Dept. of F
tration, Rackham Lobby, 9 a.m. stat., Psychol., Public Admin., Bus. Ad.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Engrs. BS through PhD levels. high if one or two key logs could be

By The Associated Press
OTTAWA - Foreign Secretary
Paul Martin told the House of
Commons that a committee of
Foreign Office officials was study-
ing the question of whether Can-
ada would support a move to seat
Red China in the United Nations
next September.
WASHINGTON-P r e s i d e n t
Johnson urged the Soviet Union
yesterday to join the United States
and other maritime nations in
exploiting the sea for the benefit
of mankind.
He said the Soviet Union and
other nations would be invited to
take part in the first round-the-
world voyage of a new American
research ship, the Oceanographer,
whicp he commissioned yesterday.
* * *
nist Czechoslovakian diplomats
tried to "bug" the State Depart-

ment building with a hidden elec-
tronic listening device, the depart-
ment charged yesterday.
The department announced that
one of its officials, acting as a
double agent for more than four
years; had gone along in the
Czech efforts climaxed by an at-
tempt to eavesdrop on conversa-



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Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"The Missing Egg," "Golden
Fish" and "Rainshower": Multipurpose
Room, Undergraduate Library, 1:36 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance-Luigi Pirandello's "Enri-
co Iv": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8
University Musical Society Summer
Series Concert-Peter Serkin, pianist:
Rackham Aud., 8:30 p.m.
G'm eralt Notices

settle the war in Viet Nam. SUMMER COMMENCEMENT
It assailed Prime Minister In- EXERCISES
dira Gandhi of India, who is now August 7, 1966
in Moscow, as a "tool of the Unit- To{ b : e hel at 2hp mtin lu.
Execies will conclude about 4 p.m.
ed States imperialism" and said All graduates of the 1966 spring-sum-
"Moscow has become the center mer term may attend.
of combined imperialist-revision- Reception for graduates, their rela-
ist efforts for an immediate con- tives and friends in Michigan League
Ballroom at 4 p.m. Please enter League
venlng of the Geneva conference" at west entrance.
on Viet Nam. TIckets: Four to each prospective
Peking has taken a similar line graduate, to be distributed from Mon.,
and has rejected Mrs. Gandhi's July 25, to Fri., Aug. 5, at Diploma
Department, 555 Administration Bldg.,
proposal for an immediate recon- except on Sat., July 23, when office
vening of the Geneva conference. will be closed.
The Tirana broadcast said Mrs. Academic Costume: May be rented
at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. University
Gandhi's visit to Moscow coincid- Ave. Orders should be placed immedi-
ed with President Johnson's "fev- ately, and must be placed before July
erish campaign to cheat the Viet- 16.
Assembly for Graduates: At 1 p.m. In
namese while intensifying the Natural Science Aud. Marshals will di-
bombing of North Viet Nam." rect graduates to proper stations.
1313 South University
Potato Salad, Bread and Butter....... ..$1.30
Salad, Bread and Butter .............. $1.30

George Sargent, Industrial Engineer-
ing: thesis: "A Discrete Linear Feed-
back Control Theory Inventory Model."
Thurs., July 14. Room 211 West Engi-
neering, at 1 p.m. Chairman, H. E.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Mortson Koerker, Anatomy; thesis: "The
Effects of Hypophysectomy on the Di-
gestive Glands of the Mouse Thurs.,
July,14, Room 4558B A atomy Library,
at 9 a.m. Chairman, B. L. Baker.
Doctoral Examination for Mary Fran-
ces Berry, History; thesis: "The Negro
Soldier Movement and the Adoption of
National Conscription 1652-1865," Fri.,
July 15, Room 3615 Haven Hall, at 3:15
p.m. Chairman, w. R. Leslie.
Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago
-Announces grants for educational
programs for work with emotionally
disturbed children. Programs feature
direct contact with child residential
treatment centers, psych., psychol., so-
cial work, and senior care staff clini-
cal meetings, courses offered by out-
standing practitioners, 5 day per week
for 4 mos. academic and practical 24
hour observation and participation in
children's living. Men and women 21
to 45, BA, Lib. Arts, commitment to
work at least one year following com-
pletion at the Residential Center. 10/10/
66 to 2/3/67.
International Business Machines,
Dearborn, Mich.-Advisor positions to
users of IBM computer systems, sales,
stat., market, reps., systems prog. in
space, intelligence, command, commu-
nications, and fields of IBM product
dev. and engineering. BA/BS/MA/MS in
Astro., Chem., aMth, Physics, Engrg.
and all scientific disciplines. Call Bu-

class ranking is desired. Program Spe-
cialists in Psych. and Soc. with Nation-
al Clearinghouse for Mental Health !n-
formation of the National Inst. of MH.
PhD in any Psych. specialty, Soc. PhD
and ed. or exper. relating to mental
Management Consultants-Needs for
a new plant in Virginia in all areas of
engineering, Quality Control, Data
Processing and Personnel.-
Management Consultants-Two young
drawing and fabrication, other in fer-
rous alloy forgings and rings. BS plus
3-8 yrs. exper.
For further information please call
764-7460, Bureau of Appointments, Gen-
eral Division, 3200 SAB.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
B'nal B'rith Hillel Foundation, Dr.
Carl Cohen, Dept. of Philosophy, "Free-
dom and Speech," Thurs., July 14, 8
p.m., 1429 Hill.
Christian Science Organization, Tes-
timony meeting, Thurs., July 14, 7:30
p.m., 3545 SAB.
Folk Dance Club (WAA ), Folk dance,
with instruction, open to everyone, Fri.,
July 15, 8-i1 p.m., Barbour Gym.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Lec-
ture-discussion (informal), Thurs., July
14, 7:30 p.m., Room 3RD Union.

removed to start the whole batch
flowing down a river.
Secretary of Labor W. Willard
Wirtz said this is what the govern-
ment is now trying to do-to help
the parties "get over the rest of
the hump."
Wirtz added that he does not
anticipate any White House action
and believes the disagreement will
be settled.
Reynolds said the parties now
have a clear framework for dis-
cussions and eight national issues
and 37 local issues now are in bet-
ter focus.
Reynolds said the talks yester-
day morning adjusted differences
as to the costs involved in the
national issues, so that the par-
ties can now move ahead knowing
the dimensions of the demands
and the costs involved.
Reynolds said the parties were
working out a more satisfactory
arrangement for handling mili-
tary contracts on an orderly and
efficient basis.



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