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July 12, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-12

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See Editorial Page

dh4 r i~an


Continued warm;
chance of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Pate rnalis m

EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily reporter
Carole Kaplan spent last semester
at Tuskegee Institute, with which
the University has an exchange pro-
gram. This series is a collection of
her observations and impressions
while there.
Special To The Daily
First of a Four-Part Series
At first glance, Tuskegee Insti-
tute fits perfectly the ideal of a
small college: gracefully arching
trees, winding roads, the fresh
odor of woods and grass, red-
brick-and-white-frame buildings
and a fountain in the center of
campus all add to the appearance
of a place where students and
faculty can live, learn and work
But behind this attractive set-
ting, the Institute has an at-

mosphere less than conducive to the fulfillment of a dream--not
the personal development of its the dream of liberal education-
students. and that dream is still a dominant
At this predominantly Negro force in the school's operation.
school, located 43 miles east of Washington believed that the
Montgomery, Ala., most of the Negro in the United States could
students -- nearly 3000 - live in best solve the problems of preju-
school housing. All eat in one dice and discrimination by prov-
large cafeteria at the center of ing himself able to take a place
campus, whose building also hous- in the white world.
es the Student Union and offices He must not upset the status
of student organizations. quo, for this would only cause
In other words, Tuskegee is, ex- resentment and increased oppres-
ternally at least, a small, intimate Fioin. On the contrary, he should
community with room for each be cooperative, respectful and re-
person to make the contribution, spectable, diligent, devout, respon-
and receive the type of attention, sible and eager to help. He should
best suited to his individual abili- make every possible effort to train
ties and interests. himself for useful, practical oc-
This is not the actual situation, cupations which would, Washing-
however, and neither is it the goal ton felt, make him acceptable in
of the Institute's administration. American society.
The Institute was founded by The Institute was established as
Booker T. Washington in 1881 as a technical and vocational school

which would provide Negro youth Now only freshmen are requir-
with an opportunity to learn use- ed to attend, although many fac-
ful skills, in the hope of accom- ulty members look with nostalgia
plishing this goal. Although the on past days.
majority of its Board of Trus- Rules governing the behavior of
tees was and still is white, the women have been abundant. Until
school has always been run by Ne- a few years ago, all women were
groes. Its policies are conserva- required to be in their residence
tive, with a strong emphasis on halls by 10 p.m.; now, the hours
religion, strict rules governing so- are 10 p.m. for freshmen, and
cial behavior of students and dis- one-half hour later respectively for
couragement of radical actionso-homourslatirsrese iors
and attitudes. sophomores, juniors and seniors,
Although the rules have been with later hours on weekends.
liberalized considerably in the Girls still are not officially al-
past 10 years, this conservative lowed to ride in cars without the
spirit is still dominant in the ad- written permission of their par-
ministration. ents, but this rule is no longer
Until a few years ago, all stu- enforced.
dents were required to attend the Until this spring, girls were not
Institute chapel each week. The allowed to wear slacks or shorts
entire student body marched in on campus. Now, however, slacksI
formation each Sunday morning can be worn except to class and
to the chapel. on Sunday.

These rules are only indications
of a general attitude of paternal-
ism on the part of the adminis-
tration. Students can be expelled
-and each year several are-for
non-academic reasons without
trial or hearing, and the dean
of women is present at all meet-
ings of the student judiciary.
This paternalistic attitude car-
ries over into academics, where
the course of studies is completely
pre-planned for the student in
many fields and departments, with
very little room for individual de-
In the classroom itself, paper
topics are usually assigned rather
than developed by students, al-
though there is often a choice of
several topics. Examinations are
most often short-answer or ob-
Students at the Institute are

resentful of their lack of control
over their own lives and educa-
tions, but this resentment seldom
appears as. anything more than,
general discontent, boredom and;
listlessness. Although there are
small groups of students who are
trying to effect change, the feel-
ing of most is a strong reluctance,
to risk the disfavor of the admin-
istration and faculty. They come
to get a degree they say, and an
education--often in that order-
and they just want to be left alone
so they can graduate and get out.
There seems to be a general
feeling that "something is wrong,
and someone should do something
about it," but questions concern-,
ing what the trouble actually is
and what should be done are rare-,
ly asked.
There are quite a few young

faculty members with new ideas
and new outlooks, but their sug-
gestions go unnoticed. At the end
of last semester, nearly 25 per
cent of the faculty of the school
of arts and sciences left the In-
stitute and, according to a promi-
nent faculty member there, by the
end of the next school year the
Institute will have lost two of its
most popular and liberal admin-
istrators, the dean of students
and the dean of the school of arts
and sciences.
The Institute, because of ad-
ministrative resistance to change
and student apathy, faces the loss
of its youngest and most qualified
educators and a decreasing power
to draw qualified students. Change
comes slowly, however, and at Tus-
kegee recent changes seem to be
of degree rather than kind.

'U' Officials
Make 66-67
Budget Cuts
Gut from Supplier
To Permit Offering
Salary Increases
Work on the University's 1966-
67 budget is almost completed.
V Administrators have been revising
the original estimates to make
room for the $7,733,535 in cuts
necessitated by a smaller-than-an-
ticipated Legislative appropriation.
Top priority has been given to
salary and wage improvements,
so the supplies and equipment por-
tion of the budget has been the
victim of the greatest proportion
of the cuts, according to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Allan F. Smith.
The administrators had orig-
inally budgeted an 8.14 per cent
increase in salary levels. However,
they could not accomplish this
with the amount they received
from the Legislature, said Smith.
The new budget allocates about
5.7 per cent of present salary and
wage funds for merit increases,
plus an additional one per cent
for improvement in staff benefits.
Merit increases are those re-
sulting from promotion and sen-
iority. There were no across the
board salary increases this year.
The policy of giving salary in-
creases top priority continues from
last year. At that time the ad-
b ministration said the relative drop
in faculty pay compared to other
universities had "become a morale
factor." Smith said yesterday that
the faculty reaction to this year's
improvement has been "fair-ly de-
cent," because of increases in the
past two years.
Altogether the administration
has allotted over $7,100,000 for
salary adjustments, staff benefits
and increased staff.
Because of reported serious de-
ficiencies in clerical, technical and
service staffs, over $900,000 was
allocated for extra staff. The re-
habilitation of space remains an
area in serious shortage of funds.
The exact figures on the budget
will not be released until they
have been approved by the Re-
gents Administrators expect to
have the budget printed up in
time for the next Regents' meet-

e WitREganail






Late World News
By The Associated Press
OMAHA, NEB.-A MASSIVE power failure affected nearly
half the state yesterday; measures are being taken to restore fa-
cilities as quickly as possible.
DETROIT-EASTERN AIRLINES laid off 12,000 non-striking
employes yesterday.
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union announced last night that
appropriate government organizations have been instructed "to
take all necessary measures" to carry out the Warsaw Pact
pledge of increased aid for the Communists in Viet Nam.
The announcement said this included measures "connected
with the rendering of economic and military assistance for the
repulsion of American aggression with due account for the
requirements arising from the new phase of the war in Viet Nain"
WASIINGTON-Senate Demoncatic Leader Mike Mnl sfield
of Montana expressed belief yesterday a Senate delegation will
visit Cambodia after the November elections.
Cambodia, which broke relations with the United States alter
leaning toward Peking's orbit, has been accused of serving as a
refuge for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY, supported by the Legislature,
yesterday signed into law a bill making the manufacture and
use of LSD a felony.
THE MICIIIGAN Education Association advised teachers
yesterday to avoid the Warren Consolidated District because, it
said. school officials set pay scales without giving the teachers
a vote, the Associated Press reported from Lansing.
E. Dale Kennedy, MEA executive secretary, said that not
submitting contract terms to a ratification vote by a district's
teachers amounts to an unfair labor practice.
Meanwhile, Lr. Paul Cousing, Warren superintendent, said
the district has asked the State Labor Mediation Board to in-
vestigate the case.
UNIVERSITY LAW STUDENTS will attend class today on
schedule, although Prof. Arthur R. Miller of the law schdol is
stranded in the West by the nation-wide airline strike.
With the cooperation of Ampex Corp. and students of the
University of Colorado Law School, Miller will conduct a summer
class via video tape.
mitted a City-University Housing Proposal to the Ann Arbor City
Council. The proposal asked that a review be made of a recent
zoning study recommending the reduction of the density of
buildings in the central campus area to provide more open


Students To.
AHold Vote on
- OAA Action
Smith Predicts No
Change in 'U' Policy
Regardless of Result
Male University students will
have a chance to express their
opinion of the University's prac-
tice of sending men's class ranks
to their draft boards in a Student
Government Council - sponsored
all-campus referendum this fall.
The referendum will be held
sometime near the end of Septem-
ber, SGC President Edward Rob-
inson, '67, -said yesterday.
The Office of Academic Affairs
recently notified all male students
that it was complying with a re-
quest from Michigan Selective
Service officials to provide the
class ranks of all enrolled men.
Students were given two weeks in
which to notify the OAA if they
did not want their grades sent to
their local boards.
ene, But "this is something that af-
it to fects only students and it is thus
Ledes something that they should decide
for themselves," Robinson said.
Alan Smith, vice-president for
academic affairs, predicted that
any such referendum will have no
effect on University policies. "The
question here is the individual re-'
lationship between the University
and each student," Smith said,
and "it's difficult to formulate a
referendum in a way that will
make it relevant to this relation-
Robinson is now speaking with
representatives of various student
organizations interested in spon-
soring the referendum. So far of-
n said ficers of Voice, the local chapter
lave an of Students for a Democratic So-
espects : ciety, and Interfraternity Council
educate have expressed interest in the pro-
ire not ject.
re od Plans now call for general or-
ebroad ganizational discussions as soon as
tocracy, the fall semester begins. Robinson
plans. to bring the proposal for
so edu- the referendum to the Sept. 8 SGC
em that meeting. SGC will thus vote Sept.
ondemn 15 on whether to hold the referen-
wrong." dum.

"'Then from His presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. And this is the writing that was inscribed: mene, m
tekel, and upharsin. This is the interpretation of the matter: mene, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought
an end; tekel, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; upharsin, your kingdom is divided and given to the M
and Persians." Thus did Daniel the Hebrew interpret the original "handwriting on the wall" to Belshazzar, king of Babylon.
Voce'Revolution'Series Speak
Consilders Spanish Civil Conf liec

More Jobs for Youth Leave
Employment Rate Unchanged

In last night's installation of
Voice political party's "20th Cen-
tury Revolutions" lecture series,
Johnny Weeks, Grad, called the
Spanish Civil War a military ef-
fort calculated to seize power, as
differentiated from the Spanish
Revolution-an effort to seize pow-
er in social terms, by revamp-
ing the social and economic order
within Spain.
Weeks explained the failure of
the Republican party, which was
more reform minded under the
oonservative-supported Nationalist
r party led by Franco, as an in-
ability to draw massive support
from the peasants and to receive
raid on the scale that the Nation-
alists did.
Russian Support
He pointed out that Russia did
, ot give all out support to the
Republicans because at that time
they did not want to alienate the

the knowledge acquired in the by the revolution in Viet Nam, we
seminars. We must keep demon- will become involved in the future
strating to express our viewpoint revolutions of the underdeveloped

to the American public in order
to prevent a consensus of apathy."
Revolutions' Effects
She said that the seminars fo-
cus on the 20th century revolu-
tions in order to determine their
effect on the lives of American
citizens. If the U.S. continues to
follow the precedent established

nations. By analyzing the elements
of past revolutions we can better
understand the elements of to-
day's and discern their effect on
American foreign policy, she said.
Thus, while the Voice seminars
"prick intellectual curiosity" the
demonstrations also play an im-
portant part in the education of

its memberVs. Miss Lipso
that the demonstrations h
educational value in two r
-The demonstrationsi
the participants. They a
mindless but "fit into th
national perspective of dem
of radicalizing people."
-The demonstrations al
cate the public and tell the
"we have the courage to c
our government when it is

try's unemployment rate remained
i unchanged at 4 per cent in June,
although two million teen-agers,
most of them fresh out of school,
succeeded in landing jobs.
Their success brought the total
of Americans at work to 75.7 mil-
lion, a record.
The fact that the over-all un-
employment rate stayed at 4 per
cent, instead of declining, was
taken as a new indication that the
rate of economic growth has been
slowing up.
Tax Increase Unlikely
And this, in turn, is regarded as
another reason President Johnson

Arthur M. Ross, who is known as:
a statistician with a heart, found
cause for happiness and sadness
in the figures:
* The two millioni youths aged
14 through 19 who went to work
won't experience the ills bred "of
idleness and boredom."
0 But Negro youth did not
share in the dramatic increase in
teen-age employment. To be sure,
they had 60,000 more jobs than in
June 1965, but this was about the
same as previous annual increases.
On this score, the commissioner
noted in a special study he coin-
piled over the weekend: "So far
as unemployment rates are con-

Employment of such teen-agers
rose by 2 million, 550,000 more
than seasonal to a record high of
8.3 million.
This reflected both economic
conditions and the effectiveness of
government campaigns to provide
summer jobs for youths, officials
Becau-e o the record number of
teen-agers entering the summer

Spurr Gives Graduate School Favorable
Analysis, But Sees Need for Improvement

job market, teen-age unemploy- French and English whom they
ment at about 1.9 million was were depending on for anti-Ger-
roughly the same in June 1966 as man support. Thus the German-
in June 1965. Italian support added to the well
I organized efforts of the National-
Rat ist party and resulted in victory, he
While the number of unemploy- said.
ed teen-avrers h edArp the 1i usual I ryi f 17 .. ,,, merernm

Stephen H. Spurr, dean of
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, yesterday commented that
in spite of "obvious deficiencies"
within a few graduate depart-
ments, the University is "holding
its own" in the realm of graduate

departments surveyed as to the
accuracy of their ranking.
"Basically," Spurr said, "the sta-
tistical evaluations were pretty
According to a recent article in
the New York Times, the nation's
graduate schools are now facing
a flood of applications and a crisis
of shortages in staff and facilities.
gn,-,.i rna mnPm.that Dlnse

graduates make applications for
admission to four or often more
colleges and universities.
Spurr noted too that while most
graduate schools can expect a 25
per cent return on the accept-
ances they make, the University
has about a 50 per cent return.'
"In other words," said Spurr, "in
order to fill our 3000 places over
three terms we need only to ac-

"to attract people who would pre-
fer to teach graduates and to ex-
pand our facilities at the same
time." He commented, however,
that the Universityhas experi-
enced some minor setbacks in comn-
pleting new buildings on time to
meet the increased pressures.
Spurr said as well that he would
prefer not to call the graduate
school a "school" as such, but

. I





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