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July 02, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-02

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Optional Counseling: Aiding Idealism

Where Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail


NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Learn To Play GO-
'China Will Rise Again'

WHILE U.S. Government officials call
bombings of North Vietnam "stra-
tegic," Sinoists are lolling lazily in their
chairs, with omniscient smiles, waiting.
For they know America is only deluding
itself and, pushing the inevitable Chi-
nese takeover to a more rapid conclusion.
Mao's confidence will prove better
founded than Lyndon's, and "China Will
Rise Again," but not in the way that Ma-
dame Chaing Kai-Shek envisioned.
The dynastic cycle is rapidly approach-
ing its apogee, and this time Chinese
leaders will take in not only the Steppes,
nor even be content with Southeast Asia
-they'll have the world.
NOT FOR LONG, maybe, but in such a
burst of heat and light that it will
compensate for the short duration of the
flame. Better to have the bomb admini-
ster the coup d'grace than a successor
pull a coup d'etat.
Better to have half a swastika than a
whole-the meteoric glory of, the yang
will reign supreme for a moment, then
disappear just as spectacularly, without
the decadence and dishonor of the yin.
HOW FALLACIOUS to suppose the Chi-
nese will dismantle their plans out of
a fear of consequences from a nuclear
war! For a long time, they have been
prepared for, hoped for, the chaos and
confusion of spirit with all the elements
:f the cosmos.
Listen to the bones of Taoist philoso-'
pher Chiuang Tzu: . .. "'I am a wave!/
In the River of Darkness and Light.
Reaven is my bed and earth my cushion. /
The thunder and lightning are my drum

and fan, / The sun and moon my candle
and my torch, / The Milky Way my moat,
the stars my jewels. / With Nature am I
SPECIAL REPORTS have it that Mao
will soon submit his hsi, or war procla-
mation to Lyndon. As historians tell us,
"City walls of 10,000 chih (50 miles) have
crumbled under the weight of a hsi. And,
according to Analects 24/12/19: "The
grasses incline under the strength of the
wind of proclamation.'%
After scuttling many drafts, word is
that the hsi, in final form is very near
"ompletion. However, either out of a bene-
volent gesture in the name of fair play or
an adventurous desire to prolong the
game a little longer, Mao, before sending
the portentuous document, is rumored
to have said he plans to send Lyndon a
gift-a GO board, complete with black
and white stones.
Not e-You9
"pEACE IS MORE within our reach
than at any time in this century,"
Lyndon Johnson said in Omaha on Thurs-
And it is too. It is in Eastern Europe. It
is in Africa. In a way it is even closer in
China and the Far East than at any
other time in this century. Closer than
at any other time-except in Viet Nam.
There it is more within your reach,
President Johnson-and farther from

EVER HAVE this happen? You
have just begun to get down
to work after the first four weeks
of a semester. Suddenly a letter
arrives announcing the beginning
of pre-classification for the next
Already? Well, all right, you
think. I'll get around to it soon.
One week later you are stand-
ing in a snail-paced line in Angel
Hall waiting to get an appoint-
ment with your counselor so he
can sign his name to whatever
course schedule you have chosen.
In the rush it may have been cho-
sen at whim with a few consider-
ations for distribution require-
ments and those of your major.
THE FRIENDLY secretary near
the door smilingly informs you
that the first time you can get an
appointment with your counselor
is late next month, when all the
courses you wanted to take 'will,
undoubtedly, be closed.
To further add to your woes, the
meeting with your counselor is
hardly adequate. After discussing
your language requirement and
the courses you will take for your
major, little else is said. You know
that there are perhaps ten peo-
ple waiting outside to see the
counselor with more appearing
each minute. You would like to
tell your counselor about your new
interest in mass communications,
history, or chemistry, and to ask
him about changing or incorpor-
ating these studies into your ma-
jor, but the worriedtfurrow in his
brow tells you that it may be time
to leave.
Maybe next semester there will
be time ...
had this happen to you.

After receiving the announce-
ment of pre-classification you
pick up the necessary forms in
Angel Hall, chose your course
elections, sign the cards yourself,
hand the forms to a secretary and
leave. That's all.
If you have a problem or an
idea concerning your academic
standing, course elections, chang-
es in major, etc., an appointment
with the counselor can be arrang-
ed. This appointment, however, is
not mandatory. It is solely to help
you with a specific problem or
simply to have a talk with your
Impossible? Not exactly.
T H E OPTIONAL Counseling
Program was initiated this spring
just to make this kind of contact
between student and counselor
The program has been under
consideration for a number of
years. According to James Shaw,
chairman of the Junior-Senior
counselors, those involved in the
planning were worried that it
would appear that they "didn't
care" about the students, that they
were "taking a laissez-faire atti-
tude toward counseling." Others.
feared that no counseling at all
would take place, and felt they
were doing a good job of counsel-
ing under the old system.
Nevertheless, a faculty commit-
tee began to seriously study the
proposal. Later this group was
joined by several students - two
of them from the literary college
steering committee, (Paradoxi-
cally, some of the students accep-
ted the proposal very cautiously,
perhaps fearful of mistakes in
distribution and major require-

The Associates
by carney and wolter
THE BASIC objectives of the
program are to free counseling
meetings from the card-signing
rut into which they have fallen
and to place the emphasis on the
discussion (lengthy if necessary)
of substantive issues.
As described in the announce-
ment sent to second-semester so-
phomores last spring (who will be
the first group to test the pro-
"Under the terms of this pro-
gram, selected students may sign
their own election, cards for two
of their last four semesters in
the College. Normally, a stu-
dent following the Optional
Program will hold a thorough
discussion with his counsellor
when he begins his concentra-
tion (i.e. while pre-classifying
as a second-semester sopho-
more) and when he, leaves it
(i.e. while pre-classifying for a
Senior-year semester) ."
More important than the con-
venience both for the student and
the counselor that this system
provides, is the change in the na-
ture of the counseling session. This
will not change the total amount
of time spent in counselling, but
rather, as the announcement sug-
"Since a student will consult
his advisor only when he has
significant issues to discuss; his
advisor will be free to discuss
those issues more fully. In
short, the Program is designed
to improve both the nature and
quality of academic counseling

by giving qualified students
greater freedom and responsi-
bility in designing and carrying
out their educational programs."
ther qualitative advantage to the
change was the nature of the ad-
vice the faculty members would
be asked to give. He pointed out
that, while giving advice on spe-
cific courses is difficult unless one
has actually taught or taken the
courses, the faculty is eminently
qualified to advise the student on
problems with his general aca-
demic goals and his progress to-
ward them.
He added that one reason that
counseling has lately degenerated
in the eyes of the students is that
the faculty counselors have been
asked to give advice in areas where
they are not qualified-such as
individual course content and qua-;
DESPITE THE encouraging
setup of the program and the
care taken in its development, the
responseto the announcement
mailed out this spring was any-
thing but enthusiastic: of 2,777
second-semester sophomoresin
the literary college at the time,
only 46 elected to participate.
The meagre response, however,
cannot be considered indicative
of strong aversion, on the part of
the students. The fact of the mat-
ter is that the Program was not
passed until just after pre-classi-
fication had begun last semester.
Therefore, there was little ad-
vance publicity to encourage stu-
dents to participate.
Those students who were infor-
med of the new Program were, in
all likelihood, worried that they
would lose contact with their
counselor or that they would

somehow miss required courses
through the Optional Counseling
Program. In addition, force of
habit, i.e., the custom of seeing
the counselor once a semester,
may have discouraged some.
BUT IT MUST be emphasized
that no amount of favorable pub-
licity and information will make
this program work if students are
not willing to make their own
contribution. This means that
they will have to have enough
commitment to the idealism of
the Program to take the plunge
and participate in it.
This involves an assumption of
responsibility on the part of the
student. Not only must he try to
continue to see his counselor- for
the more in-depth discussions that
the Program calls for, but he must
also contribute his ideas and opin-
ions 'to the effort to improve the
whole concept of counseling. The
counselors have to know how their
new plan is working, and they
have an excellent vehicle for com-
munication of the students' ideas
in the literary college steering
Program is only one of several
very idealistic programs develop-
ed in the past year that need the
participation of students in order
to succeed-hot the least of these
being the new vice-presidential
advisory committees.
. Some have criticized the ad-
ministration in the past for its
lack of an inovative spirit. If the
idealism shown in their willing-
ness to try these programs can
be matched by an equally ideal-
istic response from the student,
this University will have taken a
long step toward becoming a truly
dynamic academic community.



American Naivete-DeGaulle to Gandhi

Old Skeletons
In Detroit Closets

Collegiate Press Service
events of "un-American" na-
ture are peculiarly naive. It would
seem that politically and even ar-
tistically we must forever pose as
honest, truthful youngsters con-
templating with astonishment a
world that is jaded, opportunistic,
and evil.
We do not understand DeGaulle,
as we did not understand Nehru.
And, as long as we have to live
with the problems of the cold
war, we still do not understand the
Soviet Union, particularly in the
case of its policies. And, ultima-
tely, do not understand ourselves.
writers, Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuli
Daniel, were convicted of having
published "anti-Soviet" novels
and stories abroad under pseudo-
nyms. Sinyavsky was sentenced to
seven years at hard labor and
Daniel to five. It is not, despite
the fuss that has been made about
it, an extraordinary case. In fact,
I am surprised it has received as
much notice as it has except that

the works of these writers have
been made available to the Eng-
lish-speaking public.
Reaction to the conviction and
sentencing has been wholly unpre-
dictable. The major Communist
parties outside the U.S.S.R. con-
demned the writers' trial as more
harmful to International Com-
munism than their writings. This
is true; it is analogous to the
fact that in the United States,
instant popularity is guaranteed
any book that is banned in Bos-
THE AMERICAN reaction was,
well, typical of our naivete in mat-
ters of this nature. (I am not
convinced that it is genuine, ex-
cept in the case of a few artists.)
We sent a letter of protest, or,
rather, some writers and thinkers
did. There were 18 of them and
they asked Mr. Kosygin to re-
lease the two imprisoned writers.
A few months later some students
in Greenwich, Conn., sent a simi-
lar letter to Kosygin. The letter
writers used phrases like "harsh
sentences," and "to seek justice"
and "languishing in prison." (Is

it really true that all prisoners
I distrust big words, and fre-
quently even medium-sized words.
And I must confess I do not
understand why we must react
with such pious, shocked surprise
to Soviet censorship. Is it because
this nation above all others has
occupied our national conscious-
ness in recent years as the anti-
pathy of our supposed ideals? Is
it because we wear the white hats
and they wear the black hats?
I CONTEND that this case is
pale compared to the practice of
censorship in other countries, not-
ably the Republic of South Afri-
ca. In the last year or so we have
finally gotten around to making a
fuss about this country, through
the United Nations. But there was
not much noise made here when
Helen Joseph, a South African
writer, was sentenced as a result
of her writing to five years house
arrest in 1962 and fled the coun-
try. Or when similar strictures
were placed upon Alan Paton, who
has achieved immense popularity
in the United States.

This is only one example of
f o r e i g n suppression of free
speech, which happens to come to
mind because it represents one of
the more radical instances. Equil-
ly horrifying, however, is Alan
Ginzburg's account in Fact Mag-
azine (certainly it is biased) of his
trial and conviction by a Federal
Judge in Philadelphia for dissem-
ination of pornography through
the mails. We are not shocked at
this "outrage" because the prev-
alent attitude toward Ginzburg is
that he is a depraved nut who
got what was coming to him.
I contend that free speech is
free speech and suppression is sup-
pression, no matter where prac-
ticed or by whom. Ginzburg is in
precisely the same position as Sin-
yavsky and Daniel, and our pious
pronouncements about justice in
the Soviet Union are ludicrous.
I WOULD LIKE to say that ulti-
mately the art of literature will
be unaffected by the censors. I
would like to say that writers are
as perennial as the grass, that for
each writer who is silenced anoth-
er will spring up in his place to

continue telling stories about the
world that he sees. I would like
to say, really, that governments
do not matter to art.
But we make them matter, and
in making them matter we make
it that much harder for writing
as a craft and art to be peren-
nial; we make the censors impor-
This is unfortunate because
there will always be people who
do not understand the fundamen-
tal fact about a book; if it of-
fends, you can close it and re-
fuse to read further. A person
who claims to have been corrupt-
ed or offended by a piece of writ-
ing admits implicitly that he was
corrupted because he wanted to
be corrupted.
people and place them in our
government and on our commit-
tees and believe in them.
And then we are shocked when
it happens in the Soviet Union,
(Myers is a staff writer for the
University of Denver Clarion.)


IE DOOR TO Detroit's closet of skele-
tons is rattling again. Whether or not
someone ventures to open it or merely
ignores it is up to the citizens of Detroit
and the Board of Education's treatment
of the facts presented them by a special
team investigating the student unrest
six weeks ago at Northern High School.
The chief causes of the unrest, the team
reports, were an unsympathetic principal
and attitude and loyalty divisions within
Happy Birthday
IT'S ANOTHER July 4th weekend, Ameri-
ca. Happy Birthday.
Once upon a romanticized time, about
when you decided to have a birthday,
America, little pessimistic people ran
about saying you were premature, and
would never have another birthday.
Now these same people still run around
telling you the next glorious Fourth
will find you a colony again, or in some
equally tragic fate. Politierans aside, these
seem to be the only people who have any
more of that old-college-football-game-
spirit that carried us through so many
wars, but doesn't seem to be carrying us
through this one.
NOW A GREAT many of us still respect
you, America, and the principles you
stand for, and most of us are capable of
turning into bloodthirsty Yankees when
the occasion arises. But we also feel there
are more important ways than flag-wa~v-
ing to be patriotic. If we wanted to re-
treat somewhere we would leave you. We
are staying to fight for you.
And what should be fought at the mo-
ment is the drifting of American policy
down the battleground path, drifting
there because we have a feeling we ought
to spread our way of life around the globe
because we think it is best.
IT MAY BE like July Fourth on the high-
Statisticians say that people who have
made definite vacation plans have the
least chance of being killed on the roads
this weekend. Those who have made no
plans, and will seek entertainment be-
causse they feel they ought to spend a

the faculty. They made the recommen-
dation that the school's principal, Arthur
T. Carty, be removed and a new principal
named within two weeks.
THE REPORT by the team, a committee
of the City Wide Commission for High
School Studies, was presented to the
Board on June 21. Since then there has
been no official mention of it. Although
the Board has taken no stand collectively,
various members have placed the nam-
ing of a new principal out of their hands,
calling it an administrative matter.
To this, committee chairman Charles
Wells has replied that he does not expect
overwhelming community support, "but
the board does have a responsibility to
respond to them."
The board must take positive action on
this matter soon so that it can be settled
and preparations made for the coming
fall sessions. Detroit's citizens can help in
the speedy resolution of this by making
their views known-writing the members
of the board and sending letters to the
editor of their own area newspapers.
Pushing the problem back into a dark
corner can only breed more hatred and
rebellion; it must be dealt with in the
open with frankness and objectivity.
THE STUDENTS have made the first
move to help themselves. Now it is in
the citizens' hands.
INTO THE MIDST of often-sterile urban
renewal architecture has come the
simple splendor of the Detroit Institute of
Arts new South Wing. The building is
as exciting as the masterpieces which
hang on its walls, and visitors to the mu-
seum may now have difficulty in deciding
which-the building or the painting-has
assumed the role of complementing the
Unfortunately Detroit's architectural
triumph has not been recognized with the
enthusi.sm it deserves. The harmony
achieved between the edifice and its con-
tents is unrivaled in the Midwest, perhaps
the countrv. Those who have called the

More Escalation with Less Imagination

EDITOR'S NOTE: Although depots away from the obvious oil
this column was written before targets.
the announcement of the bomb- The remarkable fact is that
ings of Hanoi and Haiphong, it Hanoi is acting as though it is
was obviously meant to fore- ready to discount the punishment
shadow the bombing, and makes we inflict and to carry on with
some highly valuable comment the war. This cannot mean that
on their implications. Hanoi underestimates the des-
.-c.w. tructive power of our bombers. It
cannot mean that Hanoi thinks
THE QUESTION of whether or President Johnson is not ruthless
not to escalate the bombing in enough to use the bombers or
North Viet Nam has not yet, so that he will be deterred by the
we have just been told, been def- opposition to the war in the
initely answered, But it is most United States.
probable that additional bombing THE FACT of the matter is that
will take place. the North Vietnamese, who have
There is good reason to suppose been on the receiving end of our
that the North Vietnamese expect bombing campaign, seem to think
a much heavier bombardment less of the effectiveness of air-
against Hanoi and Haiphong and power than we do. Nearly a year
have been preparing for it by and a half ago we started bombing
evacuating civilians, dispersing the supply lines in North Viet
factories and establishing fuel Nam. We believed that we could
The Vietnam Game
r ty

11110 T
y omorrow

stop the infiltration of North Viet-
namese troops and supplies into
South Viet Nam.
Now we are being told that we
did not stop the supplies, in fact,
that the flow of men and materials
has doubled since we started to
interdict it. Airpower has not been
able to interdict the supply routes
in Viet Nam as it was unable to
interdict them in Korea more than
10 years ago.
So now the wishful thinkers are
telling us, or at least are telling
themselves, that the way to inter-
dict the North Vietnamese troops
and supplies is to knock out the
oil and storage tanks and the
harbor of Haiphong. The theory is
that without this oil the trucks
cannot move into South Viet Nam.
It seems reasonably evident that
the North Vietnamese have already
discounted this escalation of the
war. Thus, they have not folded up
when the President threatened it.
IT IS, HOWEVER, most prob-
able that the threat will be carried
out. On the one hand, the Joint
Chiefs of Staff and the opinion
polls agree. On the other hand,
Secretary of State Dean Rusk is
adamantly opposed to any of the
measures-such as those proposed
by UN Secretary General U Thant
-to make the situation negotiable.
Why, then, is the President still
hesitating? Presumably because he

cause wider bombing will not only
leave us isolated in the world, but
because it can easily land us in
a very dangerous dispute with
countries, such as the Soviet
Union, which send ships to Hai-
* * *
DURING JUNE, Rusk has been
to Europe and to Australia
looking after our alliances. In the
case of NATO he was confronted
with the fact that Europe today
has outlived the NATO of some 20
years ago and is ready for, in fact
is demanding, great changes in
the purposes, the plans and the
objectives of the alliances.
In the case of SEATO, the al-
liance in Southeast Asia, the dom-
inant fact is that the United
States is fighting a very consider-
able war with no help from Paki-
stan and France, with only token
help from the British members
and the Philippines and with the
growing involvement of Thailand.
While NATO and SEATO are
very different, one thing is com-
mon to them. While both are de-
fensive alliances against a Com-
munist great power, either or both
of them would be a catastrophic
failure if they did not prevent a
great .war.
war can only be accomplished by
a thaw in the cold war and even-
tual conciliation, such as has been
under way in Europe since the
nuclear test ban treaty and is now
proceeding under the powerful im-
pulse given to it by Gen. Charles
de Gaulle.
Asking ourselves how a similar
thaw might become possible in the
Far East, we should, I think, note
two controlling elements as we
have seen them in our European

hand, a strategic balance of power
has not yet been reached. For
while the United States has vir-
tually absolute nuclear superiority
over China, the effectiveness of
this superiority is neutralized by
the Soviet-Chinese alliance which
is presumably alive. In this state
of nuclear neutralization, the
manpower of China available for
guerrilla fighting is a potent and
unsettling factor.
FURTHERMORE, as compared
with the situation which has de-
veloped in Europe in the past four
or five years, there is as yet no
important Asian power capable
of taking the lead, as has Gaullist
France, in breaking up the pattern
of the cold war.
In this respect the most hopeful
development is Asia for a long
time is the emergence of Japan as
a power, as we saw in the recent
Asian conference in Korea. Al-
though nothing was entirely clear
or very definite, it was apparent
that, in emerging as a great power
in Asia, Japan will assume a role
not unlike that of Gaullist France
toward the Soviet Union of media-
tor with Red China.
IN THE WHOLE vast process
of change in Europe and the Far
East, Secretary Rusk has chosen
to identify the United States with
nonbelief in the changes. He has
abandoned the initiative in open-
ing ways to the future and seems
so concerned with the risks of
change, which, of course, exist,
that how patly he has been able to
stand has become the measure of
his diplomatict success.
The moral assurance which en-
velops the American standpattism
is impressive. Never a word of
doubt is offered in official quar-


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