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June 30, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-30

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See Editorial Page


Sni Yritgaue
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

& titi;*br

Sunny, continued
warm temperatures



American Bombs



Haiphong Oil

Where They Fell a0pound bobsm a a25-minute What They Mean
y The Associated Press Sixteen Navy A4 Skyhawks from By WILLIAM L. RYAN
United States Navy and Air the 7th Fleet carriers Constella- Associated Press special Correspondent
U Force pilots attacked the oil stor- tion and Ranger raided the oil fa- American bombs have fallen on
age centers at Hanoi and Hai- the Haiphong dock and are within
phong-the location of an esti- McNamara's Press Conference, two miles of the heart of Hanoi.
mated 60 per cent of North Viet If this indicates a pattern which
Nm's oil supply--between noon cildties at Haiphong. The spokes- will develop into intensified at-
and 1:40 p.m. yesterday under man said 95 per cent of the fuel tacks on the capital and chief port
orders from President Johnson, going into North Viet Nam moves of North Viet Nam, the impact
oes r wthrough the depot, which con- on the world political struggle will
The raiders were officially es- tains 38 tanks above and below be incalculable.
timated to have destroyed 80 per ground. A decision to hit Communist
cent of the Haiphong faculties, i The Haiphong raid lasted eight North Viet Nam where it hurts the
a dock area two miles from the minutes. The attacking planes most would be a deadly serious
city's center. Smoke rose up to carried 250-pound and 1,000- one, taken probably after a long
20,000 feet. pound bombs and rockets. -
A Saigon spokesman said Ha- See Pabe 3orc
noi's oil tanks, across the Red The Air Force announced that See Page 3
River and three miles from down- one plane, an F105 fighter-bomb- process of weighing possible ad-
town Hanoi, were "blanketed" and er, had fallen in the attack near vantages and disadvantages. Al-
heavily damaged with smoke ris- Hanoi and that the pilot was miss- ready, with the attacks on theI
ing 35,000 feet from the flaming ing. Radio Hanoi said seven U.S. port's dock area and close to the
complex. planes had been shot down, four center of the capital the price of
A smaller facility near Do Son near Hanoi and three in the Hai- the war for Hanoi has gone up, as
and two bridges north and north- phong area, and that several U.S. one Pentagon officer put it.
west of Hanoi were also hit in the pilots had been captured. But, in advance of any such
raid. A Communist MIG17 was hit decision, questions like these would
Twenty-four Air Force F105 and probably destroyed in a fight have to be sifted:
Thunderchiefs struck the petro- involving several planes 30 miles -Would it tend .to reknit the
leum complex near Hanoi, using northwest of the capital. Communist nations into a unity

they have not possessed for a long'
-Might there be, in the offing,
some sort of showdown with the
Soviet Union, not unlike the Cu-
ban missile crisis of 1962?
-Would the escalation mean
more direct Red Chinese partici-
pation in the Viet Nam war, pos-
sible in the form of "volunteers"
in the style of Korea?
-What would be the effect on
non-Communit nations and na-
tions allied with the United
Already, there has been evi-
dence of alarm. Britain, which
has supported U.S. policy in Viet
Nam, was quick to announce it
could not support an extension
of the war to the bombing of
Hanoi and Haiphong.
News of the bombings made
huge headlines throughout Europe
but there was no immediate of-
ficial or editorial comment. In
New Delhi, Indian Foreign Min-
ister Swaran Singh expressed
"deep concern and distress" over,
the attacks.
As for the European Commun-

ist bloc and the Soviet Union,
they appear to fear some sort of
showdown will develop from U.S.
actions which would put them in
a most uncomfortable spot. The
developments come at a time when
there had been cautious ap-
proaches between the United
States and Soviet bloc nations.
Direct attacks on Hanoi . and
Haiphong and the possibility of
interdicting shipping into North
Viet Nam could impel Moscow and
its bloc to rally strongly behind
a "fraternal" nation under fire.
This, in turn, could sacrifice what-
ever advantages there may have
been to the Western world in the
many palpable divisions among
Communist countries.
The actions might move the
Chinese, too, to some sort of re-
sponse. Haiphong - the name
means "sea fortress"-is less than
100 miles from China's Kwanksi
Province. The port looks out east-
ward toward the highly sensitive
Red Chinese military zones in the
Luichow peninsula and big Hainai

-Associated Press
THE ABOVE PHOTOGRAPH of rail yards near Hanoi, made June 8, was released by the Defense
Department yesterday as Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara told of U.S. air strikes near Hanoi
and Haiphong. The photo shows rail cars, including oil and petroleum gondola and tank cars.


ll "

Senator Hart
asStep-Upf aaui ucation
Is 'Tactical
Can't Judge Wisdom NEWS 4,%- --W,-WI-
f-, T TV L4 4 - r





of .Decision"' He Says;
Discusses Rights Bill
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-Senator Philip
A. Hart (D-Mich) said yesterday
that the decision to bomb the
dock area of Haiphong and areas
near Hanoi was "really a tactical
decision (about which) only a
handful of people have the infor-
mation to make a judgment."
In military terms, he added, "I
can't say it's a major departure
from what we've been doing, pro-,
vided we're choosing our targets
in a controlled manner.
'I don't know if it was correct
to bomb Hanoi and Haiphong, and
I'm sure the President doesn't
know either. All we can say is
that we'll know someday," Hart
"It boils down to vwhether t he
military advantages of the step-
ped-up bombing are greater than
the political disadvantages. of
such an escalation. the attitude
the Red Chinese, the North Viet-
namese and the Russians will take,
the attitude the rest of the world
will take, and so on," he declared.
"Although it's impolitic to say
so," Hart commented, "I suspect
that the rest of the world's atti-
tude will depend largely on
whether we succeed at our objec-
tive rather than how crudely we,
do so."
Hart spoke late yesterday after-
noon to a group of university stu-
dents working here as summer in-
terns in congressional and execu-
tive branch offices.
"I'm not an expert on Viet
Nam," the senator added, "al-
though some days in the Senate
I think I'm surrounded by them.
I have a hunch, though, that x. e
would be better off today if w e
had stayed out of Viet Nam.
"But that's largely a 'so-what'
attitude a little like the man on'
the runaway horse," Hart con-
tinued. "It's not constructive to
tell him how foolish he was to get
on. The constructive suggestion is
to tell him how to get off-and
that's much more difficult."

Lute World N ers

iutono 7-

of. MTU Branch

By The Associated Pres
Khan of Pakistan and Premier Chou En-lai of Red China in-
dicated last night that new thinking is influencing the previously
close relations of their two countries.
This came about in short speeches they made at a banquet
on the eve of Chou's scheduled departure for home.
Ayub told Chou that Pakistan desires iriendly relaiion wmith
"all countries of the world "
As for China. he said Pakisi an welcomi the groth of
"commercia 1 and ecoi1:n tic coopera t ion" conside'ably less than
Peking had hoped for w hat It opened a campaign three years
ago to win a diplomatic and ossibly military ally in this Asian
natol of 110 million PeOple
WAShINGTON--HOUSE REP IBLICAN leaders said yester-
day Congres is likely to be asked in January to vote an extra
$5 billion or more for the Viet Nam fighting-ith a tax raise
attached .
This version of what may be expected alter the November
elections wvas sketched at an informal session with newsmen by
Reps. Geraid R. Ford Mich, and Melvin R. Laird (Wis).
Ford is House Republican leader and Laird chairman of the
House Republica, Conference.
Laird said he considers the 5 billion figure a mininum. If
aircraft losses, !o rexample. Increase, he added, the figures could
be much higher. He said defiense ioeyv requests in the regular
budget are being kept artificially low
"The administration will need money fast by January," Ford
said. "They'll need the appropriation, and they'll need more
money coming into the Treasury. If the requests come in to-
gether, it will be pretty hard for anyone to vote against the tax."
ruled Tuesday that teachers have a right to bargin for more than
wages, hours and qualifications for employment, according to the
Associated Press.
Robert Pisarski, the board's chief trial examiner, also ruled
that the suburban North Dearborn Heights School District vio-
lated state law nine times in contract negotiations that triggered
a five-day teachers' strike June 2.
It is the mediation board's first unfair labor practices ruling
since the Michigan Public Employment Act was amended in 1965.
Pisarski held evaluation of curriculum, scheduling of classes,
determination of class sizes. selection of textbooks and ratings of
teachers are negotiable items.
federal grants totaling $652,638 for 24 Michigan colleges and
universities for purchase of laboratory, closed-circuit television
and other special equipment and materials.
The University will receive $29,271 for laboratory and other
special equipment.
The grant reconmmendations were made to the U.S. Office of
Education under provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Ask Separate
Sault School
In SIX Years
Brennan Reiterates
Board's Opposition
To Branch Operations
The State Board of Education
yesterday approved expanding the
Sault Ste. Marie branch of Mich-
igan Technological University,
which presently offers only the
first three undergraduate years, to
a four-year degree-granting in-
The board also approved a pro-
gram .leading to independence of
the branch within a six year per-
iod. Michigan Technological Uni-
versity is expected to ask the state
Legislature for authorization and
funds towards an autonomous
Sault branch.
Representatives of the univer-
sity said they hope that the auto-
nomy can be granted osmetime be-
tween 1968 and 1972. This action
would bring to 12 the number of
four-year state-supported insti-
tutions of higher learning.
The board's decision on the
Sault branch was based on an ad-
visory committee recommendation
made last October that the branch
be expanded beginning this fall.
Thomas J. Brennan, board pres-
ident, said that one consideration
in the Sault decision was the fact
that the board has "clearly stated
its opposition to additional uni-
versity branches and its desire
that those which do exist should
become autonomous in the near
Thisstatement could very easily
have an effect on the University's
Flint branch. The question of dis-
putes over whether the Flint
branch should remain under Uni-
versity administration or be grant-
ed autonomy was not raised. How-
ever, the Sault decision may pre-
sage a potential board policy to
convert all branches of the present
state colleges and universities to
autonomous units


This is the start of a six-floor administrative office building rising on Maynard Street on the south side of the Student Activities Bldg.
The 65,000-square-foot building will house the presidential and vice-presidential offices when the present Administration Bldg. is turn-
ed over to the literary college. The move is part of an effort to remove administrative offices from the central campus area.
Suggested Changes In MSUR ules
On AademcFredomin Review.

Currently under consideration
by the Steering Committee of the
Faculty Academic Council of
Michigan State University is a
42-Da c report on the University's

The Daily: Followin

rules and policies which affect
student academic freedom.
Prepared by the 13 man Faculty
Committee on Student Affairs un-
der the chairmanship of Prof.
rotesfIi~~ Ftre.derick D. Williams, of the uni-
ig Prts =k
versity's history department, the
{report is the result of six months
Ami Arbor is traditionally the of research.
research center of the Midwest, a Williams could not say yesterday
home Jot' maly of the nation's where the Steering Committee,
hchairmaned by philosophy Prof.
most distinguished professors and John F. A. Taylor, would chose
most intellectual students, Yet, to make possible modifications,
beiti quite receptive to changes but only that he was sure there
in the times, students in the col- would be some. "The Steering l
leges around Ann Arbor have be- Committee," he explained, "can-I
gun to turn r()re and mor1 to not change the report, though it
"active icatelletualism." ct and probably will suggest
modifications to the Academic

Seeking to suggest ways in which'
"maximum freedom and minimum
order" can be maintained in the
classroom, the dormitory, and in
students' on and off campus life,
the original report included the
following recommendations:
--establishment of a Student-
Faculty Committee on Academic
Rights and Responsibilities of Stu-
dents to provide a channel to the
faculty and administration;
-appointment of a member
from the senior faculty as a "high
prestige official" with the title
of "Ombudsman." His duties would
be to receive requests, complaints,
and grievances of students and to
assist in "accomplishing the ex-
peditious settlement ofh .their
--continued study of classroom

ship over news or editorial com-
-streamlining of the student
judiciary and creation of a new
student-faculty "supreme court"
to serve as an appeal body under
the vice-president for student af-
fairs. This new court would have
original jurisdiction in cases of
cheating, cases referred to it by
the dean of students, and in cases
of re-admission to the university;

-that the university not author-
ize other student publications not
formally connected with the uni-
versity with responsibility "for edi-
torial or other contents, finance,
and distribution instead lying with
the sponsoring agency, groups,
organization, or individual," and
-provision of guidelines for
rulemakers in the areas of aca-
demic freedom, privacy of student
records, aind student conduct.

autonomous unit&

State Legislature Finally Gives
Approval to .Appropriation Blls

LANSING (A)-A $386 million:

bill as the. Senate wanted it and White Pine Copper Co. holdings
the $314.5 million restricted fund in Ontonagon County.

tee believes

because the commit- logjam broke in the State Legis-
that "many student lature yesterday as the House and
about inferior class- Senate gave their final approval

bill, also as wanted by the Senate.
The Senate then approved the

The House agreed to the capi-
tal outlay conference report (a
HoseSeat cm nmi Ase) 84.

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