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June 29, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-29

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A Dissenter Exits: Ball Leaves Johnson

Release State Draft Figures

(Continued from Page 1) t
was, until the later phose, accept-t
ed more or less passively. The Viet
Nam war is generating an expand-
ing literature from observers andr
analysts at home and abroad.
Week after week the volume in-
creases-and the great preponder-
ance is critical of the Americanc
A remarkable series of articlest
has been appearing in the Paris1
newspaper Le Monde written byc
Robert Guillain who has spent 30
years in Asia. The series exam-1
ines the current American stancex
and finds it virtually hopeless in-c
sofar as any possibility remains ofr
winning the Viet Namese people tos
our side. Analyzing the infiltrationE
of the Viet Cong into every as-r
pect of life in South Viet Nam,i
including high ranks of govern-c
ment, Guillain concludes that upt
to a full division is infiltrated in
the Saigon .area.s
The rule here is to dismisst
French criticism because, so thet
line goes, they failed in their war1
in Indochina and they cannot be-
lieve the Americans can succeed.
But far from being a Gaullist or-1
gan, Le Monde is one of the few1
independent newspapers in Francet
and one of the most respectedi
journals in all Europe, both for itst
reporting and its editorial judg-
ment. Guillain has a reputation;
as a scholar. .
On another level is Phillip L.t
Geyelin's book, "Lyndon B. John-
son and the World" which is being
widely read here. Although itl
covers the whole range of the
Johnson foreign policy, inevitablyI
it centers on Viet Nam. The ques-1
tion Geyelin raises is whether con-i
sensus is a sufficient guide in1
such a perilous passage as Viet
Nam with the ever looming threat
of a wider war.;
To the expanding library on Vi-
et Nam, Bernard Fall has contri-
buted several volumes out of his
long background in both North
and South Viet Nam. These are
men with not merely opinions but;
authoritative knowledge. There is ,
no evidence, however, that any of
this penetrates the circle of ad-
visers who shape Viet Nam policy.
That cirle is hermetically closed.
Recently a knowledgeable Asian
analyst w a s passing through
Washington and a White House
aid was asked if the President
would not be interested in picking
his brains. The reply was that the
President was not in the least in-
terested in talking to any writer or
commentator on Viet Nam.
The President talks with a great
many people about what is for
him a constant source of an-
guished concern. But he talks to

them. He talks as a persuader. He
talks as he did when he was Ma-
jority Leader in the Senate and
his goal was to win and hold a
Mr. Johnson inherited the di-
lemma of Viet Nam and at what
point he might have found a way
out his critics seldom say. He also
inherited the advisers who shaped
the initial Viet Nam policy under
President Kennedy and he has
clung fiercely to them.
It is because the advice of the
Undero Secretary of State has
been contrary to the top level
consensus that his departure
means more than an inevitable
shift in the foreign policy hier-
archy. Short of some opening for
new ideas, for exchange of opin-
ions that may be contrary to the
consensus, the blind alley is likely
to have no exit.
When he steps out, probably
some time in September, Ball in-
tends to rejoin the law firm in
which he was formerly a partner.
First, however, he means to take
a rest of at least three months.
He has no intention of making
public his strong views on Viet
Nam. In Ball's opinion a public
official who has held a confiden-
tial position has a duty to contin-
ue to keep the confidences of his
office although the parliamentary
system in Britain, when a member
of the government goes over to
the opposition, he'speaks his mind.
As government operates in this
country, he does not have that
privilege as Ball sees it.
In the frequently announced
high level conferences on Viet
Nam, the discussion centers al-
most entirely on operational de-
tails. Out of these conferences
comes the President's conviction
of the middle course which he in-
sists he hold to. Certainly he re-
sists the demands of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff to bomb Hanoi
and Haiphong.
Both Rusk and Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara al-
so make the case for restraint in
this concept. McNamara has tak-
en it upon himself to reject the

recommendations of the military
chiefs who argue that the war
cannot be "won" without destruc-
tion of the facilities, industrial
and transportation, in the North
Viet Namese capital and its prin-
cipal port.
Ball's differences with the Pre-
sident's other civilian advisers go
much deeper. He argued strongly
at the time of the month-long
pause in the bombing of the North
in January for the continuation
of the pause, at least until some
time after the appeal was taken
to the United Nations to help find
a way to a peaceful settlement. To
resume bombing while at the same
time appealing to the UN was, he
argued, bound to be self-defeat-
He has also constantly stressed
the danger of bringing China into
the war. In his consistent stand,
Ball has made enemies in the
Johnson Administration. Conspic-
uous among them is Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lorge in Saigon who
is one of the leading hawks in the
Johnson aviary. In off the record
briefings with reporters in Saigon,
Lodge has not hesitated to blame
Ball for slowing down moves that
Lodge and the generals believed
were imperative.
The relationship with Rusk is
on a different level. Behind his
outwardly stolid facade, the Se-
cretary has a deeply emotional
commitment to going through
with the Viet Nam war regardless
of the cost. This comes out in
virtually his every utterance. Yet
he respects Ball's dissent as the
right of one who holds a sincere
intellectual conviction. The Under
Secretary's temperament is much
more detached and objective.
On this, however, it might be
necessary to add a qualifier. He
has been deeply aroused by what
he sees as President Charles de
Gaulle's plot to take France out
of the NATO alliance and elimi-
nate American influence on the
European continent. Ball, who has
carried the responsibility of Eu-
ropean policy almost exclusively
as Rusk became more and more

engaged in Viet Nam, is convinced
that De Gaulle means to follow a
neutralist policy in aligning
France with the Soviet Union in
an old-fashioned, pre-war alli-
ance. Before he was named Under
Secretary, he was the lawyer for
the French government and for
Jean Monnet, who initiated the
European Economic Community.
Talk of Ball's successor is at
this stage speculation. If the
president names a consensus-
minded replacement, the ring will
be completely closed and discus-
sion will deal wholly with the
ways and means of prosecuting
the war.
Reprinted by permission of United
Features Syndicate, Inc., and the Ann
Arbor News.

By The Associated Press
Michigan draft boards will call
up 2898 men for induction into
the army in August, Col. Arthur
Holmes, director of the state Se-
lective Service said yesterday.
Washtenaw board No. 341, which
includes Ann Arbor, will call up
23. Wayne county, including De-
troit, will call up 918.
Holmes said he expects many
local boards to call up registrants
married before Ang. 26, 1965.
Also yesterday the Defense De-
partment announced U.S. mili-
tary strength around the world
amounts to more than 3,057.360.
This figure, as of May 31, is 53,000
higher than the previous month's
and much above last May's figure
of 2,641,319.
Included in it are about 265,000
men in Viet Nam.

The strength figures represent
full-time active duty personnel in
the regulars and Reserves, and of-
ficer candidates, including cadets
and midshipmen at the service
While these figures were being
released, however, the method of
selecting men for the armed forc-
es was receiving considerable cri-
ticism from congressmen.
The Selective Service system
was pictured as a "sacred cow"
and a California congressman said
low grade civil service clerks are
running local draft boards.
Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, (D-
N.Y.), criticized current draft de-
ferment tests, saying:
"First, we provide an inferior
education for black students.
Next, we give them a series of
tests which many will flunk be-

cause of an inferior education.
Then we pack these academic fail-
ures off to Viet Nam to be killed."
Rep. Chet Holifield, (D-Calif.),
appearing at a House Armed Ser-
vices Committee hearing on the
Selective Service system claimed
"the civil service clerks are run-
ning the boards, not the mem-
Rep. Richard S. Schweiker, (R-
Pa.), blistered what he termed a
draft procedure "operating in a
hodgepodge of confusion and in-
"I cannot accept the implica-
tion of some that the Selective
Service system is a sacred cow,
above reproach and impervious to
improvement," he declared.
The local board concept was de-
fended by Rep. Joe Waggoner,
(D-La.), who called it "the real
strength of the draft." The hear-
ings into the draft's operation are
in their second week.
Holifield said board members of
local businessmen and community
leaders are supposed to decide the
draft status of registrants.
But he said in most cases, mem-
bers are merely asked to approve
the decision reached by the clerks.
Joining those who advocate
more uniform deferment stand-
ards, Holifield said four boards
operate in his district from the
same building, but each applies
different standards.

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Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Clinic - "Advanced Program-
ming": Michigan Union, 8:00 A.M.
Audol-Visual Education Center Film
Preview - Men Against the Arctic and
Wales: Multipurpose Room, Undergra-
duate Library, 1:30 p.m.
Department of English Lecture-Ro-
bert F. Hogan, Associate Executive Se-
cretary, National Council of Teachers
of English, "The Changing Shape of
English": Auditorium C, Angell Hall,
4:10 p.m.
Department of Speech University
Players Performance - William Sh~ak-
espeare's A Winter's Tale: Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.

General Notices
Doctoral Examination for: Elliot Re-
dalieu, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; the-
sis: "Synthesis of Cyclic Epinephrine
Relatives," Thursday, June 30, Room
2521 Chem.-Pharm, Bldg., at 2 p.m.,
Chairman: J. H. Burckhalter.
Doctoral Examination for: Dale Olaf
Olsen, Education; thesis: "A Study of
the Occupational Prestige of Teaching
at the Elementary School Level," Wed-
nesday, June 29, 1408 UES, at 4 p.m.
Chairman, F. C. Penix.
Doctoral Examination for: George Al-
lan Gogo, Education; thesis: "Teacher-
Pupil Perceptions Regarding Education-
ral Television in Selected Metropolitan
Area Elementary Schools," Thursday,
June 30, Room 3206 UHS, at 2 p.m.,
Chairman: L. W. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for: Joseph
Penberthy Johns, Education; thesis:'
"The Relationship Between Teacher
Behaviors and the Incidence of
Thought-Provoking Questions by Stu-
dents in Secondary Schools," Thursday,
June 30, Room 3203 UHS, at 3:30 p.m.,
Chairman: L. M. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for: Bruce Lee
Gensemer, Economics; thesis: "Deter-
minants of the Fiscal Policy Decisions
of Local Governments in Urban Areas:
-'Public Safety and Public Education."
Thursday, June 30, Room 205 Econo-

mics, at 4 p.m., Chairman: H. E. Bra-
July 8, Friday-VD Branch of U.S.
Public Health Service, Detroit-Men, all
degree levels in Econ, Gen. Lib. Arts,
Journ., Math, Pub. Health, etc. for
mgmt. trng. Locations throughout the,
U.S. For appointment, please call 764-
7460. General Division, Bureau of Ap-
Electro Counter & Motor Co., Chicago
-Chief Engr. Recent engrg. grad to
head dept. and assist in dev. of product
(Continued on Page 6)
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