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:43 a t ty
Fair, continued
warm temperatures
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Residential College Passes Planningu
By MICHAEL HEFFER about six months more of draw- fairly similar housing units, A and in all plans; the addition of a with a seating capacity of several confident that donor money will college
When the Regents approved the ing up detailed final plans and B, containing single and doubles seventh floor to the B units to hundred. This will take up part of be coming in soon, or certainly .the fi
plans for the Residential College taking bids on the work. Final with suites that include living gain additional revenue resulted both floors. Around it will be sev- within the next two years, to help other
last Thursday, another impasse in cost estimates place the price of space. These rooms do not con- in this figure. eral fairly large lecture halls, with finish the basement spaces. The feels a
the college's history was overcome, the Regents-approved college plan tain kitchen faciilties. -There will be a two-floor fac- capacities of 60-100 students, latest issue of the "Michigan The
Even two months ago there at $11,850,000. -There will be classrooms cap- ulty office building, connected on -In between the office and Alumnus," the University alumni brary,
seemed to be some doubt as to This is $850,000 less than the able of holding 30-40 students both floors to a classroom-audi- classroom buildings, but off the magazine, has an article about the gymna
whether work on the college would plan the faculty committee pre- scattered throughout these units torium building, also of two walkway connecting the two, will college. Faculty members have placed
be able to continue without fac- sented to the Regents in March. for seminars and recitation sec- floors. be a student "concourse." The volunteered to speak before alumni dentia
ulty-administration strife. When the Regents accepted the tions. -This arrangement allows for faculty envisions this as a sort of groups about the college. extra1
But now both groups have concept embodied in that plan -The basements of these halls economizing by having low ceil- planned fishbowl. The faculty committee hopes If t
agreed on a compromise plan and they asked that cuts be made in will be excavated, though much ings in the office building while The construction of this physi- that a successful donor campaign dentia
are at work on the next steps- the cost. These cuts were once of the area set aside for game having high ceilings in the class- cal plant will begin next spring. will allow the college to finish the a fina
planning for the entrance of the estimated at $1.5 million. rooms and student government room building, where they are The faculty planners, however, do excavated, unfinished basement follow
first freshman class in 1967 and The plan now accepted as offices will be unfinished. needed. This is similar to the not see these plans as being any- space. the L
planning the construction of the final may be summarized as fol- -There will be 1,247 students in Haven Hall-Mason Hall set-up. where near the end of Residential They also feel that donor sup- won't
college's buildings. lows: the college. The number of stu- -The classroom building will College construction. port, possible support from the reside
University architects envision -There will be two types of dents has always been near 1200 have one very large auditorium For one thing, the faculty is Legislature and success in the did th:
's first years will encourage
nancing and construction of
buildings the committee
re essential to the college.
se buildings include a 11-
a science building and a
sium. Original estimates
the cost of the entire Resi-
1 College, including these
buildings at $20 million,
he supporters of the Resi-
J College have anything like
I goal it is to see the college
ed by several of its kind at
University. They hope it
take as long to get future
atial colleges started as it
is one.
Ball, Viet
Dissenter 3 mi. 4igap baity
Leaving Post NEWS W RE
Sole Policy Critic in
Administration Exits
From Washington
EDITOR'S NOTE: This fea-
ture was written by Marquis W.
Childs, Chief Washington cor-
respondent for the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, on June 18. Its
analysis of top-level decision-
making and of the administra-
tion's conduct of the war in
Viet Nam is, we feel, superb.
When Under Secretary of State
George Ball leaves the government
in the early fall, the view from the
top on Viet Nam will be unani-
mous. The departure of the one
dissenter is the climax of a quiet
drama unique in the Kennedy-'
Johnson era.
It has been no secret in Wash-
ington that for at least three years
Ball has consistently opposed in
the private councils of Govern-
ment the escalation of the war. In
public, he has been comnletely
loyal to the Administration. While
their views have often been dia-
metrically opposed, Ball and Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk share
a mutual respect that is the basis,
for their friendship.
The Under Secretary's leaving
has no relation to his opposition
to Viet Nam policy. He is going
because having worked the 12-
hour day and seven-day week :or
five and a half years he is bone
tired. His relationship with the
President is friendly, with Mr.
Johnson speaking up frequently in
National Security Council meet-
'~ings to say, "let's hear Geor ,e's
point of view."
The personal drama to one side,
and it has been for Ball a lonely
and an extraordinary role that
only the historians can put in pro-
per perspective, the unanimity of
the view at the top is one of the
facts of life at what seems a criti-
cal juncture for the Administra-
tion. For there is every evidence
that opinion in the country is
fragmenting as doubts spread in
a dozen different directions.
Seldom if ever has any foreign
entanglement in the nation's life
generated so much controversy.
By comparison, the Korean War
NEW YORK (A'-CBS reported yesterday that planned air
strikes against Hanoi and Haiphong during the past five days
were called off because of "flagrant security leaks in Washington."
The Columbia Broadcasting System network report by Murray
Fromson from Saigon said speculation is that the leaks came
either from government sources-a trial balloon-or from "doves"
in Congress who don't want the air war expanded.
Fromson also reported that a "high-powered public relations
effort" had been planned to tell the administration's side of the
story after the raids were carried out. Officers around the world
had been alerted, he said, to explain the reasons for the air
This effort, Fromson said, "has now been destroyed" by the
Washington leaks. The CBS report also said American pilots are
"enraged" by stories in print which would have endangered their
lives and success of the raids if they had been carried out.
* * * *
this summer must register them, Tom Brown of the Student Auto-
mobile Permit Office said yesterday. Brown said many students
are unaware of the regulation because in previous summers it has
not been necessary. The rule, in force during the winter and fall
semesters, requires students to go to 113 Student Affairs Building,
where they will receive parking stickers for their cars. Students
taking four hours of credit or more must pay $1 for their sticker.
a reduction from the winter semester. Other students do not pay
Brown also said that with these stickers students can park
for free in the lot by the hockey rink and in the triangle lot
bounded by Thompson St., Madison St. and Packard Road.
ROBERT GOYER, GRAD, has been named as student repre-
sentative for the Northwood IV building committee. Goyer, of the
Graduate Student Council building committee, was a member of
the vice-presidential student housing advisory committee that
drew up the project statement for the new Northwood married
student housing project.
Students have sat on building committees working on the
construction of Oxford Suites and Mary Markley Hall, but never
before have they assumed such a major role as the committee
has in the preplanning of the type of housing they will live in at
the University.
Due to the committee's sugestions, the low-cost Northwood
units, to be completed by summer, '67, will offer more quiet and
privacy than former University-owned married housing has.
Some of the 400 apartments in the project will also offer more
bedrooms than previous apartments have, with some of the units
being unfurnished.
THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION will hold its semi.
monthly meeting today in Detroit at the Pick Fort Shelby Hotel.
It will be the first State Board meeting held in Detroit.
The agenda is expected to contain a decision on Michigan
Tech's Sault Ste. Marie branch. An Advisory Committee recom-
mended that the present' three year programs in Biological
- Science, Medical Technology, and Business Administration be
expanded to four year programs soon. The committee also rer,-
ommended that the branch be made independent in the neat'
future, with a separate name, governing board and budget.
The Master Plan for education in the state of Michigan, the
time of i' release, and possible changes in its coverage are also
expected to be discussed.
Found in
Judge Rules Editor
Must Pay $300 Fine;
Case To Be Appealed
EUGENE, Ore. (P) - Annette
Buchanan, a student editor, was
held in contempt of court yester-
day and ordered to pay a $300 fine
for refusing to tell a grand jury
the names of seven students who
used marijuana.
State Circuit Court Judge Ed-
ward Leavy made the decision.
Neither Miss Buchanan nor her
attorney, Arthur Johnson, would
comment immediately after the
two-day trial. Johnson said ear-
lier he would appeal a conviction
to the Oregon Supreme Court,
Miss Buchanan, managing edi-
tor of the University of Oregon
daily newspaper, The Emerald,
wrote a story quoting seven stu-
dents who described use and
enjoyment of marijuana.
Dist. Atty. William Frye called
her before the grand jury and
asked her to give the names of the
students. She refused, saying she
had told them she would not.
She said that to disclose the
names would violate the reporter's
tradition against violating confi-
Oregon law does not give a
newsman the right to refuse to
divulge confidential information.
Twelve other states do.
Frye said in his closing argu-
ment: "It is contemptuous to vio-
late an order of the court and
contemptuous to refuse to answer
questions. That is the only thing
this case is all about."
He said the grand jury needed
Miss Buchanan's information. Her
attorney said it could be obtained
from other sources.
Frye followed Johnson, who said
Miss Buchanan was not in con-
"Annette Buchanan's word was
her bond," Johnson said.
"She felt bound by her con-
science, her pledge, and what she
felt to be the canons of jour-
Johnson said the grand jury
proceedings were improper. He
said they were only a general in-
quiry, rather than a specific crim-
inal case.
"She is in a dilemma where she
had no alternative," Johnson said.
"It would be disrespect to this
court for her to break her word
and disclose the names."
THE FIRST SEASON OF THE YPSILANTI GREEK THEATRE was inaugurated last night with a brilliant performance of "Oresteia,"
one scene from which is shown above.
Greek Theatre Gives
Triumph for Anderson, Solomos.
By BETSY COHN English of "The Oresteia.," star-
.iring Dame Judith Anderson.
fug eneral m eti us Y ps00 inki U nder the direction of A lexis,
foughadr forc ofy 30.00 Tisth Solomos, director of the National,
invaders with only 300 men in the Theatre of Greece for 14 years
Greek revolution . . . and lost, and most recently director of his
Perhaps the incident should not own Athenian company, the tri-
have happened. But it did and logy underwent some interesting
Ypsilanti had a Michigan city renovations.
named after him inspite of his The ancient play was originally
presented with a chorus of singers,
Like its namesake, the Ypsilanti dancers and one actor in a pre-
Greek Theatre is a "theatre dominantly lyrical dialogue. Solo-
against odds"; perhaps the whole mos has taken this chorus inserted
thing should never have happened, contemporary sounds and conden-
but it did and the fact that it sations.
exists now is a fate slightly short Among them is the introduction
of miraculous, of the modern in terms of elec-
In spite of financial and other tronic music and 20th century
kinds of problems, the Ypsilanti contemporary ballet forms.
Greek Theatre launched its inaug- The original music was com-
ural season last evening with the posed by Iannis Xenakis who com-
first professional production in poses his music with an IBM 7090
New OSA Office To Unify Housing Operations'
computer, programming his own,
ideas and "musical axioms" into,
the computer and decoding the re-
sult into music for conventional
instruments. Xenakis calls his
philosophical approach "stochastic
music," which is a term he has
invented for music that is based
upon probability theory.
In addition to his work as a
composer, Xenakis is a mathe-
matician and an architect.
Despite this modern influence
there was still the immutable ele-
ment of traditional theatrical
greatness in the nonmechanical
performance of Dame Judith An-
derson whose portrayal of dig-
nity carries with it the pathos and
tragedy of the ancient Greek
The plot also remains unham-
pered: a story played on several
levels, striking simultaneous notes
of tragedy. First, it is a domestic
tragedy; a wife alienated from
her husband, an adultress.
Because the action is set in a
king's house, the domestic tragedy
becomes a dynastic tragedy with
the betrayal of a king and the
alienation of his kingdom. It be-
comes then, a tragedy of war, the
ten year Trojan war in which
both victor and vanquished were
This in turn leads to the politi-
cal tragedy, communicated by the
chorus, the wailing elders ofi Argos
who tell how and why the war
was fought.
Running throughout the entire
trilogy and binding it together is
the theme of hate-in love, an
opposing dialectic which forces
the characters to fight against
one another as well as against
The tragedy deals with plight,
decisions and fate of the individ-
In line with the recommenda-
tions of last November's report by
the President's Blue-Ribbon Com-
mission on Off-Campus Housing,
the Regents have approved Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler's recommenda-
tion to appoint his former assist-
ant, John C. Feldkamp, to the
position of director of a new Uni-
versity housing office.
The Commission had suggested
the new post be created to co-
ordinate all aspects of student
housing: residence halls, married
student housing, affiliated hous-
ing and off-campus housing. It's
a reoort had called for introducing
American actors whom he claims
are much harder to direct than the
Greeks. Greek actors apparently
are less inhibited and will easily
scream and rant resonantly as did
the ancient Greeks. Americans are
apparently more restrained; never-
theless, they have become quite
proficient, according to Solomos.
The tragic trilogy ends with
reconciliation and triumph of jus-
tice. The fates take their course
and all ends justly.
Last evening at 'the Ypsilanti
Greek Theatre, there was some-
thing more than humidity in the
air. The Greeks call it justice, the
Muses have chanted "fate" while
the more restrained Americans ap-
plauded it last evening as success.
Feldkamp said that he doesn't
envision 'a' pilot project or resi-
dential college" type atmosphere
at every living unit, but that he
wanted to encourage "diversity
and experimentation."
Though the Commission's re-
port made no recommendations
for "specific reorganizing or re-
structuring" of any Office of Stu-
dent Affairs subdivisions working
on housing, the post of Director of
Residence Halls has been elimi-
nated. The position was formerly
held by Eugene Haun, who is leav-
ing in August to accept a teaching
appointment at Eastern Michigan
,sonnel separated on two floors of
the SAB.
However, the Off-Campus Hous-
ing Bureau of the Office of Stu-
dent Community Relations will
remain as a separate administra-
tive untit, with offices located on
the second floor of the SAB.j
Feldkamp says that he and Wil-
liam L. Stuede, head of the
OSCR, will be working in "tan-
Feldkamp sees his office as con-
cerned with the "operational"
facet of University housing and
in expressing the effect that as-
pect has on Stuede's role in
"planning and development of
off-campus student housing."
centrality, would allow each in-
dividual living unit more flexibil-
ity with its own business opera-
tions, yet at the same time make
each "more accountable" for what
it budgets.
He said he plans to try locating
personnel in each of the residence
halls who will be responsible for
both the financial and counseling
aspects of the halls' operations,
instead of continuing theupresent
separation of the two functions.
Feldkamp's staff will consist of
five assistant directors in addi-
tion to a business staff. Leonard
Schaadt, currently business man-
ager of the residence halls, and
Chester Malinowski will be major
both presently assistant directors
I to the director of residence halls;
Robert Hughes, director of South
Quadrangle; Helen Tanner, assist-
ant to the director of financial
aids, and Ed Salowitz, director of
a residence hall at Eastern Mich-
igan University.
Other appointments in Feld-
kamp's office will include an
assistant in charge of student
groups and government, yet to be
named, and Harold Swoverlend,
presently investigator with the
Office of Saudent Organizations,
named to the post of University
housing investigator.
Feldkamp said that Swoverlend
Kennedy-Backed Candidate
Beats Tammany Opponent
WASHINGTON ()-Sen. Rob- Weiss, city councilman, who ad-
ert F. Kennedy won a key battle vocated withdrawal from Viet
for control of the New York State Nam.
Democratic party last night when Veteran Brooklyn Democratic
State Supreme Court Justice Sam- Rep. Abraham Multer apparently
uel J. Silverman upset the regular was turning back a strong chal-
organization's candidate in a New lenge from another peace candi-
York City judicial primary elec- date, Mel Dubin, a millionaire
tion. businessman.
What would normally be an ob- New York's other senator, Re-
scure contest for the nomination publican Jacob K. Javits, saw his
for Manhattan surrogate, attract- man defeated by a Republican
ed national attention after Ken- conservative for a party nomina-
nedy joined Liberal and reform tion for a U.S. House seat from
elements in backing Silverman Long Island.
against State Supreme Court Jus- Former Rep. Steven B. Deroun-
tice Arthur G. Kein, who was ian, who represented a Nassau
backed by Tammany Hall and the County district in Congress until
regular Republican organization, his defeat 'in 1964, beat William
Kennedy denied he was trying J. Casey, who was backed by
to take over Tammany, but Tam- Javits.
many Leader J. Raymond Jones, Early Lead