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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Stud ents
EDITOR'S NOTE: There is a rest-
lessness and turbulence on many
American campuses, but to label
the entire college generation as ir-
responsible is to miss the point.
Many observers say the student
population is well prepared, serious,
hardworking and concentrating on
academic work. Here, in a special
article, Roger V. Heyns, chancellor
of the University of California,
Berkeley and former University
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
--site of many student rebellions in
the last couple of years-presents
anassessment of the present college
Chancellor, the University
of California, Berkeley
For The Associated Press
The present generation of
American college students is not
easily characterized. There are
more than 2,000 colleges and uni-
versities with more than five mil-
lion students. They can't be put
into simple categories any more
than their parents or the homes
from which they come.
Some categorizing is unavoid-
able, however, in response to the
interest and worry of the general
public about what ishappening on
the nation's campuses. Social
scientists, journalists' polls and
university administrators have
been trying to describe the college
scene. These observers, in spite of
their differences in viewpoint and
method, have reached a remark-
able degree of agreement.
The vast majority of students
respond industriously to academic
demands. They are better pre-
pared, have better work habits
and work harder than the stu-
dents in the 1930's for example.
Because academic demands are
heavier, their extracurricular life
is less active and what there is of
it is likely to be personal and in-
dividual rather than organiza-
Traditional student organiza-
tions are often weak and many
events, such as the spring weekend
or the junior dance, are smaller
and less well run. This trend may
not mean that most students are
passionately devoted to the life
of the mind. It does mean that the
organization is less important to
th estudent. The parents of these
young people show a similar drift
from organizational life to private
individual activity.
Many in every student body are
planning a career that calls for
education beyond the bachelor
of arts or bachelor of science de-
grees. Graduate or professional
school lies ahead. This gives satis-
factory academic performance a'
significance that it did not have
in previous generations. Dr. Ken-
neth Keniston of Yale has called
this large group of students the.
"professionals." The professionals
are intent on becoming the experts
our society seems to need.
So far then, all observers de-
scribe a student population that
is well prepared, serious, hard-
working, concentrating on aca-
demic work, and giving little at-
tention to much of the organiza-
tional extracurricular college life
that used to be very much a part
of the college scene.
None of this, of course, ac-
counts for the restlessness, the
turbulence of many of the cam-
puses of America. The calm de-
votion to learning certainly does
not adequately describe the scene
at many of our 2,000 campuses,
and particularly the large univer-
Students are participating in
the social and political discussions
of the time with what may indeed
be additional vigor and intensity.
But even here we need perspective.
The Viet Nam war makes an
enormous difference. For the col-
lege generation, the war is not
an academic matter; in a matter
of days or months the discussion
turns into active involvement for
many young men. Moreover, the
nation itself is not single-mindedly
dedicated to the war in the way
that it was to the overthrow of
hated dictatorships of the 40's;
this dedication gave meaning to
the participation of young men
and women. The debate and the
turmoil inside the university is
part of the same debate that is
taking place outside, but it has
understandably greater shrillness
and urgency in the university.
The civil rights issues and its
campaigns also give the campus.
intensity, unrest and vigorous in-
volvement. Here again, the uni-
versity both reflects and leads the
society in which it lives. The sen-
sibilities of all of America about
legal, social, and economic in-
justices for minorities, and espe-
cially for Negroes, were slow in
In the last five years students
have joined civil and religious
leaders and have played an im-
portant role not only in dramatiz-
ing the issues but in effecting
changes in our social order. It is
true that the student of today has
more interest in the social prob-
lems of his time than did the stu-
dents of previous generations, but
it is important to recognize that
this heightened awareness also
characterizes the society at large.
This generation of parents is also
more sensitive than its predeces-
sors to the problems of race, pov-
erty and medical care.
All observers agree that the
students with these social con-
cerns- and the desire to put their
ideas into action are by and large
serious, responsible and idealistic.
The number who are truly alienat-
ed from society and basically hos-
tile are few in number. They are,
however, usually present in the
social action projects of the stu-
dent activists and they give these
events the mixture of idealism and
belligerence that makes coming to
terms with them difficult. As Dr.
Keniston points out, the activists
tend to be moralistic and very
personal in their efforts at social
reform. Their objectives are usual-
ly short run and they often require
only a minimum personal com-
mitment. It is easier to picket for
a few hours than to undertake to
tutor an illiterate or a drop-out
for many hours over many weeks.
The activists and their tempo-
rary allies, the genuinely hostile,
are relatively few in number but
they have a special appeal to the
larger body of students. They call
attention to important causes and
valid social problems.
Aggressive Toward Authority
They have an aggressive attitude
toward authority figures which,
while frightening to some students,
is nevertheless attractive. They
See TODAY'S, Page 2
- - ---------
'U' To Host
School for
New Politics
k; ly Iirhigan ail Charged with
NFWS WIRF Infiltration
e* it wv t i
Conference To Serve
As Trainee Program
For 'Left' Politicians
Following the close here Sunday
of the summer meeting of the Na-
tional Council of Students for a
Democratic Society, the University
will this week host thirty par-
ticipants in the School for New
Politics. Co-chairmaned by Simon
Casady, former head of the Cali-
fornia Democratic Council, and
Julian Bond, the conference serves
as a trainee program in sophisti-
cated campaign work techniques
for peace candidates.
PaulrBooth, outgoing National
Secretary of SDS, explained yes-
terday that the school acts as a
"building base" for the new poli-
tics and will be a meeting for
members of various new left in-
dependent political groups. The
program is sponsored by the Na-
tional Conference for New Politics
and, Booth said, "has had enough
impact that President Johnson re-
cently denied its importance."
Speaking tonight at 8 p.m. in
the Union will be Robert Scheer,
a radical peace candidate from
California. Scheer's appearance
here will be sponsored by Voice,
the University's SDS chapter.
From the meeting of the SDS
National Council, which began last
Wednesday with two days of work-
shops and discussions on power,
coalitions, and recent protests
across the country, came a strong
statement on the draft. Booth
summarized the statement by not-
ing that the council, which de-
velops programs and sets priori-
ties, called for "continued direct
action against the draft along the
same lines as in other SDS-begun
"Fundamentally," Booth said,
"we are attacking the universities
voluntary participation in the war
in Viet Nam." He defined 'partici-
pation' as being primarily making
class rank and grades available
and permitting the Selective Serv-
ice draft examination to be given,
on college campuses.
Booth noted the setback which
the status of the Selective Service
received late last week when
Wayne State University President
William R. Keast announced that
the school will cease to determine
class standings of undergraduate
This policy decision by Wayne
officials, said Booth, is "the first.
and we expect that the University
of Michigan will follow suit in the:
near future."
"In the fall," Booth continued,
"the campaign to change draft
procedures will be stepped up.
Demonstrations this spring such
as those in Wisconsin, Chicago and:
New York have been merely pre-
ludes. We expect to win," he em-
phasized, "and to see concrete
changes in the near future rath-
er than to achieve only symbolic
Further action of the Council
included the election of Jane Ad-
ams, former member of SNCC and
current regional SDS organizer for
the Missouri Valley, as Booth's
successor as national secretary.
Booth spoke enthusiastically of
SDS's internal education pro-
gram - the Radical Education
Project (REP)--which is centered
here in Ann Arbor under the
A SENATE-HOUSE CONFERENCE committee is scheduled
to begin deliberations on the Higher Education Appropriations
Bill tomorrow. The bill contains the University's appropriation
from the state legislature. The House bill gave the University an
allotment of slightly over $58 million dollars. The Senate bill
gave the University $57.8 million. The committee will attempt to
iron out the differences between the two bills. No significant
changes from the House bill are expected.
The House included in its bill $100,000 to the University for
cancer research, but failed to appropriate the money for expan-
sion of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. The
House did not appropriate any funds for the Institute of Inter-
national Commerce, or a proposed Institute of Gerontology.
to City Council last night calling for a review of the R4 Multiple
Family Density Study by Council with the aid of students and
architects. The R4 study, in its present form would discourage
needed high density housing in the central campus area. Since
the proposal was made in the form of a communication from the
Mayor, Councilman Hathaway moved to reconsider it as part of
the regular agenda next week.
A $87,000 GRANT from the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration to the University's Office of Research Adminis-
tration for the study of the application of optical processing
techniques to aerospace flight problems was announced yesterday
by Rep. Wes Vivian (D-Ann Arbor).
The study will be directed by Emmett Leith of the engineering
ROBERT SCHEER, a "peace candidate" who gained 45 per
cent of the vote in a California Congressional primary recently,
will speak tonight at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3K-L-M-N of the Michigan
Union. Scheer ran in a California district which included the
GEORGE STEINITZ, Grad., who was arrested last October
in the sit-in, has been reclassified 1A for the second time by his
local draft board in Valley Stream, New York.
After being reclassified for the first time he regained 2$
standing from the appeal board. Steinitz now claims conscientious
objector status. He was notified yesterday of his second IA
EAST LANSING (A)-The Michigan State University local
of the AFL-CIO State Employes Union voted Sunday to approve
a new one-year contract covering some 2,000 nonteaching em-
Union officials said the vote was unanimous for approval by
the 550 union members ratifying the contract. The contract pre-
viously had been approved by the MSU Board of Trustees.
Union officials said the contract, covering wages, hours and
working conditions, contains an economic package estimated to
be worth an extra 35 cents an hour.
Senate Subcommittee
Says War Protests
Communist Organized
ate Internal Security subcopnmit-
tee charged Sunday night that
Communists have played a key
role in organizing campus demon-
strations against the war in South
Viet Nam.
"The Communist party, U.S.A.,
brand may be found upon every
phase of the rallies," the subcom-
mittee said in a report on hearings
held 13 months ago, "from plan-
ning to the final effort to prose-
lytize young people."
Seventy-eight pates of previ-
ously secret testimony, made pub-
lic with the report, dealt with
the Free Speech Movement at the
University of California, and withj
war protests there and at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.
DuBois Clubs Official Link
The subcommittee inquiry also
covered the W.E.B. DuBois Clubs
and the report said there is "an
official link of the Communist
party, through DuBois Clubs, with
campus activities directed against
policies of this country with re-
spect to Viet Nam."
The hearings were held May 17
and 18, 1965, amid demonstrations
on campuses around the country.
"These demonstrations seemed
spontaneous at first," the report
said. "But a pattern emerged, on
campus after campus, which made
it unmistakably clear that the
Communist party, U.S.A., and its
front organizations were playing a
key role in organizing them.
Recruitment Drive
"It became increasingly evi-
dent that the Communist party in
both fomenting and exploiting
campus unrest was laying the
groundwork for a concerted drive
to rruit youth to its ause."
It went on: "A traditional tool
of the Communists is infiltration,
and it was used to the hilt on
campus after campus. Student-
body grievances were either frau-
dulent, created, stimulated or ex-
aggerated as a catalytic means of
setting off mob explosions.
"Once aroused, students' ener-
gies were channeled and directed
by professionals and their disciples
into forums, rallies, protests, reso-
lutions, defiance of law and out-
and-out law violations."
G. Mennon Williams, who along with Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh is seeking the Democratic
nomination for the U.S. Senate, spoke before a panel here yesterday. The panel included (from left
to right) Marshall Sahlins of the anthropology dept., Harold Orbach of the sociology dept., James
Walter of the Ann Arbor Young Democrats, and Douglas Ross, Grad. Williams voiced support for the
administration's Viet Nam policy and called for negotiations with the Viet Cong.
Chinese StudiesA Growing'
Fiel in American Colleges
Though the United States re- in Asia and the obvious impor-
fuses to officially recognize Com- tance of China in American af-
munist China, the study of that fairs today and in the future."
diplomatically nonexistent na- Disappointed in Students
tion's language, culture, history Hucker said he feels that be-
and economy is a rapidly growing cause of this lack of concern, most
field at leading American univer- of his colleagues are "disappoint-
sities. ed in the students of this genera-
Prof. William ti Bary, chair- tion."
man of Columbia University's de- De Bary and Hucker agree with
partment of Chinese and Japan- Prof. John K. Fairbank, director
ese, and Prof. Charles O. Hucker, of Harvard's East Asian Research
chairman of the University's de- Center, that there has been im-
partment of Far Eastern lan- pressive progress in expanding re-
guages and literature, both con- search and facilities for Far East-
tend that the U.S. leads the world ern studies in the past few years.
in China studies. Fairbank commented that "the
However, although there has gap with Russians studies is being
been an increase in recent years rapidly closed if it has not already
in the number of students enroll- been closed."
ed in Chinese studies, Hucker Must Rely on Others
lamented that the increase has Yet, no matter how well sys-
not been as large as he would have tematized the corpus of ancient
anticipated, "given the conditions and scholarly information and
'U' Administrators, Students Favorable to
NSA Campus Action Recommendations
what economic and sociological
data is available on the present-
day mainland society, for first-
hand accounts, Americans have to
rely on the citizens of those na-
tions where travel to the Chinese
mainland is not prohibited.
Scholars of Far Eastern studies,
in a recent survey, said that, even
without official lines of communi-
cation, much has been done in
the past few years to dispel con-
siderably the mystery previously
surrounding the mainland society.
They point to the "astounding"
library resources of China mate-
rials-300,000 volumes at Harvard,
150,000 at Columbia and sizeable
numbers at the University, the
University of Chicago, Stanford,
Berkeley and the Library of Con-
According to Fairbank and de
Bary, diplomatic isolation has not
brought a halt to the exchange of
scholarly materials. Japan-chief
outlet-and Honk Kong bookshops
abound with resources.
Mostly Scholarly Works
Also, the Chinese Communist
government has permitted the Pe-
king National Library to enter in-
to exchange agreements with
A m e r i c a n university libraries.
However, most of what is avail-
able to American scholars con-
sists of learned periodicals and
edited texts of old Chinese scho-
larship, highly expert, but con-
fined to within fairly narrow
China experts also admit that
they are handicapped by a lack of
scientific materials, although the
f e d e r a l government's extensive
translation service produces daily
about 100 pages of texts selected
from the daily press, popular per-
iodicals and radio broadcasts.
About 60 graduate students at
the University are pursuing ad-
vanced degrees in Chinese studies,
and even more are engaged in de-
gree work in departments handl-
Congress To
Draft Law
Hearings Scheduled
To Examine Draft's
'State of the Health'
tive Service system which has
put millions of young American
men into military uniforms since
its enactment in 1940 gets a cri-
tical look from Congress this week.
Better known as the draft law,
it has been the target of a bar-
rage of recent complaints from
congressmen spurred by a grow-
ing volume of mail from constitu-
Prodded by these complaints,
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee has scheduled a week of
hearings starting tomorrow with
quizzing of Lt. Gen. Lewis B.
Hershey, national Selective Serv-
ice director.
Not an Investigation
Committee Chairman L. Mendel
Rivers (D-SC) described the hear-
ings as a look into "the state of
the health" of the draft rather
than an investibation but said,
"If it looks like the draft needs
an investigation, we'll make it."
The draft law, enacted shortly
before U.S. involvement in World
War II and continued since then
except for the period from March
1947 to June 1948, will expire on
June 30, 1967, unless Congress
continues it. It is administered
by more than 40,000 citizens serv-
ing on more than 4000 local draft
The, local boards determine
which youths from their oemmu-
nities must go into service to meet
the monthly quotas of their state.
They operate under guidelines
from Washington which provide
for deferments of students, hus-
bands, fathers and other categor-
Draft Calls U
The monthly national draft
quotas vary, depending on the mil-
itary's need for manpower. Re-
cently they have been ranging up-
wards-18,500 for June, 26,500 for
July, and 32,600 for August.
There have been no congres-
sional suggestions that the law be
allowed to die next year. But
charges of inequities and discrim-
ination have been made.
A group of 30 House Republi-
cans recently blasted what it call-
ed bumbling bureaucracy and de-
manded an investigation. Some
Democrats, too, have joined in the
Various Complaints
Typical of some of the com-
plaints are these:
-Rep. Donald M. Fraser (D-
Minn) said the law is "patently
discriminatory against the poor
and uneducated," because youths
who cant' afford to go to college
can't get a student deferment.
-Rep. Richard S. Schweiker
(R-Pa) said too many local boards
"are using different methods in
classifications than their neigh-
-Rep. Robert F. Ellsworth (R-
Kan) said the evidence "points to
inequity and inefficiency."
Hershey himself recently com-
plained about the time it takes
to run men through the manpow-
er pipeline.
Stricter Deferments
In a memorandum to Congress
last March, Hershey hinted that
cedure may be in the offing. In-
some changes in deferment pro-
creased demands for manpower, he
said. "do not permit the contin-
The reaction of University offi-
cials and student leaders to the
"campus action program" and
Warrenton Report released last
week by the National Student As-
sociation was generally favorable
and enthusiastic.
Most felt, however, that the
suggestions, designed to bring
students into greater contact with
the "real" world, were not new,
and that the University has made
advances in all the suggested
r inrvpn mmend inn f mnst
identifying teachers, the rewards
should be given by the college.
Tenure Awarded by College
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said that
students are not "fit to judge pro-
fessional competence" and that
the reward of tenure ought to be
left to the teacher's colleagues.
Commenting on student involve-
ment in general, John C. Feld-
camp, assistant to the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, said that
there is a difference between in-
volvement and control, and that
administraonrs must realizea that
shead, '67, SGC member, said that
through the Student Advisory
Board System that is now being
established "student opinion will
be easily conveyed to top admin-
istrators," and "students will be
able to affect University decisions
which have a great impact on
their lives."
Commenting on another of the
NSA recommendations, that pass-
fail judgments be substituted for
grades, Robertson said that the
pass-fail option will be considered
by the faculty in the fall.
TH e sid thnt such a. nnlicv
think a pass-fail system is a suf-
ficient basis on which to "diag-
nose a student's strengths and
weaknesses," and is "no basis to
see where a person needs help."
The recommendation that cred-
it be offered for off-campus ex-
periences in hospitals, the Peace
Corps, the civil rights movement,
the antipoverty program, or other
jobs met with a more dubious
Careful Supervision
Robertson said that "unless the
experience was an integral part
of the student's program and was
world. With this in mind, he said
that a more tangible reward for
these extra experiences might be
a higher starting salary on a job
rather than college credit.
Independent Study
Another recommendation, that
independent study should be in-
creased, was greeted enthusias-
tically by Cutler and Robertson.
Both agreed that it was a good
idea and that the University
through the Honors and other
programs, has already done much
work in this area.
Concerning NSA's "campus self-