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June 17, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-17

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See Editorial Page


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Fair, seasonably
mild today

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Scientists Attemt To Put Sleepin gTime
By MICHAEL HEFFER sleep, but are actually far from Yet such training is not limited perspiration and many vital func- iods responses seem too slow for tell upon awakening which stage Such discrimination can be T
Last of a two-part series sleeping. to Zen Buddhists. The late presi- tions. rememberance. of sleep she had just been in. taught. Cats were given shocks w
During this sutained meditation, dent John Kennedy had the men- Zen Buddhists have learned to Sleep learning started as a In another study it was discov- when a certain tone was played o
toswhocandentea brin gscientists having found the sig- tacomman acontrol their heart beats. If a business in 1947, when special ered that if the subjects were during sleep. If they moved, thee
those who can enter a boring sntss hving foundth sriga- tal command and concentration short way could be found to teach records and phonographs to be given motivation to respond while shock stopped. They learned to r
oers, too selfosciou to sleep ed alpha waves-are identical to enabling him to go to sleep for such control to all people, heart used during sleep were first sold. asleep, such as to avoid punish- move in their sleep only when f
others, tooself-conscioustosleepthe ones coming from those en- naps if he wanted in the midst of ailments, ulcers, headaches and This developed into a big busi- ment, they responded. Otherwise that tone, and not others, was s
tay ee soe a to ltering the first stage of sleep. tense conferences. other conditions might be par- ness, during the next ten years, they did not. played.
butscentfi stdisicstgraenoterstuy adoumers Casshvealsobenaseli
asleep and wake up in exactly 50 What this means is that the Zen Scientists have recently been tially controllable. but scientific studies cast grave
mintes. ndnyektrtyameCxhe sbei Buddhists have, by years of train- experimenting with the recogni- However, controlling and util- doubt on its effectiveness, and it announced o t loud while the sub- controlling the onset of sleep.
minutesc t. . ing, enabled themselves to utilize tion of and control by an individ- izing deeper stages of sleep than died out jects slept. Only after REM sleep Scientists learned that a certain
Yet scientists are discovermnga period of sleep for thought. ual of stages of sleep. By inform- alpha drowsiness seems very dif- Now scientists are re-opening were the numbers remembered, signal transmitted via electrodes
that many people, perhaps every- A Zen Buddhist can remain as g volunteers when they were in ficult, if not impossible. The basic the field. In one experiment and only when the subject was implanted in a cat's brain would
and ake atrdesied times, and long as five days in this state a stage of drowsiness prior to reason scientists feel there is a scientists had volunteers press a awakened within ten seconds. cause the cat to feel sleepy anda
and wake at desired times and without going to sleep, and yet sleep, they have been able to teach chance to utilize sleep is that switch when a tone sounded. The These experiments suggest that go to sleep. They played a certain
even accomplish threaining wareof what happens people when they were entering sleep, after all, is a form of con- scientists had the tone go on just simply repeating information all tone before giving the signal.e
The fact that people could be around him. None of the usual the stage, and teach them to con- sciousness. when brain signals indicated the night will not bring about learn- Soon the cats felt sleepy as soons
trained to utilize sleep periods has side effects of lack of sleep are trol it by ending it Sleep is a state of conscious- subject was entering REM sleep ing, for the knowledge disappears as they heard the tone t
been known for some time. Zen noted in these situations. In doing this, they have appar- ness because the brain is aware of The subject soon learned to as quickly as dreams. Sleep learning experiments have b
Buddhists can coordinate mental Training of this sort has also ently taught people what it takes what happens outside. However, push the switch without hearing However, not all sounds are re- shown that subjects are more re- c
and physical activities to the enabled people to control their Zen Buddhists years to accom- while responses during REM sleep the tone, indicating that somehow ceived in the same way. The sound sponsive during sleep if they have u
point that they actual utilize for breathing to the extent that they plish. Perhaps this might also be -a period of rapid dreaming-are he had learned to tell when the of one's own name amidst a been hypnotized. t
meditation periods in which they appear dead and can live for 40 done with the autonomic nervous almost identical to those in the REM period was approaching. stream of other names is enough Scientists have found the easiest a
are in a relaxed state approaching minutes in air-tight boxes. system that controls heart rate, awake brain, at other sleep per- Another subject was taught to to awaken someone. things to learn have been negative. t

o Use
Chat is, the brain soon learns
vhich outside activities are not
f danger and can be ignored. For
xample, while ordinary noises
nay be of no effect, a burglar's
ootstep may rouse a sleeping per-
It soon becomes obvious that the
najor problem involved is that of
ecalling what goes on in the brain
luring the night. What scientists
ave to find is some way to pos-
ibly influence the brain to record
[reams " and outside stimuli, for
Jthough the brain responds to
verything atnnight, its memory
system does not.
Hardly foreseen 10 years ago,
he study of sleep has extended its
enefits into medicine, pharma-
ology, psychiatry, into the sched-
ling of work, and rest and into
he education of the individual
cquainting him with himself and
he uses of his remarkable brain.

Ethics of
Medical Professor
Complains of Use of
Unconsenting Humans
BOSTON (,)-The question of
ethics in performing medical ex-I
periments on humans without their
consent has been raised by a
Harvard Medical School professor.
The American Medical Associa-
tion, while declining direct com-
ment yesterday on the charges of
Dr. Henry K. Beecher, indicated
its support of a World Medical'
Association declaration which
would limit human experiments to
the patients who give informed
Dr. Beecher, chairman of a Har-g
yard faculty committee studying
ethics in human experiments, said
more than a thousand persons un-I
knowingly have been subject of
scientific tests in some 50 cases.
He charged in one instance that
investigators withheld penicillin
and other antibiotics from 5001
Air Force men without their
knowledge or consent. He said the
men were suffering strep throat
infections which can lead to rheu-
matic fever. About five per cent
contracted rheumatic fever, Beech-
er said.
Writing in the New England
Journal of Medicine, Dr. Beecher
cited examples he said were from
leading medical schools, hospitals
-university, private and Veter-
ans Administration-and govern-
ment military departments.
An AMA spokesman said the
group's House of Delegates meet-
ing later this month has been urg-
ed to accept the Declaration of
Helsinki, adopted in 1954 under
sponsorship of the World Medi-
cal Association.
The declaration states that hu-
man experiments should be per-
formed only by qualified doctors,
with the informed consent of the
Dean Robert Higgins Ebert of{
Harvard Medical School declined
comment on his colleague's charg-
But Dean Franklin G. Ebaugh
of Boston University Medical
School disagreed with the impli-
cations of the Beecher article. He
said, "Nothing in my experience
has shown any unethical prac-
"AtBoston University, two sen-
ior staff members must sign a
printed form stating they have
weighed the risks and benefits of
treatsent," Dean Ebaugh said.

----__ ____ -""'3 Arrested
} cle ci gtit 4&iI In March in
NEWS WIRE Mississippi
N E -UW --------

7 11 W- - -- - mw ww4w wwmmm

their Conference on Political Organizations this morning and
convene their National Conference after dinner in the Multi-
purpose Rm. of the UGLI. The conference is expected to elect
national officers and set SDS policies for the summer.
Legislature's appropriation to MSU inadequate, boosted tuition
yesterday by $30 a year for Michigan residents and $150 for
out-of-state students.
It also ordered a study of the possibility of raising tuition
on a student's ability to pay.
Starting with the fall term, tuition for Michigan residents
will climb from $324 to $354 a year and for out-of-state students
from $870 to $1,020.
MSU officials told the House Ways and Means Committee
May 11 it needed $1.7 million more than the $51.3 million which
the Senate approved. The Senate figure was $1.15 million above
Gov. George Romney's recommendation. The House added no
additional money.
The additional money, MSU officials said, was needed to
meet commitments based on the number of students to be ad-
mitted next fall and the number of instructors needed to teach
them. They said at the time a tuition raise might have to be
MSU had about 35,000 students on its East Lansing campus
this year, and expects about 38,000 next year.
DIPLOMAS WILL BE AWARDED tonight to 191 new doctors,
the largest graduating class in the Medical School's 116-year
After the Class Day Ceremony and Honors Convocation,
scheduled for 8 p.m. in Hill Aud., the graduates will begin year-
long internships in hospitals around the United States. Half are
remaining in Michigan-a higher proportion than in recent years.
After their internships most will pursue additional years of
hospital residency training in a specialty or in general family
University President Harlan Hatcher will preside at the Class
Day Ceremony. Dean William N. Hubbard Jr. will present the
diplomas and awards.
The senior class has invited C. John Tupper, M.D., to deliver
the principal address. Dr. Tupper, who was associate dean of the
Medical School until last winter, now is dean of the new
University of California Medical School at Davis.
HARVARD PRESIDENT Nathan M. Pusey says that it would
be a "colossal waste of time" to require universal government
service as suggested by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara.
Pusey, in a baccalaureate address at Harvard, said, "I cannot
believe our government could possibly provide a demanding and
meaningful experience for the millions of people, men and women,
who would be involved."
He said there must be some sort of selective service, and that
it should be made as equitable as possible.
Pusey said that "it is in the best interest of the United
States that many of you get on with your careers in academic
life, and if you feel truly called to do so, I hope you will. go on
determinedly without apology or shame."

King Vows To Go On;
Canvassing Continues
In Nearby Counties -
Special To The Daily
GREENWOOD, Miss. - The
"Meredith March" through Mis-
sissippi met with its first leader-
ship arrest yesterday in what
seems to be an attempt to stage
a major confrontation with the
hitherto cooperative Mississippi
Stokley Carmichael, head of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee, Bob Smith, SNCC
staff member, and Bruce Baines
of CORE were arrested yesterday
by Greenwood police when they
refused to halt their attempts to
pitch tents in a GreenwoodI
schoolyard. March leaders say
they intend to secure the release
immediately of the three men and
have contacted John Doar of the
Justice Department in an attempt
to do so.
True Feelings
it was felt by many in the
march that the extensive police
cooperation as per Gov. Paul
Johnson's orders, was obviously
not reflective of the true feelings
of Mississippi whites or of the
police themselves and had merely
been employed as a singular tac-
tic to paint a false picture of
Mississippi race relations. Thus,
some feltyesterday's move was an
attempt to show the core of the
true feelings of the whites.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference said, "This
incident is indicative that Missis-
sippi is, still a state flied with
brutalty and hatred toward the
Negro. It is necessary for 9l peo-
ple of good will to get together
and expose the tragedy of Missis-
sippi. We are determined to make
this march to Jackson and call on
all persons to join us."
Earlier in the day 300 marchers
walked from a spot near Holcom
into Leflore county where Green-
wood is located. As the marchers
approached Greenwood, area Ne-
groes joined the march until they
numbered almost 700. The march-
ing ended at the usual time of 5
p.m. at a spot some six and a half
miles from Greenwood, from
which they were brought by car
and truck to the town. Over 300
curious onlookers were reported
at the Greenwood campsite.

-Associated Press
A PLAINCLOTHES SOUTH VIETNAMESE OFFICER collars a student demonstrator near the Sai-
gon Medical College. Small crowds of demonstrators against the government of Premier Nguyen Cao
Ky, rioting for the past several days, were kept under control by police and troops.
U.S. Advisers Leave Hue Battle
After Failure to Quiet Rebels11

S A I G O N (U') - Government'
soldiers brushed aside a risk of
civil war for a blow yesterday at
remnants of rebellion in Hue.
Elite paratroopers fired on dis-
sident South Vietnamese infan-
trymen who attempted a march
under Buddhist flags and anti-
government banners.

of 250 Viet Cong. The five-hour
fight came before dawn on a rocky
hilltop 25 miles northwest of the
Leatherneck base at Chu Lai.
Only two of the Marines were
unwounded and, in the words of
S. Sgt. Jimmie Howard of San
Diego, Calif., only seven "were
able to pull at trigger" when the
i. . .

The paratroopers killed one and enemy was iwuy 1epuisu xiLI
wounded at least three. That the help of airlifted reinforce-
didn't settle matters. ments. Forty-five of the enemy
ard-coree insurges oft twere found dead.
Hard-core insurgents of the 1st' On the political front, the gov-
Vietnamese Division, an outfit of ernment imposed a 9 p.m.-4 a.m.
wavering loyalties for months, curfew in Saigon to curb rioting
barricaded themselves in a wal- that has flared for four days. De-
ed citadel of the former imperialIdaring again that Communists
capital. They shot at five West-have infiltrated the Buddhist

tors burned an American auto-
mobile they found parked near
the Buddhist Institute. They also
threatened two U.S. servicemen,
but both escaped unharmed.
The Unified Buddhist Church
called on monks to abandon pa-
godas and "continue the fight
from your homes, from every-
where, until the government falls."
The government appeared de-
termined to smash the agitation.
It prepared to celebrate one year
in office Sunday with political
and economic decrees that would
solidify its power.
Government sources said the
aim is to show the leaders of a
vocal Buddhist minority, influen-
tial in the downfall of President
Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963 and sev-
eral later regimes, that they will
have no luck this time.

Wayne State
Will Not Give
Class Rank
Draft Deferment
System Felt To Be
In Need of Change
The current status of the Se-
lective Service was dealt anoth-
er setback today when the presi-
dent of Wayne State University
announced that the school will
stop determining the class stand-
ings of undergraduate students.
President William R. Keast an-
nounced the policy decision to the
Wayne State University Board of
Governors, who were in McG'eg-
or Hall this morning for their
monthly meeting.
_. The.board unanimously approv-
ed the policy, which had been the
result of consultation with fac-
ulty, administration and students.
The move will hinder the Seec-
tive Service, which has relied on
class standings to determine which
students should get draft defer-
ments. Draft boards will be forced
to rule on the basis of Individ-
ual stnudent grades.
On May 13, a group of Wayne
State students urged in a letter
to Keast that the current Selec-
tive Service rating system be abpl-
ished. The letter was the result
of a confrontation between stu-
dents planning a protest against
administration of the draft test
at the university and Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James
President Keast said he feels,
"That the added emphasis on
grades and class standings pro-
duced by the Selective Service
procedures intensifies several un-
desirable features of our present
system of higher education." He
said that the rating system Is un-
trustworthy, misleading and ur-
Keast stated, however, that a
last set of class standings for the
quarter ending Tuesday will be
compiled by the university to pro-
tect students who had presumed
the practice would not be discon-
tinued and who therefore failed
to register for the Selective Serv-
ice examination.
The university will continue to
determine class standings of grad-
uating classes.
New Policy
Keast urged legislators and edu
cators to fit the new policy into
"a comprehensive review of the
national service policy." Keast al-
so said that the university should
consider abolishment of grading in
favor of the "pass or fail" sys-
tem in some courses.
Keast's long-range suggestions
for revision of grading and Selec-
tive Service policy were not pre-
sented to the board, though Keast
has said he will continue to con-
sider other policy changes.
Keast stated that Wayne State
has always had a policy of releas-
ing grades only upon student re-
quest. "The present crisis for the
1need to examine the Selective
Service System of computing
grades," as he puts it. has been
brought about due to the insis-
tence of the draft boards for class

ern newsmen who approached the
gates to interview them, but hit
The crackdown on behalf of
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's regime
had some earmarks of the opera-
tion that crushed an uprising May
23 of dissident troops and armed
Buddhist civilians at Da Nang
after eight.days of sporadic fight-
ing. With tank support, the para-
troopers and riot police took over
Hue's key points.
Elsewhere in this land where
war and politics so often mingle,
18 U.S. Marines made an epic
stand against an attacking force

movement, it gave every indication,
of offering no quarter.
Shortly before they curfew went
into effect, Buddhist demonstra-

Oregon Coed May ace Jail
For 6 Months on Contempt


EUGENE, Ore. (A')-Annette
Lesley Buchanan is a typical Uni-
versity of Oregon coed. She likes
dating, reading Ernest Heming-
way and listening to folk music.
The Hemingway and folk music
she probably can continue, but
her dating may be curtailed. There
is a possibility she may soon
spend up to six months in jail.
She is the 20-year-old journal-
ism student who was cited for con-
tempt Wednesday for her refusal

newspaper at the University of
Oregon, Miss Buchanan interview-
ed seven students about marijuana.
Dist. Atty. William Frye of Lane
County read the story, published
on May 24--that's the same day
Frye lost the 4th District Demo-
cratic congressional nomination to
Charles O. Porter in the Oregon
primary election-and summoned
Miss Buchanan and three other
student editors before a grand

Consumer Optimism Down

With Inflation

The University's Survey Re-
search Center reports American
consumers are definitely less op-
timistic about both the business
outlook and their own spending
intentions than they were earlier
this year.
The widely respected survey, a
quarterly report which analyzes
current consumer attitudes, has
been sent to private corporate
clients of the research center but

of consumer sentiment,' its own
key yardstick for gauging consum-
er behavior.
This index fell to 95.8 in May,
when the latest survey was com-
piled, from 99.8 in February, a
four-point decline that represents
a marked deterioration in con-
sumer confidence and supports
more concrete evidence-the drops
in stock prices and in automobile
and retail sales-that the boom

vey's index since last August's
peak is the sharpest it has re-
corded since 1957-58, when the
economy experienced a recession.
The Survey Research Center re-
port has registered a much sharp-
er decline than the Census Bu-
reau survey, last released in April,
although it indicated that auo-
mobile sales were peaking out.
The current drop does not nec-
essarily mean that a recession lies
ohaa T "he TUnivrsnit urvevru has

they are not doing so as a result of
the Administration's policies.
The survey found that consum-
ers were not greatly influenced
by Viet Nam. But they have been
affected by the Administration's
reluctance to curb inflation. The
survey flatly states that "infla-
tion heads the list" of reasons
cited by consumers for their grow-
ing concern about the economy
and their sagging enthusiasm for

fall in consumer appetites for dur-
able goods was not limited to any
one income group. Rather, it
shows that the drop is evenly dis-
tributed throughout every income
Another indication of fading
optimism is that only 19 per cent
of the consumers sampled by the
survey expect to be better off next
year. Because most of those quer-
ied do not look for an improve-
ment, they may well spend less

to tell a grandt jury ner sources otmtCtto
1~ Uki~i ga~i UL 1C1b~U. s Contempt Citation
of a story about marijuana. Her
trial will be June 27. The other three students wery
"I panic once a day," she says. dismissed whthen y said the
"Like I've been hit in the stomach. tudentsknuoted n the story t
But it passes."
H~elp Offers Miss Buchanan declined to say
She has been almost swamped who were her sources, and the
with offers of help. "It's stag- contempt citation resulted.
gering," she says. "People think How does she feel about jail?
I'm freedom of the press itself, "I don't know how long I could
but I'm no different today than I last," she says, "but I do know
was a month ago." that I have a duty to myself and
She estimated 20 letters and to those who trusted me to fulfill

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