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C, r
Sunny and warmer with
scattered showers
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
LSD on College Campuses: Everybody 's D
in It
Associated Press Staff Writer
EDITOR'S NOTE: Grass grows on
many campuses, but not the kind
" you think. Grass is the "in" word
for marijuana which, with LSD and
other mind-expanding drugs, is
causing increasing concern in col-
lege circles. How widespread is
drug usage there? How serious is
the threat to health and morals?
The following is a report based on
trips to campuses throughout the
The college instructor got into
dungaree pants and jacket, stop-
ped to take a deep drag of mari-
juana, and then holding up the
paisley necktie he has just re-
moved, laughed happily and said:
"Do you get the scene? This is
the psychedelic tie. The patterns
and colors. Wow."
He and his girl friend passed
the marijuana to two others in
the room. He apologized for not
offering LSD, explaining that he
had a class the next morning and
that he wouldn't go to class still
turned on,
"Anyway," he said, "it's nice
to blow grass," then laughing,
said in a sing-song parody, "Every-
body's doin' it, doin' it."
From the sound and fury at-
tending the situation, it might
indeed seem that everybody's doin'
Campuses Awash with LSD
There has been a flood of re-
ports which make it appear that
America's college and university
campuses are awash with mari-
juana, lysergic acid diethylamide
-LSD-25 -mescaline, psilocybin
and other drugs, such as pep pills
and goof balls.
There is evidence that at schools
all over the United States there
are some students who have had
some experience with LSD or
grass, as marijuana is now called
by the hip or in groups.
Some. But how many?
No one really has any concrete
figure. No one knows how many of
the nation's 5,320,294 college and
university students are using, or
have used psychedelic-mind-
Dr. Timothy Leary, a pioneer
experimenter with LSD, estimates
that perhaps one-third of the
nation's young college students are
experimenting with the drug. He
bases his estimate on information
he says he has received from cor-
respondents-about 700 letters a
week-students and faculty who
have attended his lectures, and
from numerous sources among
college and high school age groups.
Dr. James L. Goddard, head
of the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration, gave some clue to the
extent of college use at a Senate
hearing at which he rejected sug-
gestions by Sen. Thomas J. Dodd
(D-Conn) that use of LSD be made
a crime.
"It would automatically place
maybe 10 per cent of hundreds
of thousands of college students
in the category of criminals. I
would hate to see them charged
with a crime," Dr. Goddard said.
The Food and Drug Adminis-
tration issued 'a warning to col-
lege administrators in April say-
ing that use of mind-manifesting
drugs was increasing and called it
an insidious and dangerous ac-
Whatever the number of users,
to most school administrators any
incidence spells trouble. Despite
the kinds of pressures that can be
applied to schools by parents as
well as governmental bodies, ad-
ministrators generally seem to be
taking the situation in stride.
"The g e n e r a 1 denunciation
against LSD is not expressed in
warnings against its use on moral
grounds, but that it is dangerous,"
says Dr. Howard Becker, sociology
professor at Northwestern Univer-
sity in Evanston, Ill. He is author
of "Outsiders," a book which deals
with deviant behavior by youth.
Another professor suggests that
even warnings about a danger
may fall upon unconcerned ears.
"It is difficult to tell a kid he may
lose his mind with LSD when he
knows he can have his whole head
blown off in Viet Nam."
Talks with students and faculty
at various schools from coast to
coast appear, to bear this out.
Users Doubt Danger
"Grass has been accepted on
campus because no one really be-
lieves it is harmful," says a Uni-
versity of Texas student.
"Too many people who are edu-
cated-you know, we can read and
write and reason-know from ob-
servation, logic and even exper-
ience, that stories about mari-
juana simply are not true. They
are convinced that the threat to
health and morals is no greater
than with ordinary tobacco and
certainly far less than with al-
Marijuana is generally used in
the most social of circumstances.
A typical session may start spon-
taoneously with a joint-cigarette
-being passed from hand to hand.
The one who supplies the mari-
juana doesn't usually seel It to
Marijuana is the mildest of the
psychedelics and works by altering
the senses of taste, sound and
time, particularly.
LSD Trips
LSD, on the other hand, is con-
sidered a more personal involve-
ment. Where there are a dozen at
a marijuana session, three or four
at an LSD session may add up to
a crowd. The person who goes on
a trip, which means using LSD,
may experience at the height of
its action halucinations and illu-
sions, and a remarkable sensory
alteration in which sound may
have an odor, color a sound, and
odor a dimension. Some may see
Jj I
Court May
Test State L Artie Iial ai4
Board Power NEWS WIRE
$100,000 Allocated
For Cancer Research
The House of Representatives approved a $230 million
Higher Education Appropriatidns Bill yesterday. The Uni-
versitys allocation was $57.9 million. This figure is $1 million
above the governor's recommendation, but still substantially
below the original University request of $65 million.
The House bill was very close to the version of the proposal
passed by the House Ways and Means Committee earlier this
week. It includes an additional $100,000 which was given to
the University for cancer research.
An amendment proposed by Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
which attempted to commit state supported colloges to a spe-
Osteopathic College
Approval by Romney
Could Spur Challenge
The State Board of Education's
authority to deal with the Legis-
lature may soon be subjected to a
court test.
Board President Thomas Bren-
nan said yesterday he will urge
the board to challenge the con-
stitutionality of a proposed new
osteopathic college if a bill pro.
viding for the school is signed by
-A'- the governor,
The bill was due for final ap-
proval in the House late last night
or today.
The House action was slated
without first consulting the board
which is charged by the state
constitution with planning and co-
ordination higher education in
'Planning Meaningless'
"Planning and coordination be-
come meaningless if a major new
education complex can be con-
structed without the board's con-
sideration," Brennan said.
The osteopathic college issue
first arose last fall, when the bill
just approved by the House was
passed by the Senate. At that time
Attorney General Frank Kelley is-
sued an informal opinion stating
that the Legislature cannot legally
establish a new state college or
university until the board gives its
recommendation. However, an in-
formal opinion is purely advisory,
and the Senate went ahead and
approved the bill after an angry
debate centering on Kelley's rul-
The bill then faded out of the
spotlight and appeared likely to
die in committee. But Wednesday
night, amidst charges of vote-
trading and backroom dealing, the
House Ways and Means Commit-
te reported out the bill with a
favorable recommendation.
Decision Postponed
The board gave brief considera-
tion to the osteopathic college
question last fall, but decided to
postpone a decision until a study
on long-range planning of higher
education in Michigan is . com-
pleted. The study is still in prog-
The osteopathic bill creates a
state authority to oversee construc-
tion and operation of an educa-
tional center for osteopathic medi-
cine in Pontiac.
Although it authorizes no
money for the proposed school,
development of the college even-
tually will cost the state an esti-
mated $60 to $100 million.
Strong Opposition
The bill has met strong opposi-
WASHTENAW COUNTY BUILDERS returned to their jobs
yesterday on the basis of a working agreement reached in a
's five-hour negotiating session at the County Building.
-The two-year contract, if approved by the membership of
Laborers Locai 959, will give the laborers a 95-cent per hour in-
crease in wages and fringe benefits, said Roy Greer, business
agent for the local.
ing another institute in psychology this summer under the
direction of Prof. Daniel Weintraub. Ten teachers were chosen
for the institute called "Research Participation for College
Teachers Program." The program is designed to give instructors
from small colleges an opportunity for individual research under
t University staff.
Begun in 1959 at the suggestion of .Pros. Wilbert J Mc-
Keachie, chairman of the psychology department, the institute is
designed purely as a service to the participating teachers.
Work Student Organization will charter a bus to Mississippi for
people interested in participating in the second half of the civil
rights march from Coldwater to Jackson. The march made news
earlier this week when Meredith was shot during its course.
The bus will leave Friday, June 17 at 6 p.m. and will return
Monday. The cost will be approximately $35. Those desiring
further information may call Ed Penn, 668-8175, or Clay Gilbert,
LANSING (IP)--THE HOUSE voted Wednesday to make the
possession or sale of LSD or other hallucination-producing drugs
a felony. -
It approved 93-0 an amendment to the tate Dangerous
Drug Act adding LSD and five other hallucinogens to the list of
regulated drugs.
The measure goes back to the Senate for action on House
present degrees to 3,487 students Sunday in ceremonies featur-
ing an address by Vice-President Hubert Humphrey.
Humphrey will receive an honorary doctor of laws de-
gree in the Spartan Stadium commencement exercises.
-Associated Press
Hurricane Alma pounded ashore in the Florida panhandle yesterday with 100-mile winds and flood-
ing tides. The huge storm has thus far left at least 47 dead in three nations and done vast crop
damage in food-rationed Cuba. (See story, Page 3.)
SExamTensions Evoke Riots
SBy Michi gan State Students
Michigan State University stu-
dents went on a rock-throwing
rampage again Wednesday night
for the second consecutive evening
of this final examination week.
Estimates of the number of stu-
dents involved ranged from 500
to 2,000. At least 13 students, in-
cluding one coed were arrested,
and may be charged with violating
the Riot Act as well as disorderly
A sheriff's deputy was struck in
the face by glass from a flying
bottle. At least 247 officers from
the campus, Lansing, East Lans-
ing, the county sheriff's office and
State Police posts as far away as
Brighton and Ionia converged on
the campus.
No Injuries
Campus police said no students
were injured during the disturb-
ances, which broke out at the
Cafeteria during the dinner hour.
The dining hall serves a complex
U .S-Chia R elations Committee Formed
The growing ferment and con-
cern over mainland China has
resulted in the formation of the
National Committee on United
States-China Relations. The or-
ganiziing meeting was held in New
York yesterday and was attended
by over 50 nationally prominent
academic, business, labor, profes-
sional and religious leaders who
are willing to encourage and fa-
cilitate a nationwide educational
program on U.S.-China relations.
Robert A. Scalapino, University
of California political scientists
and Asian scholar serving as
spokesman for the new committee
stated at a press conference that
ls ".ho ikia Apam interestn oPr
rww1w .ice. Ml 1%r, i. qmlqw MW -ML. '%-.W .i.i. w~~/ 1.,..1 1/ -i.- -i.i- mw qw -%-, V ..ww- V i. n..+wr a.. 4r Yf.
of six dormitories housing about
3,600 students on the west side of
the campus.
"A couple of tables started a
food fight," Ronald Bahrie, a stu-
dent from Detroit said. "They
threw food and trays. But that
was brought under control and
then about 400 students went
down to the Brody Grill and talk-
ed and milled around:
"Finally they started hunting
for other students and went over
to the Case, Wilson, Wenders com-
plex to get more guys. Then they
went two and one-half miles
across campus to Akers and Fee
complexes to get even more people.
Police Stop Rioters
"That's when the police tried
to stop us. Police formed barriers
on foot and drove their cars up
and down the street to keep us
from crossing. It worked pretty
well and stopped us.
Students blamed their activities
on tensions that have built up
this week during final examina-
Disillusioned with University
They also said there has been
disillusionment with the univer-
sity since Ramparts magazine
printed an article in its April issue
charging that an MSU peace mis-
sion fronted for the Central In-
telligence Agency in South Viet
Nam during the regime of the late
President Ngo Dinh Diem. Most
of the charges were denied by
State Private
Sh sGet
$4 Millionl
The House of Representatives
granted $4 million for tuition
grants to first year students at
private and parochial schools late
last night.
The controversial Senate bill
780 has been vigorously pushed
by Ctholic groups throughout
the state. The vote was 84 to 17
with Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann
Arbor) voting in favor of the
The financial aid is not given
through competitive examinations
but through a test of financial
need. A student's family income
is compared with the tuition of
the institution, and if the stu-
dent is shown to be in need of
aid the bill allots him approxi-
mately $200.
Rep. William Ryan, a principal
advocate of the bill, explained
that the bill has the dual pur-
pose of helping both the private
institutions and the students. He
noted that enrollments in private
schools have decreased by 40 per
cent in the last five years.
The combination of two forces
an attempt to limit the budget
and the extra drain on education
funds created by the private aid
bill means that the state; supported
colleges and universities are re-
ceiving smaller amounts of state
The University was not given
anything near its original request
of state funds in the House Ap-
propriation Bill.
Legislators were concerned with
keeping the overall state budget
under $1 billion. The Governor
had recommended a $944.9 million
The legislator's budget figure
edged back up Wednesday, after
reaching a reported low of $960
Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint)
l1.- ;.wn - f +I,- C-n n untn
cific tuition figure by Jan. '1
of each year was defeated.
An amendment introduced by
Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor)
to increase the University's appro-
priation by $2 million was defeat-
ed by a vote of 60 to 23.
Funds for expansion of the
Center for Research on Learning
and Teaching were withheld from
the bill. Funds for an institute
of Gerontology (study of the
aged), to have been run jointly
SwithWayne State University and
funds for the Institute of Inter-
national Commerce were not in-
cluded in the bill.
Capital Outlay Passed
The House also passed the state
capital outlay bill. The University
received $3.5 million, all earmark-
ed for Medical School buildings.
The University had originally re-
quested $16.2 million dollars for
its total capital outlay appropria-
The House extended the provi-
sion of last year's Public Act 124
and incorporated them into this
year's capital outlay bill. The bill
provides that planning funds with-
in the capital outlay bill be allo-
cated to the state controller's of-
University officials have inter-
preted PA124 as a violation of
constitutional autonomy, granted
to universities by the state. They
have taken the issue , to court
where it still remains undecided.
The - University also received
$920,000 in funds for the Mental
rHealth Research Institute and
funds for the Neuro-Psychiatric
Institute through yesterday's leg-
islative action.
The proposal failed to add $4
million in operating funds deem-
ed essential for the University's
operations by University officials.
Flint Gets Money
The House approved a line item
appropriation for the sophomore
class at the University's Flint
Lansipg observers feel this may
indicate a growing legislative
z readiness to support the Univer-
t sity's Flint branch. The Flint
branch has been the subject of
spirited controversy for the last
several years.
An amendment from the floor
was passed increasing Eastern
Michigan University's allotment
by $600,000. Likewise, $300,000 in
, funds for library books for grad-
nate wnrk was rgranted to Western
a year ago. Many of the conference
participants and seven of the Asian
scholars who testified before the
recent Senate Foreign Relations
Committee hearings on China
compose the new committee.
In its statement of purpose, the
committee founders indicate spe-
cifically, "We do not intend to ad-
vocate any policy proposals, but
are hopeful that out of a national
dialogue on the subject there will
emerge a consensus as to whether
any modifacations in our existing
policies are desirable."
Catalyst for Conferences
The committee also proposes to
serve as a catalyst in an attempt
to sponsor or help bring about
such nroarann a ss nei2li'Jed in-
both members of the committee,
agree to the general omnibus func-
tion of the committee rather than
that of a specific protest organ
toward present U.S. policy in Asia.
At the outset however, it is in-
evitable that much of the dialogue
will focus on the Viet Nam prob-
lem and what many people feel
is an archaic and dangerous pol-
icy by the U.S. toward mainland
China. In the long run these are
problems that will hinder the ef-
fectiveness of such a potentially
fruiitful group although they are
the problems that had much to do
with the organization of the group
in the first place, they said.
More Response After War
Ac far a, nan for vexhan
possible. If they are closed, no-
body can walk in, so we must
search for opportunities for them
to open, he said.
Distinguished Commitee
The committee, still in forma-
tion, includes such names as A.
Doak Barnett, Profesor of Public
Law and Government, Columbia
University; Roger Hilsman, former
Assistant Secretary of State and
Professor of Government, Colum-
bia University; Clark Kerr, Presi-
dent, University of California,
Other members are Jerome B.
Wiesner, Dean, School of Science,
Massachusetts Insttitute of Tech-
nology; Cecil Thomas, Associate
Peace Secretary, American Friends
ervice nmmittee Fredrick C.