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June 09, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-09

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~Both IF
*No Solution r.
Of French
Problem Yet
Rusk Challenges
De Gaulle's Threat
To Remove Troops
A foreign ministers worked out a
last-minute compromise yesterday
on keeping French troops in Ger-
many after President Charles de
Gaulle pulls his forces out of the
Atlantic alliance.
Then they ended their stormy
two-day session with a communi-
A que saying the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization "is as nec-
essary today as ever to preserve
Western security.
Rhine Troops
Whether de Gaulle will leave
his 72,000 men across the Rhine,
however, still was not clear.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
praised the members of the
council for facing up to unpleasant
facts. A Mi
In a prepared statement after
the meeting, Rusk said: "We have pave,
taken those hard decisions. And
we have demonstrated that NATO IN
' remains an institution of vitality. CN (
Rusk's Statement
"We have faced the difficult!
situation created by the decision!
of one member of the alliance-
France-to withdraw from the in-
tegrated system of mutual defense
which has insured-and will con-
tinue to insure-the security of
our peoples. As a result of the
decisions taken here, NATO's mil- SAN
itary agencies will be relocated can Ro
and modernized." first po
Negotiations on the future role terday
and mission of the two French di- and a
visions and two air squadrons in vote fo
West Germany dominated the two- G. Bro
day spring ministerial session of the rop
foreign ministers of NATO. formida
Procedural Issue ber.
Although the French troops is- Brow]
sue was largely procedural, its unexpec
deeper significance was that if Iby Los,
the dramatic touch-and-go nego- Yorty to
tiations had failed, all future co- tion Tu
operation between France and
NATO could have been seriously Reaga
compromised. ease, tr4
Already, de Gaulle has dealt a cisco M
severe blow to the alliance's mil- who sa
itary structure by deciding to pull political
out his forces from integrated With
command in three weeks. 585 prec
Orders U.S. Out 1,214,83E
He also has ordered NATO mili- Out ,
tary headquarters and American Yad
troops out of France by next For'ty
April 1. The ministers decided to of the
move to Belgium. the vot
In the ministers' hands was the allies pc
snarled problem of how to lay the gov
down details of the future re-
lationship between the 72,000 Browr
French troops and those NATO conferer
forces which will remain under Yorty s
integrated command. In the 1
The compromise provides that had be
the future of the French troops in Novemb
Germany will be handed to the But
NATO political council in Paris. anxious
Matters of a purely military na- forecast
ture will be handled in discus-_
sions between Gen. Lyman L. Lem-

nitzer, the U.S. commander of 17
NATO forces, and Gen. Charles Ixe
Ailleret, French chief of staff.
Breach Healed
The agreement was reached aft- - n
er all hope for an accord had dis-
solved, and in fact a breakdown in
the talks had been announced by DUR
the NATO spokesman. ISen. Rt
But minutes later, after NATO for an
Secretary-1 Manlio Brosia had or- Albert I
dered other agenda items to be winner
considered, the talks on the troop South
question were salvager in an off- Commu
stage ministerial huddle. huli "w
It was one of the fastest-mov- him in
ing, action-filled NATO confer- African
ences in the history of the alli- like to
ance, created in 1949. reported
Military Question Appar




Buddhists Turn to Nonviolence



Lose Power
Over Allies
Eastern Europeans
Of Soviet Bloc Face
Greater Autonomy
Communist counterpart is also
suffering from the strains of na-
tionalism which may further re-
duce Soviet authority over her
satellites, a Senate subcommittee
said last night.
The group said trends at work
within the Communist Warsaw
Pact may give the Soviet Union's
Eastern European allies greater
autonomy in political, cultural and
economic affairs.
But it stressed the value of the
alliance to the Soviet Union and
said it would be unrealistic to
suppose the Soviets will cease to
play a predominant role in pact
"Today, it is no exaggeration to
say that the Warsaw Pact is one
of the few remaining effective de-
vices available to Moscow for
holding the Soviet bloc together
at a time when the forces of na-
tional self-interest are increasing-
ly coming into play in Eastern
Europe," the subcommittee report
"On the other hand, said the
study, the East European states
"probably regard the pact as sure-
ty the U.S.S.R. will continue to
underwrite their regimes and safe-
guard their borders."

SAIGON (A')-Leaders of the
politically active segment of Viet-
namese Buddhism, writing off a
campaign of violence, turned to
passive resistance yesterday in
their efforts to unseat Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky's military govern-
ment. They had obviously lost the
opening rounds.
The militant Thich Tri Quang
went on a hunger strike in Hue, a'
northern Buddhist center where
family altars now clutter the
streets. Quang declared he would
limit himself to water and juices
until the government resigns.
Buddhist Noncooperation
Saigon's Buddhist Institute, un-
der chairmanship of the moderate
Thich Tam Chau, announced a
policy of noncooperation with the.
government. At the same time it
ruled out threats of further fire
suicides, which stand at nine, and
new street disorders.
Americans battled North Viet-
namese regulars in the central
highlands in the chief military ac-
tion of the day as the Buddhist
hierarchy shifted tactics in the
play to wrest the Saigon reins
from the ruling generals.
Paratroopers of the U.S. 101st
Airborne Division reported they
had slain 292 men of an enemy
battalion on a Red supply trail
260 miles north of Saigon and
were slashing ahead, "killing them
faster than we can count them,"
a U.S. spokesman said. Casualties
among the two or more helicop-
ter-borne American battalions
were reported light.
Calls for Unity
The Buddhist Institute an-
nounced formation of a "Commit-
tee for the Protection of Bud-
dhism." The institute appealed for
the support of "all Buddhists and
all friendly religions."
The effect of such an appeal is
problematical, for moderate Bud-
dhists are among the 10 civilians
added this week to the military
directorate to help guide the coun-
try toward the election of a Con-
stituent Assembly Sept. 11.
The institute's move and Qu-
ang's hunger strike seemed to
show a wavering and emotional
deviation from the past course of
hard-line propaganda, the Da
Nang uprising, and widespread
Bolstered by the 10 civilians
added to the military junta, the
government seemed firmly in pow-
The ups and downs of Vietna-
mese politics are apt to be felt

again, but for the time being
American diplomats relaxed.
Emotionalism and Division
The government, backed by the
United States, was faced by a di-
vided, feuding Buddhist wing
whose method narrowed down to
symbolic gestures and emotional
appeals. A large portion of Viet
Nam's practicing Buddhists ap-
peared outside the conflict.
Even Hue was not considered a
major headache by the govern-
ment, which calmly examined a
draft proposal to set the Septem-
ber election in motion.
The streets of Hue were blocked
by Buddhist family altars in a
gesture of protest. iVetnamese
troops manning positions there
were not doing anything to remove
the altars. The Buddhist "strug-
gle groups" similarly were mak-
ing no move against the troops.
Government sources announced
that Radio Hue, silent for the
past week, will go back on the air
today, under government control.
Look for Truce
An American military spokes-
man said the Viet Cong are try-
ing to get a truce with a regi-

ment of the South Vietnamese 1st
Division, which has headquarters
in Hue.
The spokesman said Viet Cong
leaflets have been found in the
area of the 3rd Regiment, a unit
known to have wavered in loyal-
ty to the Saigon government.
In Saigon, a spokesman for the
government's 32-man Electoral
Commission said Ky probably will
announce a final draft within a
week of the arrangements for the
Sept. 11 vote.
The commission proposed a 159-
seat Assembly, which would mean
roughly one representative for
each 95,000 of South Viet Nam's
people. Two national minorities
are to have 11 seats. These are
Cambodians living in Viet Nam,
and the Montagnards, mountain
The most controversial of the
commission's proposals was that
the Constituent Assembly trans-
form itself into a governing legis-
lature after it writes a constitu-
tion. Speculation centered on
whether the government would
swallow this, for it could shorten
considerably its life expectancy as
proclaimed by Ky.

March Goes on Whle
Meredith Recovers

ssissippi highway patrolman gestures with his thumb as he orders civil rights marchers from the
rent of U.S. Highway 51 near Hernando yesterday. See related story at right.


eagan Tries for GOP Unity
s Well as Governor's Slot

COLDWATER, Miss. (.')-Led by
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a
group of 50 Negroes and a sprin-
kling of whites headed off in
bright sunshine yesterday for the
capital of Mississippi in a "march
for freedom and justice."
The 200-mile trek to Jackson
was organized by civil rights lead-
ers pledged to carry on the walk
started by James H. Meredith last
Sunday and ended the next day
when he was felled by shotgun
blasts from ambush.
Meredith had said the purpose
of his hike was to dispel Negro
fear and encourage voter registra-
Before yesterday's march got
under way, King read a "mani-
festo" to his followers gathered
at a bridge two miles outside this
northwest Mississippi town.
State troopers, FBI agents and
county officers were on hand as
the marchers departed along U.S.
51, a two-lane highway.

nald Reagan, cast in his
litical role, embarked yes-
on a quest for GOP unity
share of the Democratic
tr governor. Gov. Edmund!
wn, a Democrat, said that
ublican novice would be a
ble challenger in Novem-
n had to battle past an'
ctedly potent primary bid!
Angeles Mayor Samuel W-
o win a third-term nomina-
an was nominated with
ouncing former San Fran-
dayor George Christopher,
id the defeat ended his
J career.
25,963 of California's 30,-
cincts reported, Regan had
6, Christopher 607,596.
of 27,174 precincts, Brown
50,682, Yorty 847,183.
polled nearly 43 per cent
major candidate share in
te for governor. Reagan's
ointed to that as evidence
ernor can be beaten.
'Fooled Us'
n, at a Los Angeles news'
nce, acknowledged the
howing "rather fooled us.
ast 10 days, we thought we
tter save our money for
the governor said he was
for the fight ahead, and

Brown said he hoped Yorty
would campaign for him.
Winner by a 2-1 margin, Reagan
greeted his victory with a call for
unity in a state where the GOP
has been split by past primary
Ten Times Harder
Brown told his supporters: "I
want you to know that you have
to work ten times harder than you
have ever worked before."
The conservative-minded Re-
agan, whom Brown called a "far
right" heir to Barry Goldwater,
built a massive Republican margin
in the south, and it was there
that Yorty ran strongest.
Brown said his coming contest
would be tougher than those he
won over former Vice President
Richard M. Nixon and former Sen.
William F. Knowland to capture
his first two terms.
In Washington, national leaders
of both parties declared their
forces would unite to win the
November battle for power in the
nation's most populous state.
Seek Unity
Republican National Chairman
Ray C. Bliss said Reagan's major-
ity "can now be blended into a
united Republican drive for com-
plete victory in California in
Democratic National Chairman
John M. Bailey called the primary
a resounding victory for Brown
and an endorsement of President

Johnson's policies and programs.
He said the Democrats would
unite for a victory more decisive
than that two years ago.
Nixon, who lost to Brown in
1962, forecast a Reagan victory
and said the Democrats "are more
divided than they have been in
a dozen years."
Works for Reagan
Ironically, Brown strategists
had promoted Regan's causein
the Republican campaign, dis-
tributing years-old data on dairy-
man Christopher's troubles with
state milk price authorities.
Reagan, who began his political
climb in Barry Goldwater's presi-
dential campaign, was the soul of
moderation and the spirit of unity
as he faced cheering supporters in
Los Angeles Tuesday night.
"The Republican party is the
polarity around which constitu-
tional principles are founded," he
said. "The cause we represent is
greater than one man."

But in releasing the study by
his government operations sub-
committee on national security,
Chairman Henry M. Jackson (D-
Wash) said the Communist al-
liance "is in a state of flux and
ferment" and that the Soviets
"confront some real problems in
the nacet'

The Communist problems it cit-
ed sound almost like an agenda
of the problems NATOallies are Hurricane A
nowtyigo thrash out in Brus-
s---Difficulty in persuading somer
W arsaw Pact members to pull their ,weight.
-The dissident role of Roman- MIAMI, Fla -Hurricane Alma,
ia, pictured as the France of the swirling northward out of Cuba,
Warsaw Pact. lashed at the Florida Keys on
-Pressure by East European yesterday and threatened the
members to have a greater voice populous west Florida coast with
in pact decisions, especially as dangerous tides and 110-mile-an-
a safeguard against involuntary hour winds.
involvement in a nuclear war, Fort Myers, a city of 35,000
-Disagreements over the pact's
organization and chain of com- populan and its offshore re-
mnand. sort islands braced for Gulf of
Mexico waves which, it was feared,
would run up to 11 feet above
normal and bring damaging floods
ig It JI uI - J Iashore.

[lma Sweeps
hanl Coasts

Meanwhile, Meredith, the man
who cracked the color barrier at
the University of Mississippi in
1962, left a Memphis hospital in
a wheelchair. He had collapsed
in tears moments earlier as he
met with newsmen.
Meredith slipped quietly out of
Memphis yesterday, flying to New
York to recuperate.
Meredith evaded newsmen but
he was reported aboard a plane
which left Memphis at 5:15 p.m.
Two detectives who had been with
him earlier in the day at Bowld
Hospital watched the plane until
it was airborne.
Meredith had dropped from
sight shortly before noon yester-
day after leaving Bowld Hospital
following a dispute ocer his dis-
He reportedly spent the after-
noon at the home of a friend
where the decision apparently was
made to get him out of town with-
out fanfare.
A. W. Willis, the only Negro in
the Tennessee legislature and Mer-
edith's lawyer since the latter
became the first known Negro to
enter the University of Mississip-
pi and rioting in 1962, accused
the hospital of seeking to evict
He said David Hoxie, assistant
administrator of William Bowld
Hospital, said, "w need the bed."
Hoxie denied this. "He just vol-
untarily got up and left," Hoxie
said. Later, after Meredith had
gone, he said the Negro checked
out voluntarily.
White citizens of Coldwater ap-
s peared confused and dismaw~d
> that their little country town had
been shoved into national prom-
inence. "We ought to just let the
march through and get back to
work," said Robert Doyle, 45, a
white mechanic. "The march sure
has torn up business. We have a
living to make down here."
A group of white women oper-
ating a small public library serv-
ing Coldwater expressed concern
before the march that Negroes
had chosen northwest Mississippi
to demonstrate.
"We've never had any trouble
here, and now very few places
are not integrated," said one.

"Ad 7

shattered windows in the Cuban
capital. But no loss of life was
Official reports from Tegucigal-
pa, Honduran capital, lowered
Alma's death toll from 74 to 31.
After the hurricane deluged the
town of San Rafael with a 30-inch
rain Sunday, 73 were reported by
the Honduran Weather Bureau to
have died in a sea of mud. Hon-
duran authorities yesterday re-
duced this figure to 30. One man
drowned in angry seas off Cuba.
Flailing palm trees bent like
fishpoles in he wind as the hur-
ricane lashed at the Florida Keys.
Crashing utility lines blacked out
Key West,
Nearly every place of business'
in the nation's southern-most city
was shut down and tightly board-
ed. Police warned residents to stay
in their homes because of the
danger of live wires popping in
the streets.

vv ui i u1 I I t1. 3xt2Wltttt

nnedy Speaks To Luthuli
d Tours Johannesburg

BAN, South Africa MP) -
:bert F. Kennedy talked
hour yesterday withkChief
Luthuli, Nobel Peace Prize
who is restricted under
Africa's suppression of
nism laws. He told Lut-
e would be glad" to have
the United States and the
leader indicated he would
make the visit, Kennedy
d later.
rently Luthuli acknowl-

Kennedy smiled and came back
for more.
Kennedy and his wife Ethel
flew by helicopter from Durban
into the Groutville Reserve, 40
miles north of Durban, to talk
with Luthuli. Officials of the South
African government's African Af-
fairs Department, which admin-
isters the reserve, met the heli-
copter and stayed with the party
throughout the visit, but made no
move to listen in on Kennedy's
conversation with Luthuli. Ken-
nedy had special government per-
mission to visit the reserve.
Luthuli, 65, is former president
of the banned African National
Congress. He is in his second five-
year period of restriction, barred
from political activity, from pre-
paring material for publication,
from writing for or being quoted
for publication. He is confined to
the reserve area where he farms
and runs a trading store.

By The Associated Press
voted 198-165 yesterday to raise
the ceiling on the national debt
to $330 billion-$2 billion more
than the present ceiling but $2
billion less than the Treasury
The action, which is for one
year, was taken over the almost
solid opposition of Republicans.
They charged that President
Johnson's administration is de-
ceiving the public as to the actual
extent of government borrowing
and spending through new financ-
ing techniques outside the budget.
MOSCOW-Alexei N. Kosygin
told the Soviet people yesterday
that U.S. policy in Viet Nam
has failed. The premier urged all
of world Communism to unite be-
hind Red North Viet Nam, and
said such a front eventually would
include Red China.
"The course of events testi-
fies to the failure of U.S. policy
in Viet Nam," the Soviet gov-
ernment chief declared. He ridic-
uled Washington advisers who, he
said, "elaborate recommendations
as to where and how to begin
war but recommended nothing as
to how to pull out of it."
* * *
BRUSSELS - Despite political
divisions, economic integration in
the European Common Market is
making real progress, the mar-
ket's executive commission said to-
day in its ninth annual report.

Issuance of the report coincided
with the end of a critical North
Atlantic Treaty Organization con-
ference here that demonstrated
wide differences between France
and its Common Market partners
-West Germany, Italy, Holland,
Belgium and Luxembourg - over
the fate of NATO.
"Advances made in the Euro-
pean economic community were
impressive although the commu-
nity was twice shaken during these
four years by serious difficulties,"
the market report said.
Foreign Relations Committee yes-
terday refused to authorize the
foreign aid pi'ogram beyond one
The committee previously had
dealt a surprise setback to the
administration by slashing the five
year authorization President John-
son had requested to one year.

Also in Alma's path were the big
cities of Tampa and St. Peters-
burgh on Tampa Bay halfway up
the peninsula.
Expecting huge Alma's winds
to spread almost completely across
Florida, forecasters issued hur-
ricane warnings for the Tampa
Bay region and big Lake Okee-
chobee and ordered a hurricane
watch all the way up the east
coast to Savannah, Ga. and the
west cost to St. Marks near Tal-
The space agency decided to roll
a monster test version of a Saturn
5 moon rocket off the launch pad
into a huge vehicle assembly
building at Cape Kennedy when
the Weather Bureau warned that
winds would reach near hurricane
force there. Six other rockets were
left on their pads.
Belting Havana with wind gusts
peaking at 117 miles an hour, the
hurricane uprooted many trees,
knocked down power lines and


Tomorrow at Hillel, 7:15 P.M.
Prof. Mordecai M. Kaplan: AnMAppraisal"
(Honoring his 85th Birthday)
By Dr. Jocobs
Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel
All Are Welcome


1429 Hill

France came into the Brussels edged there would be difficulty in
conference contending that the arranging an American trip, since
future of its troops in Germany the government would be unlikely
was a matter for military men to to give him a passport.
decide. French Foreign Minister The New York Democrat said
Maurice Couve de Murville said he judged Luthuli to be "unalter-
# that if political issues arose, they ably opposed to Communism."
could eventually be discussed in'
'the NATO Permanent Council. After the visit, Kennedy re-
But he quickly added that he turned to Johannesburg for a tour
did not see that any political con- of the sprawling African town-
siderations existed. ship of Soweto on the city's out-
Rtsk Opposed 11skirts, and a speech last night to
rRusk Opposed students at Johannesburg's Wit-
4 Secretary of State Rusk, sup- watersrand University.

P ported by British Foreign Secre-
tary Michael Stewart and others,
contended that no NATO nation
permits its military alone to de-
termine missions for its troops.
The "group of 14"-NATO mi-
nus France-went to work on a
compromise yesterday morning.

Hundreds of African children
mobbed Kennedy at every halton
his whistle-,stop tour through the
complex of segregated townships
on the ouskirs of Johannesburg,
where half a million Africans live.
One youngser forgot to let go
the senator's hand and Dulled him

the dinner-film series of the

6:30 P.M.


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