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June 09, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-09

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See Editorial Page


1Mw igui


Good chance of rain
throughout the day

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom




in State Appropriation


Associate Managing Editor
Lansing sources indicated yes-
terday that a combination of legis-
lative economizing and strong
lobbyist pressures have made vir-
tually impossible a hoped-for
House raise in the University's
appropriation above the $58 mil-
lion given to it by the Senate.
These same House forces ensure
that all the state colleges will have
their appropriations kept down to
the Senate's levels, the sources in-
Groups Call
For Unity in
Atlantic Area
Symposium Plans
Advised by Widow
Of Past Governor
Mrs. Chase S. Osborn, widow of
a former Michigan governor and
one of the founders and a vice-
president of the International'
Movement for Atlantic Union, was
here yesterday to advise a special
University group that is drawing
plans for a symposium on "The
Atlantic Community,"
Clements Library will be the lo-
cation for a series of talks given
by leading figures from both sides
of the Atlantic on the subject of
Atlantic unity. The symposium
will be part of the huge sesqui-
centennial celebration taking place
in 1967; as the plans are tenta-
tive, speakers have not yet been
chosen or announced.
Revived interest in Atlantic
unity can be seen in light of the
current problems facing NATO,
specifically those posed by France's
go-it-alone policy and what many
people feel is a limited, military
nature of a defense system that
was designed to keep Soviet Com-
munism out of Western Europe.
Goals Listed
The eventual goal of Mrs. Os-
born's group is seeking to trans-
form the present NATO alliance
into a responsible federal union
in which Mrs. Osborn sees a
worldwide return to order, "and
the preservation and extension of
peace, individual freedom, and a
happier sharing of the comforts'
of human life,"
A recent report composed by a
National Planning Association ad-
vanced arguments similar to those
held by Mrs. Osborn's group and
others who are favorable toward
a unification of Atlantic nations'
into a federal community with a
single foreign and defense policy.
The Planning Association state-
ment says the "American people'
have turned their backs upon ...
the intensely nationalistic doc-
trines of (French) President de
Gaulle . , . but they are facing up
too slowly to the positive require-
ments for attaining the kind of
eventual world order they desire.",
It states that a union of de-
mocracies starting with the NATO
countries would leave the way
open for other countries later and
would outperform NATO as a
guard against aggression and
would stimulate growth in the
The Association report suggest-
ed three possible approaches to,
bringing about the union, which
would be headed by a supra-na-
tional executive and legislature:
-A treaty like the treaty of
Rome which set up the European
Community, the six-nation Com
mon Market;
-Creation of a commission of
outstanding leaders from the
various NATO countries and
-A convention similar to the

Constitutional Convention of 1787
which drafted the constitution
creating the United States.
Legislative Support
An Atlantic union resolution
currently has the support of about
100 Democrats and Republicans,
but the State Department opposes
the move as impractical.
The bipartisan Atlantic union
resolution now before Congress
calls for a Convention of NATO
nations "to explore the possibility
-a declaration t h a t their
"eventual goal" is to transform
the alliance into a "federall
-a "tentative timetable" for
. the transition to it and

On the economizing side, the
limits arise from a "gentleman's
agreement" between House speak-
er Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit)
and Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee chairman Garland Lane
(D-Flint), the Legislature's two
finance chiefs, to limit next year's
state budget to $960 million.
The state budget was $870 mil-
lion this year, and Gov. George
Romney had recommended a bug-
get of $945 million for next year.
The $960 million figure is gen-
erally regarded in Lansing as less

than is necessary and is reportedly
causing a good deal of budget cut-
ting on many state projects.
Yet by itself this figure would
not necessarily have meant the
heavy losses for the state colleges
which now appear certain. (The
University, for example, had
orignially asked for $65 million;
it is thus suffering a loss of
around $7 million.)
Senate Bill 780 is the other
factor that is cutting heavily into
the education money which is left
in the budget after enough cuts

are made to hold its total below
$960 million.
Introduced by Lansing's Catholic
lobby, the bill prov ides $4.3 million
for tuition grants to students of
private colleges next year.
It provides for around $200 per
student per year, on a graduated
scale. The proposal differs from
other state scholarship programs
in that it does not require a com-
petitive examination, but merely
a test of financial need-family
income compared with the institu-
tion's tuition.

It has been strongly backed not
only by the Catholic lobby but by
almost all other small private col-
leges in the state. "The members
of the House Ways and Means
Committee have been receiving an
average of 50 letters apiece daily
supporting the bill." a source
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee yesterday voted 9-1 to send
the bill to the House today. It
is reported almost certain to pass.
SB 780's principal advocate, Rep,
William Ryan (D-Detroit) says

the bill is intended to help both
the student and the private school.
He notes that the enrollments at
the private schools have fallen by
some 40 per cent in the last five
Its few attackers have argued
that the bill's greatly expanding
yearly costs-though only costing
$4.3 million next year it will cost
some $16 to $20 million when it
completes its four-year phase-in
period-make it almost seem
something for nothing.
They have also charged that 'it

for 'U
is a "foot in the door for the
small colleges" which can now,
they say, be expected to raise their
tuition to take advantage of the
state funds available to them.
The combination of the two
forces, budget limitation and the
extra drain on education funds,
has meant that the legislators
are cutting up a much smaller pie
for the state-supported univer-
sities than they would be other-
The University's slice is $58

N e miRtigaE Batty


Late World News
ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. 0).-Hurricane Alma struck St.
Petersburg last night and swept the city with sustained winds of
70 miles an hour.
spring by Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) has been passed by both
House and Senate but awaits corrections by committee. The
Senate version had deleted the most stringent restrictions, which
are being reinstated by the committee.
The original legislation included the following definition of
conflict of interest:
--A situation in which an affected person together with his
immediate family, stands to gain more than $1,000 from any
contract involving the state or its political subdivisions.
-Engaging in business while a public official in an enter-
prise in which the official is director, general manager, or of
which he owns a substantial portion-either directly or indirectly.
It would prohibit:
-Use of confidential information to further personal inter-
-Making of investments subsequent to acquiring the confi-
dential information.
THE STATE WILL CONDUCT a full-scale investigation of the
use of drugs on the Michigan State University campus as a result
of two students being arrested last night for the possession of
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE Weston E. Vivian 1)-Ann Arboi
yesterday announced a $15,000 National Science Foundation grant
to the University for purchase of equipment to improve the
teaching of undergraduate chemistry courses. The grant will be
administered by Prof. Leigh Anderson, chairman of the chemistry
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS MET with Ann Arbor representa-
tives Tuesday night to discuss problems of mutual concern.
The meeting in the Michigan League was a traditional one
following installation of new councilmen. aithough a number
of regularly scheduled meetings at various administrative levels
are held throughout the year to discuss University-community
Topics discussed included student relations, metropolitan
planning, road development, parking and traffic.
The meeting was attended by Vice-President for Business
and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard Cutler, representing the University: and Guy
Larcom, city administrator, Councilman Richard E. Balzhiser
acting mayor, and the nine other City Council members, repre-
senting the community.
LABORERS AND CONTRACTORS met yesterday in an
attempt to solve the strike which has crippled Ann Arbor
construction projects, The strike by about 900 members of
Laborers Local 959 has already affected the work of carpenters
and bricklayers. Other tradesmen said that if the strike by the
laborers continues for some time, work in other areas will have to
come to a halt,
Prior -toathe walkout, laborers had been working without a
contract on a day-to-day basis. After the carpenters and brick-
layers settled their four-week strike last week, the laborers voted
to strike. They are asking for wages equal to those paid laborers
in Wayne County (Detroit, which would amout to a $1.07
package increase.
Circuit Court Judge William F. Ager Jr. met with both sides
in the dispute yesterday prior to a show-cause hearing as to why
the union shouid not be enjoined from striking.
EAST LANSING 01--A SERIES of water fights and rock
and bottle throwing incidents injured tour Michigan State Univer-
sity students Tuesday night.
At the height of the five-hour fracas, the rampaging crowd
of students swelled to about 1,000, engaged mostly in "good
natured running around, making a lot of noise," said Richard
0. Bernitt, MSU director of public safety.
Although four Lansing-area police agencies were called in to
help, Bernitt said no arrests were made.
Bernitt said some students threw rocks and water-filled
balloons at police, but no officer was injured. He said damage to
MSU property was minor.
Students apparently were letting off steam in the midst of
MSU's final examination period, Bernitt said.
A continuation last night of the "rampage," as news wires
have been terming it, brought campus and East Lansing police to
bring 500 students under control.

House To
Vote Money
Bill Today
Resolution Passed
By House Extending
Deadline on Measure
Though the Higher Education
Appropriations Bill has still not
{ been passed by the House as a
whole, the House Ways and Means
Committee released its version-of
the bill, which contained the Uni-
versity's allotment of state funds,
late Tuesday night.
At a late session last night,
members of the House decided to
hold the third and final reading
of the bill until today.
The original deadline for re-
leasing the appropriations propos-
al was yesterday, but the House
passed a resolution granting a 24-
hour extension.
Close to Senate Version
The version of the bill passed
by the House Ways and Means
Committee came close to duplicat-
ig the Senate's bll for higo
education allocations.
The main addition by the House
committee to the Senate bill was
an appropriation of $100,000 for
cancer research.

-Daiy-tIhornas R. cold

CENTICORE BOOKSTORE SUPPLIES ITSELF with books for the "scholarly' bookbuyer.

Centicore: Unpretentious Store
For the 'Scholarly' Bookbuyer

Beneath the mass of steel and
plaster shaped into the look-alike
apartments known as University;
Towers there lies a bookstore,
small and unpreteitious.
Its wood-paneled shelves are
stacked for browsing and its col-'
onial end-tables are piled high'
with literary newspapers and an!
occasional book, momentarily for-
gotten by a clerk or customer.
H e 1 p f u l clerks move easily
among the shelves in search of
a requested book, chatting inter-
estedly with the customers.
C(asual Yet Busy
It all blended into a casual yet
busy atmosphere as Russell Greg-
ory, manager and co-ownr, and
I sipped Cokes and hie told me the
story of Centicore.
Centicore does not sell textbooks
of any kind, he explained, but is
a "scholarly" bookstore stocked
with books which are "collateral
to or go along with regular

Centicore stocks a large selection
of foreign books, especially in
French and German, and a nearly
complete Loeb library of Greek
and Latin books.
People in the Ann Arbor area
are interested in scholarly mate.-
rials. Gregory said, and Centicore
is patronized by many faculty
members and graduate students as
well as undergraduates.
Customers are often as impor-
tant sources of information about
new books and publishing dates
as the publishers themselves,
Gregory said, and customers many
inus ask for books while they are
still being printed as magazine
Current Stock
Centicore tries to get books, es-
pecially those on current popular
subjects like Viet Nam or LSD, as
soon alter they are published as
possible, Gregory explained.
Speaking of books in general,
Gregory said that contrary to the
popular belief that libraries are

Current reading trends show a
return of classics to a popularity
they have not enjoyed since the
'?0s, Gregory said. Drama is a
big seller too, he continued, par-
ticularly .European playwrights
that have become popular since
Vorld War II, such as Brecht and
Theatre Sets Trends
This might partly be attributed
to the theatre groups on campus,
Gregory said. Also, a few faculty
members can make a big differ-
ence in the trend, he added.
The most popular authors of the
past year have been Marshall Mc-
Luhan, author of Understanding
Media, and Harvey Cox, author!
of The Secular City. Despite the
current popularity of the "God is
dead" movement, an amazing
number ofeserious theological
books are being sold today, he
Centicore first opened almost
two years ago and moved to its
present location on South Univer-j

daily from a variety of sources,
and resells them on a unique
cash-credit discount system which

prices books according to their The House committee failed to
source and general condition. allocate the money for expansion
.dnof the Center for Research on
Sales have dropped i the past Learning and Teaching requested
few months, Gregory said, but by the University. Money for the
this is only to be expected during Institute of International Com-
the summer when there are fewer merce, and the Institute of Ger-
people around. ontology, jointly requested with
"Summer is more geared to out- Wayne State University, was also
door activities; we don't expect to withheld.
changye people' who would rather!

be outside than off somewhere
reading a book," Gregory said.
"And we don't want to change
them. I like people the way they
.are," he concluded.
Which is probably a major fac-
tor in Centicore's success.
Tornado Hits
Topeka Area
TOPEKA, Kan. (J') - A tornado

tTOPKALan.C7.I, -L A--A[tornado
The store carries about 10,000 detrimental to book sales, he sity last December. It is techni- struck Topeka last night and at
titles in a wide variety of fields, thinks that libraries are book- cally a used bookstore and is least nine persons were reported
including history, sociology, psy- stores' best advertisers. People who owned and operated by Gregory tilled.
chology and philosophy, as well pick up a book in the library often and Peter and Barbara Wyman. Jerry Jorgensen, associate di-
as novels and poetry books. Unlike decide they want a copy for them- Discount System rector of Stormont-Vail Hospital,
the other bookstores in town, selves, he explained. The store buys dozens of books said nine fatalities had been
- - brought to the hospital and that
between 200 and 300 persons were
Ity recei es 3treated for injuries.
MSU Facult Report The tornado funnel cut a half-
mile wide, 15-mile long path!
through the center of the city.
Another tornado struck Man-
a v a S ude-ist e Sp nsehattan, Kan., 60 miles west of
Favoable Stu ent espoise13 other funnel cloud sightings in
Michigan State University stu- Paper, which recently had MSU also say changes will probably be the northeastern Kansas area, six
dents reacted very favorably yes- approval withdrawn, also express- ; made before the report reaches of them in Leavenworth alone.
terday to a faculty committee re- ed his approval of the changes for the trustees. The funnel traveled from the
port recommending ameliorations publications, which include ending Investigations for the report southwest corner to the north-
of regulations governing students' the policy of "approving" papers. ;were started last December in re- east corner of the city. Communi-
academic freedom, judicaries and Both editors, however, cautioned sponse to a growing feeling that cations were disrupted and offi-
student publications, that they expected changes to be certain regulations should be re- cials were hard pressed to make
made before final approval of the viewed. The faculty consulted stu- an immediate assessment of the
Ito the Academic Council, n SU faculty report. Other observers dents while working on the report. damage.
faculty senate, for approval. What-
ever changes they approve will be D ISC RIMIN A TION CHARGED:
sent to the MSU trustees for final

The committee also failed to add
$4 million in operating funds,
deemed essential for the Univer-
sity's operations by University of-
The University received the
highest single allocation in the
appropriation bills passed by both
houses. There are presently 10
state supported colleges and uni-
versities which are covered in the
Overall Considerations
The legislators were concerned
with keeping the overall state
budget under $1 billion. This has
forced the committees to cut many
of the schools requests.
$1.019 billion six weeks ago.
Gov. George Romney recom-
mended a $944.9 million budget.
His aides, however, indicated that
the governor would be pleased
with $960 million. It has been re-
puted that the legislators were
j contemplating a figure reaching
$1.019 billion six weeks ago.
Lansing sources indicate that
the House, when it reconvenes to-
morrow, may approve a line item
appropriation for the sophomore
class at the University's Flint
This may indicate a growing leg-
islative readiness to support the
University's Flint branch. The
Flint Branch has been the sub-
ject of spirited controversy for the
last several years.
Sources also indicate that the
House will pass the Mental Health
Bill sometime tomorrow. This bill
will include appropriations of close
to a million dollars for the Uni-
versity's Mental Health Research
Institute, and money for the
Neuro-Psychiatric Institute.
The Senate gave final approval
to half of the budget Tuesday.
This included sharp cuts in edu-
cation and public welfare.
In the Senate action the money
to run the general areas of the
legislative and executive govern-

MSU President John Hannah,
who attended the final sessions of
the faculty committee meetings.
has issued a statement commend--
lng the committee for its job, and
noting general satisfaction with
the report, while indicating he ex-
pected some changes before it be-
comes accepted MSU policy.

Fight Deposit Requi~remen~t

LANSING (A')-A University law
student who objected to paying a
$25 advance deposit to Detroit
Edison Co. is taking his case to
the State Supreme Court.
Perry Christy of Ann Arbor al-

while home-owners or those with
established credit are not required
to deposit the fee.
"Most of the people discrimi-
nated against are honest, poor,
|ignorant of their rights and fi-

forms to constitutional and sta-
tutory requirements."
Christy is claiming in his appeal
to the high court that the deposit
practice "discriminates against the
honest poor and violates the anti-

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