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Sir F
Partly cloudy with
showers in the evening
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Dominican vote Agreement
Upsets Bosch
Resid ential
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican country in political disarray
Republic (P)-Joaquin Balaguer, a Bosch had support of leftist ele
reform-minded conservative and ments and Communists, amon
one-time Trujillo favorite, won the others.
Dominican presidency last night. As mounting returns spelled ou
The result came as a bitter elec- defeat for the silver-haired Bosch
tion upset defeat for the leftist roving bands of young partisan
backers of Juan Bosch. ranged the downtown area shout
Crying "fraud!\" pro-Bosch dem- ing, "Bosch is a victim of fraud
onstrators gathered in the streets We'll return to the comman
but were dispersed by police and posts."
troops swinging rifle butts and Urges Calm
clubs and using tear gas. The Bosch made a brief broadcas
demonstrations may have been urging his followers to await th
aimed at setting the scene for an final results calmly.
organized protest by the Bosch Bosch encountered trouble ever
party.Bshecutre rul v
But such a charge would not be in his main stronghold, Sant
uDomingo. Although leading here
expected to prosper. The election he ran far behind his smashin
was praised as "honest and faith- 1962 rate. He led in the nationa
ful" by the 21 Western Hemisphere district 119,887T to x2.416 fo:
observers gathered here to witness ,Balaguer.
the voting.
Nearly complete returns, read President Johnson messaged hi
over the government radio, gave Gaita GodProvisional Pre d t
Balaguer, of the Reformist party, Dominican people from the tur
641332 votes against 460,054 for bulence of civil strife to the tran
Bosch, of the Revolutionary Party. buletyeof civile tons "
U.S. Relieved quility of free elections."
In Washington, officials showed Will Remove Troops
relief at the indicated Balaguer U.S. officials said the Unite(
triumph and looked for early States would be happy to remov
withdrawal of U.S. and allied its remaining 5,000 troops as soor
American troops from the Carib- as Garcia Godoy and the presi
bean island republic. dent-elect decide they are read'
There had been fears that a to ask for removal of the inter
victory for Bosch might keep the American peace force.
i .__._
' - - -.
fE. - - -
'Plans Go To
Regents for
Final Okay
-,Students Get
d -
Pamphlets in
Voter Drive
o SHA Plans Personal
Canvas To Register
l 't' StuIdents jn City
s I did -did you?
Register to vote in Ann Arbor
e city elections, that is.
That is the question 4000 maize
and blue pamphlets sent out by
the Student Housing Association
yesterday are asking University
d students 21 and over.
e The pamphlet, which explains
n who is eligible to vote and when
- and how to register, is the first
y step in SHA's June registration
- drive.
Neill Hollenshead, SHA City
Planning chairman, explained that
the drive's next step will be a
door-to-door canvas designed to
personally contact all students
' who received a pamphlet. Those
who cannot be reached in personj
will be telephoned.
Students Affected
The pamphlet states that Ann
Arbor decisions and regulations
directly affect student-citizens in
such areas as housing, traffic,
parking, cost of living, parks and
recrlation, and that students pay
a larg:e share of Ann Arborpr-
erty taxes either directly or; mdi-
"It was clear that the incrvawd
student registration had a marked
effect on the 1Apri1 election out-
s o m e," the pamphlet s-tates.
"Since the election there has been
a distinct awareness on the pait
of the present city power structure
that it is no longer possible to
ignore the needs and desires of
30.000 students who comrise one-
third of the population of Ann
Hollenshead said that the voter
drive is important to "firmly es-
tablish the credibility of SHA and
give us a sufficient power base to
stimulate further improvements inj
two ways."
First, direct influence by insur-'
ing the election of candidates who
consider student needs and de-
sires, and secondly, indirect in-
fluence by creating an awareness
of student problems and stimulat-
ing search for solutions to these
problems, he said.
Summer Residents
Hollenshead explained that the
reason the drive is being conduct-I
ed this summer is the "greater
likelihood that students will be
able to register since one of the'
main reasons people are disquali-
fied is that they return to theI
residence of their parents for the
summer." This is not the case for
those now in Ann Arbor, he added.
JOAQUIN BALAGUER, WINNER OF the Dominican Republic's presidential election receives congratulations from voters in Santo
Domingo. The Reformist Party candidate scored an upset victory over former president Juan Bosch. (See story elsewhere on this page).
Late World News
SAIGON a -THICH TAM CHAU, the moderate head of the
Buddhist Institute, submitted his resignation today. His move
underlined a deep split in the Buddhist leadership and promised
further difficulties in South Viet Nam's political crisis.
Tam Chau in his letter of resignation said he had tried to
"solve the present situation" but had failed. The committee of
the unified Buddhist church was to meet soon to decide whether
to accept the resignation.
Tam Chau's resignation came less than 24 hours after troops
loyal to Premier Nguyen Cao Ky took over rebellious Hue, the
Buddhist stronghold 400 miles north of Saigon. The premier's
military move was a swift followup to his political compromise
with the Buddhist hierarchy in Saigon.
U.S. Office of Education has approved the continuation of sup-
port of language and area centers on a matching basis during the
1966-67 academic year, as authorized under the Language De-
velopment Provision (Title VI) of the National Defense Educa-
tion Act.
NDEA language and area centers to be conducted at the
University are: .
Far Eastern and Area Center-$52,000; Prof. Charles O.
Hucker, director.
Near and Middle Eastern Studies Center-$54,000; Prof.
William D. Schorger, director.
Slavic Language and Area Center-$107,400; Prof. John
Mersereau, director.
South and Southeast Asia Language and Area Center-$38,-
000; Prof. Gayl D. Ness, director.
$97,620 for legal services to the Washtenaw County Citizens'
Committee announced Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) yes-
The program calls for two offices, one in Ann Arbor and one
in Ypsilanti. Extensive use will be made of law students from the
University, he said. '
nounced his candidacy for re-election. He will seek the Republican
nomination in the Aug. 2 primary. He is the only announced can-
didate so far for the GTP nomination in the 18th senatorial dis-
trict, which includes all of Washtenaw County.
Central Michigan University
Charged with Lack of Trust
LANSING (A A Senate inves-
tiganng committee declared yes-
terday "t:ust and respect" is lack-
ing at Central Michigan Univer-
sity, and recommended an increas-'
ed policy role for faculty at the,
It also concluded CMU was un-
just in denying pay raises to
four faculty members whose criti-'
cisms of the school administration
helped spark a lengthy series of'
A minority statement challeng-
ing the 86-page report by com-
mittee chairman Sen. Edward
Robinson (D-Dearborn) is expect-
ed shortly along with an attor-
ney general's opinion on whether
the year-long investigation viola t-
ed constitutional autonomy of theI
Mount Pleasant institution.
Sens. Guy VanderJat (R-Cadil-
lac, and S. Don Potter R-Lan-
sing, dissenting members of the
five-man committee, again chal-1
lenged the constitutionality of the
tration rmlationship and developed
into issues ranging from parking
tickents to the leadership ability
and temper of CMU President'
Judson Foust.
The committee recommended the
faculty senate, board of trustees
and administration "develop and
encourage and implement policies
that will allow full faculty parti-
cipation in academic policy mak-
ing at all levels."
Dissidents had complained of
lack of voice in selection of de-}
partment chairmen, new faculty
members, curriculum and other
The report said the administra-
tion's organizational structure;
should be revamped "to permitI
greater delegation of authority andt
Foust Attacked
Although many of the anti-ad-
ministration witnesses at the
hearings had attacked Foust and
his policies, none of the 13 spe-
cific recommendations directly
mentioned Foust.
'Mnh nI ca th hnb- rf
Foust had cited such reasons as. is trust and respect amongst all
disre flrd ivrsnitv rofnln tinnc '- th e',onc tha tJb b kL innnvpr
i i
U ol nlxes~ y euia ons,} eg 9'ups au Maze up a univer-
failure to pursue a doctorate, fail- sity. At Central, the committee
ure to file a proper report of a believes this is lacking."
sabbatical and resignation as a The report also urged the board
department head as reasons for of trustees to provide at least
denials of increments to various annual cost-of-living salary gains
of the four. for all faculty members. It said
Position Justified denial of increments is "an effec-,
The committee concluded CMU tive means of forcing those in-
was justified in not increasing the dividuals to seek other employ-
salary of Thomas Smith, another ment without going through the
anti-administration witness. tenure proceedings prescribed for
The report said without regard the removal of faculty members."
to the validity of the grievances, And it suggested that university;
"the committee did find a univer- faculty members be brought under
sity with a low tolerance for cri- the State Tenure Act now appli-
ticism of disagreement... cable to primary and secondary
"The cornerstone of a university teachers.
Extensive Medical Research
Housed in Kresge Building
Smith To Receive
$11.5 Million Figure
For Approval Today
The residential college faculty
planning committee and the exec-
utive committee of the literary
college have agreed on a final
plan for revisions in college blue-
prints which restores $350,000 in
cuts proposed earlier, it was learn-
ed yesterday.
Dean William Haber will send
the new plan to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith
for his formal approval today.
Smith is understood to support
the plan.
From Smith the plans will go
to the plant extension committee,
composed of the President and the
six vice-presidents. Following ap-
proval by the committee-which
meets Tuesday and already has
the residential college on its agen-
da, it was learned-the plans will
then go to the Regents for final
approval, possibly at their June
23 meeting.
Administrators and members of
the faculty committee both ex-
pressed relief that agreement on
a mutually-acceptable final plan
-after nearly two months of dis-
cussion and disputes over costs
and financing-had been reached.
"I will be transmitting the en-
thusiastic recommendation of the
literary college executive commit-
tee to Vice-President Smith to-
morrow," Dean WilliamHaber of
the literary college said last night,
"and we will proceed without de-
lay on the basis of the under-
standing we have reached with
the planning committee."
The residential college commit-
tee's endorsement of the latest
plan came almost a month after-
they rejected architects' revisions
which cut costs on the new unit
by $1.5 million.
At that time the committee ex-
pressed its concern in a strongly-
worded memorandum to Smith
and Haber that essential facilities
might be "inadequate in ways that
would prove virtually impossible to
remedy later" if constructed fol-
lowing those plans.
But the committee feels that the
new plan, whose main feature is
the complete excavation of base-
ment areas, to leave potential
space for future facilities when
more funds become available, will
not compromise the educational
objectives of the new college.
' Haber and the residential col-
lege committee, chaired by As-
sociate Dean Burton D. Thuma of
the literary college, met Tuesday
and reached agreement on the re-
On Wednesday the executive
committee of the literary college
met and gave pits approval, au-
thorizing Haber to transmit the
changes to Smith.
The changes, which bring the
total cost up to $11.55 millio,
-Adding 1850 square feet of
unfinished basement area in each
of nine pairs of "A unit" housing
for potential recreation space;
-Adding 1850 square feet of
finished basement area in the
tenth "A unit";
-Adding 5400 square feet of
unfinished building area forp-
tential student organization, meet-
itig room, book store, library ad
snack bar space;
-Enlarging corridors in the of-
fice building to encourage student
access and use of building;
-Providing covered linkage be-
tween office and classroom build-
ings, and
-Providing a "fishbowl" area.
The original plan, submitted to
the Regents in March, set the to-
tal cost at $12.7 million. But one
of the elements in the financing
SHA, under Studer
mentCouncil, has bE
for the past four mon
chitects and city plan
area of housing and a
finalizing a city-stud
proposal involving{
building codes and z
nances which take st
into account.
Work is also being
the supply of housing
same time improving
lowering costs.
. VanderJa t declared that while " 'rport Salte T myru gn i
,litGo er , ,- The mysterious organisms in
n, the state's moncy-granting power trustees should reconsider its de- the botany and zoology labs f a-
ths with a'- to schools was used as an excuse nial of salary increases to Dr. miliar to literary college students
for' h the probe, "not one can con-C' ' . are only a microscopic part of the
at n isn t ceivably be dealt with by legisla- Oscar Openheime and Dr University's test tube world
tive enactment" .. and "the re- to Coutant. Its somewhat more extensive
'elt housing Said the rpt: "The common Issmwa o' xesv
changes in port recommends not a single dn it eporthe m n than the botany and zoology lab-
ninge 'di change in expenditures or appro- that by the undefined standards oratories that are the literary col-
mudent nerds priations." of the board and president, they lege student's view of the test tube
Faculty Relations failed to be useful to the univer- world
Sdonswith The investigation and nhearings, sity. What these men were uil The Kresge Medical Research
while at the I which grew out of faculty com- of was that they disagreed on oc- Building's four stories of white-
quality and ments to Robinson in early 1965, casion with the administration and tiled and brightly lighted labs with
centered around faculty-adminis- other faculty members." complex equipment are a startling
contrast to the drab rooms of An-
gell Hall with nothing more in-
teresting than a blackboard and
rows of desks.
Medical students in green scrub
A -- owns and white lab coats loung-
El ing about in the Animal Surgery
d A s D raf - r C"Llz~ie s lb look a little strange to eyes
d Axs D raft Inc rea ses~f~m colsue tugn
accustomed to the bermuda clad
summer school students trudging
ed military the American forces fighting in not even been ordered for exam- through the fishbowl.
iet Nam re- the Viet Nam war. But by the ination. Famous Center
wing for pro- end of the year, it is reported -280,000 men in the 1-A pool In its 15 years of existence,
ments and likely that they may make up were not available for the draft Kresge has become a world fain-
a Pentagon nearly 40 per cent of U.S. troop because their papers were stalled ous center for medical research.
strength there. between local draft boards and Grants from public and private
U.S. troops The highest draft call of the army induction centers. agencies interested in medical re-
now, with year-and the largest since the The Republicans urged that search totalling hundreds of thou-
rt positions Korean War-came last January, computer and data - processing sands of dollars each year provide
carriers and when 38,280 men were called. equipment be provided for the the working capital for hundreds
Menrwhilp e nima PnIeouhlian Selective Service System. rof projects.
The building does not have a
general purpose and there is no
"cooi'dinated activity" such as
there is in the Mental Health Re-
search Institute, he said.
Surgery has about 40 labs, with
work being done in areas ranging
from neurosurgery and neuroan-
atomy to kidney, liver and amino
acid research, pointed out Donald
Lentz, administrative assistant in
the surgery department.
Arthritis research alone has a
whole corridor of labs, with tables
and equipment overflowing into
the hall.
In another field, Dr. Albert
Wheeler and his staff have been
doing research on syphilis. He said
that they have been experimenting
with and evaluating a new diag-
nostic test called the foluresent
treponemal antibody absorbed test
(FTA). This test, Dr. Wheeler
added, "is the most practical and
reliable test we have today."
Animal Care Unit
One ofhthe most interesting
areas is the Animal Care Unit.
There, Lentz explained, doctors,
try out their ideas on animals--
Anything from rats to pigs and
cows-as part of their research.
Many times, he said, a great idea
has to be discarded when it com-
n- c,_sly il n" inn a -i a
Students May Be Calle
By CLARENCE FANTO announced that local draft boards
Co-Editor will immediately begin to utilize
class-ranking information provid-
stue tpros ct that some coege ed by universities as well as re-
yesterday as the Defense Depart- suits from the national Selective
mrint issued its second-highest Service examinations, the last of
draft call since the Korean War. which will be June 24.
Thirty-two thousand, six hun- It thus seemed inevitable that
dred men are being summoned some college students would be
for induction in August, a figure needed as local draft boards ex-
-' mce,.rn, nev th. imls osk haust their sunlv of 1-A men.
ance with the plann
strength to support V
quirements" after allow
jected losses, enlist
training capacity, a
statement said.
There are 255,000
in South Viet Nama
75,000 more in suppo
aboard U.S. aircraftc
at Guam.