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May 27, 1966 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-27

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Bhe Muh~igan Baly
Seventy-Sixth Year

whe Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Tnitb W!11 Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966


'Summer Weekend'
Student Activism Front

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STUDENT ACTIVISM is not dead! Cyn-
ics forecast the demise of any local
movement when, a few weeks ago, only a
pathetic 15 students showed up to picket
President Harlan Hatcher's home, while
at the same time hundreds at the Uni-
cersities of Chicago and Wisconsin and
at City College in New York staged sit-
ins to protest sending grades and rank-
ings to draft boards.
But, as usual, those critics were mis-
taken. A new reform group has recently
organized with a comprehensive pro-
gram for bettering the lot of students.
Elaborate plans have already been set
forth for their first project - Summer
Now, some may have gotten the idea
from yesterday's news article on Summer
Weekend that the project was merely to
offer the same asinine type of fun and
games characteristic of Homecoming or
Winter Weekend. Ah hah, you were de-
ceived by the subtlety of the University
Activities Center Summer Committee.
They cleverly wanted you to think that
so that you, disgusted with the usual dirty
beatnik picketeer-sit inner visions asso-
ciated with activism, couldn't realize that
their true purpose is to seek wide-sweep-
ing amelioration of campus conditions.
IN ONE SENSE the committee's efforts
are directed towards relieving the in-
creased pressure attendant on students
due to the trimester system. Instead of
wasting precious time devising their own
hi-jinks, students can now more assid-
iously devote themselves to concentrated
study after they get the necessary "play"
out of their system by participating in
UAC's few afternoons of organized stu-
pidities-like watermelon seed spitting.
Now, it might be argued that this will
mean a tremendous loss of the campus's
creative atmosphere, previously demon-
strated by such individualized pranks as
passing beer out on Harlan Hatcher's
front lawn on Sunday mornings, but
think of all the time freed for the writing
of creative papers for courses like "In-
ter-Group Conflict among Protozoans."
An attempt to cement student commu-
nity relations at a very basic level was
also discussed by the committee, when
Editorial Staff
CLARENCE FANTO ........................ Co-Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ................... Co-Editor
BUD WILKIN SON........... ..... .. Sports Editor
BETSY COHN. ...........Sppement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Hefter,
Shirley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT .............. Business Manager
LEONARD PRATT .............. Circulation Manager
JEANNE ROSINSKI.............Advertising Manager
RANDY RISSMAN .............. Supplement Manager
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.

.they considered inviting a local Boy Scout
troop to perform Indian dances during
summerweekend. They, unlike students
formerly seeking economic reform, saga-
ciously can see that it's only after you
get grass-roots support can the vicious,
money-hungry landlords and bookstore
owners be taken on. 1
WHEN COMMITTEE members brought
up the idea for a hatchet hunt to
reinforce the "Summer Uprising" theme,
one of them cleverly turned the sugges-
tion into one for a "Hatcher Hunt." What
a unique plan for pushing for a student
role in administrative decision-making!
Hatcher may have been non-plussed
by VOICE's pickets, UMSEU's invasion
and the threatened sleep-in on his lawn.
But, the surprise of an onslaught of sev-
eral hundred Summer Weekenders, equip-
ped with bows and arrows and other ac-
coutrements appropriate for Indians,.
would be enough to force anyone to ca-
pitulate to the most outrageous student
THE SUMMER WEEKEND crusaders are
also attempting to foment a sexual
revolution that would put Berkeley to
shame. While the committee was consid-
ering games for the weekend, one mem-
ber, giggling at her suggestiveness, put
forth the idea for a lei-ing party - one
in which everyone would participate in a
race to make leis, of course. During a ser-
ious "brainstorming" session to come up
with a theme for the project, someone
wittily suggested "Running Bear" subse-
quently rejected, unfortunately.
In providing for boy-boy, boy-girl, and
girl-girl categories for one of its games,
the committee should be commended for
its liberal stand on homosexuality. I must,
however, question: Why no single girl or
single boy categories? As long as we're
going to open ourselves to attack for rec-
ognizing and approving hormosexuality,
why neglect hermaphrodites and their
highly individualistic approach?
mer Weekend is aimed at combatting
that omnipresent bug, "alienation," the
multiversity's impersonal, factory-like at-
mosphere, or whatever you want to call it.
Not only will undergraduate solidarity
be cemented, with the students feeling
they are "really a part of the University"
after engaging in the mass frenzies, stu-
dents will also be reminded of the bond
of their common historical heritage by
the "Indian" theme.
Committee is to be commended for its
dedication to solving student problems.
But, say, why not stick some pot in the
peace pipes?


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Suicide on Campus:* Primary Causes
3. MARK LONO cause of death among American DR. W. D. TEMPY at Harvard which followed his slit-wrists sui- even if it were the way
d a two-part series male college students. A survey of has reported that the rate of cide attempt. His parents were my hair. She almost dr
giate Press Service 209 deaths occurring at Yale Uni- completed suicides there is three going through divorce proceedings my grave. By the ti
C. DIDINGER was a versity between 1920 and 1955 persons for every 20,000 students. after years of an unhappy mar- came I was a nervou
oung man married to a showed that 92 students had died That would indicate that for every riage, and each parent tried to didn't even know as m
alert girl. Last Decem- in accidents and 25 had committed actual suicide there are at least enlist the boy's support against name anymore.
busy readying his 45- suicide. 50 students who have more or less the other. After four years in "I went home right'be
rasted yawl for a pro- The belief that only introverts serious suicidal tendencies which college he was coming close to the for a weekend. Then it
ig venture to the West are suicide-prone was dispelled at do not end in tragic death. challenge of starting a career. the worst it had ever t
Yale-10 of the 25 held student Dr. Dana Farnsworth of the These new responsibilities obvious- came the sleeping pi
s January, Joseph Di- offices, six were athletes, and 10 Harvard University Health Serv- ly scared him. His prospective in- aspirins and a razor bl
s the subject of an belonged to fraternities, ices estimates that "a suicide can laws did not seem to like him.
. army statement: At the time they died, eight be expected somewhat more often At Fairfield University one THIS GIRL seemed
oximately 9:30 a.m. on were having financial trouble, five than once yearly in a student body member of the class of '66 stabbed most of the reasons1
1966, Joseph Didinger, had had their marriage proposals of 10,000." himself to death. That same year which the Cornell stud
:tee from Thornberry refused, and one was a practicing The record shows that in 1962, a freshman had to be coaxed from common among studen
Pa., fell from a window but remorseful homosexual. Al- about 550 young people between a dorm roof. One student wrecked 1) A desire to dest
ccupied office on the though the well known Yale Clinic 15 and 19 years old took their own his room and left. All were said to selves because they can
of the armed forces was established in 1925, only 11 lives be under heavy academic pres- tolerate the discrepan
and entrance station, of the 25 were undergoing any sures. how they appear to then
ny Base. He was refer- kind of professional treatment," WHY SUICIDE? "Things are how they would like to'
reinduction by Somer- tough all over" is the traditional A COED WROTE a personal ac- 2) A need to punish
ive Service Board 22 A MORE RECENT study, "Sui- observation of the cynic, so why count of her attempted suicide hurt them.
ne of 266 preinductees cide Tendencies Among College does emotional crisis center on for the University of Wisconsin. 3) An urge to repent
physical examina- Students," was conducted at Cor- the university? Daily Cardinal. Her comments sin.
nell University by Drs. Leif J.. iwere blunt: 4) A cry for help-"
ER WAS 22. He was a Braaten and C. Douglas Darling. Mamtdoesn't centerathere"sr cue me. Don't leave e
lg man with varied in- The two men studied 134 students all. Emotional difficulty, and even "I was sick of social pressures
was in the Merchant fo the general student patien suicide, is usually a pretty per- which said that you must act THE PROBLEMS th
built boats; he was a population at Cornell. son'l thing, and accurate infor- this way or that so that you will on the student don't
chanic. And for two mation about its prevalence among be accepted. I was sick of the the direct fault of the
candinde arfooks~ They found that 81 of these 134 different social groups may never feeling that I was accepted for tedietfuto h
orked in the rare books students had at least occasional be available. In the meantime, a reasons having nothing to do really self. Dr. Marshall Pe
the University of thoughts of suicide; 23 of these disproportionate amount of the with me, but from the home or Los Angeles Suicide
ia library, had fdequent thoughts and an- attention will be focused on the parents I came from. I was sick Center said that "no
een a student atbPenn- other 16 actually attempted sui- classroom fishbowl, the research- of the idea that you had to be problems experienced
there onlyr year. His cide. Other findings of the study er's habitat. rich, sleep with everyone, and kiss vc
there onlyonea ryear.meHisa toe.e sity."
Philadelphia architect A girl at Stanford who attempt- everyone's royal American to be Rather, he said, thes
if was graduated from --There seemed to be a definite ed suicide was discovered to suffer someone. I only wanted to be my- are the result of the
explained why:g"The trend toward more suicide ten- under domination from her moth- self but that never seemed to be early lifeand his re
big now, much bigger denit es t among undergraduate stu-e e, who selected the girl's friends enough. drn hspro i
days, and I think my dents than among students at the and her school. In the hospital "My parents hounded me about teachers, clergymen.
is professors too many graduate level, after her suicide attempt, the girl my grades to the point that I Dr. Peck did ac
He was fascinated by -No general relationship was said: "I don't know who I really spent more time worrying than I though, that the univ
when he was in high established between suicide ten- am, what I really want, or where did studying. The idea of failure "massive trigger" whic
used to take special dencies and sex, nor between sui- I'm going. I think things and was the worst thing in they world the worry and incites t
sses in the subject. He cide and marital status. worry and when I feel things I that could happen. There was no originally caused by pre
s searching for truth. -Suicidal tendencies were more can only cry. I can't say yes or no chance to begin over; if you failed terpersonal situations.
lot of questions." often found among the better stu- -I'm like a puppet." After the the first time that was it. The factors which
* * * dents. incident, her mother "took over." student to suicide-men
4O LONGER a secret -Most of the students who at- Without manifesting any emo- "MY DORM MOTHER was a career, identity, socia
es have problems with tempted suicides did so twice. tional responses she fired off in- horrible woman-sweet to your same problems anybody
and thievery. The word Only three of the 16 left suicide structions about covering up and face but stabbing you in the back it is during the college
getting out that stu- notes. The methods of attempts, repairing the damages. all the time. I had to go to a head they all come together,
y students, have serious in order of frequency, were: poi- shrinker some years before and on.
roblems, and that some sonous drugs, motor agitation, THE ROSTER of problems suf- she found out about it and that
d in suicide. jumping off a cliff, shooting, cut- fered by a Cornell senior was re- was the end. She wouldn't let me Tomorrow: What Col
is the second greatest ting, choking, and car "accident." vealed during the hospital sessions alone. I couldn't do anything right Doing To Hed

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The Summer Menace of the Salesstudent

IT'S SUMMER, the time when
students, victimized for a whole
schoolyear by local commercial
pirates, turn from sporadic shop-
lifting and petty thievery to more
legitimate vices, to pad depleting
The less ambitious and bitter
students are content to work for
neighborhood enterprizes, to vent
their spite in little ways. But the
really riled align themselves up
The Death
Of Art
ART IS ONLY a means to life,
to the life more abundant. It
is not in itself the life more
abundant. It merely points the
way, something which is over-
looked not only by the public,
but very often by the artist him-
In becoming an end it defeats
itself. All art, I firmly believe,
will one day disappear. But the
artist will remain, and life itself
become not "an art" but art, i.e.,
will definitely and for all time
usurp the field.
In any true sense we are cer-
tainly not yet alive. We are no
longer animals. but we are cer-

with remote discount houses, and
organize massive campaigns which
swoop down from the campuses ot
terrorize suburban America.
They have become magazine
JUST COMING from a harrow-
ing encounter with these people,
let me clue you in on their style.
Then you can recognize them too.
I was naievely walking home,
admiring the green grass and the
blue sky, when I heard a distant
rumble. I discerned that it was
not thunder, for the firmament
was clear of cloudy blemishes. Nor
was it horses, for livestock is not
allowed on State Street. And I
had just eaten.
Quickly, but too late, I whirled
about; I had been rushed from
behind by two salesstudents.
"WILL YOU VOTE for us?"
said salescoed No. 1.
"No one has ever voted against
us," said No. 2 with a soft English
twang. From London, south of
Picadilly, she was.
"What?" said I.
"I'm from holy Scotland and if
you vote for me, we can get stu-
dent visas and go to school at
U.C.L.A," said No. 1 with a flutter
in her voice.
"And I'm from the U. of Wash-
ington, an' you look like a nice

sand more votes to stay in Amer-
"What do I do?" stammered I.
"Just buy magazines from us
an' that's how you vote," said
No. 1. "Be a good bloke." She was
holding my hand.
, "I'm not carrying any money,
just' a checkbook," said I, per-
"Oh, that's fine," whispered No.
2 into my ear.
"WHAT'LL I BUY?" asked I.
"How about 'Better Homes and
Gardens' and the 'Farmer's Al-
manac' with astrological charts
and for only thirty-five dollars a
year," said No. 1.
"Good," said I, noting her
English accent.
"That'll be separate checks,
payable to * * * and * * ," said
No. 2.
"But I don't have any money in
the bank."
"Just write the checks with to-

day's date and we'll hold them
as long as you want," said No. 1.
"I live just around the corner
with five other, guys," I said.
"Would you like to have a cup
of tea with me?"
"With the other blokes?" said
No. 2. "Do you have ice tea?"
"No," I said.
"Do you use tea bags?" said
No. 1.
"That's all right," said No. 2.
"We'll come anyway."
I guess the other guys had more
sales resistance. When no sale
was made after five minutes, they
declared my tea soapy and walked
sales approach of salesstudents,
this also shows two reactions not
to be taken by the prospective
student customer.
First, since this is another stu-
dent protest against high prices

on campus, we should sympathize
with the activists. They cannot be
ignored, though a healthy "no!"
would be the appropriate response
to their demonstration.
Second, by no means should we
take their subscriptions, however
much we sympathize with them.
For that would be to take money
from the students, i.e. ourselves,
pockets, a large percentage of
which would go to the magazine
merchants. I'm certain that do-
nations to support the movement
would\ be welcome, however.
The best reaction, short of giv-
ing donations, would be to lead
the girls to the doorstep of some
town merchant, or draw them a
map showing how to leave the
campus area via Barton Hills.
note in large red print "this order,
once signed, is NONCANCELL-
ABLE." Alas! It also tells me I've
only paid the first installment.


Picnics on the Grass, Alas

Special To The Daily
SAIGON-A round-the-clock bar-
gaining session attempting to
salvage plans for the Annual

Duc, bout 12 miles southeast of
"THE TROUBLE all began with
the menu," stated Wan Trak Mind,
committee chairman at a news
rnnrpnr to+xl.in <-the dPCseionn

the Catholic's original plan to
bring in the Navy's Blue Angels
was thwarted when the precision
flying team was shot down in a
dog-fight over Selma, Alabama.
The Buddhist proposal was not
notlined. but it was anarently


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