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C, 4c
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
743 A &
Continued warm and mild;
little change in temperature
More Space
In Colleges
This Year
Join The Daily, and
The Best Parties in A
* The University Activities Center
is planning a big summer weekend.
So What! It's about time they
woke up! Here at the Daily every
weekend is a big one.
You see, during the week from
Monday to Friday we do our work,
and then on Friday night, Satur-
day and Sunday we hold, or at
least attend, the best parties on
of the most popular gathering
spots in Ann Arbor, a must for
all campus radicals, activists, stu-
dents, tourists and even . a legis-
lator or two.
At any hour of the day or night
one can see people gossiping, dis-
cussing, even studying at The
Daily. There even is a rumor that
parties are actually held at The
Daily when there is no other place
Report Shows There
Is a Decline in Those
Seeking Admission
"There is definitely more college
space available this year," says
Mrs. Rose Nagelbach' of the Col-
lege Admissions Center in Evans-
ton, Ill., which matches students
with colleges. According to reports
from this and other centers with
parallel aims, there are 1.5 million
places in the country's colleges for
,. r.;freshman students.
There are three basic reasons
for the decline in applicants:
-The tremendous growth of
juniors coleges, as 500 junior col-
leges were built within the last
r in Ann Arbor. ? -The rapid expansion of fa-
cilities within existing campuses,
itten d-The decline in the applying
tten d A ll population; there are fewer pros-
pective freshmen than last year.
Here at the University the num-
S A rb or of admissions has not varied from
the pattern of last year. According
formation of all sorts. At any to Byron Groesbeck, admissions
hour legends of the campus can be director, freshman applications
heard from old Dailyites so at- are running the same as last year
tracted to the place they'll do any- at this time, about 13,000.
thing to stay, even join the Board In the past, the University has
in Control of Student Publications. limited freshman enrollment to
If you are interested in joining 4,600 which means that it is send-
there are business, sports, editorial ing out approximately 9,000 let-
and photography staffs. (The edi- ters of rejection, the majority of
torial staff has the best parties which are sent to out-of-state stu-
however.) All you have to do is dents.
drop on in and see Clarence, The University limits out-of-
Charlotte or Betsy. state enrollment to 1,000 or rough-
You can come in on any pretext, ly 22 per cent of the total fresh-
just to look the place over. Just man class. With 6,000 out-of-state
the other day two students came applicants the competition is ex-
in to complain about not receiving tremely rough.
their papers, and spent the night However, the competition is not
writing headlines. As one girl said, rougher than it was last year,
"I like calling myself a reporter which Groesbeck admitted was
for The Daily, it gives me an "tough enough." This stagnant
excuse to ask people strange competitive situation runs counter
questions." to the past trend of increasing
So if you have any strange competition t h a t accompanied!
Squestions you would like to ask each year's growing group of ap-
people, just come into 420 May- plications.
nard. Anyone who works desk for The University's fairly recent
10 minutes becomes an unofficial policy of not admitting sophomore
Daily reporter, and is therefore transfers has aroused a good deal
privileged to attend a Daily party. of curiosity as to the reasoning
If you hurry up and start work behind it. Groesbeck explained
this week, there is a party sched- that in the fall of '64 the Office
uled for Friday, and a picnic for of Admissions expected a large
Sunday. In fact, we are so busy increase in the number of apply-
planning parties we don't have ing transfer students because of
pnng rpartes we don't hve the rapidly expanding junior col-
enough reporters to cover the lege and community college sys-
news, so please rush over so we tem in the fall of '66.
can start you writing to fill up
our pages. With a steady increase in ap-
plications of this sort they felt it'
T-urns in to Anti-U. S. Raly
.:. / is Support of
Ky Regm
.. . . . . . . .... . . . . .
Of course, socializing is not { left.
limited to the weekends. The night The Daily is a hotbed of news
4 desk of The Daily is famous as one of all the latest scandals, and in-
4 I
State University, is reportedly facing arrest because a check he
made out to the printer who now refuses to print The Paper was
made on a non-existent account. Kindman claims it is all a mis-,
take that was caused because he did not realize The Paper had
withdrawn its account from the bank it had been using. He says
it is all being straightened out now.
At the same time, the East Lansing chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union has condemned the University's action in
withdrawing authorization from The Paper.
* *~ *
HONG KONG (P-KOREAN WAR turncoat Clarence Adams
crossed the Communist China border into Hong Kong early today
with his Chinese wife and their small son and daughter.
Adams, from Mephis, Tenn., had been expected to cross the
border May 9 after Chinese officials notified Hong Kong authori-
ties he was coming out. There was no immediate explanation for
the delay.
last night he had documentary evidence that the kabaka or king
of Buganda, Sir Edward Mutesa, planned as early as April 12 a
"full scale rebellion" against Obote's central government.
Obote told Parliament that security forces had taken over
all the kabaka's palaces in the Buganda kingdom, a province of
Uganda. There are several royal palaces besides the main one at
Mengo, outside Kampala.
But the president made no mention of the kabaka's present
whereabouts, and his fate remained unknown.
Reports reaching Nairobi, Kenya, said persons close to the
kabaka hinted he was safe, free and probably out of the country.
would be better to give preference
C il
Senators View
NATO Action
WASHINGTON (P) - There is
strong sentiment in the Senate for
reducing United States troop com-
mitments to North Atlantic Treaty
Organization nations, an Asso-
ciated Press survey has disclosed.
Forty-four senators said they
favored eventual withdrawal of a
substantial portion of the six U.S.
divisions of 225,000 American
fighting men massed along the
Iron Curtain.
But of this group, only 15 said
they would cut U.S. forces to a
token level of one division at this
time as suggested recently by Sen-
ate Democratic Leader M i k e
to those students coming in at the
junior level.
After reviewing the situation
this year, however, they have
found that they are still able to
take a fair number of sophomores,
though still giving preference to
would-be juniors, because the ac-
tual increase in transfer students
is off the anticipated number by
10 per cent.
It appears that the University
is not one of those colleges with
room to spare in the freshman
class. The number of applications
exceeds the amount actually ac-
cepted by almost 300 per cent and
as a result, the competition re-
mains fairly nerve-racking.
One possible way to alleviate
this situation might be by admit-
ting more students in the winter
and spring-summer semester.
-Associated Press
SCENES LIKE THIS have dominated life In Viet Nam for the last few days, but the war still goes on.
On Viet Na-m Situation
WASHINGTON (IP)-Two aca- ,tional tension, which interferes Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho)
demic psychologists tried to ex- with clear thinking. We have a asked Frank if he felt there was a
plain to the Senate Foreign Re- right to be afraid of nuclear weap- valid analogy between the boys
lations Committee yesterday why ons." camp and, for example, relations
men-and ultimately nations-act Fulbright commented: "In Viet between the United States and the
the way they do. Nam, in order to give an election Soviet Union.
Conceding it was a "rather un- to a people that never had an elec- "I don't want to assert it, but
usual kind of hearing," chairman tion we are willing to kill thou- I think so," Frank said. "We must
J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) led them sands of them. This seems to me beware of such a jump, because so
through a highly philosophical dis- irrational." many new factors enter into in-
cussion. But the talk was firmly The senator said he is disturb- ternational behavior." But he sug-
based on American foreign policy ed that "we are so blind to some gester it is possible to gain an in-
in Viet Nam, with which Fulbright of our own acts. It is so easy to sight from such an experiment.
disagrees. forget the invasion of Mexico on Osgood analyzed the psychologi-
"Do you really think a human two occasions, or the Dominican cal factors involved in escalation.
being is a rational being?" Ful- Republic." He added that "if any "In any conflict situation," he
bright asked at one point. good comes out of these hearing said, "it is easier to believe an op-
Hard to Answer 'try to understand themselves.,, ponent's aggressive statements
"That's hard to answer in a troudesan dtemseves such as 'We will bury you, than
hurry," said Dr. Jerome Franks, Disclaimed Expertise his conciliatory s t a t e m e n t s.
professor of psychiatry at Johns Both scholars several times dis- Threats are consistent with what
Hopkins University. claimed any expertise in foreign one expects from an enemy."
"We are rational only by fits affairs. Frank said: "Perhaps if we
and starts. I think we operate un- Charles Osgood, director of the make perfectly clear that we're not
der a great deal of fear and emo- Institute of Communications Re- going to escalate further-do we
,--- ar.hnt the University of Illinois. '
Demonstrators Line
Mourners' Route To
Attack Government
HUE, South Viet Nam (P)-A
Buddhist funeral in this center
of die-hard antigovernment re-
sistance turned into an anti-
American demonstration early to-
Thousands of mourners, many
of thema carrying banners criticis-
ing the United States, -lined the
processional route for blocks.
Speakers at the Dieu De pagoda
attacked U.S. support of Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky and the chief of
state, Lt. Gen. Nguyen Can Thieu.
One of the most vehement
speakers was Bui Tuong Huan,
rector of Hue University.
"For a fortnight Thieu and Ky's
troops have been striving to take
control over Da Nang city," Huan
said. "Modern weapons, fighter
planes, heavy tanks, most power-
ful military means provided them
through American aid, have b'een
used to slaughter our fellow
countrymen, Buddhist monks and
"In using weapons provided by
the U.S.A. to spread bereavement
and provoke a fraticidal war,
Thieu and Ky had no other ob-
jective than to assauge their de-
sire to remain in power," he con-
The university rector, who
identified himself as chairman of
the Vietnamese Buddhist force in
the Van-Hanh region, said the
Saigon military regime was aimed
at wiping out Buddhism and
"With a view to crushing down
the militarist dictatorship set up
by Thieu and Ky at the cost of the
lifeblood of our countrymen and
Buddhists, we appeal to the people
of the U.S.A., asking them to
prevent their government from
indulging them in a policy of ob-
solete colonialism which would not
only provoke the despise (sic) of
the free world for the U.S.A. but
also provide Communist propa-
ganda with tangible evidence,"
Huan said.
"We appreciate the generosity
of the U.S. people who have ex-
tended to us aids in manpower
and financial power for the noble
purpose of helping us in our fight
against Communist aggression, to
preserve freedom. Nevertheless we
protest the colonialist policy pur-
sued by the American government
which blindly puts its lackys in
Viet Nam."
After the speachmaking, the
funeral procession filed across the
Perfume River and moved slowly
to a cemetery.
The funeral was for a Viet-
namese army second lieutenant
who fired last week at a helicop-
ter carrying Brig. Gen. Huylnh
Van Cao, commander of the First
Army Corps. Huynah Van Cao, a
gunner aboard the helicopter, re-
turned the fire and kille'd the
The procession stretched for
more than two miles and wound
across the ity to the U.S. consu-
late on the southwestern edge of
Vice Consul James R. Bullington
of Chattanooga, Tenn., said the
street in front of the consulate
normally is not used for funerals.
UAC Planning Big Summer
said "I'm out of my depth. I feel
I'm very liable to make a damn
fool of myself."
This was in response to a series
of, questions by Sen. Clifford P.
Case (R-NJ) as to what Frank's
psychological insight suggested
about various conflicts - of na-
tions, such as Rhodesia, Israel and
dare dU otis? ? I on t Know, our a
might be a place to start."
Fulbright concluded by saying
the United States is following the
pattern of the great nations of the
past. "We are not worse, but we
are too similar," he said.
The existence of nuclear weap-
ons has changed that pattern, Ful-
bright said, and he added it is the
duty of psychologists such as the
witnesses to help change the pat-
terns of international action.
Totem poles, tomahawks and
teepees will soon be invading the
Diag in preparation for a Sum-
mer Uprising.
Painted faced and feather be-
decked indians will be out to
capture your interest in the big-
gest campus event since Winter
You guessed it-Summer Week-
Hatchet Hunting
UAC plans to turn June 10-11
into a weekend of summer fun de-
signed to challenge such un-
cent popular movie will be shown with an outdoor dance Saturday Egypt or the Soviet Union and
outside. night at Wines Field. China,
According to Don Tucker, gen- Tucker said that UAC plans to This unusual departure for the
eral co-chairman, UAC is trying make Summer Weekend an annual committee produced some puzzle-
to get the movie "Tom Jones." event like Homecoming and' Win- ment among members.
The showing will be free, he said. ter Weekend. He explained that "I find myself pretty removed
Saturday morning will be the with increasing numbers of stu- from this discussion," remarked
time for everyone to flex their dents on campus for the summer Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-
muscles in preparation for the trimester a major event should be Iowa) commented, "i think these
canoe race at Island Park. There included in the regular summer have been some brilliant discus-
will be three contest categories, activity schedule. sions, but I haven't found any
said Tucker, boy-boy, girl-boy and Individuals answers. I'm not trying to be fa-
girl-girl. He added that because of the cetious, I don't know quite what!
Immediately after the race a absence of a major sporting event to ask you."
Acminitrators Meet With
I . .NAX X ~ xx nywrn W - -
L 4-7 ie v v v r T i-i
Residential College Planners
The University is apparently cuts the program can take and
holding to a wait-and-see policy still survive.
on the residential college.' At last Faculty and administration dif-
Friday's Regents meeting there fer over the importance of the
was no mention of the program type of buildings to-be designed
or of the faculty reaction to the for the residential college build-
proposed changes. ings. The faculty considers this
picnic is planned at the canoe
livery. During the picnic water-
melons will be raffled off.
Sports Cars
and mostly unfilled housing units
the activities will be individual
rather than group oriented.
Tucker emphasized that the
Holy Wars
At one point, Frank told the sen-
ators the Vietnamese war is sim-
ilar "to the holy wars of former
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