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February 24, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-24

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Cagers' Moral Victories
Fail to ImpressStrack

leers Vie For Playoff Berths

"To be sure, we've come a long
way in developing a good sound
defense, as was evident in our
last two games," said the Michi-
gan mentor, "but we are still mak-
ing too many errors when we get
control of the ball."
In the Purdue game, Michigan
committed 13 such mistakes and
11 against Iowa. By mistakes
Strack means stolen passes and
offensive violations.
"Once we get possession of the
ball, we can't afford the luxury
of giving it away without a shot,"
Strack added.
When asked about Captain John
Tidwell's recent letdown in shoot-
ing accuracy, Strack replied, "John
is in a slump, as happens to the
best of players.
"He (Tidwell) feels worse than
anybody about it, but I have all
the confidence in the world that
he will be up to his usual high
shooting average soon."
Commenting on the rest of the
team, Strack was pleasedtwith the
general improvement, and was es-
pecially happy with the fine show-
ing of strong rebounders Scott
Maentz, Tom Cole, and Charlie
Higgs in the recent contests.
"With better ball handling and
an improvement in shooting per-
centage we should be able to fin-
ish the season successfully," Strack
added, as he began walking down
to the court where the squad had
begun another arduous practice
session in preparation for the up-
coming Northwestern and Wiscon-
sin games.

Shades of 1960-well, let's hope
not, but here they are, the final
throes of another WCHA season
and Michigan is involved in an-
other race for its very playoff
It's not exactly the same prob-
lem because, this year, the Wol-
verines are assured of a playoff
berth, whereas last year they
weren't, but the problem concerns
how long they will remain in the

For, you see, the Wolverines
are involved in a dogfight for
fourth, third, or, more hopefully,
second place. The respective re-
wards are the opportunity to play
the first round of the playoffs in
Denver, Minneapolis, Houghton, or
home. And it's no secret where
Michigan's sentiments lie.
Three-Way Battle
The three teams participating
in the battle are Michigan, Min-
nesota and Michigan Tech, and
the different combinations of the


finish are many. The teams do
have one thing in common, how-
ever-they all want second place.
The reason for this selfish de-
sire is that the successful club
will be the host of the third place
finisher in the first round of the
The inside track now belongs
to Minnesota, which has four
games left with also-rans North
Dakota and Colorado, while Tech
and Michigan beat their heads to-
gether at Houghton.
'M' Outsiders
The outside track belongs, sad-
ly, to Michigan, which plays three
of its remaining four games on
the road. Two of them against the
Huskies in their own playground,
and another against that old
nemesis, Michigan State.
In order to finish second, the
Wolverines must win one more
game than the Gophers, and this
means that the Golden ones must
lose at least one of their remain-
ing games. In addition, Michigan
must beat Michigan Tech at
least once in order to insure a
third-place finish ahead of the
Third! Anything but third!
Or at least that's what Coach
Al Renfrew has been heard to
mutter over a third cup of cof-
fee. It seems that Renfrew isn't
too happy about his charges meet-
ing Minnesota on its own ice.
The reasons are obvious. Just
ask any coach who has heard that
famous cry of Minnesota mentor
John Mariucci. "Wait'll we get
them on our own ice." The rumor
is that everything and everybody
are against a visiting team at
Go Blue
Take heart, though, Wolverine
pennant wavers. The Huskies have
recently lost two hind feet and a
couple of teeth. Or, translated in-
to hockey lingo, they are missing
two of their best defensemen and
three forwards via the injury list.
Gone are rear coipsmen Don
Lauriente and Elvo Seger, forwards
Tom Bourke, John Ivanitz and
Jerry Fabbro. Loss of these erst-
while gentlemen was listed as the
primary factor for Tech's double
loss at Minnesota last weekend.
Coach John Maclnnes listed two
other reasons, but they won't be at
work at Houghton.
Well, at any rate, this weekend
series at Houghton, beginning to-
night, will decide the order of fin-
ish of the two clubs. Michigan
Tech still has a chance at sec-
ond, however slim, but there isn't
much future in a third or fourth
place finish.
Strange, isn't it, how Michigan
always seems to be in a battle for
some position, whether it be hock-
ey or basketball?


-Daily-James warneka
WOLVERINES IN COMBAT-Houghton their Waterloo?

PEK, Falcons Score Easy Wins

Sparked by standout perform-
ances by former varsity athletes,
Phi Epsilon Kappa and the Fal-
cons gained important victories
in Pro Fraternity I-M basketball
action last night at the Sports
Wolverine gridders Reid Bush-
ong and Gary McNitt, and team-
mate Bob Zuffela paced PEK to
a 78-39 victory over Tau Epsilon
Rho. With the same defensive
ability he showed on the gridiron,
McNitt was a constant thorn in
the side of TER, intercepting nu-
Philadelphia 129, Detroit 121
Syracuse 144, St. Louis 116
Duke 112, Seton Hall 78
Providence 80, Lemoyne 50
Bradley 57, Wichita 56
North Carolina State 78, Villanova 65
New York University 70, Wake Forest
Air Force 75, Valparaiso 66

merous passes and converting
them into unassisted field goals.
He and Zuffela led PEK with 22
points each, along with Bushong's
14. Si Coleman led the losers with
15 points.
Leading 27-20 at halftime, PEIC
stayed ahead 44-38 mainly as a
WCBN will broadcast the
Michigan-Michigan Tech hock-
ey games tonight at 7:45 and
tomorrow night at 8:45.
result of Zuffela's drives and Mc-
Nitt's interceptions. With twelve
and one half minutes remaining,
PEK turned on its defense. In
the ensuing twelve minutes, PEK
scored 32 points while TER scored
Former Michigan basketball
great M. C. Burton led the Fal-
cons with 16 points in their 35-16
win over Nu Sigma Nu. Burton's

value to the Falcons consisted not
only in his scoring ability, but in
his rebounding and playmaking as
Burton's defensive rebounding
and that of teammates Bob Topp
and Nick Kredich accounted for
the relatively low score of the
hard-fought contest. The NSN de-
fense also maintained some form
of cohesiveness except, of course,
for Burton's irrepressible drives
to the basket.
Delta Sigma Delta 62, Alpha Kappa
Psi 21
Bacteriology 32, Prescott ?
CMS 39, Sportsmen 30
Psi Omega 44, Phi Alpha Kappa 37
Foresters 39, Medics 28
Frederick 42, Phil-Mich. 24'
Phi Delta Phi 66, Delta Sigma Phi 29
Nakamura 44, Zips 23
Law Club 72, Phi Chi 23
Delta Theta Phi 61, Phi Delta Epsilon
Lawyers 47, Crescents 24
Phi Epsilon Kappa 78, Tau Epsilon
Rho 39
Falcons 35, Nu Sigma Nu 16

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