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February 23, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-23

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ongolese Premier Ileo
ejects New UN Proposal

Kennedy Asks uitful' Talks


Calls Offer
Of Hostility
Katanga Softens
Threat of Violence
Premier Joseph Ileo lined up with
Katanga President Moise Tshombe
yesterday in rejecting the United
Nations Security Council's new
Congo plan.
He called one phase "a declara-
tion of war."
"The Congolese people are
ready to die to defend our sov-
ereignty," Ileo told a news confer-
ence. "We are ready to defend
ourselves with all means at our
disposal . .. if the UN uses force,
we will reply with force."
The Katanga government's bit-
ter reaction, however, appeared.
somewhat eased. Tshombe, who
had ordered a general mobiliza-
tion in his mineral-rich secession-
ist province, announced in Elisa-
bethville that the UN and Katan-
ga have agreed to halt all troop
movements "likely to lead to fric-
Reports Circulate
Unconfirmed reports of politi-
cal killings in revenge for the
slaying of ex-Premier Patrice
Lumumba circulated in Stanley-
British diplomatic sources said
a firing squad recently executed
15 opponents of Antoine Gizenga's
Communist - backed Stanleyville
regime-10 deputies and 5 mill-
tary men plucked from about 300
Congolese prisoners. An account
published in London said one of
the victims was Alphonse Songolo,
Lumumba's former communica-
tions minister who later broke with
Deplores Deportations
Ileo deplored but disclaimed re-
sponsibility for the recent depor-
tations and death of Lumumba
and eight of his political follow-
ers. He said the deportations --
Lumumba and two aides to Ka-
tanga and six Lumumbist politi-
cians to South Kasai-were car-
ried out before his regime took
office two weeks ago.
As for an international inquiry
into Lumumba's death, he said,'
I"that'is a problem which concerns
the Congo exclusively." But he
said his government is ready to
cooperate with the UN "provided
they respect our sovereignty."

R hodes ian
SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia
(P) The Central African Federa-
tion's white government yesterday
moved toward a complete break
with Britain over London's plan
to give Northern Rhodesian Ne-
groes more self-rule.
Government sources predicted
federal Prime Minister Sir Roy
Welensky will call a generalelec-
tion asking the electorate, for a
mandate to demand independence
from Britain for. the entire fed-
Under voting restrictions, the
outnumbered whites command an
overwhelming majority in the
three regions of the federation-
Northern and Southern Rhodesia
and Nyasaland.
Welensky rejected a coristitu-'
tion proposed for Northern Rho-
desia by Britain, saying it threat-
ens to break up the federation and
plunge this vast area of Africa
into a race war.
He has mobilized 5,000 troops to
guard the Rhodesias and called a
special sesion of parliament for
Friday. He imposed strict cur-
rency controls yesterday to pre-
vent money from being taken out
of the country.
In London, colonial secretary
lain MaCleod said Britain will go
through with its plan for North-
ern Rhodesia even though it is
"fraught with danger." His pledge,
made in an emergency debate in
the House of Commons, was
cheered by lawmakers.
Rebels Assail
Neutral Plans
TOKYO WP) J Laotian leftist
rebels and Red China yesterday
denounced Kng Savang Vathana's
attempt to pull Laos through the
storm of cold war by steering a
neutral course.
Broadcasts from the rebels as-
sailed the Laotian king's declara-
tion of neutrality for Laos and his
plan for a three-member commis-
sion of neutral nations to prevent
foreign intervention.
"This marked the start of the
new United States scheme to turn
Laos into a second Congo and i
United States colony," the report
The leftist Pathet Lao forces
denounced the plan, saying the
king advanced it under armed
pressure from the Vientiane gov-
ernment of Premier Boun Oum.
The King's declaration of neu-
trality and proposal that Cambo
dia, Burma and Malaya send a
commission to Laos has won sup-
port from the United, States and
raised western hopes for a politi-
cal settlement of the civil war.

PARKING PROBLEMS-Idle planes fill all but the runways. at Miami's International airport,
result of the six-day strike of flight engineers.
Negotiaions Continue InStr


World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
PARIS - President Charles de
Gaulle and Tunisian President Ha-
bib Bourguiba will meet Monday
to explore the chances of peace
in Algeria, a communique said last
NORFOLK - Five amphibious
ships and a Marine battalion will.
remain in the.Caribbean follow-
ing the exercises now being held
there, Vice Adm. John Taylor,
commander, Atlantic Fleet Am-
phibious Force, said yesterday.
Rusk Studies
Cuban Imports
WASHINGTON ()--Secretary
of State Dean Rusk has written
Seh. George A. Smathers (D-Fla)
that he is studying the question
of taking steps to prevent im-
ports of Cuban molasses, tobacco,
fruits and vegetables,
Rusk told Smathers the prob-
lem 'will require further explora-
tion of economic, legal and for-
eign policy aspects and that he
could not give "a final point of
view" at this time.

His announcement emphasized
that the United States intends to
keep a military force in the Carib-
bean, as a result of the tense
Cuban situation.
LYNCHBURG, Va.=-Seven Ne-
groes yesterday were given 60-day
jail sentences for violating Vir-
ginia's anti-trespass law during a
sit-in demonstration at a Lynch-
burg drug store.
The six men, all college stu-
dents, and a housewife,,who were
arrested Feb. 14, refused to be
sworn to testify because of segre-
gated seating in the municipal
courtroom. Leonard W. Holt, a
Norfolk Negro lawyer who repre-
sented the seven, also declined to
cross-examine witnesses because
of the courtroom segregation.
WASHINGTON-Without de-
bate and by voice vote, the Sen-
ate yesterday confirmed the nomi-
nations of James M. Gavin as Am-
bassador to France and Davis K.
E. Bruce as Ambassador to Great
Gavin, a retired paratrooper
Lieutenant General, used to be
chief of army research and devel-
opment. Bruce, a Maryland busi-
nessman, previously served as Am-
bassador to France and to West








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