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May 26, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-26

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with occasional rain,
scattered frost.

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417"i PA(U i1

Union Board Revises
Bylaws, House. Rules.
Directors Agree To Investigate
Possibility of Public Meetings
The Union Board of Directors last night passed bylaw revisions
concerning the use of Union facilities by non-members, the roles
of the house committee and general manager and established a
study on the feasibility of opening board meetings to the public.
Union President Paul Carder, '62, said, "These changes are in
effect to clarify existing house rules and bylaws and in most cases
formalize to a greater extent what had previously existed."

One of the changes inserts
members of the Union whether


MSU Group
Wiants Help
The newly organized Michigan
State University "task force" for
defining national objectives issued
a challenge yesterday to Ann Arbor
students, faculty members, and
Donald Riegle, Jr., MSU grad-
uate student, challenged the Uni-
versity to answer the enthusiastic
East Lansing response by sending
"at least fifty" students or other
interested people from Ann Arbor
to a meeting next week.
The new group is an informal
organization aimed at answering
fundamental questions pertaining
to they goals of Americans today.
We must ask who we are, as
Americans, and what we stand
for," Riegle said.
Wednesday Meeting
A meeting held Wednesday
night at the MSU student Union
drew more than fifty students,
faculty members and East Lansing
residents. They discussed general
problems of our national philos-
ophy and made plans for future
Students on this campus doubted
the possibility of interesting fifty,
people in such a project two days
before final exams. However,
"We're very much in favor of
individuals taking their own in-
itiative on such vital matters"
Arnold Taub, '62, .Challenge co-
ordinator, said.
ACWR Interested
Robert Zwerdling, '63, spokes-
man for Americans Committed to
World Responsibility, stressed the
enthusiastic response to. his or-
ganization on the University can-
pus. "Students are very interested
in these problems," he added.
The next meeting of the "task
force" will take place from 7:30-
10:00 p.m. Wednesday at the MSU
Critics Fear
Loss of Novel
Bellow Says
"We know that science has a
future; we hope that government
will have one too; but some people
say that the novel has only a past,"
novelist Saul Bellow said at the
thirty-first annual Hopwood
awards lecture yesterday.
The older sort of narrative art
seems to have dissolved, Bellow
observed. With the dissolution of
the former unitary concept of self,
critics fear that the narrative art,
which is the novel, may have come
to an end.
Aim Beyond
Most writers today aim beyond
the old conception of the self in
the American novel of the nine-
teenth century They favor those
characters who stand outside of
society and who have no wish to
be reconciled to it, he said.
"The old-fashioned local worlds
which were written about in nine-
teenth century novels can no long-
er be found. Today the universe
imposes itself upon us; we are
surrounded by dubious realities
Sand are dubious of ourselves."
There has been a separation of
idea and action, of thought and
movement, and as a result nar-
rative art has grown weaker.
Need New Ideas
"Characters who think have
generally been supposed ,to lack
vitality. The novel needs new ideas
about humankind in order to

flourish - ideas which are dis-
covered in life, not - invented," he
Bellow believes it is important

in the Union bylaws that "non-
or not carrying guest cards and
whether or not accompanied by
members, may be permitted by the
House Committee to use the fa-
cilities of the Union to the extent
set forth in the house rules."
Substitute 'Shall'
Board member Michael Olinick,
'63, asked that the word "shall"
be substituted for "may" in the
motion. He said, "Everyone has
the right to use the Union unless
they violate a rule. 'May' implies
'may not'."
. Union Administrative Vice-Pres-
ident Michael Balgley, '62, said,
"The Union is a private club and
has the right to accept whoever
it wishes."
Other revisions included a house
rule defining the role of the Union
general manager. As passed it
"As the agent of the House
Committee, the Union manager
may permit non-members the use

All bicycles left on campus
by students not planning to at-
tend the summer session will
be impounded 48 hours after
June 13, Peter A. Ostaf in, as-
sistant to the vice-president,
for student affairs, announced
Those who do not wish to
have their bicycles impounded
are requested to fill out a
"hold" order which will permit'
them to keep their bicycles in
University racks between June
14 and June 21. Hold orders
may be obtained at either resi-
dence hall desks or 1510 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
of Union facilities. This permis-
sion may be revoked at any time
by the General Manager or any
Union employee to whom the gen-
eral manager may have delegated
authority to enforce regulations."
Replace Sentence
The first sentence of the original
motion was replaced at the re-
quest of Student Government
Council President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd., and several other mem-
bers who requested clarification of
the relation of the general man-
ager to the house committee.
The original beginning read:
"Non-members may be permitted
by the Union Manager to make
use of the Union facilities pur-
suant to the house rules."
Additional changes in house
rules and bylaws were:
A rewording of the bylaw con-
cerning the house committee from
"The house committee shall create
and publish house rules and regu-
lations" to "the house committee
will have the authority to make
rules and regulations governing
the use of facilities of the Union."
Subject To Review
Carder commented that the ac-
tions of the house committee are
subject to review by the board at
any time the board feels it is
The committee to study the pos-
sibility of opening the meetings
to the public was introduced by
Olinick. He said it will show that
the Union is "interested in prob-
lems of communication."

SGC Move
With Letters
Student Government Council
passed a motion early yesterday
morning to send letters to Attor-
ney General Robert Kennedy, Ala-
bama Gov. John Patterson and
Rev. Martin Luther King in sup-
port of the "Freedom Riders."
The letters express the Coun-
cil's sympathy and support for
those participating in the non-
violent "Freedom Rides," and with
"the principles of non-violence
which motivate these riders and
many other courageous Southern-
ers attempting to work for inte-
gration in the South."
Arguing in favor of the motion,
Mary Wheeler, '61, said, "This is
not a question of race relations,
but of human relations. SGC
would violate all tenets of human
democracy by ignoring this ques-
Discusses Direct Action
Discussing the question of the
necessity of direct action, Sally
Jo Sawyer, '62, said that these
people were well aware that viol-
ence would result.
By analogy, Seasonwein asked
who is to blame for the Little Rock
violence: the Supreme Court and
the parents who took their chil-
dren to school or the people who
took the law into their own hands?
"Do you blame the people who are
acting like animals or the people
who are asking to be treated as
human beings?"
Acting Daily Editor John Rob-
erts, '62, stressed the pragmatic
view of how other countries will
view out actions and said "non-
violent action is in the best Amer-
ican tradition."
The letters to Kennedy and Pat-
terson also condemn "the violence
employed by those demonstrating
against the 'Freedom Riders'.
Supports Action
In addition, the Kennedy let-
ter expresses "support for his ac-
tion in regard to the demonstra-
tions against the 'Freedom Rid-
ers"' and asks that he "take any
further steps necessary to guaran-
tee that all people may ride and
use facilities related to such rid-
ing together anywhere in the
United States."
After the Council met in com-
mittee of the whole to discuss the
motion, Roger Seasonwein, '61,
moved to suspend the rules in or-
der to consider the passage of the
motion. As an expression of stu-
dent opinion, the vote on the mo-
tion should have been delayed for
a week.
Earlier in the evening, the Coun-
cil failed to approve a similar
suspension of the rules until the
remainder of the agenda had been
Substitute Motion
A short time after the Council
suspended the rules, James Yost,
'62, moved to amend the motion
by substitution.
The substitution read: "Stu-
dent Government Council express-
es concern over the issue of 'Free-
dom Ride,' further, SGC urges all
students to consider facts in the
case and express their opinions
as they see fit." The motion failed
by a voice vote.
Joint Judiciary
Elects Three
Joint Judiciary Council last
night elected William G. Phelps,J

'62BAd., as its chairman for the
coming semester.
He replaces Charles Gessner,
The council also elected Jane
Glick, '62, secretary for the or-
ganization for the current semes-
ter, as vice-chairman and Richard
Lyons, '62, secretary.


Report to Senate Supports
Full-YearOp erationPans
Alabama Bus Laws Challenged Commission
e On Program
WASHINGTON W)-A group of
"Freedom Riders" filed a suit in
federal district court yesterday Professors Question
challenging Alabama's bus term-
inal segregation laws. Economic Pressures
The Justice Department, an-
dOf Added Semester
nouncing-the suit, said the United
States District Court in Montgom-
ery, had asked the department toBy MCHAEL OLINICK
enter the case as a "friend of The Senate Advisory Committee
the court." The Justice Depart- J yesterday lent its support and ap-
ment agreed. poval to the suggested full year
The suit, filed in the Montgom- . calendar for University operation.
ery Federal Court, asked that ' The SAC labelled the Commis-
United States District Judge Frank ) . sion on Year Round Integrated
Johnson enjoin the Montgomery s Operations findings "judicious and
police from enforcing segregation commendable" when presented
in interstate bus terminals and a 3them at a special meeting of the
from making arrests under an Faculty Senate called by Univer-
Alabama state court injunction. sity President Harlan Hatcher.
State Segregation Laws The commission recommended
The state court injunction has t 'sa.,that the beginnings of the fall
ordered the Negro and white bus s zand spring semesters be moved
riders not to break the state's seg- tiback earlier in the year. and that
regation laws. a "split" summer session be in-
The Negro attorney represent- augurated.. The summer semester
ing 27 "Freedom Riders" in Jack- would run about 15 weeks long
-AP wirephoto and could be divided into two
son, Misssaid yesterday they had CHANGING OF THE GUARD-Alabama National Guardsmen and Highway Patrolmen turn over to periods each the length of the
not decided whether ofight they are their Mississippi counterparts escort duty for the "freedom riders" bus near the state line. A guards- present summer program,
case through the courts if they areprsnsumrroa.
convicted. man stands duty in foreground in wooded area along the highway to guard the bus from possible Indicate Concern
Jack H. Young conferred for violence. However, the bus passed unmolested and without incident. Faculty questions and comments
two hours during the afternoon1 at the meeting indicated concern
with the 25 Negroes and two white over the possible economic effects
men in the city jail-located in PEA CE CORPS: of the proposed change on indi-
the same building where they will vidual faculty members. President
be tried before Municipal Judge Hatcher denied this, saying there
will be no adverse effect if the
James Spencer today. FeTer Apply Than ExpectedH sayingth
CraigPublic SentimentF er A p l commission plan is put into effect,
CreatingPboi tenJckent The calendar revision-which
Young, who is the Jackson at- -__u__d_____k_____________gr__du______________
torney for the National Associa- By DENISE WACKER would take place gradually over
tion for the Advancement of Col- jectives of the corps. Alan Guskin, and do not appear to be politi- a four year period-is expected to
ored People, said in an interview The number of applicants for Grad, gave a summary of the cians, but rather individuals with be approved by the Regents at
that in their bus mixing efforts, the Peace Corps is slightly more corps as it is at the present time. their June meeting.
the "Freedom Riders" seemed " than one - half the expected He said people in the Peace Corps There was no formal vote of the
be more interested in creating amount, Robert Zwerdling, '63, office generally seem qualified, Speaking on the problems of the whole senate, but Indications were
spokesman for Americans Com- limited number of applicants, that such a vote might come in
long cout fgt mitted to World Responsibility, Zwerdling cited two possible solu- the future after faculty members
If they are convicted by Spen- said yesterday at a meeting held , tions. The first would be reduc- study the report more throughly.
cer, Young said, "I don't know by ACWR, Challenge and the Stu- tion i the number of selections, They did not receive -copies of it
dent National Education Associa- which would mean a more limit- until Wednesday morning.
whether they would appeal or ac- detNtoagduainAsca
cept the sentences." tion. jpPed Peace Corps able to do less than Urges Communication
pnhasntsThe National Education Asso- President Hatcher urged the
Riders" on charges of refusal to ciation has joined in the attempt was first planned Senate members to communicate
obey an officer and committing a to secure 7,000 additional volun- By The Associated Press their comments and questions
breach of the peace, teers for the Corps by contacting about the proposals to either him
Th 7weearstdWdes t oclcateso NE.Te Resolutions were introduced lb directly or the members of the
day at a bus station when they NEA hopes to convince prospec- yesterday asking Congress to go eight man commission.
arrived on two buses following tive teachers that a career in the on record as opposed to sending The SAC urged President Hat-
heavily escorted trips from Mont- Peace Corps is worth considering tractors or bulldozers to Cuba in Local American Legion and cher to advance the proposal and
gomery, Ala. in lieu of a teaching position in exchange for prisoners. Veterans of Foreign Wars or- expressed the confidence that "the
Leader Wounded the United States. Sen. Homer E. Capehart (R- ganizations will hold their an- plans for administering the pro-
A Negro integration leader in The philosophy behind the Ind) introduced two resolutions in nual Poppy Day sale today and gram will safe-guard the educa-
Montgomery said he was shot in meeting was not a depth discus- the Senate and Rep. William Jen- tomorrow, tional opportunities of the stu-
the wrist by a group of white teen- sion of the Peace Corps, but rath- nings Bryan Dorn (D-SC) intro- Proceeds from the fund-rais- dents and the professional in-
agers today as he was leaving his er it was held to acquaint stu- duced another in the House. ing drive will go to aid disabled terests of the faculty.
house. dents with current goals and ob- One Capehart resolution would veterans or their families of Commending the president for
The incident happened shortly express "the sense of the Senate" World Wars I and II and the his leadership the SAC said it ap-
after seven segregation-testing that it was illeal for a private Korean conflict. preciated "the consultations with
bus riders and three Negro in- Som oza Ends group to negotiate with Prime Members of the veterans' the faculty from the time of the
tegration leaders were arrested at Minister Fidel Castro over an groups and volunteers will so- composition of the commission
a bus station. The bus riders in- S eq ment-for-me deal. T e licit contributions on street- (February 27) to the presentation
cluded four white northern educa- State Of Selge ond would say the Senate felt corners from 3-9 p.m. today of the report to all members of
tors. contributions to the group's fund and 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. the senate.
In Washington meanwhile, Atty. MANAGUA, Nicaragua ( - are not tax exempt. g __n_______._______._____rday Calls Consulting
Gen. Robert Kennedy announced President Luis Somoza yesterday Prof. Wesley A. Maurer, chair-
that all but 100 of the more thanPrsdnLu moaeery man of the SAC and of the journ-
600 United States marshals on decreed an end to the state of T1alism department, called for con-
6ty itettmery wilbe with. seige that has been in effect n tinuation of these consultative
drawn. this Central American nation procedures. "They will do much
Court Injunction since November, 1960. The decree T "to ensure wise and just implemen-
Alabama Atty. Gen. MacDonald i fetv audy 0 P s t l tc P o l m tation of a year-round integrate
is effective Stra.ToPoeAh te rblm
Gallion had announced that any But a spokesman said the coun- program."
more "Freedom Riders" arriving try still was threatened by "armed Commission chairman Prof. Wil-
in the state would be put in jail groups of Castro-Communist sup- 3 By BRIAN MacCLOWRY liam Haber, of the economics de-

under a state court injunction porters who are attempting to partment, made a preliminary
which sought to keep them out, operate along the Northern and If the University adopts the year-round plan for scholastic statement to the senate outlining
No effort was made to arrest Southern frontiers." operation it will create problems for athletes, Michigan athletic the procedures used in compiling
the group on arrival yesterday, In Latin America a state of director Fritz Crisler feels. the 84 page report.
however because the four white seige is similar to martial law. Wednesday University President Harlan Hatcher outlined the

and three Negro riders did not go
into the station.

Somoza also said press censor-
ship would end immediately.

Creative Weriting Awards Presented to 21

Hopwood awards totaling $14,000
were presented to 21 winners of
the thirty-first annual creative
writing contest at a ceremony
presided over by Prof. Arno L.
Bader, chairman of the Hopwood
Committee, yesterday.
The Hopwood awards, the larg-
est cash awards for creative writ-
ing in the country, come from an
endowment fund created by the

awards went to John Hopkin, Ratner, Grad, who received $700
Grad, for a short play entitled "A for "For Love of Barbara Allen"
Pretty Rotten Crowd" and Ronald and Arthur Kinney, Jr., Grad, who
Sossi, '61, for "The Small Bridge received $700 for "The Tempering
of Mr. Burr." of Thought."
In the major fiction contest Penelope Schott, 'C3, received
there were two awards of $1,000. an award of $300 in the minor
Konstantinos Lardas, Grad, re- fiction contest for "Gray-Brown
ceived one for his collections of and Other Colors" and an award
short stories. "The Devil Child" of $400 in the minor poetry con-
and George Glover, Grad, received test for "A Baker's Dozen." Miss

proposed new system which would divide the school year into three
semesters. The first term would start the last Monday in August
>and end before Christmas. The
second would begin in January
and conclude early in May. And
the third term would run from
Studela ts May to early August.
If this plan materializes Crisler
is much concerned about what
would happen to athletes taking
part in spring sports that now ex-
tend into the third week of May.
S"I'm afraid some changes would
have to be made in the Big Ten
rules," Crisler explained. "It seems
they have a choice: they can let
men remain eligible for the track.
golf, tennis and baseball champ-
ionships after the Michigan se-
mesteris over, or they can allow

Eastern Hikes
Living Costs
Eastern Michigan University yes-
terday announced the details of
its planned hike In, board and
room fees.
Controller Lewis E. Profit said
that the raise would be from ap-
proximately $351 per semester to
$369. This action followed orders
from the state Board of Education
to the four small colleges and uni-
versities under its control to raise
board and room charges next year.
Upholds Late Veto


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