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May 25, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-25

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Prof ile: S ue Kennedy

Eight 'U' Distinguished Professor Posts Remain Empty

Acting Associate City Editor
"The whole campus has become
more serious-more academic and
pdlitical - just since I've been
here," Women's League President
Susan Kennedy remarked as she
picked up a napkin covered with
physics equations.
"People don't come to the
League snack bar to kill time any-
more. If they're studying at the
Undergrad they haven't time to
walk all the way over here for a
cup of coffee. Most of the people
here right now are graduate stu-
dents from this neighborhood."
The tall, slim brunette from
Bloomfield Hills glanced at sev-
eral tables where students were
busy reading and scribbling on
napkins, and said the League has
noticed this academic trend even
in its tradition activities. "I'm
convinced that we still have a
function to fulfill, but we'll have
to readjust.
'Collegiate Activities'
"This campus no longer goes
all-out for huge 'collegiate' ac-
tivities like Homecoming or even

tract the majority of women stu-
dents for such activities."
She confessed that for a time
she had considered some of the
traditional activities "a bit Mickey
Mouse." But after working close-
ly with the people involved in
them for a year, she said, "Then
I realized they were sincere and
important interests, too. The
League must serve these special
projects. At mammoth universi-
ties it's too easy for us to lose
track of students who function
best in small groups. We can put
their activity and energy to work
Sorority Member
Twenty-one years old, Sue is a
member of Gamma Phi Beta sor-
ority and honoraries Alpha Lamb-
da Delta, Scroll, Phi Kappa Phi
and Tau Sigma Delta (for archi-
tecture and allied arts students).
She also achieved freshman and
junior honors.
An art major, she hoped to set
up an arts and crafts room at the
League for individual use. Al-
though unable to carry this out
during her term, she is now draw-
ing up plans for the room as a
personal project. "Even if they
never use the idea, it's fun to plan
it. I'll submit the drawing and
suggestions and see what hap-
Prior to becoming League presi-
dent, Sue had worked only on
the League's class projects. The
organization does not have a lead-
ership training program 'or re-
quire a "four-year commitment."
One Project
"A girl may participate in one
project and then move directly in-
to the student administration.
There are always new people
around with fresh ideas."
With her enthusiasm not-quite
hidden by a quiet voice and re-
served manner, Sue continued, "I
was kind of glad I came into of-
fice without preconceived notions
about running the League, even
though it was extra hard at first
to learn how things operated. I
like things that present an extra
This June, Sue will go to New
York to "knock on doors at ad-
vertising agencies. No appoint-,
ments, no connections-I want to
see if I can land a job completely
on my own."
Spirit of Adventure
Her spirit of adventure and de-
termination have been fostered by
the University's challenges to stu-
dent maturity, she declared. "I
didn't realize how advanced we
were until I began attending con-
ferences at other schools. The oth-
er delegates just couldn't under-
stand how the League operates.
"SOC is a good example-I am
really proud of the maturity the
Council shows. It's too bad that
ex-officios are so busy they can't'
devote more time to the problems

before SGC, but it certainly is a
valuable experience for us."
With a frown of concern she
talked about the danger of get-
ting immersed in an organization
and losing perspective. "SGC
forces the League to put our work
into the context of the Univer-
sity, and also to put the Univer-
sity into a larger context."
New Attempt
Sue pointed out the League's
new attempt to give students a
concept of the University through
Women's Senate. "Senate is bring-
ing a different type of girl into
the League. Its concern for the
University's problems is indicative
of our increased awareness and
~asponsibility as students."
Sue envisions Assembly Associa-
tion and Panhellenic Association
working with the League to fur-
ther unify women's student gov-
"In the past two years there
has been a misconception about
the League's active members. This
isn't a sorority tryout program or
a sorority girls' organization. It
just happens that for a year or
two we have had more affiliates
working. But the League changes
so quickly that this is not at all
indicative of a lasting trend."

Sue's favorite expression, which
her roommate claims creeps into
everything she says is "well, that's
out of the question." Strangely
enough, it's an expression she nev-
er applies to herself. Her own re-
action to anything new is always
to plunge right in, regardless of
the difficulties.

(Continued from Page 1)
he is an active member of the
Each appointee receives the ti-
tle "University Professor," with the
name of a distinguished person in
the same general field of interest
attached to it. This name is select-
ed by the school to which the ap-
pointee belongs. At the termina-
tion of active service by the pro-
fessor, both the position and the
title are vacated.
For one of these posts to be
filled we would first need an en-
dowment from an alumnus, Nie-
huss explained. The University
would then hold the money in a


notices academic trend

Lederled otesRelation
Of Computer, Mediceine

Drama Set1
Northland Playhouse in Detroit
will begin its sixth summer ses-
sion on June 8 with John van
Druten's comedy "Bell, Book and
Candle" starring Ginger Rogers.
The play will continue through
June 18. Performances of all
plays will be held at 8:30 p.m.
with two performances on Satur-
day nights at 7 and 10 p.m.
Don Ameche in "Holiday for
Lovers" will open on June 20 and
run through June 25. This will be
followed by "Carousel," starring
Dorothy Collins, from June 27 to
July 2.
From July 4-9 the playhouse
will present "Oklahoma," the cast
to be announced later. Steve Al-
len and Jayne Meadows will star
in "The Fourposter" from July
11 through 16.
Mae West will appear next in
"Sextette" from July 18 through
23, to be followed by comedienne
Martha Raye in "Separate Rooms"
from July 25 through 30.
Television star Davin McGavin
will play in "Under the Yum Yum
Tree" the week of Aug. 1-6. Then
William Bendix will star in "Fath-
er of the Bride" Aug. 8 through
The final weeks of the season
will feature Mickey Rooney in
"Sailor Beware!" Aug. 15 through
20; Hedy Lamarr in "Glad Tid-
ings" Aug. 22 through 27, and
Gina Carla Alberghetti in "The
Student Prince" Aug. 29 through
Sept. 3.

trust fund whose conditions are
specified and observed.
Serves as Salary
The professorships would be es-
tablished using the income from
the fund as salary, although in
some cases the principle would al-
so be used for that purpose.
In recent years funds have been
given whose income and principle
are to be used for a given length
of time, usually 10 to 15 years.
This is not a bad arrangement
because changes can be made dur-
ing and after this period.
Referringto the value of the
positions, Niehuss said, "I think
the return makes it worthwhile to
establish more of them. The Uni-
versity gains prestige for recog-
nizing a distinguished educator,
and a person holding one of these
posts is less apt to leave us. The
posts have also been used to bring
people here from other schools."
Same Duties
Niehuss emphasized that the
professors carry on all the du-
ties of a regular professor, al-
though they usually teach only
graduate students. "Although
there is no automatic increase in
salary one has always been given."
Looking into the future of the
positions Niehuss noted that the
various schools and colleges have
shown an increased amount of in-
terest in them recently. "I plan to
DIAL NO 2-6264


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take the matter up with the dean's
conference as to whether it is a
good idea to reconstitute the posi-
tions and how it should be done."
He also predicted that the posi-
tions would soon be in the process
of re-examination, probably by a
Senate committee. "The possibili-
ty exists that more of them will be
"Some schools have so many dis-
tinguished professors that it is
almost distinguished not to be
one," he continued.
Only One Remaining
Prof. Thomas Francis, Jr. of the
public health school is the only
remaining distinguished professor
of the nine originally appointed.
He is the Henry Seawall Univer-
sity Professor of Epidemiology.
The other original distinguished
professors and the seats they oc-
cupied were: the late Prof. Wern-

er Emmanuel Bachman-Moses,
Gomberg University Professor of
Chemistry; the late Prof. George
Granger Brown, Edward DeMille
Campbell University Professor of
Chemical Engineering.
The late Prof. Howard Bishop
Lewis, John Jacob Abel University
Professor of Biological Chemistry;
the late Prof. Dewitt Henry Park-
er, Robert Mark Wenley Univer-
sity Professor of Philosophy; Prof.
William Andrew Paton, retired,
Edwin Francis Gray University
Professor of Acctunting; Prof. Is-
aih Leo Sharfmai, retired, Henry
Carter Adams University Professor
of Economics.
Prof. Lewis Mallalieu Simes, re-
tired, Floyd Russell Mechem Uni-
versity Professor of Law, and
George Eugene Uhlenbeck, resign-
ed, Henry Smith Carhart Univer-
sity Professor of Physics.

Matinee 65c
Until 4:30
Nights 90c

...League president
Michigras. In the future, the
League will have to serve small,
special Interestgroups. Our pro-
grams will have to be scaled down
to fit the needs of the small group
that really wants to put on Soph
Show or Frosh Weekend.
"We simply aren't going to at-
Daniels To Speak
On Communism
Prof. Robert V. Daniels of the
University of Vermont history de-
partment will discuss "Changes in
the Function of the Communist,
Doctrine," at 4:10 p.m. today in
Aud. C. The lecture is co-sponsored
by the history department and the
Russian studies program.

Iy ai "KX~
Because of its unique properties
a computer can aid the physician
in making his final diagnosis, Dr.
Robert S. Lederley, president of
the National Biomedical Research
Foundation, said recently.
In a talk featured in the com-
puter appreciation lecture series,
Dr. Lederley explained some ap-
plications of computers in diag-
nosing disease.
For a given list of symptoms a
computer can find a list of pos-
sible diagnoses and from this in-
formation recommend further
diagnostic tests, he said.
Calculate Success
Computers can calculate the
probabilities of success for vari-
ous forms of treatment and com-
pile useful statistical data. Once
a computer has been fed informa-
tion on a patient's medical his-
tory, it can retrieve pertinent data
for the physician.
After a computer had been fed
information on the patient's med-
ical case history and symptoms, it
logically eliminates possible dis-
eases until it obtains a list cor-
responding to the symptoms and
case history, he said.
On the basis of the symptoms it
indicates further diagnostic tests
which might be administered, Dr.
Lederley explained. It can calcu-
late the probabilities that a pa-
tient has a particular disease or
that a proposed plan of treatment
will be successful.
Relative Values
However, a computer can only
be useful in calculating the rela-
tive values to the patient of vari-
ous'treatments for a given disease.
A computer might recommend
amputation as a possible treat-
ment for a patient's broken arm,
but such a plan would have little
value for the injured person, he
said. Setting the break is a better
Leach To Speak
On 'Lord Buddha'
The - anthropology department
wil sponsor a lecture on "Pulleyar
and the Lord Buddha-An Aspect
of Religious-Syncretism in Ceylon"
at 4:10 p.m. today-in Aud. A.
Prof. Edmund R. Leach of St.
John's College in Cambridge will
deliver the lecture.

In more complex cases the
computer would use statistics to
decide among various treatments
by calculating probable degree of
In searching for a treatment,
a computer makes a diagnosis by
deduction rather than induction. It
applies its general store of data
to specified symptoms rather than
trying to mold particular symp-
toms into a specific diagnosis.
Peace Corps
'To Send Men
To Colombia
The first Peace Corps program
undertaken in conjunction with a
private agency will send sixty-
four male volunteers to Colombia
in June.
The Latin American program of
the Peace Corps will entail a
project co-sponsored by the Co-
lombian government's community
development department in col-
laboration with the United States'
private voluntary agency, CARE.
Peace Corps members will work
with trained Colombian counter-
parts in village activities. Officials
contemplate sending. work teams
of Colombians and Americans to
villages in the provinces of Cun-
dinmarca, Caldas, Valle, Tolima
and Antioquia.
Training Course
It is proposed that the volun-
teers arrive in Colombia after com-
pleting a two month training
course at a United States univer-
sity not yet designated. After
this, another training program of
one month will be given in Colom-
bia and the volunteers will then
be assigned to villages.
CARE will have the responsibil-
ity of educating the Peace Corps
volunteers in both the United
States and Colombia..It will also
donate $100,000 worth of tools and
equipment to the program, which.
is scheduled to last two years.
Selected by CARE
The sixty-four volunteers will
be jointly selected by CARE and
the Peace Corps from applications
reviewed by the Corps.
Since the Colombian economy is
primarily agricultural, the chief
qualifications will be some knowl-
edge of farm husbandry, construc-
tion of farm buildings and a pro-
ficiency in Spanish.
Professor Plans
Philosophy Talk
Prof. Sidney Morganbesser of
Columbia University will speak on
"Determinism and Responsibility"
at 8 p.m. today in Aud. C. The
program is sponsored by the phi-
losophy department..

NO 8-6416

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y ,,
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Show Shown Before and After Preview
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Evening With
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Tickets - $3.50, 2.75, 1.75
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Mail Orders - Ford Aud., Detroit

When Raymond Radiguet died
in 1923 at the age of twenty,
he was already famous as the
author of several poems and
two novels that the Oxford
Companion declares are noted
for their brilliant psychologi-
cal analysis. It is the first of
these, begun when he was only
seventeen, and translated into
film by Claude AutantLara that
we will see this weekend. It
tells the story of Radiguet's
own teen-age love affair with
an older woman, the wife of a
soldier away at the front. Nat-
urally, the book was denounced
even more vigorously by profes-
sional patriots than by moral-
ists, whose sympathies might
have been enlisted by Radi-
guet's sensitive portrayal of two
troubled people in an impossible
situation. The poignant per-
formances of Gerard Philipe
and Micheline Presle help to
make this an outstanding study
of youthful doomed love. We
can understand why literary
France mourned the death of
this precocious artist.
Few contemporary American
playwrights have had as sure a
comic touch as the gifted Philip
Barry. He was not generally
satisfied to mine this vein and
made many interesting-some
persuasive - forays into the
rarefied world of the fantastic.
He knew the American upper
cla .world, and only Edith

make an explicit statement yet
could never achieve a satisfac-
tory formulation. His mystical"
plays were an attempt to solve
this dilemma; they have never
received their due here, prob-
ably because the theatre was as
unready as the audience. He
never found his material,
among actors, designers, or di-
rectors, which might have made
a better impact-we can only
say that this aspect of his tal-
ent will go unrecognized in a
country that is not yet con-
scious of Strindberg.
The Philadelphia Story is his
least alloyed comedy and his
best play. Katherine Hepburn,
at a time when her Hollywood
star appeared to be a cindering
meteor, obtained the rights of
the play, which was tailor-
made for her. She plays a Main
Line heiress who resents her
father's philanderings and the
alcoholism of her divorced and
charming husband. About to
undertake a. second marriage
with a self-made man, she finds
that her household is invaded
by a story writer and 4 photog-
rapher, who represent Spy mag-
azine, a dim disguise for the
Life-Time axis. The bronze cit-
adel of chastity, as her father
calls her, - warms up and even
threatens to melt. Donald Og-
den Stewart seemed a curious
partner for Barry, but his adap-
tation of the play made this a
highly successful film, with


S.G.C. Cinema qaild
TONIGHT and FRIDAY at 7 and 9 SATURDAY and SUNDAY at 7 and 9
Autant-Lara's Philip Barry's
lZ~^A^, #1.a Q~ri n TcctnnEp


< _ ii I1 newy (crowned iss LYIi igan anIIdiIU etr



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