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May 25, 1961 - Image 1

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, t C tA a I n


Possible showers,
turning cooler in the evening.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI No. 169





-Al Wirephoto
GUARD DUTY-A detachment of Alabama National Guardsmen patrol the streets of Montgomery
as the "Freedom Riders" pulled out yesterday for Mississippi and points south.
Freedom Riders' Arrested in Jackson
For Refusal to Obey Police Officers

Jackson police arrested 27 "Free-
dom Riders" in Mississippi yester-
day for breach of peace, and dis-
obeying officers when they, re-
peatedly ignored orders to leave
a waiting room reserved for whites.
The Nashville and New Orleans
Congress of Racial Equality mem-
bers arrived from Montgomery in
two busloads. Before leaving, the
Negro members were served with-
out hesitation in the bus station's
The "riders" trial is scheduler'
for tomorrow. Marvin Rich, CORE

community relations director in
New York reported that the pros-
ecuting attorney is attempting to
have them released without bail-
which he knows they will not ac-
cept--just to get them out of the
Another Group
Another group of "Freedom
Riders" including four white fa-
culty members of Yale and Wes-
leyan and three Negro students
arrived in Montgomery from At-
laxita yesterday on the way to
New Orleans
The group made no attempt to

MSU Group Organizes
TO Define U.S. Policies
A "task force" aimed at defining a national political philosophy
was launched last night on the Michigan State University campus.
More than fifty students, faculty and East Lansing residents
attended a meeting in the MSU Union and discussed whether the
United States, with its diversity of population and interests, could
define an internal philosophy and long range objectives.
"We feel that the United States is losing out because of its
negative position against ideologies such as Communism," Donald

Rush Leaders
Approve New
Contact Rule
The rush chairmen from all the
sorority houses approved the adop-
tion of a new contact rule policy
at their meeting yesterday.
The new rule states "for the
purpose of maintaining a natural
college atmosphere and to sustain
previous friendships between affili-
ated and independent women, all
women are on their honor to re-
frain from knowingly influencing
a girl's decision pertaining to rush
either directly or indirectly. They
are on their honor not to discuss
rush in any groups where both
affiliated and independent women
are present.
"The goal is to promote the ef-
fectiveness of the formal rushing
period; therefore during the fall
semester any independent woman
who has not had the opportunity
to go through formal rush at the
University may not visit any soror-
ity except when attending func-
tions where their presence has
been approved by Panhellenic As-
"No independent woman will be
allowed in sorority housing units
during the rushing period except
during rushing periods."
Panhellenic President Susan
Stillerman, '62, commented that,
"this ruling is an outstanding com-
mentary on new and mature trends
in attitudes of sorority women.
"The elimination of the contact
rules will do a great deal in allevi-
ating unnatural emphasis and bar-
riers affecting rush as well as
sorority independent relations."
"It has always been awkward for
independents because so many af-
filiated women are close friends,"
Assembly President Sally Jo Saw-
yer, '62, said.
Swainson's Veto
st - . 'TY T~ I~ Eb*

4"Riegle, Jr., one of the group's or-
ganizers, said. "The Communists
have made a positive approach.
They act. We react"
Task Force Purpose
The purpose of the task force
will be "to develop an offensive"
to define a basic ideology for the
country, Riegle said. It will also
consider whether such a philos-
ophy can serve as a basis for sys-
tematic action."
The group will be loosely struc-
tured and will hold several in-
formal discussion meetings within
the next two weeks, before the
end of the semester. At this time
they hope to have a "definitive
position" which they would like to
submit to President John F. Ken-
nedy, Riegle said.
At last night's meeting, topics
of discussion presented for future
meetings included the peace corps
and prisoner-of-war behavior
during the Korean police action.
No Conviction
"Why were so many of the pris-
oners without moral conviction?"
Riegle asked. "They didn't have to
be brain-washed, because there
was nothing to wash."
Another question was raised on
the advisability of "sending young
Americans abroad before they
know who they are and what they
are representing."
Riegle emphasized that the task
force would take a "grass roots"
approach to the problem of na-
tional ideology, and would try to
present a philosophy that anyone
could understand. He pointed out
that last night's participation had
been shared between the academic
community and residents.

enter the station, and no arrest
was attempted ii spite of a state
court injunction issued last week
to prohibit future "Freedom Ri-
ders" from entering Alabama.
Receives Call
After they left, a ticket agent
received a phone call announcing
that a bomb had been placed in
the station. After searching care-
fully, city police artd national
guard troops who were enforcing
martial law declared the warning
to be false.
Meanwhile Attorncy General Ro-
bert Kennedy urged "Freedom
Riders" to "weigh their actions
carefully." "A cooling-off period
is needed," he said.
He added that it would be wise
for those traveling through Ala-
bama and Mississippi to delay
their trips until the""present state
of confusion and danger has been
Coming Meeting
He stressed this partially in re-
lation to the coming meeting of
President John Kennedy with
Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
Rich said that no new CORE.
group would be sent for about a
However he stated that CORE
now aims to desegregate all trans-
portation facilities. "Railroads and
airlines will be included in the
'Freedom Rides' as soon as highly
trained groups can be organized,"
he explained
Senators Object
Southern Senators Richard B.
Russell (D-Ga) and Storm Thur-
mond (D-SC) objected to a move
to gain unanimous Senate consentI
to immediately consider a resolu-
tion supporting the dispatch of"
marshals to Alabama.
Senate Plans
To Approve
Education Bill
WASHINGTON -)-The Senate
disposed of all amendments to
President John F. Kennedy's fed-
eral aid to education bill yester-
day and made plans to pass it
Seven days of Senate debate
ended soon after a House commit-
tee voted its approval of the mul-
tibillion dollar bill.
During the long debate, the
Senate defeated every amendment
opposed by the Kennedy adminis-
The most significant votes yes-
terday came when the Senate
killed one amendment to extend
the bill to cover loans to private
and parochial schools, and an-
other to bar the federal govern-
ment from withholding funds
from any state.
In the House, the Education and
Labor Committee, by an 18-13
vote, approved a $3.3 billion bill
for a three-year program.

NU Warns
On Bias
Northwestern University's Inter-
fraternity Council yesterday
warned three fraternities to re-
move their bias clauses by Nov. 1,
1963 or face expulsion from the
In a general ruling against bias
clauses, IFC cited Sigma Nu, Sigma
Chi, and Alpha Tau Omega as the
only ones of the campus' 27 fra-
ternities with formal racial or
religious membership restrictions.
The resolution also empowers
IFC to recommend the removal of
any of these affiliates from the
campus if expelled from the coun-
Receive Recognition
Fraternities at Northwestern re-
ceive recognition from the univer-
sity administration. The university
has no official policy on racial or
religious discrimination in the fra-
ternity system.
In a letter to IFC on Feb. 26,
1959, Northwestern President J.
Roscoe Miller stated, "The uni-
versity hopes local fraternity chap-
ters will continue to do whatever
they can to eliminate discrimina-
tory clauses in national constitu-
tions; it recognizes that the men
of each fraternity chapter are the
proper ones to determine who shall
and who shall not be elected to
IFC Rules
On March 2, the IFC judicial
board, investigating fraternity dis-
crimination, reported the three
fraternities and ruled that these
units would "at this time the
houses would have to make a sig-
nificant effort to remove the
Expulsion from IFC would bar
these affiliates from participation
in formal rush, intramural sports,
nad the all-fraternity scholarship
Waivers granting local auton-
omy from membership restrictions
would be considered acceptable the
ruling stated.
In the past the fraternities in
question have reported that while
they themselves are willing to
comply with the non-discrimina-
tion request, their national units
are not.
Council Votes
To Postpone
Quad Motion
Student Government Council
voted early this morning to post-
pone until fall a motion approving
the confidential reports of the
educational staff in their quad-
rangle system.
The motion, introduced at last
week's meeting by Inter-Quad-
rangle Council President Thomas
Moch, '62, approves the reports
in their present system and con-
text but asks that their existence
and nature be made known to
quadrangle residents.
The Council also voted against
suspending rules to take action
on a motion by Roger Seasonwein,
'61, to send letters to Rev. Martin
Luther King and Attorney General
Robert F. Kennedy expressing
sympathy with and support of the
southern freedom rides.
A special Council session at 3:15
p.m. Monday will consider year-
round operation.

To Inaugurate Plan
For Fee Deferment
The University will no longer require fee payments at registration
and will at that time issue identification cards to students.
Under the new system of deferredcpayments, 50 per cent of the
assessed tuition will be payable by Oct. 2 and balance by Nov. 28,
Assistant Supervisor of Internal Audit and Procedures George Coyne
announced yesterday.
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said that
the new identification cards will include a student number, his
T'name, and class, but no photo-

... any sacrifice
Sets Policy
For Asians
dent Lyndon B. Johnson said yes-
terday he had made clear to the
leaders of Asia, at President John
F. Kennedy's request, that the
United States will "make any sac-
rifice and risk any danger" that
may be necessary in the defense of
free nations against Communism.
The Vice-President spoke at a
news conference shortly after re-
porting to Kennedy on the 29,000-
mile, world circling trip from
which he returned yesterday. He
had conferred at length during his
journey with half a dozen Asian
"I was disturbed," he told the
news conference, "that so many
Asian leaders should express doubt
as to United States intentions.
Some are afraid that the danger
of atomic attack has produced a
stalemate in which the system that
is most unscrupulous, or willing to
stage the biggest bluff, will tri-
As a result of his trip, Johnson
said the Asian leaders to whom he
talked have been "reassured that
we shall honor our committments."
He added:
"While I made it clear, at the
President's request, that we shall
make any sacrifice and risk any
danger that the protection of lib-
erty may call for, nowhere in Asia
was there a request for American

The cards, which will bec
material similar to plastic cred
cards, will be "difficult to duplica
unless one purchases expensi
equipment," Lewis said.
Card Reproductions
He noted that reproductionst
cards were the main difficultiest
the former method.
Students will keep the same ca
throughouttheir time at the Un
versity, using it as a means<
record keeping in paying bills..
The new plan for deferred pa
ment of tuition will allow studen
to go through registration witho
paying any money. There willt
no penalty for paying later, pr
viding the proper deadlines a
met, Coyne said.
Cashier Remains
There will still be a cashie
office at registration for those w
wish to pay at that time.
He said that overdue paymen
will probably result in a fiat pe
alty, but the University has notS
yet reached a decision on th
Students will be given an IB
card at registration as a bill h
their tuition if it is to be paid lat
Adopt Motion
For Re-Union
copal Church's official negotia
ing body yesterday endorsed
Presbyterian Church move for ri
union among the American Pro
estant churches.
The Episcopalians' unity con
mission said it will submit to t
church's convention in Detroit
September a resolution agreei
to the Presbyterian Church's c
for discussions on the proposal.
The action calls for negotiatio
on unification of the Presbyteri
and Episcopal Churches, the Met
odist Church and the Unit
Church of Christ. The four grou
have a total of more than 18 m
lion members.




... no encouragement
ii- Rockwell
4y4rres ted
ut NEW ORLEANS (AP) --George
be .
o- Lincoln Rockwell and nine of his
re followers in the American Nazi
Party were arrested last night
r's after picketing activities here.
ho Police booked them for "dis-
turbing the peace in a manner
ats that would unreasonably disturb
n- and alarm the public." They were
as picked up at the Civic Theatre
his where they were protesting show-
ing of thehmovie "Exodus," which
depicts the beginnings of the
for modern nation of Israel.
Rockwell and five of his so-
called storm troopers, wearing
khaki clothes with swastika arm-
bands, arrived at the rain-
drenched movie house with protest
While these arrests were under
way, four members of the party
arrived at a rally of the National
Association for the Advancement
is- of Colored People in a school
t- auditorium. Two pickets got out.
a Police ordered two who remained
*e- in the bus to drive on, and then
)t- ordered the pickets to leave be-
cause, police said, they were ob-
m- structing traffic. Passing drivers
he were slowing down to watch.
in Later, the four arrived at the
all theatre, and also were arrested.
Officers said they would be held
ns overnight.
an Earlier in the day, another party
h- member, Bernard F. David, Jr.,
ed also of Arlington, was booked with
ps reckless driving after the "hate
il- bus" he was driving crashed on
the Lake Pontchartrain Bridge.


To Criticize
State Grants
For Colleges
'U' Staff Member
Readies Motorcade
To Lansing in June
A group of Michigan citizens
will stage a motor march to Lans-
ing protesting the present higher
education appropriations and ask-
ing more funds when the Legisla-
ture reconvenes June 8.
Curt G. Shellman, a staff mem-
ber of the University's Institute
of Science and Technology "and
one of the organizers of the march,
said last night that the nine
state-supported universities and
colleges will be "severely restrict-
ed in their natural growth if the
Legislature does not grant them
enough funds."
University officials and local
state legislators expressed doubt
last night over the effectiveness
of such a demonstration.
Normal Channels
University President Harlan
Hatcher said he "would not en-
courage" the march. He said citi-
zens who want to express dissat-
isfaction over the budget should
do so through the normal channels
of contacting their legislative rep-
"It is encouraging to see gen-
eral public interest in higher ed-
ucation. It's only a matter of judg-
ment hew it is expressed."
Ann Arbor Republicans, Rep.
Gilbert Bursley and State Sena-
tor Stanley Thayer, were "very
doubtful" that the protest will
have any effect on the Legislature.
They agreed with President Hatch-
er that the citizens should work
through their individual represei-
No Approval
Shellman does not believe "that
the Legislature's recent actions
have the approval of the majority
of the people of the state. We are
urging the people to take direct
action in determining their own
future and the future of their
He and a "loosely structured"
grouprof seven others are planning
the protest.
"We are doing this not as rep-
resentatives of the universities, but
as private citizens," Shellman em-
phasized. He claims support from
members of both political parties.
Lab Editor
Shellman, who is an editor at
IST's infa-red laboratory, hoped
for 1,000 demonstrators who
would demonstrate to the Legis-
lature "the desire of the people
of Michigan to support education
fully in this hour of national
He believes the march will be
more effective than petitions and
letters, because it will focus at-
tention on this "urgent issue."
Asking for state-wide support,
Shellman "definitely encourages"
students to take part in the
march, though he does not want
it to be solely a student demon-
"The legislators claim they have
no feedback from their consti-
tuents. Thus they argue that the
people must be in full agreement
with the budget. The march will
prove they aren't," he claimed.
IFC Proposes

Of Phi Delts
Inter-Fraternity Council has
recommended a $400 fine and sus-
pension of one semester's social
probation for Phi Delta Theta fra-
ternity because of "conduct unbe-
coming a member fraternity," IFC
Executive Vice-President Michael
Landwirth, '62, said yesterday.



Kennedy Scroll

Local Democrats Pass
.Latin Troop Resolution
The Ann Arbor Democratic Party passed a resolution Tuesday
night urging President John F. Kennedy "to avoid any commitment
of American troops in Latin America."
The resolution also asks the administration "to refuse to sup-
port in any way those Latin American exiles who in the past have
shown the hollowness of their alleged concern for their fellow
" citizens by supporting the gov-
ernment of any dictator."
Party Endorses
e At the same time the Party en-
dorsed three candidates for the
Constitutional Convention. They
affirmed nominations of Robert
that, "unlike many name profes- Carr for the first district seat,
sorships in private universities, Eugene Sutter for the second dis-
ours have no endowment." trict and Allan Grossman for the
A full alumni endowment for senatorial district.
one of these posts would run from The party also passed a reso-
$300,000 to $500,000, Niehuss said. lution, addressed to President
Ke- , ~nnedv asnd AtVrnp-(Pnrn

Eight Titles Stay Ut

Out of nine distinguished pro-
fessorships created by the Regents
at their meeting in June, 1947,
only one is now occupied.
Indicating some nossible rea-




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