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February 17, 1961 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-17

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'M' Swimmers Invade Indiana

fti1 SPO




freestyle relay, 200-yd. breast
stroke, 200-yd. individual medley,
and 220 and 440 yd. freestyle races
loom as the deciding factors.
Relay Could Decide
In the freestyle relay, the last
event on the program, Coach Gus
Stager will choose his four swim-
mers from a group including Cap-
tain Frank Legacki, Dave Heizer,
John McGuire, Steve Thrasher,
and Owen Klienschmidt. Indiana's
foursome should include Pete
Sintz, who wonboththe 220 and
440-yd. freestyle titles in the Big
Ten meet last year, Tom Verth,
and sophomores Bill Cass and Jim
Fitzgibbon. The relay events
award eight points to the winner
and four to the loser.
The breaststroke race could be
the most exciting of the evening.
Indiana has sophomores Chet Jas-
tremski and Ken Nakasone, but
Stager has Ron Clark, who won
the NCAA title last year.
Swimming alongside Clark will
be sophomore Dick Nelson. More
of a threat in the 100-yd. breast-
stroke where he holds the Ameri-
can record, Nelson can be expected
to set a fast pace. If the others
falter he could take it all.
Hoosiers Loaded
Sophomore John Roethke of In-
diana, who just gained his eligi-
bility, swam a 2:05.2 in the in-
dividual medley in his initial com-
petition. With Jastremski, who
has done 2:06.0, the Hoosiers are
a threat to take both a first and
second in spite of the presence of
Fred Wolf of Michigan who is the
defending Big Ten titleholder.
The two distance races between
Bill Darnton and the AAU titlest,
Alan Somers could decide the out-
come. In the 440, both have bet-
tered the Big Ten record of 4:28.4.
Sophomore John Dumont of Mich-
igan who turned 'in a good race
against the Spartans and should
Other IM Scores
Delta Sigma Delta 57, Alpha Omega 16
Phi Rho Sigma 42, Alpha Kappa Psi 31
526 Club 31, Prescott 23
Falcons 43, Delta Theta Phi 35
Bacteriology 37, POP "B" 22
Rockets 45, Crescents 24
Psi Omega 58, GA 18
Delta Sigma Pi 32, HKN 14
Raiders 29, Fredrick 23
Newman 55, CMS 14
.Gomberg Older Element 45, AFIT 30

pick up third place. In the 220,
Darnton will have to contend with
either Mike Troy or Sintz as well
as Somers.
Michigan's Bob Webster and
Ron Jaco should have no trouble
sweeping the diving competition
and Legacki is favored in both the
50 and 100-yd. sprints. Dennis
Floden, Dave Heizer, or Steve
Thrasher will provide excellent
Troy (200-yd,.utrl) rn
McKiney (200-yd. backstroke) and
Indiana's medley relay team ap-
pear to be probable first place
winners. In the butterfly, Dave
Gillanders of Michigan, the Olym-
pic bronze medal winner, is still
a long way from catching Troy
who recently lowered his Ameri-
can record to 1:57.s.
McKinney may get his stiffest,
competition from teammate Dick:
Beaver whose best time this year
has been better than McKinney's.
Michigan will coupter with Alex
Gaxiola and Fred Wolf. In the-
medley relay, the Hoosier's quar-
tet of McKinney, Jastreski, Troy,
and Pete Sintz has a phenomenal I
time of 3:37.8 pending recognition
as an NCAA record.

IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS Michigan's swimmers have been de-
feated only once in dual meet competition. After 33 consecutive
triumphs, a small, but victory-hungry band from Indiana scuttled the
Wolverines' win streak last February 20. Since then Michigan has
built up a new win streak which now modestly stretches to seven,
while Indiana has added victory after victory, until it now has won
15 meets without defeat.
So now the tables are turned, Indiana has the long win streak
and it is Michigan which is the challenger, the spoiler. Tonight these
two titans of the swim world meet again, with two win streaks and
national prestige on the line.
What will happen when the two teams clash tonight? There are
countless ways of looking at the meet and an equal number of possible
outcomes based on these viewpoints.
No matter whether you look at the meet optimistically, pessimisti-
cally, on the basis of times, etc., there are certain facts which appear
to be undisputable. No one doubts that Michigan will win the diving,
while it is equally evident that Indiana should coast home in the
medley relay and the backstroke.
What is in doubt however is two intangibles 1) mental prepara-
tion and 2) the ultimate abilities of many of the swimmers.
In meets such as this, in which the competing teams are so closely
matched, mental preparation can be of critical importance. Michigan
captain Frank Legacki explains last year's loss in this respect: "We
were complacent. We hadn't been beaten and were content to continue
swimming at the same pace we had gone in previous seasons. As a
result we weren't aggressive or tough anal we lost."
If the Wolverines should be the aggressor tonight, as indeed they
must be if they hope to win, and the Hoosiers be on the defensive
Michigan could win handsomely. If both teams are "up," as should
be the case, an even meet with records falling in nearly every event
is more than likely.
There are several instances in which both the current form and
ultimate abilities of the competiing swimmers are in question. Can
Bill Darnton beat Alan Somers in the 220 or 440-yard freestyle? Can
Ron Clark defeat Indiana's one-two breaststroke combination of Chet
Jastremski and Ken Nakasone? Can Fred Wolf beat either John
Roethke or Jastremski in the individual medley? Answers to these
questions ,are, at the moment, impossible. Late tonight, however, they
will be known and the manner in which they have been answered
will announce the winner of the meet.
A LOOK at the individual events, particularly the pivotal events;
220-, 440-yd. freestyle, 200-yd. breaststroke, 200-yd, individual
medley and 400-yd. freestyle relay, may however provide some clues to
the eventual outcome. (Times in parentheses are fastest posted times
for phis season.)

'.'M' freestylelr

Lawyers PEK Win

After grabbing a quick 9-1 lead,
the Lawyers fought off a deter-
mined bid by the Nads and regis-
tered a 26-25 win in professional
fraternity and independent IM
basketball action last night.
Led by Dick Stylanski's 12
points, the Lawyers capitalized on
their opponents faulty ball-han-
dling and inaccuracy from the
free-throw line.
Phi Epsilon Kappa rolled to a
convincing 81-28 win over Phi Chi.
An alert defense, an effective fast
break, timely offensive rebounding,
and a balanced scoring attack
proved too much for the Chi Phi
five. Reid Bushong with 28 points
and Gary McNitt with 19 led the
PEK scoring attack.
In other action, Nu Sigma Nu,

riding the crest, of a 14-point
splurge by Thompson Southwell,
upended Phi Delta Epsilon 36-14.
The Medics routed Phil.-Michigan
John McCarthy pumped in 12
points and his teammate, Joe Mc-
Dade, a former Bradley first-
stringer, added 11 to spark the
Law Club to a 43-29 victory over
Tau Epsilon Phi. Grabbing the
spotlight for the TEP squad was
Jim Coleman who netted 14
points. Featuring a red-hot shoot-
ing, percentage.
Phi Delta Phi coasted over Alpha
Chi Sigma, 68-34. George Wells
scored 25 points and Pete Tillot-
son netted 18 to nearly equal the
entire ACS output. Gerald Spray
led the losers with 18 points......

Darnton 2:04.6
Kleinschmidt 2:05.4

Somers 2:04.5
Troy 2:0.4.

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FEBRUARY 23 & 24,1961

This should be one of the decisive events of the meet. Alan Somers
is regarded as the outstanding American distance swimmer and is the
AAU champion at 440-yards and 1,500 meters. Dariton, an Olympic
teammate of Somers', is fit and ready to overtake the Hoosier. How-
ever, re has only competed in one meet this winter and is not in top-
flight competitive condition.
Kleinschmidt, a former national high school record holder, has
been improving rapidly and has a reputation for being a late season,
clutch swimmer. However, with the Big Ten meets and the NCAA
championships still far ahead he may not have heached his competi-
tive peak.
Wolf 2:06.4 Roethke 2:05.5
Thrasher 2:10.0 'Jastremski 2:06.0
Beaver 2:07.4
Picking a winner here is a near impossible task. What the. Wol-
verines must avoid, however, is an Indiana one-two sweep. Indiana
might pull Jastremski from this event to rest him for the 200-yard
breaststroke, but it is more likely that Hoosier Coach Jim Counsilman
will use him here in a try for the sweep.
Darnton 4:28.2 Somers 4:28.3
Dumont 4:32
Stager and Michigan swimmers are confident that Darnton can
beat Somers in this race. Agd there is no reason why he shouldn't.
The meet's outcome could.hinge on this event.
Clark 2:20.5 Nakasone 2:19.7
Nelson 2:21.5 Jastremski 2:18.8
Clark is the American record holder (2:17.4), but his time this
year trails the brilliant Hoosier sophomores. However, the rapid pace
they set will aid the strong finishing Clark. Nelson will keep up with
the pace, but may fade at the end. A victory by Clark! would seem
imperative for a Michigan victory and an Indiana sweep would mean
Michigan 3:22.4 Indiana 3:20
This final event could decide a close meet and both coaches will
have to scramble to come up with a strong squad in this event, in
which both squads lack adequate manpower.

- Co

Eastern Division
W L Pet. GB
Boston 44 20 .688 -
Philadelphia 37 26 .587 6Y2
Syracuse 29 31 .483 13
New York 19 44 .302 24%
. Western Division.
W L Pet. GB
St. Louis 41 23 .641 -
Detroit 29 36 .441 12%
Los Angeles 29 36 .441 12%
Cincinnati 28 40 .412 15.

W L T Pts. GF GA
Toronto 32 16 9 73.192.146
Montreal 31 16 9 71 201 154
Chicago 24 19 13 61 156 143
Detroit 20 22 13 $3 152 167,
New York -17 30 9 43 158 192
Boston 12 33 11 35 142 199
Last Night's Game
Montreal 9, Boston 1 (only game
Syracuse 132, New 'York 120





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