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May 20, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-20

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"Oh, 'Rioters'-At First I Thought
You Said 'Riders!' Go Ahead"

k e u t ttrc ti1

British 'League'
C risp and Craft y

Seventy-First Year
h. Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

MAY 20, 961


Lack of Faculty Pay Hike
Will Cripple University,

ption of either raising tuition, cutting en-
ent or freezing faculty pay scales, the
rsity has made the tragic error of choos-
ie third alternative.
the emergency situation which has re-
i from years of austerity pay scales, put-
the University even farther behind its
etitors, this decision can only accelerate
rumbling of' a great institution.
the University has another choice. It
have followed the example of Wayne
and cut its enrollment; thereby demon-
ng to the Legislature that while the Uni-
y has. an obligation to the state, the gov-
ent has a corresponding obligation to the
rsity. Coupled with faculty raises, the net,
would then have been the retention of
y teaching along with higher admissions
ards which would have provided an even
qualified student body..
kT THE UNIVERSITY is presently on its
ay to mediocrity is no longer a secret. The
.ature accuses University officials of
ing a deliberately black picture in order,
in extra appropriations which are not
crucial. Actually, the University has not
d out the whole dark picture for fear. of
ng an already concerned faculty.
UNIVERSITY proved once again Thurs-
ay that it will break rock and vault
to please its employes.
upants of the expanding Student Activi-
uilding complained recently that the con-
courtyard of the new addition =looked
p. and unfriendly. They suggested some
tead, the University produced a 27-foot
which it acquired free from its own nur-
Hauling the tree into the completely en-
i courtyard and tearing up already soliI
ete cost $250, but any speculationshabout
-in between, tree expense and the, cur-
. budget were squelched immediately with
nnouncement that the expense came out
e general construction fund for the new
tuflately, the, project is being financed
f student fees. Thus the expenditure made
is huge clump of garni is welljustified.

President Hatcher's announcement that there
will be no faculty pay raises may indeed sound
the death knell. While the University has been
fortunate in making 'some fine appointments,
statistics indicate, that it has not been able to
replace key men that are being lost.
As an example, although two years have
-elapsed since his resignation, the University
has not been able to secure a replacement for
Prof. Leo Goldberg, one of the nation's top
BUT ADMINISTRATORS persist in talking of
"faculty loyalty" which they assume after
five years of austerity operations will motivate
professors to remain at the University for the
sake of sheer devotion. Faculty "loyalty" is
simply explained. A man earning $15,000 at
the University will not leave when offered.
$17,000. But when the offer is $22,000, the Uni-
versity doesn't stand a chance and "loyalty"
goes down the drain. And since this principle
operates at all institutions, the University must
also make a fantastic offer when it looks for
a replacement.
Even if the University could garner the
necessary raiding funds, another complication
would arise. New men would come drawing sub-
stantially higher salaries than professors
equally as competent and with a longer stay
at the University. Such a situation would no
doubt be repugnant to those faculty members
now on campus and add to further dissatisfac-
IN TODAY'S academic world, standing still
means moving back. While other institu-
tions are reacting with dynamism to the needs
of education in the coming age, the University
is clothed in a straightjacket by the political
feud in Lansing.
The University's problem is spelled m-o-n-e-y.
This is also the Legislature's problem, the only
distinction being that the Legislature can do
something about it, while the University can-
not. At best, University officials can maintain
a policy of "containment" in hopes that tax re-
vision and a new constitution will emerge in
1962. But these is still no guarantee that there
will be adequate tax revenue, that the Legisla-
ture will ever give the University the considera-
tion it deserves or that constitutional changes
will be for the better.
Prospects for the University of Michigan are
Acting Editorial Director

starring Jack Hawkins, is a
highly interesting and entertain-
ing British mystery-comedy.
The film describes the exploits
of a group of ex-army officers who
band together for a rather un-
orthodox military maneuver--the
obing of a large London bank.
The leader of the delinquent de-'
tail is ably portrayed by Hawkins,
who pulls the story through its
occasional slow spots and is per-
sonally responsible for much of its
success. His image varies from that
of a cheap blackmailer to that of
a courageous and ingenious war
veteran, and he plunges into both
roles with considerable enthus-
* * *
IF THE STORY were strictly
dramatic, Hawkins' lapses into
overacting would be unjustifiable,
but as it is he adds humor, with-
out which the production would
be rather dry. The comic touch is
essential, for without it we woud
see the characters for what they
actually are-a band of criminals
carrying real rifles and endanger-
ing real lives. This aspect of the
operation Is tactfully minimized,
as it must be.'
The straight men in the story
are the London police and the
army. The manner in which the'
six desperadoes completely be-
fuddle and immobilize an entire
army camp while stealing a large
part of its arsenal is perhaps the
high point of the film. Only a'
highly organized and disciplined
British army organization could
make such a total farce of itself.
* * *
the action is geared to the speed
of a documentary production. In-
deed, the entire film might well
serve as a parody of such ex-
travaganzas as "Victory at Sea"
and "The Big 'Picture," with the
heroes charging not into the bank
doors but rather onto the beaches
of Normandy. The military preci-
sion of the operation is undercut,
-of course, by the very human
blundering which occurs through-
out and leads eventually to a
rather depressing climax.
Every film must have its weak-
nesses, and "League of Gentle-
men" is no exception. Its basic

shortcoming is the theme itself.
The idea of the carefully and dar-
ingly executed "perfect crime" is
hardly a new subject, and one can
predict with fair accuracy just
what course the action will take
next. And, unfortunately, much
of that action is little more than
advanced "cops and robbers."
The show's strong points. pri-
marily the performance of, Mr.
Hawkins, far outweigh its short-
comings. Its comedy is not riotous,
its suspense is not chilling, but
the total effect is pleasant and
-Ralph Stingel
The Cer
AS A BOY in small town Amer-
ica, February 22 was made
memorable for us small fry by
red - white - and - blue cardboard
hatchets and candied cherries,
symbols of the Father of Our
Country, who could not tell a lie,
even if the consequence were a
painful loss of prestige in the
paternal woodshed. Now it seems
the Parson Weems story about the
cherry tree may, no longer be
regardedras quite the right up-
bringing for American youth. Now
It seems that no truly patriotic
American, especially if a news-
paperman, is supposed to tell the
truth once our government hag
decided that is more advantageous
to tell a lie. This is the real mean-
ing of President Kennedy's appeal
to the American Newspaper Pub-
lishers Association for self-censor-
ship in the handling of the news.
Mr. Kennedy put it more tactfully.
He asked editors to ask them-
selves not only "Is it news?" but
"Is itt in the national interest?"
But the national interest in a free
society is supposed to lie in the
fullest dissemination .of the facts
so that popular judgment may be
truly informed. It is the mark of
a closed or closing society to as-
sume that the rulers decide how
much the vulger herd shall be told.
--I.F. Stone's Weekly


Misunderstandings L

-dled Image for H1gh Schoolers

FISTS, at the extremities of two vigor-
usly pumping arms, alternately clenched
arles Ferguson was demonstrating how to
a cow to the tune of "Onward, Christian
e grey-haired man who belonged to the
e appendages is a senior editor of Readers'
t and he introduced the University to 1300
school students yesterday'.
fortunately for Mr. Ferguson, a former
ter, the vividness of his presentation was
ered by lack of cow. The vapidness was
YNOTING the 39th Michigan Inter-
holastic Press Association Convention,
zson spiced his speech with the character-
ly empty humor that his magazine
bly carries to 25 million people in 100
ries. Ferguson was attempting to con-
his audience of high school newspaper
earbook editors to "Love That Language!"
Ferguson, who occasionally guest lec-
for the University's journalism depart-
used his opportunity yesterday to ram-
hrough a- long and unfunny series of
otes that often had no. bearing to the
ct of his talk.
e imaginery cow milking was a recollec-
of Ferguson's youth when he performed
chores while singing hymns. The purpose
Le sonorous sounds was to establish a
imn" to improve the work.
guson suggested that the budding journal-
y to build up rhythm and cadence in
writing, by singing while they labored
r keeping a ticking metronome in the

FERGUSON'S WRITING may have been im-
F proved by his use of rhythm - he has
authored several books and spent a quarter of
a century with the digest - but his milking
wasn't. His speed at that was, self-admittantly,
about equal to the animal's production of it.
His "few words on behalf of the English
langauge" may have done much to alienate the
high school students to both the written and'
spoken word. He certainly established an un-
fortunate image of the University.
With the diminishing success of University
Day, the press convention probably draws more
high schoolers here on one day than any other
academic event. The 1,300 will gain an impres-
sion of the University, their most concrete
one in a majority of cases, and will have it
before them when they consider possibilities
for higher education.
and shallow one. full of gusto and name
dropping, and signifying nothing. It is a pity
that so many future University students will
regard the performance they heard yesterday
as typical of an academic community and the
professors who are, its leaders.
The students in the audience are, of course,"
not of the educational achievement of college-
trained youngsters, but they represent the
more intelligent and active of their compatriots.
Surely, ,a more analytic and meaningful ad-
dress could have been given discussing the
English language or the career of journalism.
The University's obligation is to inform and
challenge, not entertain. This obligation is
owed to everyone who goes through its portals.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second article in a three-part analy-
sis of the problems of higher edu-
cation in Michigan.)
Acting City Editor
'THILE the University share the
problems of other state ipsti-
tutions of higher learning, it is
saddled with the additional chal-
lenge of convincing citizens and
lawmakers that it is basically.dif-
ferent' from its eight "sister"
The University's difficulties are
illustrated by some recent events
in the Legislature.
** *
asked at the Ways and Means
Committee hearing whyMichigan
State University, which is a shade
smaller than the University, of-
fers about 100,000 more credit
hours in a given year than the
The explanation is that MSU's
quarter system inflates its total
number of hours as compared to
a semester system. Also, graduate
students generally take fewer
hours than undergraduates, and
the University, of course, has more
graduate students than MSU.
Alsod disturbing was the legis-
lators' desire to ascertain "cost
per student," a nebulous figure
obtained by dividing the total
operating budget by the number
of students. As costs vary widely
depending on the level of study
and discipline involved, especially
at an institution like the Univer-
sity which has freshman English
majors and graduate atomic phys-
icists, this is a meaningless fig-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Graduating Seniors:rOrder caps and
gowns immediately from Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 North University 8:30-5:30
Mon. thru Sat.
The date of the joint Institute of
Public Administration and Department
of Political science picnic has been
changed from May 14 to Sat., May 20,
Dexter-Huron Park, 1:30 p.m.
Commencement Instructions to Fac-
ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in
the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg.
Buses will be provided in front of the
Admin. Bldg. on State St. to take you
to the Stadium or Yost Field House
to join the procession and to take the
placeassigned to you on stage, as di-
rected by the marshals; at the end of
the exercises buses will be ready in
driveway east of the Stadium or at
west side of Field House to bring you
back to the campus.
student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Febru-
ary 28, 193: "Students shall pay all
accounts due the University not later

ure. But the committeemen want-
ed it anyway.
* * *
THE VALUE of the University's
graduate program is obviously not
apparent to the representatives
when they seek to reduce the Uni-
versity-and the other eight insti-
tutions-to similar and meaning-
less formulae.
In fact, the futility of University
efforts is illustrated in an oblique
way, in some of the President's
arguments before the committee.
In effect, he said the University
should get more money because its
research and intellectual resources
attract business and productive
people to the state. He also stress-
ed the University's undoubted role
in national defense. These argu-
ments are, of course, true, but they
aren't the whole picture of the
University's values. The President
knows this, but do the legislators?
Even these arguments did not
get more money. It is a fair ob-
jection to say that, as the GOP
planned no tax revision this ses-
sion, it was to be expected that
appropriations would not be rais-
ed; there simply would be no ex-
tra money. True enough, but the
schools which compete with the
University for faculty men aren't
waiting for next year, and this is
a fact the legislators don't seem
to appreciate.
* * *
THE DEBATE on out-of-state
enrollment limits was another ex-
ample of legislative misunder-
standing. Perhaps the most ap-
palling argument in that debate
was one which opposed the limits:
namely that the present state ap-
propriation would force out-of-
state tuition boosts, therefore elim-
inating out - of - state students
through economic pressure. It is
hard to determine how many votes
were cast against the, limit for
reasons like this; but the vote was
close, and a combination of repre-
sentatives in favor of the limit and
those opposed to it on such in-
valid grounds may be in the ma-
jority-a majority which is in ef-
fect opposed to the well being of
the University.
Proponents of the limits came
from both parties. It is good that
the Democrats are willing to spend
extra funds for higher education,
but l e g is 1 a t I v e understanding
should be wider than a willing-
ness to appropriate adequate
funds on a somewhat blind basis.
M OSCOW-Pravda seized on the
shooting of a schoolboy by a
church watchman for a new at-
tack on religion Thursday.
The watchman shot the boy, the
Communist party newspaper said,
because the youth and three com-
panions annoyed pigeons in the
belfry of Voznesensk Church in
Ovosibirsk. Pravda said priests of
the church joined in the attack
on the boys, beating them with
boots and rifle butts. The news-
paper also printed a letter it
said was written by the dead

To the Editor:
MAY I OBJECT to certain ob-
jections that a few colleagues
of the Depatrment of History have
raised against the thought of Ar-
nold J. Toynbee in your Friday,
May 12 issue. (Perhaps the years
I spent translating his work and
meditating on it entitle me to hav-
ing my say on it...)
When Professor Slosson accuses
Toynbee of misrepresenting each,
civilization as an organic being
with a life of its own, instead of
more properly describing it as a
complex of human habits, ideas
and institutions, not to be hypo-
stasized into a mythical organ-
ism, he overlooks the caution
Toynbee himself provides against
this misunderstanding. In the ear-
ly voluines of Study of History, in-
deed, Toynbee warns the reader
that his ,organic" conception of
civilizations is not to be taken lit-
erally, but only as a convenient
metaphor for descriptive purposes.
According to Toynbee, a civiliza-
tion is actually the meeting and
interaction of human minds, and
has not independent existence
apart from them. Toynbee is al-
ways very careful to dissociate his
own theory from the really or-
ganic and determinist view of
Spengler, who conceived of his-
torical cycles as inevitable and
of human cultures as mutually
incompatible, thereby eliminating
from the picture any notion of
freedom. Toynbee instead puts the.
' idea of freedom as self-determina-
tion at the center of his vision.
As for the attack upon what
my historical colleagues call Toyn-
bee's "generalizations," I hope they
do not imply that ideas, creative
ideas, the insights of genius, are
out of place in serious scholar-
ship. I have too much respect fort
them to think that they resent
Glauco Cambon
Department of English
To the Editor:
MR.. LIVANT'S answer to my
letter has,in fact, no bearing
on it at all. How and why Castro
got control of the Cuban press is
one thing: whether any freedom
now rema ,ns for news and com-
ment in Cuba is another. My whole
point is that in countries without
either free elections or any means
of criticizing the government from
an independent position, is there
anything left except absolute des-
Mr. Storch has an excellent edi-
torial in the same issue pointing

(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
serves the right to edit or withhold
any letter. Only signed letters will,
lie printed.)
Social Work...
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to Prof. Arnold S.
Kaufman's statements on So'.
cial Work (5-18-61), it seems that
he has formed opinions on a sub-
Ject in which he has little accurate
knowledge and this must explain
the incorrectness of the conclu-
sions heareached. His statement
that social workers impress their
moral values upon the client is
totally untrue.Basic social work
principle is decidedly opposed to
this. Social workers are well
aware of individual differences
and client goals are determined,
not by the social worker, but by
the client. Otherwise, there would
be no lasting improvement in the
client's situation. As a matter of
fact, client self-determination is
a primary concept in social work.
His statement that social work-
ers make extensive use of psycho-
analysis is amusingly absurd. As
any other profession, social work-
ers make use of unique methods
and techniques in dealing with
human difficulty and the method
used in social work is referred to.
as social casework. The only sem-
blance of the casework method to
the method of psychoanalysis. is
that both are concerned with help-
-ing individuals to deal with their
problems in living.
--Barbara Roberson'
Two 'Truths'
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I disagree with Mr.
Lewis. I was excited by' his
apt defense of the movie "Opera-
tion Abolition" in the undergrad
library last week.
I will still argue, however, that
the film is a distortion of the ac-
tual happenings, when it flatly
states that the students were
"Communist dupes." I saw that
this is Mr. Lewis' opinion. I con-
tend that if Mr. Lewis and I had
been standing 'side-by-side at the
actual "riots," we would still dis-
agree. Mr. Lewis would have point-
ed at the demonstrations and said,
"There's an obvious example of
Communist leadership,
I would say, "Nonsense, those
students aren't for the Commu-
nists, they're against the commit-

and by disregarding or even
flaunting the liberal opinion, it
presents the conservative point of
view to the American public as a
sacrosanct truth.
S * *
IT IS EASY to saw that a per-
son is a "Communist dupe," but
how can one prove it? Mr. Lewis
and the film said that the stu-
dents were "Communist dupes,"
and I say they are not. This Is the
film's interpretation against mine.
Which one is the truth? I don't
pretend that my version is , abso-
lutely true, but the picture pro-
fesses to tell the truth. This re-
minds me of the statements made
to American prisoners in Commu-
nist China during the Korean
War: "For the first time, Yankee,
you are going to hear the truth."
Instead of giving the facts about
the so-called "riots," and allowing
Americans to interpret for them-
selves, the picture does all that
"nasty work" for' them. "Opera-
tion Abolition" is not a news
story;" it is a distorted, highly
slanted editorial which professes
to be true. Is it true?
-Peter Jensen, '64
To the Editor:
ONE OF THE MORE enriching
aspects of fraternity life man-
ifested itself tonight at a dinner
in one of the girls' dormitories. A
served dinner--an event in the
dorm which is supposed to be a
lesson in etiquette and proper
decorum for the girls involved-
was rudely interrupted by a group
of fraternity men who swarmed
unannounced into the dining
room, boisterously emitting glee-
ful shrieks. With meager garb,
with backs greased black, with
honed weapons, and1 costumed as
cannibals, it was difficult to, be-
lieve that these men were only
playing a part. When the mixed
reactions of laughter, repugnance,
and utter contempt died down to
a relatively calm state, the natives
proudly_ proclaimed the date and
place bf their annual "island par-
ty." It struck us as strange in-
deed that the gil who was the
recipient of their offer hung her
head in embarrassed shame.
AS STATED BY IFC, one of its
purposes is to act "in the manner
of a public relations department
by increasing understanding and
acceptance on the part of the com-
munity for fraternity ideals." The
cannibals were certainly acting as

tinder U'
If the understanding is not com-
plete, higher education will con-
tinue to be injured.
And the University still has not
convincingly demonstrated that it
is different from the other state-
aided colleges. Its injury will be
magnified until it can prove this
point to the Legislature. '

Toynbee's View a Metaphor

AAUP Stifles Information

LOCAL BRANCH of the American As-
ition of University Professors has done
injustice to itself and the University
iesday night the AAUP hosted Harold
head of the Detroit branch of the
an Civil Liberties Union. The AAUP
to open Norris' address which dealt.
ie student's rights in a university to
he public or the press.
snokesmen said it wnld he tnn in-

Norris' speech ironically emphasized that a
student shares the rights and responsibilities
of all citizens. He believes that the 14th amend-
ment limits the University from denying the
rights of free speech, assembly, or opinion to
its students.
BECAUSE of the AAUP's quest for expediency
and Norris' busy schedule, the University
community only received a three sentence ab-
stract of a sneech whose content is of high

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